She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (2024)

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (1)

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Eye contact plays a vital role in romantic relationships. You can show your interest in a person through it and receive an answer immediately.

However, “if she avoids eye contact with me,” it can indicate things that can help you understand her better.

Prolonged eye contact can sometimes indicate a person’s interest in being with you. This is the reason why it becomes essential to understand if someone is avoiding meeting your gaze.

However, what if she avoids eye contact while talking? Does it mean she isn’t interested in you, or is she shy?

We should first try to understand “What does eye contact mean to a girl to understand on a deeper level” “why does she avoid eye contact?” Learn the answers in this article.

Intentional vs. unintentional lack of eye contact

“She avoids eye contact with me. Is it intentional or not?”

When it comes to eye contact with a girl, you must consider if it’s spontaneous or deliberate.

Maintaining eye contact with someone helps to get their attention. It’s an essential skill in communication as it enables you to remember what people say. Also, it makes people trust you more and be honest with them. It’s a way of saying I value you and what you are saying.

Importantly, maintaining eye contact poses many advantages when you’re just building a relationship with someone. It establishes trust and makes the exchange of feelings and emotions easy.

If she avoids eye contact with you intentionally in a relationship, it indicates that there may be an issue. It could mean that she dislikes you or is hiding something from you. That might make you ask, “Why is avoiding eye contact all of a sudden?”

Nevertheless, it’s best not to jump to conclusions. If you notice that it’s intentional, it’s best to have a discussion and find out why the girl is acting this way.

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (3)

Meanwhile, if you don’t know much about her and she avoids eye contact while talking, she’s probably not interested. She likely doesn’t want to talk to you and wants you to give her space.

It would help if you also observed her closely when she talks. Does she look elsewhere or focus on another thing? If the answer is yes, she may not want a conversation with you. It may be best to leave her and go for someone else in such cases.

Why is she avoiding eye contact all of a sudden? If a girl avoids eye contact, does she love you?

An unintentional lack of eye contact from a girl can happen every day. As such, it’s not as bad as an intentional lack of eye contact. For example, it could be accidental if a girl avoids eye contact when walking past you. In such a case, she will stop gazing and move ahead.

Also, making eye contact with a girl amid a crowd has no hidden meaning. The person’s eyes could be scanning the area, and you may just happen to look in their line of vision at that moment.

So, it’s not enough to assume that eye contact means something unless you summon up the courage and make your intention known to a girl.

Can avoiding eye contact mean attraction?

Yes. Avoiding eye contact can indicate a sign of attraction between two individuals. You might be avoiding eye contact with a girl because you are nervous about speaking. You may catch yourself glancing at her for a long time, and you might look away when her eyes meet yours.

Similarly, a person could be avoiding eye contact with you because they have a crush on you. They may smile when you catch them looking at you and look away immediately.

If you like the girl and want to date her, you should seek how to keep eye contact with a girl. Also, her body language shows if she wants to be with you but won’t look at you directly. That might make you ask, “Why is she avoiding eye contact all of a sudden?’

Related Reading: 10 Powers of Eye Contact in a Relationship

The levels of eye contact in attraction

Research shows that eye contact can not only be used to read someone’s feelings towards you, but also you can use it to communicate your thoughts. It’s a two-way communication.

Additionally, there are different stages of eye contact in attraction. This information will help you make a proper judgment or decision when keeping eye contact with a girl or when a girl avoids eye contact.

1. The unconscious eye contact

Unconscious eye contact happens all the time. Someone looks at you accidentally and immediately looks away. This doesn’t mean they are flirting with you. Your eyes meet because you are in their line of vision or close to it.

2. The conscious eye contact

The conscious eye contact in attraction is intentional. The person attracted to you would probably stare at you for a long, and when their eyes meet yours, they may immediately look away.

We can interpret conscious eye contact to mean that the person has an affection for you but gets nervous or conscious when you meet their gaze.

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (4)

However, you can’t always assume this is the case. A person may also look away because they aren’t interested in you and don’t want to put any ideas into your head.

3. The second eye contact

It’s best to assume the first glance from someone you know or a stranger is accidental. However, if they make eye contact for the second time, it can be because they find you attractive.

4. The lingering stare

As the name implies, the lingering stare means someone gazes at you for a long time. Even when you catch them staring, they don’t look away immediately. This conveys an attraction from the other person towards you.

They may not even realize they are staring at you until someone calls their attention to it. If the feeling is mutual, use this opportunity to start a conversation.

5. Intense eye contact

Intense eye contact from another person is usually more extended and profound. The person wants you to notice them, so they steal every glance they can get from you.

What distinguishes intense eye contact from others is that a smile accompanies the person’s long gaze. It tells you that this person probably wants to talk to you.

What does it mean when a girl avoids eye contact?

To decipher what a girl’s eye contact means, you can’t just tell everything by observing her face; also observe her body language and other reactions. There are many reasons for this.

Below are why a girl avoids eye contact with you and what you can do.

1. She is nervous

Nervousness comes first on the list of the reasons a girl avoids eye contact when walking by. Some people find it difficult to interact well with others. They may have what we call social anxiety disorder.

Socially anxious people get anxious in social situations and events. Since eye contact with you draws attention to them, they may look away as soon as your eyes meet.

