Shrines (2024)

Shrines are statues that the player can interact with to (sometimes) sacrifice something and receive something in return. Shrines can be indicated before entering due to the presence of a green lantern by the door.

NameDescriptionMessage on UseEffectShrines (1)
AmmoA shrine to Shell'tan, ammo elemental.Deal with the Devil
The Shadows Grow DarkerRefills the ammo of all weapons, but increases curse by 3.5.Shrines (2)
AngelA shrine to a prideful bullet angel, now fallen.Sacrifice Accepted
StrongerRemoves one heart container (or two armor if playing as The Robot), increases damage by 25%, and increases curse by 1.5.Shrines (3)
BeholsterA shrine to the evil eye, the sphere of many guns: the Beholster. It appears each arm of the shrine could hold a weapon.N/AGive the shrine the Com4nd0, M1911, Void Marshal, Machine Pistol, Eye of the Beholster, and the Trank Gun, the weapons the Beholster uses in-game. After placing all guns on the shrine throughout multiple runs, they will all be returned to the player, granting the Shrines (4) Behold! synergy.

With the synergy, when the Eye of the Beholster is held, the other guns rotate around the player and shoot at nearby enemies, still using up ammo from each gun. Note that once the synergy is granted, the shrine will reset to having 0 guns once again.

Shrines (5)
BlankThe only legible text is "...offering..."

The rest is blank.

N/AUsing a blank near the statue has a 90% chance to spawn a chest. This chest may be locked or unlocked. Repeated use of blanks can spawn more chests, but each chest received decreases the success chance by 45%, down to a minimum of 25%. The chest can be a mimic.

Elder Blank does not activate the blank shrine.Dead players in Co-op cannot activate the blank shrine.

Shrines (6)
BloodAn ominous fountain, filled with blood. It isn't quite full...Sacrifice
Kaliber Mah Shakti DeRemoves one heart container (or two armor if playing as The Robot). Some enemies become highlighted in red. Standing near highlighted enemies damages and drains them, healing the player after draining enough. This can be used to damage enemies such as Cannonbalrog while they have disappeared.

This effect will carry over to a Gungeoneer's past.
The damaging aura's healing will not grant any armor for the The Robot.

Using this shrine twice will unlock the Life Orb.

Shrines (7)
ChallengeDark energy permeates this shrine.

The statue fills you with a sense of foreboding.

N/AUsing the shrine forces the player to fight through three waves of enemies. Surviving the waves rewards the player with a chest. The chest can be a mimic. May disappear if the player moves on to another room before challenging.

May occasionally appear in a secret room.

Shrines (8)
CleanseCurse is 0-2: The spectres don’t disturb you.

Curse is 3-4: You are touched by darkness.

Curse is 5-6: You are wreathed in darkness.

Curse is 7-9: Tarry not. They come for you.

Curse is 10+: No one can help you.

Your Spirit Feels LighterSets the player's curse to 0 in exchange for 5 Shrines (9) per point of curse.

This shrine has its own unique room when generated and has a unique icon on the map.

It is possible to have less than 0 points of curse by dropping a cursed item after using the Cleanse shrine. This is noticed by the fact that the shrine will pay you 5 Shrines (10) for each point dropped if you use it again afterwards.

Shrines (11)
CompanionA statue commemorating the few friendly faces encountered deep in the Gungeon.

Though the ground nearby is bloody, your heart is filled with joy.

Brave Companion

A friend in deed

Removes one heart container (or two armor if playing as The Robot), and grants a random item that summons a familiar. You can have multiple companions.

(Doesn't give a familiar in Rainbow Mode, but still takes a heart container.)

Using this shrine 2 times unlocks Turkey.

Shrines (12)
DiceA shrine to Icosahedrax, the great arbiter.Roll of the Dice
Good EffectsBad Effects
RenewedRestores a random amount of health.PainedDamages the player for 1-2 hearts.
BolsteredGrants 1-2 heart containers.EnfeebledRemoves a heart container.
PaidGrants 20-99 money.RobbedRemoves 25-100% money.
CleansedRemoves up to 10 curse.CursedIncreases curse by 5.
BlankedGrants 1-10 blanks.De-BlankedRemoves a random amount of blanks.
GiftGrants a chest.DisarmedRemoves the currently held weapon.
ReloadedRefills ammo for all guns or increases ammo capacity by 225%.LimitedDecreases ammo capacity by 30%. (Currently wielded weapon keeps excess ammo until switched)
HastedIncreases movement speed.UnsteadyIncreases reload time by 35%.
ShieldedGrants 1-3 armor.PricelessNo negative effect.
Using this shrine grants one positive and one negative effect.

Renewed, Bolstered, and Enfeebled have no effect on The Robot.

Using this shrine 3 times unlocks Daisuke.

The gift chest can be a Mimic.

There is also a small 0.1% chance that the shrine will explode upon use, reducing your heart containers to 1, quadrupling your damage, and pushing you away.

Shrines (13)
GlassA shrine of glass.Glass Armor
Pane's BlessingGrants three Glass Guon Stones which block enemy bullets but break if the player takes damage.

Using the shrine for the first time will unlock the Glass Guon Stone item.

Shrines (14)
HeroA shrine to an old gunslinger.

There is an inscription...

"Kill your past;you've already damned your future."

The rest is worn away.

N/ALocated in the starting room of the Keep of the Lead Lord, the Hero Shrine can only be activated after killing the character's past. Activating it will set the player's curse to 9.

The player cannot use this shrine if their curse is already at 9 or above.

Shrines (15)
JunkA shrine to Ser Junkan, who rose from nothing to become one of the Gungeon's greatest knights.Ser Junkan's Boon
Knight in Shining ArmorGrants a piece of armor in exchange for Junk.Shrines (16)
PeaceA shrine to a forgotten bullet who laid down his arms... will you?At Peace
Live To Gun Another DayHeals the player for one heart in exchange for their currently held weapon. In a Blessed run, guns can continually be exchanged for hearts.Shrines (17)
Y.V.A shrine to the Gun Godz.Pop
Bullets From NowhereCosts 10 Shrines (18) to use the first time, and the cost increases by 10 Shrines (19) per use. Every time the player fires a weapon, there is a chance for it to quickly fire 2 to 4 times at no extra ammo cost. Each use linearly increases the chance to activate the effect by 3.7%.

Repeated use only increases the chance to fire additional bullets. It has no effect on the number of bullets fired — these are always random.

Shrines (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.