Should you drink coffee before you run? (2024)

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  • Is it okay to have caffeine before a run?
  • What are the effects of coffee before running?
  • Do elite runners use caffeine?
  • How long before a run should I drink coffee?
  • How much coffee you should drink before a run?
  • Does caffeine make running harder?
  • Is caffeine good before a 5K?
  • And... should you drink coffee after a run too?

For some runners (pros included), having a cup of coffee before a run is a non-negotiable part of the routine – a ritual so embedded in the norm that a workout just wouldn’t feel right without it.

If you’re in the daily caffeine camp, good news: drinking coffee before running can offer real performance benefits. These advantages include decreased fatigue and reduced perceived exertion, among other perks. But it’s not one-size-fits-all. Depending on how much coffee you consume and your individual sensitivity to caffeine, downing a triple-shot espresso before you hit the trails might do more harm than good.

Amity Lui, a New York-based sports dietitian who works with runners, says clients often pose various coffee-related questions such as, ‘Should I be drinking coffee before running?’ ‘How much coffee should I drink per day?’ ‘How much is too much?’ ‘When should I be drinking it?’

While the answers to those questions depend on your individual needs, a few general guidelines can help you optimise your pre-run coffee routine. Here’s what nutrition experts and research have to say about getting your caffeine fix before you log your miles.

Is it okay to have caffeine before a run?

There are actually lots of benefits to drinking coffee before a run – most of these advantages come from the caffeine in coffee, so the pay-offs aren’t so present in decaf varieties. ‘Caffeine is a legal ergogenic aid,’ Lui says. That means it can enhance your performance, according to research.

One review, published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in 2019, summarises that for endurance running and race-walking specifically, caffeine can lessen perceived effort, tiredness and pain, while boosting alertness and vigilance. Researchers suggest taking in caffeine before a run, but also note that consuming it during a race, when fatigue starts to set in, can lead to an even greater response.

What are the effects of coffee before running?

The effects of consuming caffeine seem to most consistently provide moderate to large benefits for aerobic endurance activities, according to a 2021 paper published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. That said, ‘small to moderate benefits of caffeine use’ are seen in sprinting, muscular endurance and muscular strength, among other sport activities, per the paper.

Another effect of coffee: it can make you go to the toilet. Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee can trigger a reflex that leads to bowel movements, Lui says. This can be a pro or a con of coffee, depending on the context, she says. For example, if you’re trying to empty your bowels before you leave home, then coffee may help. But if you gulp coffee and start running before you’ve gone for a number two, well, things could quickly backfire.

Do elite runners use caffeine?

Absolutely – caffeine is widely accepted as an endurance-performance enhancing supplement. Two to three cups of a robust brew can reduce levels of perceived exertion in athletes and increase endurance performance by an average of 24%, giving you an extra push when you need it, concluded a 2016 review of multiple studies.

One more benefit of consuming coffee is that it contains antioxidants, which are helpful for anyone to consume, but especially athletes. That’s because antioxidants work to reduce the body’s inflammatory response to exercise, says Rachel Gargano, a registered dietitian specialising in sports nutrition with Top Nutrition Coaching.

Should you drink coffee before you run? (1)

How long before a run should I drink coffee?

It takes some practice to figure out how much coffee (if any) is a worthy part of your pre-run ritual, and then also to determine the dose and timing that works for you.

No matter how you prefer to take your coffee or when, both experts we spoke to recommend pairing it with some type of food to ensure you have the energy you need to perform well in your workout. ‘Coffee itself does not provide energy, because it’s not a calorie-based food,’ Lui says. That means you need to get energy from somewhere else.

Gargano recommends having an easy-to-digest carbohydrate snack within 30 to 45 minutes of starting a run. Good pre-run snack options, according to Lui, include old reliables such as a slice of toast with a banana and honey, a banana with peanut butter, or just apple sauce for those who have trouble tolerating solid foods before exercise.

