Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (2024)

With all the financial pressures you may have faced in your 20s, such as paying down your student loans, finding a job that pays decently and saving up for a down payment on your first home, you might not have spent much time thinking about buying a life insurance policy. Life insurance may have seemed like something designed for older, more established people.

In your 30s, you may start to feel more established in your life. You might have bought your first home, gotten married or involved with a long-term partner and you might have a job you love that pays well. Now’s the time to start thinking about buying a life insurance policy. Learn more about the benefits of buying life insurance while you’re young and what size policy is likely to work for you.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (1)

Should I Get Life Insurance in My 30s?

One way to figure out at what age you should get life insurance is to ask yourself what would happen if you and your income were no longer around. If you have a child or partner who depends on your income, or if you have certain types of debt, you should seriously consider getting life insurance. While not every 30-year-old needs life insurance, some would greatly benefit from purchasing a policy.

If any of the following apply to you, now is the time to buy a life insurance policy:

  • You’ve got a partner:If you are in a committed relationship with someone and you’ve merged households and finances, or if they depend on your income in any way, a life insurance policy can protect them in the event of your death. Life insurance policies pay death benefits, which can make up for the drop in income a partner is likely to experience when their spouse or significant other passes away.
  • You have student loans or other types of debt:Federal student loans will be dischargedor canceled if you die. If you have private student loans and a parent co-signed for the loans with you, your parent will be responsible for repaying your debt after death. A life insurance policy can help your parent pay off the rest of your loans. Your policy’s death benefit can also go toward paying down other debts, such as credit card debt, that you might leave behind. Your estate, not your loved ones, will typically be responsible for paying off any credit debt that remains after your death.
  • You own your home:If you own your home, have a mortgage on it and you share your home with your family, who will continue to pay the mortgage after your death? The benefits from your life insurance policy can pay down your mortgage after your death, meaning your loved ones can continue to live in the home without worry.
  • You have or are going to have kids:Children are expensive. Not counting college tuition and fees,raising a child costs an average of $233,610from birth through age 17. A life insurance policy provides a financial cushion if you or your partner die. Life insurance is a valuable thing to have for both parents, even if one stays home and doesn’t perform paid work. If the parent who stays home to care for the kids should die, the remaining parent will need financial support to cover the cost of hiring child care.

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Another reason why buying life insurance young makes sense is that the cost of a policy tends to be much more affordable the younger you are when you buy it. Statistically speaking, younger people are less likely to die than older people. The life insurance policy for a 30-year-old is priced with this in mind. Whole and term life insurance rates vary by age. The cost of life insurance at 30 will be much lower than if you wait and buy the same policy at 40 or 50.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (2)

What Does Life Insurance Cover?

Life insurance pays out a death benefit to the person or people named as the beneficiaries on a policy. A life insurance policy pays out the benefits in the event of the death of the policyholder. Life insurance policies cover death for many different causes, including natural death, death by suicide, murder or accidental death. Usually, if crime or fraud is suspected, the policy won’t pay.

A life insurance policy is likely to spell out how the beneficiaries can use the death benefit. Some allowable expenses include:

  • End-of-life costs:The policy’s beneficiaries can use the benefits to pay for the funeral and other end-of-life expenses of the deceased.
  • Child care costs:The death benefit can cover child care costs, particularly if the person who died was the one who cared for the kids at home.
  • Paying off debt:The benefit can also go toward paying off remaining debts, such as a mortgage, credit card debt or car loan.
  • Everyday costs:The beneficiaries of the policy can use the money they receive to pay their everyday living expenses, especially if the policyholder’s death resulted in the loss of the home’s primary breadwinner.
  • Education costs:A surviving co-parent or spouse might choose to set some of the death benefits aside to pay for future college expenses for their kids.

Life insurance may cover many types of deaths, including deaths from illness or accidents. Usually, a policy will provide benefits if a person was murdered, but not if the person who murdered the policyholder acted to get access to the life insurance benefits. Some policies exclude certain activities, meaning they won’t pay out if a person engaged in risky behaviors, such as bungee jumping, and died due to the behavior.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (3)

Term Life Insurance vs. Whole Life Insurance

Two types of life insurance policies exist, term and whole. When you purchase a term life insurance policy, you’re buying a policy for a defined period, such as 15 or 30 years. You pay the premium on the policy for the set period. Once the policy expires, you no longer pay the premium and your beneficiaries don’t get benefits if you die. Term coverage can be useful if you only expect to need life insurance for a certain period in your life, such as paying off your mortgage or raising your family.

