Short Term vs Long Term Mutual Funds - Key Differences (2024)

Things to keep in mind for investing in long-term funds

Before starting a long-term investment in mutual funds, one should consider the following things:

  • Investors need to have a proper investment strategy to reach their life goals. They must take their risk-taking capacity into account before formulating one. Furthermore, they need to be disciplined enough to stick to theinvestment strategy.
  • A person needs to conduct thorough research to identify the best mutual fund for long-term investment.
  • It is advisable to undertake a comparative analysis because it helps in understanding how a certain fund has performed against its benchmark and peers.
  • It is important to be patient to earn returns from long-term mutual fund investments.
  • Always check the Riskometer tool on our website before investing in a fund. The tool stipulated by SEBI reflects the current risk of the scheme at a given point of time.

Who Might Consider Long-Term Investment Strategies?

Investors with a long-term financial horizon, typically ranging from several years to decades, may consider long-term investment strategies. These investors are often focused on wealth accumulation for major life goals such as retirement, buying a home, or funding their children's education. They are generally willing to endure market volatility, as they have time to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from the power of compounding. Long-term strategies often involve equity-oriented mutual funds, which have historically shown the potential for significant growth over extended periods.

What are short-term mutual funds?

Short-term funds, categorized as debt funds, extend loans to companies for a duration spanning 1 to 3 years. These funds typically focus on reputable companies with a demonstrated history of timely loan repayment and ample cash flows from their business activities to support their borrowing.

How do short-duration funds work?

Let us break down how short-duration funds operate. First, it is crucial to grasp the concept of interest rate risk. This risk refers to how a fund's value reacts to changes in market interest rates. Simply put, longer-term bonds are more sensitive to these fluctuations.

Duration: Think of duration as a measure of a fund's sensitivity to interest rate movements. The higher the duration, the greater the potential for price swings. Short-duration funds, as the name suggests, aim to minimise this risk by primarily investing in securities maturing within 1 to 3 years, as defined by regulatory guidelines.

Investment portfolio: Short-duration funds offer a diversified mix of debt instruments. They might hold:

  • Corporate bonds: Issued by companies, these offer potentially higher returns but carry some credit risk.
  • Government securities: Considered relatively low risk, these are bonds issued by the government.
  • Securitised debt: This involves bundled financial assets like loans or mortgages.
  • Money market instruments: These highly liquid assets, like certificates of deposit (CDs) and treasury bills, provide immediate cash flow.

Generating returns: Short-duration funds earn returns in two ways:

  • Interest income: The fund receives regular interest payments on the debt instruments it holds.
  • Capital gains: When market interest rates fall, existing bonds become more valuable, leading to capital gains. Conversely, rising interest rates cause capital losses. This effect is generally amplified in funds with a higher duration. By strategically managing the fund's duration, managers can attempt to capitalize on favorable interest rate movements.

Short-duration funds offer a balance between potential returns and risk. They provide higher returns compared to ultra-short-term funds while maintaining lower volatility than long-term bond funds. Remember, there's always a trade-off between risk and reward.

Benefits of short-term mutual funds

Short-term mutual funds provide investors with various advantages tailored to their immediate financial needs and risk preferences. These benefits include:

  1. Liquidity: Short-term funds boast high liquidity, enabling investors to swiftly access their funds without incurring substantial penalties or losses, making them suitable for emergency expenses or short-term goals.
  2. Lower volatility: Compared to long-term funds, short-term funds typically exhibit lower volatility, making them an appealing option for risk-averse investors or those with short-term financial objectives seeking stability in their investments.
  3. Flexibility: Investors enjoy the flexibility to reallocate their investments to seize new opportunities without being bound by long-term commitments, offering them the agility to adapt to changing market conditions or investment strategies.
  4. Potential for higher yields: Despite their lower risk profile, short-term funds can still yield attractive returns compared to traditional savings accounts or certificates of deposit, providing investors with the potential for higher yields while maintaining a degree of security.

Things to keep in mind before investing in short-term funds

  • Investors who don't mind taking on some interest rate risk in exchange for better returns can start with short-duration funds.
  • In general, these funds produce reliable short-term incomes. However, if interest rates unexpectedly fluctuate, fund prices may experience significant volatility.
  • When a short-term fund is redeemed after being held for more than three years, the benefit of indexation kicks in, resulting in lower taxes for investors.

Who Might Consider Short-Term Investment Strategies?

Short-term investment strategies are suitable for investors with immediate or near-future financial needs. These could include building an emergency fund, saving for a short-term goal like a vacation, or having cash readily available for unforeseen expenses. Such investors prioritise capital preservation and liquidity over long-term growth. They often choose debt funds or money market funds, which are less volatile and offer quicker access to funds. Short-term strategies focus on minimising risk and maintaining the value of invested capital rather than significant wealth appreciation.

