Should You Ask About Salary in an Interview? (2024)

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Though attitudes are changing, asking about salary in a job interview requires a delicate touch. You want to be polite and sensitive but don’t want to get pulled into a salary negotiation too soon. And, of course, you may think you shouldn’t ask at all! But knowing how to ask about salary in an interview puts you in the driver’s seat and lets you decide if you should continue pursuing the role.

  • Why You Should Ask About Salary in an Interview
  • How to Ask About Salary in an Interview
  • Sample Questions for Asking About Salary in an Interview
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Why You Should Ask About Salary in an Interview

Before you accept a job offer, you’ll consider many aspects, like how much paid time off there is, what the fringe benefits are, or what kind of work-life balance it offers. But salary is probably the biggest thing you’ll consider. After all, your paycheck has a significant impact on your life.

Though times (and laws) are changing, not every job posting includes a salary range. And not every recruiter or hiring manager will bring the subject up, so it may be up to you to ask about salary in an interview.

That said, the thought of asking about salary during your interview may make you nervous. You might worry that bringing it up is rude or could tank your chances of getting a job. But, says Tanja Hinterstoisser, assistant vice president, career design and employer outreach at Champlain College, “If the employer does not approach you with any salary information it’s definitely appropriate to bring it up.”

What if the Interviewer Doesn’t Know the Salary?

That depends on who you’re talking to!

If you’re talking to a recruiter, they may not know the salary range. So, if they say, “I don’t know,” that’s OK. Likewise, if you’re interviewing with potential coworkers, they also may not know the salary specifics.

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However, if you’re interviewing with the hiring manager, they should know the salary for the role. At the very least, they should know what amount is budgeted for the position and be able to relay that information. If the hiring manager says, “I don’t know,” or “We haven’t determined that yet,” proceed with caution.

It’s possible the hiring manager is waiting for you to throw out the first number and use that to start the salary discussion. But this could be a red flag about the organization. If the hiring manager doesn’t know the salary range, what else are they unaware of?

How to Ask About Salary in an Interview

To be clear, asking about salary in an interview is not the same as negotiating a salary. In this case, you’re asking what the possible salary is, nothing more. It may be difficult but try not to get sucked into a salary negotiation before you have a written job offer in hand.

That said, it’s also critical you’re prepared to talk about salary in an interview — including the employer asking you what your salary expectations are! Here’s how to ask about salary in an interview politely and carefully.

>>MORE: Interview Questions, Answered: ‘What Are Your Salary Expectations?’

Prepare for the Reaction

Though some interviewers won’t bat an eyelash when you ask about salary during an interview, some may not have the most positive reaction. “It’s a downer,” says Hinterstoisser. “People don’t really like to be asked.” But she also notes that how the interviewer reacts can give you an idea about the values and culture of the organization.

For example, an interviewer who seems comfortable discussing pay and benefits likely feels that way because the company values transparency and honesty around salary. Likewise, an interviewer who dances around the topic may not feel that they can talk about pay because the company discourages it.

Hinterstoisser says the best way to handle a negative reaction is to remain confident in your ask. So, don’t apologize for asking. Instead, explain that it’s critical for you to understand all aspects of the job and that one of those aspects is the salary.

Hinterstossier says you can respond with, “My decision to join the company is an important one and I want to be sure that on the financial front I am being paid adequately.” You could substitute “adequately,” with a more specific explanation, such as explaining that if you’re relocating, you want to ensure you can afford the change in the cost of living.

>>MORE: Should I Move for a Job?

Time It Right

In some respects, it makes sense to ask about salary early in the interview process. If the job doesn’t pay enough for you to cover basic living expenses (rent, food, student loans), it’s unlikely you’ll accept the job.

However, the reality is that salary isn’t generally brought up in the early interview stages, and that’s OK. Hinterstoisser advises candidates to hold off on asking about salary until the later stages of the interview process. “You want to be sure that the employer is interested in you as a candidate and starts getting a sense as to what your worth really is.”

She also notes that holding off on asking about salary allows you to evaluate if the pay range is representative of the actual work.

Do Your Homework

The “risk” in asking about salary in an interview is that the interviewer will flip the question back on you and ask what kind of salary you’re looking for. But don’t skip asking the question because you don’t want to take that risk!

