Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (2024)

Change can be thought of as a nasty word that requires persistence, dedication, and oftentimes, pain. In short, change is work. It’s something we can choose to do or something that can be thrustupon us, whether it be changing our diets, changing our outlook, or changing the way in which we handle our money. The latter can easily be the most difficult thing we choose to change. Notice, I said CHOOSE to change.

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (1)By definition, a habit is nothing more thana settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. That last part is what keeps us engaging in the same activity or thought pattern over and over again. But it certainly isn’t impossible to change our habits – even financial ones. Sometimes, the first step in changing our financial habits is to adopt a different mindset. Both Mr. MMM and I learned a long time ago that, in order to reach our goal of financial independence, we needed to shift to a frugal mindset.

Over the course of our lives, we have had many successes and failures, but it wasn’t until we tied the knot that we decided to get serious about our finances and chart a vastly different course – a frugal course. And withone (almost disastrous) decision, we shifted to a frugal mindset and haven’t looked back.

We both grew up in lower middle class families that focused more energy on low cost of living (which is good) and less on investing and building wealth (which isn’t so good). After joining collective forces, Mr. MMM and I thought it best to incorporate low cost of living with building wealth. We have had a long and windy road to get to our current frugal mindset, but we know what we’re doing is the right thing for us and our financial future.

With our eyes firmly planted on the ball (AKA our financial future) we will be able to achieve our goal of financial independence within a few short years. But it wasn’t just a shift in mindset that was necessary to achieve our goals, we also needed to examine each area of our lives in which money can leave our precious grasp. In other words, we needed to put our mindset into ACTION. Here is a sampling of some areas in which we made significant changes or eliminated altogether…

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (2)

This is probably the most important arena where it was vital to our finances to have a frugal mindset. When Mr. MMM and I were planning our amazing wedding, we were also planning to purchase a bigger home. You know, we wanted to move on up. I purchased the house we were living in at the time as my starter house and never intended on staying there any significant length of time. In fact, my actual plan was to eventually turn the house into a rental property and move to a bigger, more adult home.

In my mind, the time had come to jettison the small house and move into a house that could validate oursuccess. Yes, I was that person. The long and short of it is that we found the perfect BIG home and were ready to sign on the dotted line, until we discovered the house had a mold problem that wasn’t easily remedied. On top of that, we were both having anxiety over the amount of money we were about to drop on up-sizing our home. We weren’t just planning to buy a bigger house – we were planning to double the size of our house. Double. After about a month of anxiety we decided to listen to our guts. Our guts were telling us to pull the plug. Thankfully, we were able to do so and still recoup our deposit because of the mold issue with the house.

Since then, we have embraced our smaller home and even turned it into our Dream Home! And we paid cash to do it!

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (3)

Cars! Where would this post be without mentioning cars? We currently own (free and clear) a 2012 Nissan Juke and a 2012 Mazda 3. Both our vehicles have around 80k miles on them and are in good condition inside and out. We don’tuse our cars for frivolous travel and since Mr. MMM works from home, we are mainly a one-car family.

We maintain 2 vehicles because they are both paid off and we would be putting the same amount of miles on a single car if we were to only own one. Having 2 eliminates the hassle that would ensue if we have an emergency with our Mini Monster or Mr. MMM needs to get to the airport at 4am, which happens every few months.

We are of the mindset of buying reasonably-priced cars that will go the distance without costing us a fortune. We fully intend to still be driving these cars 5 – 10 years from now.

Buying clothes is something that can be extremely detrimental to one’s financial health if not kept in check. In fact, I used to spend almost 20% of my take-home pay on buying new clothes. Granted, I was really young and didn’t have access to the financial knowledge I do today. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (4)

So, just how did I spend nearly 20% of my income on clothes? I needed a new outfit for every Friday night I went out with my friends – which was EVERY Friday night. Ridiculous, to say the least. As I grew up and stopped going out all the time, I also scaled back on the constant outlay of cash for new threads. But just because I scaled back doesn’t mean I still wasn’t overspending on clothes. I would say I overspent on clothes for at least a solid decade of my adult life. #frugalfail

Fast forward to a few years ago when I implemented a self-imposed clothes-buying ban. My ban lasted for nearly 2 years before breaking down and buying a few new items. These days, I am extremely conscious of how much I spend on clothes and how long I expect the garments to last. Ideally, any clothes I buy today will last me for YEARS and will be basic/classy in style. Hence, my clothes can be mixed and matched to make many different outfits across several seasons. All told, we are easily saving thousands of dollars each year (in comparison to our peers) by foregoing the latest fashion trends.