If you’re sensitive to caffeine… Gargano advises against making coffee a part of your regular running routine, because the downsides likely outweigh any potential benefits.

If you seem to tolerate caffeine well… Have a cup of coffee 30 to 60 minutes before you head out for your run, says Gargano. You’ll notice the effects of caffeine as quickly as 15 minutes after you start drinking, but its full influence peaks around one hour later, says Lui, who suggests timing your pre-run coffee consumption so that you receive ‘that little boost when you need it the most’.

If you prefer sugar in your coffee… Consume your coffee closer to your run – within 30 minutes or so, says Gargano. That’s because ‘sugar is going to hit the system pretty quickly, and to take advantage of high blood sugar levels, which is beneficial when you’re exercising, you’d want to get that a little closer’ to the start of your workout, she explains.

If you’re running long, as in more than two hours… Take caffeine in on your run, says Gargano. Brands such as Maurten, Precision Hydration and SiS all offer caffeinated gel and chew options.

How much coffee you should drink before a run?

The general suggestion for optimum caffeine intake to help your performance is 3mg to 6mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight.

For an athlete who weighs 68kg, that would be around 200mg to 400mg – the equivalent of about two to five cups of coffee.

However, how much coffee you should drink before a run depends on:

  • Genetics
  • How long you’ve been drinking coffee
  • How much you have on a daily basis

If you’re sensitive to caffeine and experience jitteriness, or it increases your anxiety, then you likely want to lean towards the lower end of that spectrum, says Gargano. However, ‘if you’re already taking in a decent amount of caffeine on a daily basis, then you probably need a bigger dose’, she adds.

Keep in mind: ‘There’s such a thing as too much caffeine,’ warns Lui. You might want to stick to around 400mg or lower.

Too much caffeine can lead to effects such as:

  • Upset stomach
  • Fast heart rate
  • Anxiousness
  • Interrupted sleep patterns

Does caffeine make running harder?

It doesn’t make it harder, but more caffeine isn’t always better. Depending on your tolerance for the stimulant, having too much of it can increase your risk of anxiety and heart-rate abnormalities, Lui says. You might start sweating, get clammy hands and feel jittery, she adds. Those symptoms won’t help you feel your best out on the run.

Also, as mentioned, coffee can trigger the need for a toilet break, which may be a downside in certain circ*mstances. (Who wants to go searching for a public toilet mid-run?)

Moreover, taking in a lot of caffeine late in the day can disrupt your sleep. That’s because the average half-life of caffeine is about five hours, says Lui, meaning it takes about five hours for half the amount of caffeine you ingested to dissipate from your system. For example, say you drink two 240ml cups of coffee with 180mg total of caffeine (the standard amount in one cup is about 90mg) at 3pm before your afternoon run. By 8pm, 90mg of caffeine will still be left in your body. Depending on how sensitive you are to caffeine, you may have a tough time falling or staying asleep that night, Lui explains.

Is caffeine good before a 5K?

Research published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport shows that consuming 5 mg of caffeine can give your run a little kick. Runners who had caffeine before running a 5K improved their time by about 1 per cent as compared to when they didn’t have it. That means if you run a 20-minute 5K, caffeine could help you cut off 12 seconds.

It also might help you focus on the run. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that caffeine before a workout helped people concentrate better during their sweat session, even if they didn’t sleep well the night before. So they were able to devote more mental focus to their task at hand, which can help reap physical benefits, too.

And... should you drink coffee after a run too?

Most of the science to date has explored the benefits of caffeine pre-exercise, but a new study suggests there may also be benefits to caffeine post-exercise. The research, published in the journal Nutrients, found that drinking coffee after a hard workout improves muscle glycogen synthesis, allowing you to recover more effectively before your next bout of exercise.