Instead, do your homework and have a salary range in mind. Hinterstoisser says that, NerdWallet, and Indeed are all great places to start. Keep in mind that many of the tools show the average salary range for all experience levels. Make sure to use the filters to see the salary range for someone with your level of experience.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Hinterstoisser points out that while asking about salary in an interview can be a dicey proposition for everyone, it can be especially hard for first-generation college students, people from various racial and ethnic backgrounds, and even women.

To help you feel more comfortable asking about salary in an interview, Hinterstoisser says to practice in a mock interview, with an advisor, or even a friend you trust. The more you practice asking about salary, the more confident you’ll feel bringing it up when the time comes.

>>MORE: 15 Questions to Ask the Hiring Manager (and 5 to Skip)

Sample Questions for Asking About Salary in an Interview

Hinterstoisser says there’s no right or wrong way to ask about salary in a job interview. But one crucial point is that you should ask for a salary range. She says that asking about the salary range “shows that you’re aware an organization has a budget for a role and the budget is determined by [the] company for whatever factors they deem necessary.”

Hinterstoisser suggests starting with, “We haven’t spoken about compensation. I’m wondering what you have budgeted for this role?” If that’s a little too direct for you, she suggests asking, “I’m curious what the pay band and benefits are for this role?”

Other ways to ask about salary in an interview include:

  • Can you tell me what you’ve budgeted for this position?
  • I’m really excited about this job, but I want to make sure we’re on the same page in terms of compensation. What is the salary range for this role?
  • The role aligns really well with what I’m looking for in my next job. Can you tell me more about the compensation for it?
  • We haven’t had a chance to talk about compensation. To make sure we’re on the same page, what is the salary for the role?

Got an interview coming up? Learn how to prepare with our interview tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I ask about salary in an email after the interview?

Yes! If you run out of time during the interview, you can ask about salary via email after the interview.

How appropriate is it to ask about salary in an interview?

“Appropriate” is a relative term. If salary is a deal-breaker for you, you should definitely ask! It’s better to have that information upfront, so you can bow out of the selection process if you need to.

Can I ask about salary and benefits in an interview?

Of course! There’s more to a job than the salary, and you may discover that the entire compensation package is exactly what you need.

What happens if the interviewer reacts negatively when I ask about salary?

Stay strong and confident. Explain why you’re asking and be prepared to state a salary range.

Should I ask about anything other than salary?

If it’s important to you, then yes. Examples include vacation, paid parental leave, flexible work schedule, training and education opportunities, and career advancement.

What if the salary is lower than what I expected?

Try not to react to a salary that’s less (or more!) than what you expected. If you’re truly interested in the role, the company may be able to compensate you with additional time off or other types of benefits.

Can I wait until the hiring manager brings up the salary?

Absolutely! There’s no rule that says you have to bring it up first. Just make sure you’re clear on what the compensation package is before you accept the job offer.

Image credit: Canva

Should You Ask About Salary in an Interview? (1)

Written by

Rachel Pelta→

Head Writer

Read more from Rachel Pelta

Rachel Pelta is the Head Writer at Forage. Previously, she was a Content Specialist at FlexJobs, writing articles for job seekers and employers. Her work has been featured in Fast Company, The Ladders, MSN, and Money Talks News.

Should You Ask About Salary in an Interview? (2024)


Should You Ask About Salary in an Interview? ›

You need timing and tact

Is it unprofessional to ask about pay in an interview? ›

In some respects, it makes sense to ask about salary early in the interview process. If the job doesn't pay enough to cover your basic living expenses (rent, food, student loans), it's unlikely you'll accept the job. However, salary isn't generally discussed in the early interview stages, and that's OK.

How to politely ask for salary range? ›

“Thanks so much for thinking of me for this position! While I am flattered, I'd like to ensure that an interview is the best use of everyone's time. Could you share the salary range for this position?”

Is it good if interviewer asks about salary? ›

If you're still early in the hiring process and still learning the specifics about the job duties and expectations, you may want to deflect any question about salary to discuss later on. Note that prior to a formal job offer , a salary question is mainly the interviewer's way of gathering information.

