Should I Pay Off My Mortgage? Pros And Cons Explained - HOA (2024)

Every mortgage borrower dreams of the day they no longer have to fork out those monthly payments to their lender, being able to spend the money how they wish while owning their home outright. But if you do have a lump sum, is it always best to pay off all or even part of your mortgage early?

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage? Pros And Cons Explained - HOA (1)

Angela Kerr Director, Editor

The benefits of paying off your mortgage

The biggest reason to pay off your mortgage early isthat often it will leave you better off inthe long run.

Standard financial advice is that if you have debts (such as mortgages), the best thing to do with your savings is pay off those debts.

With rare exceptions, mortgage rates are higher than savings rates, and so if you have a lump sum in a savings account, you will receive less in interest each month than you would save from paying off that amount of mortgage (see question below on “How much can I save from paying off the mortgage?”).

Being mortgage-free can make it easier to downsize in other ways –such as going part timeand usually makes it cheaper and easier to buy and sellyour home. Generally, a smaller mortgage gives you greater freedom and security.

Disadvantages of paying off mortgage early

  • Early repayment charges
  • Could net higher returns elsewhere
  • Difficult to get the money back if you need it
  • Losing out on tax benefits

Firstly, you’ll need to find out if you’ll need to pay an early repayment charge if you pay off your mortgage. These can run into thousands of pounds. See our guide for more advice on early repayment charges.

Also, if you pay off your mortgage early, you cannot then use the money for anything else, which could be alternative investments (such as buying another property or investing in stocks & shares), splurging on luxuries like a new car, or coping with costs such as mending your roof or paying school fees.

Once you have paid off the mortgage, it will be difficult to get the money back again, unless yougo through the hassle and expenseof taking out a new mortgage, which might be difficultsince lenders have been tighteningtheir conditions. If your household income has gone down, you simply might not be able to borrow as much.

Depending on your age and the size of your pension pot, you may benefit more from contributing funds in your savings to your pension – which has tax benefits – instead of paying off your mortgage.

What do I need to consider when deciding to pay off some or all of my mortgage?

  • What is the interest rate on your mortgage, is your mortgage rate likely to go up or down and how does it compare to the interest you can get on a savings account or by investing the money? There is also the potential you pay tax on those savings or capital gains.
  • Are there any penalties for repaying the mortgage early? If you are on a fixed rate or discounted mortgage, there might be significant costs forpaying it off early.
  • Are you expecting any windfalls, such as selling a business, or inheritance? If you are expecting a large amount in the near future, there is probably less downside to paying off the mortgage.
  • Do you have alternative investments that you want tomakee.g. investing in property, or building up a business?
  • How much money do you need for a rainy day fund? We suggest a minimum of three months outgoings, but six months is safer.
  • What costs are you expecting? If you have yearsof school fees ahead of you, youmight want to keep a large ring-fenced sum aside so you know you can to cover them, rather than paying off the mortgage. An offset mortgage might fit the bill in thisinstance.
  • Are you expecting a decrease in income? In which case,you might want to keepextra savings to tide you over.

Need advice on whether to pay off your mortgage or invest your funds instead? Our partners at Unbiased connect you with local independent financial advisors to help you assess your options.

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How do I work out how much money I will save by paying off the mortgage?

First, you need to find out the monthly interest you are paying on your mortgage. Unless you are on an interest-only mortgage, this is not the same as your monthly mortgage payments, as they will include not just interest but capital repayments also. Either ask your lender what your monthly interest payment is, or calculate it from the interest rate that you are paying. Then find out what interest you are receiving on your savings and how much tax you are paying on that (the first £1000 of interest is tax-free for lower rate tax payers, while top rate taxpayers pay 45% tax on all interest received).

Then it is quite simple –if your monthlymortgage payment is greater than the interest you are receiving after tax, you will be better off paying off your mortgage. As an example: say you have a £100,000 mortgage at 3%, and £100,000 in a savings account earning 0.5%, and you are a lower rate tax payer. Then themortgage interest payments are £3000 a year, but the interest you receive is £500 a year (below the £1000 limit, so you pay no tax on the interest). If you use your savings to pay off the mortgage you will be £2,500 a year –or about £200 a month – better off.

Will I be better off using the money to buy something else?

It is possible that you can be confident of earning more from using your savings in some other way than paying off the mortgage. For example, some pensioner bonds pay higher than mortgage rates. You might decide that a second property or stocks and shares will grow in value each year more than the interest rate on your mortgage, but they come with a risk.

How do I find out about any penalties?

If you are on aspecial mortgage deal, such as discounted or fixed rate, then there are likely to be penalties for paying the mortgage off early.Simply ask your lender if there are any penalties, and if so how much are they. Normally, the penalties decrease towards the end of a fixed rate or discounted period; alsoyou can often pay off a certain amount –such as 10% – a year without incurring penalties. If the penalties are small, it might still be worth paying off the mortgage early.

Do I have to pay off the whole mortgage?

No –often you might just want to make a capital repaymentthat only partially pays off the mortgage with the aim of reducing your mortgage payments. All the same arguments about being better off doing this still apply. Even if you have enough money to pay off your whole mortgage, you should still try to keep some aside as a rainy day fund. So in the example that you had a £100,000 mortgage and £100,000 savings, you may want to just pay off £75,000 of the mortgage and keep £25,000 savings.

Will paying off my mortgage affect my ability to move home?