Taxability of short-term funds

Short-term funds are particularly suitable for investors who prioritise safeguarding their capital and earning interest from the debt portfolio.

Regarding taxation, under the Budget 2020 amendments, dividends earned on mutual funds are added to the total income and taxed according to the investor's income tax slab. The taxation of these debt funds is as follows:

  • If the holding period of the debt investment is less than 36 months, it is taxed based on the individual's income tax slab and categorised as a short-term investment.
  • If the holding period of the debt investment exceeds 36 months, it is considered a long-term investment and taxed at 20% with indexation benefits.

Short-term mutual funds offer the option of a growth plan, where the tax treatment mirrors that of a bank fixed deposit. Alternatively, investors can choose dividend options, where the income from the investment is exempt from tax.


To sum up, people need to check their financial goals, and risk appetites and choose long-term or short-term mutual funds accordingly. Financial experts advise people to start investing as soon as possible as it helps to build a substantial corpus by the time one retires.To get more information on mutual funds and start your investment journey, download the Bajaj Finance app. The app also helps you with tools to manage your investments and hence is a one-stop solution to your investment needs.

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Frequently asked questions

Which is better, short term or long term investment?

Short-term vs long-term investments depend on individual financial goals. Short-term investments offer quick returns and liquidity, suitable for immediate needs. Long-term investments provide higher growth potential over time, ideal for building wealth and retirement planning.

Why is long term better than short term investment?

Long-term investments tend to outperform short-term ones due to the power of compounding. They offer higher growth potential, lower transaction costs, and favourable tax treatment. Additionally, long-term investing allows investors to ride out market fluctuations and benefit from overall market growth.

Which is more expensive short term or long term investment?

Short-term investments typically incur higher transaction costs due to frequent buying and selling activities. In contrast, long-term investments often have lower turnover ratios, resulting in reduced expenses associated with trading, making them more cost-effective in the long run.

What are the disadvantages of short term investing?

Short-term investing may involve higher volatility and lower returns compared to long-term investments. Additionally, short-term gains are subject to higher tax rates, and the need for constant monitoring and frequent trading can increase transaction costs, reducing overall profitability.

Which is riskier, short or long-term?

Short-term investments tend to be riskier due to higher market volatility and uncertainty over short periods. Long-term investments offer the potential to withstand market fluctuations and provide smoother returns over extended periods, reducing overall risk.

How many years are considered long term investing?

Long-term investing typically refers to holding investments for more than five years, although the exact duration may vary depending on individual financial goals and risk tolerance. Generally, longer investment horizons allow for the benefits of compounding and market growth to materialise effectively.

Which short-duration mutual funds are recommended for investment in 2024?

The choice of Short Duration Mutual Funds for 2024 investment depends on factors like historical performance, management expertise, and alignment with individual investment goals.

What is the optimal investment duration for short-duration mutual funds?

The ideal investment duration in short-duration mutual funds varies based on individual financial objectives and risk tolerance, but generally, a duration of 1-3 years is advisable to balance growth potential with risk management.

Where do short-duration mutual funds allocate their investments?

Short-duration mutual funds typically invest in a diversified portfolio of short-term debt instruments, including corporate bonds, government securities, and money market instruments, aiming to optimise returns while managing risk exposure.

How long should one remain invested in long-duration mutual funds?

The recommended investment horizon for long-duration mutual funds depends on individual financial goals, but typically, investors should consider staying invested for 5-10 years or more to maximise potential returns and mitigate short-term market volatility.

In what assets do long-duration mutual funds primarily invest?

Long-duration mutual funds primarily allocate their investments to long-term government securities and corporate bonds with maturities exceeding 7 years, aiming to capitalise on potential returns over extended timeframes.

Are long-duration mutual funds considered high risk?

Yes, long-duration mutual funds are generally considered to carry higher risk due to their longer investment horizon, making them more sensitive to interest rate fluctuations and market volatility compared to short-term investments.

What kind of returns can one expect from long-duration mutual funds?

Long-duration mutual funds have the potential to offer higher returns compared to short-term investments like bank deposits or money market funds, but they also entail greater market risk and may experience periods of volatility.

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Short Term vs Long Term Mutual Funds - Key Differences (2024)


Short Term vs Long Term Mutual Funds - Key Differences? ›

Short-term mutual funds aim for returns within a few months to a couple of years. These funds invest in relatively stable instruments like money market securities or short-term bonds. Conversely, long-term mutual funds have a time horizon of several years or even decades.