A whole life insurance policy is valid for the rest of your life, as long as you continue to pay the premiums. Whole life insurance plans typically have higher premium costs than term policies, but they never expire. Another advantage of whole life insurance policies is that they also earn interest and act as an investment option. Whole life policies offer cash value, which the policyholder can access while they are alive.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (4)

How Are Life Insurance Rates Set?

The premium rate you pay for a life insurance policy is based on several factors, including your age and the type of policy you buy. The value of the policy and its duration also influence the premium price. Take a closer look at the factors that determine the cost of a life insurance policy:

  • Age:Although people can die at any age, older people aremore likely to die within the yearthan younger people. Age plays a big role when an insurance company sets a premium. A 30-year-old has a slightly lower probability of death than a 31-year-old, so their monthly insurance premiums will be slightly lower. The premium rate creeps up each year, so the earlier you buy a policy, the lower your rates.
  • Sex:Your biological sex can also influence your chances of dying. From a statistical standpoint, women live longer than men, so their life insurance premiums are lower than men’s.
  • Health:Health is a significant factor when it comes to determining insurance premiums. An insurance company is going to look at factors such as your body mass index, your risk of disease, your current health status and your family history when deciding how much you’ll pay for insurance.
  • Lifestyle:What you do in your life also influences your insurance rates. Some people engage in activities or habits that increase their chance of death. Tobacco use is one lifestyle factor that can increase insurance premiums. Engaging in activities such as cliff-jumping or sky-diving can also increase your life insurance premiums.
  • Type of policy:The type of life insurance you buy influences your premiums. Term life insurance coverage tends to cost significantly less each month than whole life insurance policies. The trade-off is that you don’t get the benefits if the policy expires before you do. Whole life insurance policies offer longer-term coverage, which is reflected in their cost.
  • Benefit size:A life insurance policy with a death benefit of $1 million is going to cost more than a policy that pays out $250,000.
  • Length of term:Term life insurance policy premiums vary based on the term length. If you purchase a policy with a shorter term, such as 10 years, you’ll pay less than you would for a policy with a longer term, such as 20 or 30 years. The longer you have the policy, the higher your risk of dying while it’s still active.

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How Much Life Insurance Does a 30-Year-Old Need to Carry?

Many factors influence the size of the policy you might need at age 30. Not all 30-year-olds are in the same financial situation or have the same insurance needs. A general rule to follow is to purchase a policy that has benefits that are at least 10 times your annual income. Here’s what to think about when deciding how much life insurance coverage to buy.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (5)

1. Income Replacement

The death benefits from a life insurance policy typically serve as a replacement for the income your family will lose after your death. If you earn $50,000 per year and want to follow the general life insurance rule, your insurance policy should provide a benefit of at least $500,000. Generally, this amount should be the bare minimum coverage you get. It accounts for 10 years worth of income, but it doesn’t consider your end-of-life expenses, debts or other financial obligations.

2. Debt Considerations

If you have debt, you might want to purchase a larger life insurance policy than someone who is debt-free. Ideally, your policy will pay off your remaining debts after your death and leave your beneficiaries with enough to live on. If you have $250,000 in debt from a mortgage, a credit card and a private student loan your parent co-signed for you, you’ll want to add at least $250,000 to your death benefit.

3. Family Size and Needs

The number of people you support and their unique needs also influence the amount of life insurance coverage you’ll need to buy. If it’s just you and a partner and you both work outside the home for money, you can buy a smaller policy than someone who has a stay-at-home partner and three kids.

You can use the USDA’s estimated annual cost of raising a child to figure out how much coverage you need. Multiply the annual cost, $12,980, by the number of years your kids have until they are 18. For example, if you have a 5-year-old and a 10-year-old, multiply $12,980 by 12 for the 5-year-old and by 7 for the 10-year-old to figure out how much it will cost to raise them through age 17.

If you hope your kids will pursue post-secondary education, you might want to include the cost of schooling in your death benefit calculations.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (6)

Reasons to Buy Life Insurance and Review Your Policy Regularly

While buying life insurance as a young, healthy adult can mean you get the best premium possible, your life insurance policy isn’t a “set it and forget it” thing. It pays to review your insurance coverage annually to make sure it still meets your needs and offers adequate coverage. Try to review your policy at least once a year or when any of the following takes place:

1. Changes in Your Employment Status

If you get a better-paying job, your household income is likely to increase, which can mean the death benefit’s size should also increase. Getting a promotion or changing jobs can also mean that you have life insurance from your employer, which might affect the amount of coverage you personally need to buy.