If you are moving to a similar priced, or cheaper, property where you will also not need a mortgage, then it makes it easier and cheaper to be a cash buyer. You will not have to deal with the mortgagecompany throughout the process, pay their mortgage fees, or use surveyors or conveyancers approved by them. But if you have a portable mortgage, and would need the mortgage on a new more expensive home, then it mightbe best just to stick with themortgage and use your savings to increase the deposit you are paying on the new home.

Should I accept my parents offer to pay off my mortgage and for me to pay them instead?

That’s nice of them! But it depends on many things –not least what interest they want to charge and howwell you get on with them.

Generally loans from parents are seen as “soft loans”, and they are a lot more flexible than a mortgage lender (we have yet to come across parents who charge earlier redemption penalties!).

If they charge less interest than the mortgage company, then clearly you will be better off.

It also can help to “keep the money in the family”. You can often reach a deal where both sides are better off, because yourparents will earn more lending to you than they would saving with a bank. So, for example,if you are paying 3% interest to themortgage company, and they are earning just 1% interest, then if they lend to you at 2%, both you and your parents would be better off. But, of course there are potential risks, so you both might want to get independent financial advice.

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Should I Pay Off My Mortgage? Pros And Cons Explained - HOA (2024)


Is there a downside to paying off your mortgage? ›

A: If you put extra resources toward a home loan, you'll no longer have access to that cash flow and that's one of the disadvantages of paying off a mortgage. That means it's important to establish an emergency fund first — generally three to six months of living expenses — for unexpected financial needs.

Does Dave Ramsey recommend paying off a mortgage? ›

Dave Ramsey, the renowned financial guru, has long been a proponent of financial discipline and savvy money management. This can include paying off your mortgage early, but only under specific financial circ*mstances.

What are the tax implications of paying off your mortgage? ›

Make a note to alert your accountant come tax season: You'll no longer have mortgage interest to deduct on your tax return. Watch your credit. Keep tabs on your credit score; after your mortgage loan is removed from your credit history, your score may drop slightly.

Is it better to have a mortgage or pay it off? ›

If it's expensive debt (that is, with a high interest rate) and you already have some liquid assets like an emergency fund, then pay it off. If it's cheap debt (a low interest rate) and you have a good history of staying within a budget, then maintaining the mortgage and investing might be an option.

At what age should you pay off your mortgage? ›

To O'Leary, debt is the enemy of any financial plan — even the so-called “good debt” of a mortgage. According to him, your best chance for long-term financial success lies in getting out from under your mortgage by age 45.

Is it better to pay off mortgage or keep a small one? ›

If you can afford to make extra payments, overpaying your mortgage means you pay less interest in the future and pay off your mortgage sooner. This means you could save a lot of money.

What does Suze Orman say about paying off your mortgage early? ›

"If you're going to buy a house, be responsible with it. And if you're going to stay living it that house for the rest of your life, pay off that mortgage as soon as you possibly can," she tells CNBC Make It. Orman recommends that you aim to be mortgage-free by the time you retire.

Is it good to be mortgage-free? ›

If you're intending to stay in your current home during retirement, eliminating monthly payments might be a good move. However, for some homeowners, their financial situation and goals might mean it is prudent to focus on other priorities while chipping away at their home loan.

How much do I need to retire if my house is paid off? ›

One rule of thumb is that you'll need 70% of your pre-retirement yearly salary to live comfortably. That might be enough if you've paid off your mortgage and are in excellent health when you kiss the office good-bye.

What happens after a mortgage is paid off? ›

Your loan servicer held the funds in escrow and made the payments on your behalf. But now that your mortgage is paid off, your lender will close your escrow account and send you the remaining balance. And you'll be responsible for paying your insurance and taxes on your own.

What do you pay once your house is paid off? ›

Once your mortgage is paid off, you'll typically be responsible for future homeowner's insurance and property tax payments. Establishing a pre-emptive plan to manage these payments independently can help keep things running smoothly.

What are the psychological benefits of paying off mortgage? ›

Once debt is paid off, your self-confidence can make a fast turnaround. Some individuals even share their debt stories out of a renewed sense of confidence, according to Dlugozima. “You become more open about it because you've gotten through the other side,” said Dlugozima. “It's empowering.”

Is it smarter to pay off your mortgage? ›

For guaranteed savings and the security of owning your home debt free, paying off your mortgage earlier is a better option than investing your extra cash.

How long does it take the average person to pay off their mortgage? ›

Homeowners typically make their normal monthly mortgage payments and expect to pay off their homes over 30 years.

Do mortgage payments go down the more you pay off? ›

As time goes by and your loan balance decreases, you'll owe less interest every month. So most of your payment will then go toward the principal, even though your total payment stays the same. All that said, your mortgage payments may change slightly because of alterations in your insurance or tax rates.

What happens when I pay my mortgage off? ›

Once a mortgage has been cleared the homeowner can either: Continue to live in the property and enjoy their reduced outgoings. Sell up and make use of the money made from the sale. Remortgage the property with a residential mortgage to access money without having to sell and move elsewhere.

Is there a penalty for paying off your mortgage? ›

The interest rate differential (IRD) is one type of prepayment charge you may be required to pay to your lender when you pay all or part of the mortgage before the term ends. For most fixed-rate closed mortgages, the prepayment charge is usually 3 months' interest or the IRD, whichever is greater.

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