To say I have a frugal mindset in terms of clothes buying is an understatement. As far as Mr. MMM’s closet goes, I pretty much need to force him to buy new clothes on an as needed basis. He would be perfectly happy to walk around without tread on his shoes and holes in his shirts. Thankfully, he has been this way his entire life when he came to clothes – so no need to do any mental re-wiring on his end!

Interested in more clothes-related posts? See these:

  • The Empress Has No Clothes: Year Two Of My Clothes-Buying Ban
  • When Buying Stocks Is More Exciting Than Buying Shoes
Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (5)

I do love this category. In the not so distant past, I was one of those people who had the Ultimate HDTV package to the tune of close to $200/month. Yep. I really felt like having The Best cable package was in some way, a status symbol.

Fortunately, Mr. MMM never cared much about TV or sports, so when I suggested we try to scale it back, he didn’t fight me. In fact, his immediate response was, “Cancel it!” So, I did.

In reality, even though we had all the channels anyone could desire, we rarely watched TV. There would be entire weeks that would pass where we wouldn’t even turn the TV on, let alone need the ultimate package we were paying for each month. Taking that $200/month and investing it into low-fee index funds gives me a much bigger rush than having 500 cable channels at my disposal. Check out how cutting the cord will inevitably make you a consummate weirdohere!

We do maintain a Netflix lifeline and it has been more than enough to satiate our television viewing desires. And if there’s something else we want to catch, we try YouTube. So far we haven’t been disappointed. The best part? Mini hasn’t even noticed!

We have always been very good at entertaining ourselves with little to no outlay of cash. We’re fortunate to live in an area that offers plenty of parks, trails, and free events for us to indulge in. We’re not averse to hiking in all kinds of weather or hosting friends in our home for dinner and a movie.

Entertainment doesn’t need to cost money. Sure, hosting friends isn’t free, but it’s certainly much more cost effective to do so than to meet out at a flashy restaurant to buy overpriced food and drink because it’s the expected course of action. We started bucking that trend years ago and couldn’t be happier. Do we even notice our entertainment deprivation? Not. At. All.

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (6)

My biggest past financial downfall was eating out. I absolutely LOVE going out to eat. Everything about it appeals to my senses. I love the food, the atmosphere, the social aspect…everything. This was an area that we had to curtail in order to reach our goals faster. And to be honest, we still struggle with it. There isn’t a week that goes by that we don’t stop ourselves from going out to eat and begrudgingly prepare a meal at home.

Alas, we know the importance of scaling back on eating in restaurants – both for our wallets and waistlines. In order to meet this goal, we do our best to plan out our meals in advance and make certain there are plenty of leftovers for work lunches.

Interestingly, savingmoney on meals was our biggest money-saving hack after our housing and cars.

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (7)

Mr. MMM and I did it up right when it came to getting an education. We both worked our way through school with little or no debt on the back end. While Mr. MMM chose a state school and had his employer pay for most of it. I chose to do 2 years at a community college and then transfer to a private school that offered a healthy academic scholarship to offset the sticker price. I was also able to obtain my graduate degree free of charge thanks to my employer!

This was one facet that we tackled completely independent of one another and still came out ahead. Thankfully, we both made financially savvy decisions when it came to collegeeducation when we were younger. Read all about our educational trials and tribulations here!