The study took 11 trained male cyclists and had them complete a four-hour ride in the afternoon, followed by another the next morning. After the second ride, the cyclists were given a drink of coffee, milk and sugar, or an equally sugary drink but without the coffee. The results? The cyclists who drank the coffee beverage saw their glycogen supply increase 57% more than the cyclists who drank the beverage without coffee. What does this mean for runners? After a tough session, make sure you refuel with carbs, protein and a cup of coffee. Any complaints? No, we didn’t think so.


As an enthusiast and expert in sports nutrition, I can provide valuable insights into the benefits and considerations of consuming coffee before and after running. My expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of research findings and practical applications, making me well-versed in the nuances of caffeine's impact on athletic performance.

Is it okay to have caffeine before a run?

Absolutely. Caffeine is recognized as a legal ergogenic aid, meaning it can enhance performance. This assertion is supported by research published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism in 2019, which highlights the positive effects of caffeine on perceived effort, tiredness, and pain during endurance activities like running.

What are the effects of coffee before running?

Coffee, specifically its caffeine content, consistently provides moderate to large benefits for aerobic endurance activities, as outlined in a 2021 paper in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. Additionally, it's important to note that caffeine can stimulate bowel movements, which can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the context.

Do elite runners use caffeine?

Yes, elite runners widely accept caffeine as an endurance-performance enhancing supplement. Studies have shown that two to three cups of strong coffee can significantly reduce perceived exertion and increase endurance performance by an average of 24%.

How long before a run should I drink coffee?

Optimal timing for coffee consumption varies among individuals. It is recommended to pair coffee with a carbohydrate snack 30 to 45 minutes before starting a run. This ensures that the energy needed for the workout comes from a combination of coffee and easily digestible carbohydrates.

How much coffee you should drink before a run?

The general suggestion is 3mg to 6mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight. However, individual factors such as genetics, daily coffee intake, and sensitivity to caffeine play a role in determining the appropriate amount. It's essential to avoid excessive caffeine intake to prevent adverse effects like an upset stomach, fast heart rate, anxiety, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Does caffeine make running harder?

Caffeine itself doesn't make running harder, but excessive intake can lead to undesirable symptoms such as anxiety, increased heart rate, and jitteriness. Additionally, the diuretic effect of caffeine may prompt a need for a restroom break during a run.

Is caffeine good before a 5K?

Research in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport suggests that consuming 5 mg of caffeine before a 5K can improve performance by approximately 1%. This improvement in time may be attributed to enhanced focus and concentration during the run.

Should you drink coffee after a run too?

Recent research published in Nutrients indicates that drinking coffee after a hard workout improves muscle glycogen synthesis. This post-exercise benefit suggests that combining coffee with carbohydrates and protein can aid recovery and prepare the body for subsequent exercise.

In conclusion, integrating coffee into your running routine can offer performance benefits, but individual factors and preferences should guide the timing and amount of consumption. Whether before or after a run, strategic use of coffee aligns with scientific findings to enhance overall athletic performance and recovery.

Should you drink coffee before you run? (2024)


Should you drink coffee before you run? ›

Caffeine reduces a runner's perception of effort, which makes running fast feel easier. It get's better: Caffeine increases the concentration of endorphins in the brain. Yup, those same exact hormones that produce a runner's high.

Should I drink coffee yes or no? ›

Hu said that moderate coffee intake—about 2–5 cups a day—is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver and endometrial cancers, Parkinson's disease, and depression. It's even possible that people who drink coffee can reduce their risk of early death.

Is it good to drink coffee before work? ›

Caffeine also boosts levels of the hormone adrenaline, which leads to an increase in heart rate, muscle strength, and the rate at which your body metabolizes sugar. As a result, studies have found that caffeine can improve physical performance by more than 10 percent.

Does drinking coffee before a game help? ›

1) Drink Coffee an Hour or Two Before the Game

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that can improve focus and reaction time. However, it is important to note that everyone reacts to caffeine differently. Some people may find that coffee makes them jittery or anxious, while others may feel more alert and focused.