Another employment status change that can warrant policy review is if you decide to start your own company or become self-employed. Self-employed people tend to have more financial obligations than people who work for a company. Your insurance agent can help you determine how being self-employed affects your life insurance needs.

2. Changes to Your Family

You might add to the size of your family, get married,get divorcedor start taking care of your aging parents. As the number of dependents you have increases or decreases, the amount of insurance coverage you’ll need will shift, too. Depending on the situation, you might need to add people as beneficiaries or remove them from the policy. If you have more children, you may want to extend the term of your policy to provide coverage for them until they are financially independent.

As your kids get older, they are likely to need insurance coverage from you less and less. Once your kids are financially independent, they don’t need to be beneficiaries of your policy. You might also be able to reduce the size of your policy as your kids get older.

3. Changes to Your Health

One benefit of buying life insurance when you’re young and in good health is that if your health declines, you won’t have to pay higher premiums, as long as your life insurance policy hasn’t expired. If you take steps to improve your health, you might benefit from a lower premium.

For example, perhaps a person took out the policy at age 30 when they were a smoker. If they quit smoking at age 31, five years later at age 36, their insurance provider might be willing to lower their insurance premiums because they haven’t used tobacco for five years. You might also get a better premium rate if your blood pressure or cholesterol levels improve or if you give up hobbies that the insurance company considered risky.

4. Changes to Your Financial Situation

Your financial situation can change from year to year, based on your debts. For example, if you buy a house, you should review your life insurance policy to ensure the benefit is sufficient to cover the mortgage and other expenses associated with the home. If you buy a car and get a loan to pay for it, you might need to adjust your policy and benefit to include the car loan’s principal amount.

Increases or decreases in your net worth also affect your life insurance policy. If your net worth drops, meaning there would be less to support your family if you were to die, you might consider increasing the size of your life insurance policy.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (7)

Life Insurance as an Investment

If you decide to buy whole life insurance, you can take advantage of the policy’s cash value component. A policy with a cash value component has a savings account connected to it. Every time you pay a premium, a portion of the premium goes into the savings account, increasing the policy’s cash value. The cash value might earn a fixed or variable interest rate, depending on the policy. The cash value might also be invested in mutual funds, paying dividends and increasing or decreasing in value based on the market.

The cash value of an insurance policy belongs to the policyholder to use as they wish. You can withdraw the money from the account and use it to pay off a loan or to make a down payment on a home. If you die without using the cash value, any money accrued goes to the insurance company, which uses it to offset your policy’s death benefit.

Using the cash value component of your policy also alters the amount of the death benefit. If your death benefit is $250,000 and your cash value is $10,000, but you use the $10,000 to make a down payment on a home, your death benefit is reduced to $240,000.

One notable benefit of purchasing a cash value life insurance policy is that the cash value is tax-deferred. You don’t have to pay taxes on the account’s earnings or interest until you withdraw it.

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Benefits of Buying Life Insurance Young

If you decide to buy a whole life insurance policy with a cash value component while you’re young, you can benefit in a couple of ways. First, your premiums will be lower than if you were to wait to purchase a policy.

Second, since the policy is for the rest of your life, your cash value will have a considerable amount of time to grow. Money invested in the account at age 30 is going to have 10 more years to grow than money invested at age 40.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (8)

Is Life Insurance a Good Investment for Everyone?

Some people are likely to enjoy the benefits of investing in life insurance more than others. There might be other, tax-advantaged investment options available to you, such as a 401(k) or an IRA, which can provide better growth potential. Usually, the people who are likely to benefit the most from investing in life insurance have high incomes and have already made the maximum contributions allowed to other retirement accounts. A cash value insurance policy provides high-earners with an additional, tax-deferred investment option.

Choose David Pope Insurance Services, LLC

If anyone else depends on your income or if you have debt, you needlife insurance, whether you’re in your 30s or older. The specific details of your policy depend on your needs today and your anticipated needs in the future. David Pope Insurance can help you choose the right life insurance policy in Missouri. Whether you’re looking for term life insurance or whole life insurance or have questions about a policy with a cash value component, we can explain the differences to you and how each option affects your premiums or the coverage your beneficiaries receive.