Want to read more about college? Check out these posts:

  • You’re Not A Bad Parent If You Can’t Afford To Save For College
  • How To Afford A College Education: Don’t Be An Idiot
  • I Lived In A Trailer To Pay For College: Oh, The Horror
  • Parents: Stop Taking On Student Loan Debt For Your Kids!
Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (8)

Finally, we come to vacations. We LOVEvacations, but not so much that we’re willing to EVER go into debt to go on one. Neither one of us grew up taking fancy family vacations. The best either of us got out of our childhoods was a quick jaunt to the Jersey shore (3 hours away). I’mnot complaining, of course. I’m just stating that we’re fully aware that we can live a fabulously rich life without fabulously expensive vacations. After all, neither of us felt like we wanted for anything as kids.

Now that we’re all grown up, how do we handle vacations you ask? We plan for them and we pay cash. Even our not-so-frugal Disney vacation was paid for with cash. And because we splurged so much on that vacation last year, this year we are doing a more reasonable vacation to the beach. Other options for not overspending on vacations? Engage in a staycation. Our family has done 2 staycations in the last year and had a wonderfully memorable time each time. I highly recommend them if you need a break but don’t have the money for flights and hotel rooms.

This is obviously not an exhaustive list where you can implement a frugal mindset. But it definitely covers the heavy hitters and provides a starting point. Shifting to a frugal mindset was the start of a wonderful life and a bright future for our family.By doing so, we have been able to invest the difference to reach our ultimate goal of financial independence.

By making a mental shift to incorporate frugality into ourlifestyle, we happily discovered that our options increased dramatically. And having options to do more of the things we actually want to do in our lives is worth every bit of perceived deprivation we partake in. With each month that rolls by where we keep our expenses low via a frugal mindset, we get closer and closer to having the option of not having to work a W-2 job at all. That’s not to say we will immediately quit our jobs when we reach our magic number, but it certainly is nice to have the option.

Note: We don’t feel deprived at all. 🙂

What’s YOUR ultimate goal? Do you operate witha frugal mindset? If so, what influenced your shift to frugality?

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (9)

Shifting To A Frugal Mindset Has Given Us Options. Tons Of Options. | Mad Money Monster (2024)


What is frugal mindset? ›

Being frugal means not paying extra when it's avoidable. It means controlling your wants which will limit your expenses. Not everyone will come to the same conclusions about where to cut or reduce expenses.

How do you adopt a frugal mindset? ›

How to Get into the Mindset of Frugal Living
  1. Cultivate Honesty With Yourself and Others. A frugal lifestyle isn't just about guarding what's yours. ...
  2. Become More Value-Minded. Contrary to popular belief, frugality is meant to add value to your life, not take it away. ...
  3. Get Ahead of the Game. ...
  4. Adopting a Frugal Outlook.

How do I get out of a frugal mindset? ›

The easiest way to reduce your frugal habits is by making more money and achieving certain stretch goals. It's when you buy things with money you don't deserve (trust fund, inheritance, lottery, using a credit card, your spouse's income, etc) that your conscience may start making you feel terrible about your spending.

How do you change your mindset when it comes to money? ›

Below, you'll find a few tips to help you create a positive money mindset.
  1. Forgive Your Past Financial Mistakes. ...
  2. Understand Your Thoughts and Emotions Surrounding Money. ...
  3. Realize That Comparing Yourself to Others is a Losing Game. ...
  4. Work on Forming Good Habits. ...
  5. Create a Budget That Brings You Joy. ...
  6. Remember to be Thankful.

What personality type is frugal? ›

Defenders (ISFJ) (69%) were the most likely personality type to identify as frugal, followed closely by their Thinking-type counterparts, the Logisticians (ISTJ) (67%). This is particularly interesting, since Thinking types were generally more likely to agree than Feeling types (57% vs. 55%, respectively).