What is the difference between short-term and long-term mutual funds? ›

Short-term funds are not as sensitive to interest rate movements as long-term mutual fund investments. Short-term investments generate higher returns compared to traditional investments like fixed deposits. Long-term investments in mutual funds generate even better returns along with the benefit of compounding.

What is the difference between short-term and long term investing? ›

Investing Goals: Long-term investment goals typically take years or decades to reach and may include retirement and saving for college. Short-term investing goals may take months or a few years. Examples of short-term investing goals can include saving for a vacation, wedding or home improvement.

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Key takeaways

Short-term goals are within a five-year window, while long-term goals are at least five years out. CDs, money market accounts, and traditional savings accounts are best served for short-term goals. Investing is generally reserved for long-term goals so there's time to withstand performance fluctuations.

What is the difference between short-term debt funds and long term debt funds? ›

Long-term debt funds may give negative returns when interest rates are rising. Short-term debt funds offer a lower return when interest rates fall. Credit risk funds invest your money in bonds of a lower rating. You may lose money if the bond-issuer defaults on principal and interest repayments.

What is the difference between short-term and long-term funds? ›

Short-term financing is a loan you take out and repay over a shorter period of time—generally one to two years. These loans are typically used to cover immediate needs, such as inventory or cash flow fluctuations. In comparison, long-term financing usually comes with multiyear repayment terms.

What is the main difference between short-term and long term plans? ›

Short-term goals are likely measured by weeks, months, or quarters. Long-term goals can be measured by years and may have an undefined timeline. It is much easier to achieve short-term goals because you can easily see progress. Long-term goals are difficult and require patience as there is no immediate obvious payoff.

What is the main difference between short term and long term capital assets? ›

Profits you make from selling assets you've held for a year or less are called short-term capital gains. Alternatively, gains from assets you've held for longer than a year are known as long-term capital gains.

Which is more profitable short term or long term? ›

There are several risks that are involved with investments which is why the stock market has a 50:50 success rate. It is for this reason, that short-term equity investments are considered as risky, whereas long-term investments are considered much more profitable and consistent in terms of returns.

Is short term better than long term? ›

Long-term capital gains are often favored due to their lower tax rate. Short-term investors who frequently buy and sell assets may eventually assume a higher tax liability that can erode their profits or eat into their earnings.

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Some examples of current liabilities that appear on the balance sheet include accounts payable, payroll due, payroll taxes, accrued expenses, short-term notes payable, income taxes, interest payable, accrued interest, utilities, rental fees, and other short-term debts.

Can capital mean anything other than money? ›

While money (currency) and capital may seem like the same thing, they are not. Capital is a much broader term that includes all aspects of a business that can be used to generate revenue and income, i.e., the company's people, investments, patents, trademarks, and other resources.

Is inventory income a temporary account? ›

Is Inventory a Temporary Account? No, inventory is not a temporary account. That's because it shows you how much goods you have at the moment, instead of over a certain month, year, a few years, or any other specific amount of time.

What is the current portion of a mortgage payable? ›

The current portion of long-term debt is the amount of principal and interest of the total debt that is due to be paid within one year's time. This is not to be confused with current debt, which is debt with a maturity of less than one year.

Why is private equity important to business? ›

They emphasize the ability of private equity firms to infuse capital into struggling companies, potentially saving them from bankruptcy and preserving jobs. These firms have the financial resources and strategic expertise to carry out changes needed by whoever owns them while streamlining operations and driving growth.

What is the difference between short term and long term bond funds? ›

Bonds with terms of less than four years are considered short-term bonds. Bonds with terms of 4 to 10 years are considered intermediate-term bonds. Bonds with terms of more than 10 years are considered long-term bonds.

Which is more profitable short-term or long term? ›

There are several risks that are involved with investments which is why the stock market has a 50:50 success rate. It is for this reason, that short-term equity investments are considered as risky, whereas long-term investments are considered much more profitable and consistent in terms of returns.

Why mutual funds are better in long term? ›

Recommendations for specific Mutual Funds will depend on the client's objectives and financial plan. Mutual Funds also offer the opportunity for regular investing through PACs (Preauthorized Contributions) which allow for “dollar-cost averaging” that can potentially support higher long-term returns.

Is short-term better than long term? ›

Long-term capital gains are often favored due to their lower tax rate. Short-term investors who frequently buy and sell assets may eventually assume a higher tax liability that can erode their profits or eat into their earnings.

Is it good to invest in mutual funds for short-term? ›

Investors who want an alternate short-term savings instrument: Short duration funds have the potential to earn more than bank deposits because they earn interest income as well as capital gains.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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