To learn more,contact our officetoday. You can alsorequest a free quoteonline.

Should You Get Life Insurance In Your 30s? | David Pope (2024)


Is life insurance worth it in your 30s? ›

Statistically speaking, younger people are less likely to die than older people. The life insurance policy for a 30-year-old is priced with this in mind. Whole and term life insurance rates vary by age. The cost of life insurance at 30 will be much lower than if you wait and buy the same policy at 40 or 50.

At what point is life insurance not worth it? ›

Life insurance may not be worth if you have no dependents, if you have a tight budget, or if you have other plans for providing for them after your death.

What is Suze Orman say about life insurance? ›

Suze Orman recommends that generally most people should get a 20 year term life insurance policy at 20 times your annual income. What does that mean? That means if you're 30 years old and you make $50,000 a year you should get a million dollar 20 year term life insurance policy.

What is the best life insurance for a 30 year old? ›

State Farm is the best life insurance company for 30-year-olds seeking whole life and no medical exam life insurance policies. With a century of experience and an A++ AM Best rating, the company offers a sense of security and reliability.

At what age should you drop life insurance? ›

Life insurance is no longer needed for many people once they reach their 60s or 70s. At this point they retire, their kids have grown up, and they've paid off their mortgage and other debts.

How much life insurance should a 35 year old have? ›

Based on the value of your future earnings, a simple way to estimate this is to consider 30X your income between the ages of 18 and 40; 20X income for age 41-50; 15X income for age 51-60; and 10X income for age 61-65. After age 65, coverage is based on net worth instead of income.

What is the main disadvantage of life insurance? ›

The main advantage of life insurance is financial protection for your loved ones if you pass away. The biggest disadvantage of life insurance is the cost, though it's more affordable than you might think.

Why you shouldn't wait to get life insurance? ›

Life insurance premiums are based on your age as well as health and other factors, so the older you are when you apply, the more you'll pay for coverage. By purchasing life insurance early on, you can lock in a lower premium and save money over the long term.

Is it OK to not have life insurance? ›

It depends on your other obligations and plans for the future. For example, a young parent or couple with no debt should still consider life insurance to provide for their children unless they have enough saved to support them through adulthood.

What is a reasonable amount to pay for life insurance? ›

Term life insurance rates for nonsmokers
AgeAverage annual rates for menAverage annual rates for women
3 more rows
May 31, 2024

Why is life insurance not a good investment? ›

Any permanent life insurance policy with a cash value can be used to invest — but for most people, it isn't the best strategy due to high costs and low returns. Buying a term life policy and contributing to a 401(k) or IRA account is often a better option.

Why millionaires are buying life insurance? ›

Wealthy people buy cash value life insurance so they can utilize it for its living benefits. Life insurance purchased by wealthy people and businesses is often used as a vehicle for providing liquidity, reducing financial liabilities, and reducing their tax profile.

Should you buy life insurance in your 30s? ›

The financial protection you can provide for your loved ones makes life insurance worth the cost. Fortunately, the cost of life insurance can be quite affordable if you buy a policy in your 30s. The rate you pay for insurance is determined by several factors, including your age.

What age is best to buy whole life insurance? ›

The best time to buy life insurance if you want affordable coverage is typically before age 30, but will vary based on an individual's health, budget and reason for purchasing life insurance.

Does life insurance pay out after 30 years? ›

Term life insurance provides coverage for a set amount of time (such as 15, 20, or 30 years), although timelines may vary, depending on the insurer. The term life death benefit is not paid out after the term of the life insurance policy ends, even if all premiums have been paid.

At what age is whole life insurance worth it? ›

Generally, the younger and healthier you are when buying life insurance, the more money you'll save. As we age, we're at increased risk of developing health conditions, which can result in higher mortality rates and higher life insurance rates. You'll typically pay less for life insurance at age 25 than at age 40.

What is the most common age to buy life insurance? ›

The majority of people start thinking about a life insurance policy when they reach the age of 30. The reasons are clear: many people decide to start a family at this age or already have a small child or children.

What age should you think about life insurance? ›

Many financial advisors will recommend that you take out life insurance before you reach your mid-30s. After this, monthly premiums can begin to rise and your age means you may be at higher risk of health problems. Once you take out a policy, your premiums are fixed and so the cost will not change.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.