Can you legally ask about salary in interview? ›

No. When you are applying for a job in California, employers cannot ask you about your salary history or the value of your benefits (such as health insurance policy limits). Nor can employers try to track down this information personally or through an agent or recruiter.

How to ask for salary politely? ›

How to ask for a salary range
  1. Be direct. Most people will tell you that in a negotiation, it's better to find out what the employer is willing to pay before you give your expectations. ...
  2. Be prepared to counter-offer. ...
  3. Know what you want. ...
  4. Ask your gut: Do you want the job or not? ...
  5. Be nice, no matter what.
Jun 21, 2022

Can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? ›

So, can you lose a job offer by negotiating salary? Technically yes, though it's highly unlikely if you do it right. One thing is for certain: you won't get what you want if you don't ask for it!

How do you ask for salary confidently? ›

Here are eight tips for how to negotiate a salary that can help you tactfully and confidently ask for what you want.
  1. Become familiar with industry salary trends. ...
  2. Build your case. ...
  3. Tell the truth. ...
  4. Factor in perks and benefits. ...
  5. Practice your delivery. ...
  6. Know when to wrap it up. ...
  7. Get everything in writing. ...
  8. Stay positive.
Dec 4, 2023

How do you talk about salary in an interview? ›

If you do discuss compensation, I recommend speaking in terms of a range rather than a specific dollar amount. This will give you some flexibility as the interview process progresses. Consider putting the number you want at the lower end of the range, and then going up 5-10% from there.

What is your salary expectations' best answer? ›

Tips For Answering The Salary Expectation Question

Consider quoting a little higher than what you finally intend to settle for. For example, if you are looking at a target pay of Rs.30,000 per month, you can quote a range of Rs.35,000 to Rs.40,000. This will ensure that you have enough room for negotiation.

How do you politely say the salary is too low? ›

I want to be upfront with you that the salary is lower than I was expecting based on my skills and experience. I'd like to be at a number more like $X. I'm really interested in this opportunity and would love to make this work with you.”

How to answer a desired salary question? ›

On a Job Application

Not all applications will ask for your desired salary, so if they don't ask, there's no need to give one. And if they do ask, keep things simple by saying something like “salary is negotiable” or “salary may be discussed during the interview process.”

How to ask about salary after a job offer? ›

how to negotiate salary after a job offer: 20 tips
  1. 1: Get the time you need.
  2. 2: Know your worth.
  3. 3: Dig into the market.
  4. 4: Examine the total compensation package.
  5. 5: Factor in costs.
  6. 6: Prepare talking points.
  7. 7: Quantify your points.
  8. 8: Practice the conversation.

Is it inappropriate to ask salary? ›

Asking it too early – at the end of a first interview (or even a second interview, depending on the organization) – may come off as rude or give the impression you're only in on it for the money. And even if you are just looking for a summer job to pay the bills, employers don't like to be told this.

Should I tell my current salary in an interview? ›

5. There are states in the US that ban those question legally. California is one of those states, and they take individual information privacy very seriously; refer to the California Privacy Rights Act. 6. Employer can ask, and they will ask, but you have the right not disclose this information.

Can I ask about salary range before accepting an interview? ›

Before we set aside time for an interview, can you share the salary range so we can ensure we're in the same ballpark?” Or, if you didn't do it before your first interview, you can ask about it before scheduling the second: “We didn't have a chance to touch base on salary yet.

How to ask about pay during an interview? ›

The conversational, positive ask

I'm really excited about this opportunity. If we decide to work together, I'm sure we'd find a salary that matches the value I'll bring to your organization. Can you give me an idea what you've already budgeted for this position?”

Is it rude to ask hourly pay at an interview? ›

It's not that you can never, ever ask how much a job pays, it's just that it's considered a no-no in the initial interview phase. It's sort of like when you have a first date and you ask how much the other person earns as soon as she or he says hello.

Is it polite to ask about salary? ›

At this point, a clever move is to turn the question around, ask the interviewer the salary range they're considering. This gives you insight from a reliable source. In conclusion, asking about salary during an interview isn't wrong. But if you must do it, it's best to do it right.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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