Does coffee before running burn fat? ›

Coffee—when consumed before exercise—can cause fat cells to be used as an energy source as opposed to glycogen. Also, the high amounts of caffeine in black coffee will increase your metabolism, which makes you burn more calories throughout the day. Having coffee before exercise enhances that effect.

What not to drink before a run? ›

Drinks containing too much sugar, however, can spike blood sugar levels, which may give you a temporary surge of energy that is followed by a big crash when levels plummet. Too much sugar and some artificial sweeteners can cause stomach distress, too, so it's usually best to avoid sugary drinks.

How unhealthy is coffee? ›

High intake of boiled, unfiltered coffee has been associated with mild increase in cholesterol levels. The bottom line? Your coffee habit is probably fine and may even have some benefits. But if you have side effects from coffee, such as heartburn, nervousness or insomnia, consider cutting back.

Is it healthier to avoid coffee? ›

Not partaking in caffeine can be good for your blood pressure. Caffeine has been shown to raise blood pressure levels due to the stimulatory effect it has on the nervous system. High intake of caffeine — 3 to 5 cups per day — has also been associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Is coffee good or bad for your heart? ›

Results: Recent (2000-2021) studies have shown that regular coffee consumption is associated with a decreased risk of developing hypertension, heart failure, and atrial fibrillation.

Why wait 90 minutes to drink coffee? ›

Waiting 90 minutes after waking up allows adenosine levels to rise slightly, making caffeine more effective at blocking receptors and keeping us alert throughout the day. Accordingly, to Huberman, that's the key to its method: you need to let some adenosine fix itself on receptors before you consume coffee.

Why shouldn't you drink coffee first thing in the morning? ›

This is what causes you to feel a sudden crash in the middle of the day, what we call a rebound fatigue. Additionally, regularly consuming caffeine first thing in the morning can build dependence. Gradually, you need more caffeine to feel normal, which raises adenosine levels even more, slumping your energy levels.

What is the best time to drink coffee? ›

There's no scientific evidence that supports a “best time.” But a mid- to late-morning cup between 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. may help you reap the most coffee benefits. That's when cortisol levels start to dip, and you'll get the biggest bang from the effect of caffeine.

Is it better to drink coffee before or after a run? ›

Studies have shown that for runners, drinking coffee before a workout (or physical fitness of any kind) helps boost performance, both in high-intensity (sprinters) and endurance athletes.

Why don't athletes drink coffee? ›

Caffeine's effects on the sympathetic nervous system have profound influences on the body and mind and can lead to unwanted side effects including jitters, having trouble falling asleep, or increased heart rate, when training or competing in the heat, and increased nerves.

Is coffee good or bad for athletes? ›

Studies have shown that caffeine can benefit endurance performance, high intensity exercise, and power sports. However, it seems to benefit trained athletes the most. The recommended dose varies by body weight, but it's typically about 200–400 mg, taken 30–60 minutes before a workout.

How soon can I run after drinking coffee? ›

Timing is everything when it comes to coffee before a workout. “The effects of caffeine take about an hour to kick in, so ideally, you'd consume [your coffee] about an hour before your workout, or you might consume it closer to your workout to feel the effects part-way through for an extra boost,” Landes says.

Is it better to run on an empty stomach? ›

Running before eating may potentially increase metabolic expenditure, enhancing the body's efficiency in utilizing its reserves for energy, which can contribute to weight loss even when not actively running.

Is coffee good or bad for you in the long run? ›

Drinking coffee in moderation has been associated with a lower risk of heart failure and stroke, among other potential benefits. If you're one of those folks who can't face the day without a cup of joe, here's a bit of good news: There's very little evidence that coffee is bad for you.

Is coffee good for running tummy? ›

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks. Limit or cut out milk and other dairy products if they are making your diarrhea worse or causing gas and bloating.

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