How to be insanely frugal? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  1. Choose quality over quantity. ...
  2. Prioritize value over price. ...
  3. Use credit wisely. ...
  4. Declutter regularly. ...
  5. Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  6. Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  7. Be a savvy consumer. ...
  8. Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to be frugal like a millionaire? ›

Here are six things frugal self-made millionaires never waste money on.
  1. Sports Equipment. Many might assume that the wealthy would splurge on the best sporting equipment for their hobbies or fitness routines. ...
  2. Financial Advisor Fees. ...
  3. Gym Memberships. ...
  4. Hair Services. ...
  5. Luxury Handbags and Shoes. ...
  6. Streaming Services.
Jul 1, 2024

How to be frugal but not cheap? ›

15 Tips for Living Frugally Without Looking Cheap
  1. Eliminate monthly subscriptions.
  2. Shop for new insurance.
  3. Reduce prescription costs.
  4. Buy used items.
  5. Rent, don't own.
  6. Purchase at the right time.
  7. Buy high-quality products.
  8. Enlist your friends.

What kind of Behaviour makes you frugal? ›

Common techniques of frugality include reduction of waste, curbing costly habits, suppressing instant gratification by means of fiscal self-restraint, seeking efficiency, avoiding traps, defying expensive social norms, detecting and avoiding manipulative advertising, embracing cost-free options, using barter, and ...

How can you tell if someone is frugal? ›

10 Signs You've Mastered the Art of Frugal Living
  1. You Budget Consistently. ...
  2. You Prioritize Needs Over Wants. ...
  3. You Actively Save Money. ...
  4. You Have Little Consumer Debt. ...
  5. You Opt for Sustainable Options. ...
  6. You Make Intentional Spending Choices. ...
  7. You Prioritize Functionality. ...
  8. You Do It Yourself.
Jan 5, 2024

Can frugality be a mental illness? ›

Fear of spending money or excessive frugality is sometimes known as Chrometophobia, a Specific Phobia related to money. Fears about spending money may also be involved in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Is being frugal hereditary? ›

I can blame my ancestors. According to a study, “Genetic Effects on Judgement and Choice,” published in the Journal of Consumer Research, spending habits aren't just learned. They are genetic. I don't need to contact Henry Louis Gates to do genealogical research to see the patterns in my family tree.

How can I change my mindset from poor to rich? ›

Here are 10 habits of “millionaire thinking” for you to try out:
  1. Focus on your goals. ...
  2. Get comfortable with always learning. ...
  3. Put yourself out there. ...
  4. Be patient. ...
  5. Accept mistakes as they come. ...
  6. Don't forget about sleep. ...
  7. Keep growth in mind. ...
  8. Stop making excuses for yourself.

How do you attract money to your mindset? ›

How To Attract Money?
  1. Belief In Your Ability To Attract Money. ...
  2. Take Consistent Action. ...
  3. Create A Positive Mindset Around Money. ...
  4. Visualize Your Desired Outcomes. ...
  5. Give More Than You Receive. ...
  6. Be Grateful For What You Have. ...
  7. Take Risks. ...
  8. Network And Connect With Others.

How do I change my mindset and rewire my brain? ›

Rewiring your brain might sound pretty complicated, but it's absolutely something you can do at home.
  1. Play video games. Yes, you read that right. ...
  2. Learn a new language. Ever considered studying another language? ...
  3. Make some music. Music has several brain benefits. ...
  4. Travel. ...
  5. Exercise. ...
  6. Make art.
Jun 17, 2020

What does frugal minded mean? ›

Britannica Dictionary definition of FRUGAL. [more frugal; most frugal] 1. : careful about spending money or using things when you do not need to : using money or supplies in a very careful way. He's a frugal shopper.

What is an example of frugal behavior? ›

Common techniques of frugality include reduction of waste, curbing costly habits, suppressing instant gratification by means of fiscal self-restraint, seeking efficiency, avoiding traps, defying expensive social norms, detecting and avoiding manipulative advertising, embracing cost-free options, using barter, and ...

What is a frugal attitude? ›

Frugal, economical, thrifty imply careful and saving use of resources. Frugal emphasizes being saving, sometimes excessively saving, especially in such matters as food or dress: frugal almost to the point of being stingy.

What is a frugal person? ›

Frugal people prioritize spending money on things that add value to their life, and they avoid using money for what they don't consider important. Those who are frugal recognize the value of their time, health and happiness over material possessions.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.