In addition, a person dealing with social anxiety will likely avoid eye contact with others, not just you. Other signs that usually give them away as anxious include:

  • Stamping their feet
  • Shaking their hands
  • Speaking soft
  • Laughing loudly when another says something that is not so funny.
  • Starting at items around
  • Tapping the fingers
Related Reading: How to Tell if You Have Anxiety: 10 Signs, Symptoms and Cure

2. She is upset

One of the common ways many women register their annoyance is to avoid eye contact with you before speaking their mind. It can be complicated to deal with as you don’t know your offense at that moment. You may then ask yourself, “Why is she avoiding eye contact all of a sudden?”

This situation also happens if you have always had a good relationship and she changes or avoids eye contact after an argument. If she’s annoyed with you, she might show some of the following signs:

  • Frowning
  • Giving one-word answers
  • Pointing her feet away from you
  • Responding with a high-pitch

3. She is not interested

“She avoids eye contact with me when she walks by. Why?” Perhaps, she isn’t interested in you.

Some girls are smart enough to decipher when someone likes them without speaking.They know and can interpret signs like winking, smiling, and gazing. When they notice a guy staring at them consistently, they may look away immediately. That is to avoid giving you any mixed signals.

Research shows that maintaining and averting eye contact during a conversation is a marker of shared attention and interest.

Besides, if a girl avoids eye contact, there are other signs you will see. She won’t want to be around you or have conversations with you. Even if you do, she will make it short so that she can be on her way. Other signs you will see include:

  • Fake smile
  • Showing tight lips
  • Furrowing her eyebrows
  • Showing impatience
  • Giving short answers, like no, yes, hmm, and nodding

4. She is interested in you

On the contrary, a girl could be avoiding eye contact because she is interested in you. Although nervousness makes her look away, it can be a sign of attraction from her. In that case, she will show other indications that reveal her fondness only for you. Some of the signs are:

  • Pointing her feet at you
  • Stroking her hair when she sees you
  • Squinting her eyes and smiling at the same time
  • Glancing at you
  • Laughing when you talk
  • Giggling
  • Adjusting her dress

Check the other signs that show a girl is attracted to you in this video:

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (5)

5. She is shy

Shy people usually have challenges with social engagement. When you are attracted to someone, you will want to establish consistent eye contact to show them you are interested. For shy people, they can’t afford to do this.

Although not all shy people have social anxiety, some do.

The only way to know she likes you is to talk to her. However, you must be careful. Stay neutral and try not to be confrontational.

Related Reading: How to Stop Being Shy in a Relationship: 15 Tips

6. She lacks confidence

Another reason a girl avoids eye contact is a lack of confidence. She probably doesn’t believe in herself or has convinced herself that her feelings are invalid. Besides, looking someone in the eye while speaking is uncomfortable for people who lack confidence.

When a guy says, “She avoids eye contact with me,” it’s challenging to know if you should date her or not. Unless the girl is upfront about their feelings, you won’t know if you should start a relationship with them or not.

Considering her interaction with other people is best if a girl avoids eye contact. If she avoids eye contact with most people and shows nervousness, it has nothing to do with you.

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (6)

Similarly, it’s best to consider the time and location she avoids eye contact. She likely doesn’t want them to see you together if she only avoids eye contact or acts nervous when others are around.

However, if she avoids eye contact only when you two are alone, she might be interested in you. The signs she shows will lead you to the correct answer.

Related Reading: 20 Things You Can Do To Feel More Confident In A Relationship

How to keep eye contact with a girl

Human eyes are designed to attract one another. So, men who get nervous around women must know how to keep eye contact with a girl. The following points can help:

1. Look for someone you are interested in

If you want to know how to keep eye contact with a girl, it must be with someone you like. Study her to understand what she might like to talk about.

For instance, if you usually see her around the library, that tells you she’s interested in books. Also, if she dresses well, your conversation can start with a compliment about that.

2. Be calm

Even the experts in talking to girls get nervous when meeting someone new. Therefore, it’s normal if you are anxious a bit, but you need to put it in check.

If she avoids eye contact with you, try your best to stay as relaxed as possible. Calmness makes people feel comfortable talking to you, but a tense demeanor will pass a negative message.

3. Don’t stare

Staring at someone isn’t only rude but uncomfortable for the other person. Instead, look at her casually like you would when studying a new environment.

She avoids eye contact with you because she might be preoccupied or unwilling if she doesn’t look back. If it’s the latter, that may signify that she’s interested. Check her body language to be sure.

4. Smile if she gazes back

If you are lucky, and she stares back at you, return the look with a smile. That will make her feel at ease and comfortable in your presence.

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (7)

5. Ensure she breaks the eye contact first

How to keep eye contact with a girl? Try not to break the stare first. Let her do that job.

The more you keep eye contact, the clearer she gets the message that you are interested. Remember, you are the one interested in her.

Breaking eye contact might pass a different message than what you have in mind. If she continues gazing or smiling, she’s interested in you, and that’s your clue to make a move.


Eye contact in a relationship goes beyond random glances and stares. It helps to create trust, confidence, and honesty between spouses. Also, it can strengthen the bond in a relationship.

“She avoids eye contact with me. Why?”

If a girl avoids eye contact with you, it can indicate that she’s interested in you or not. Also, it might mean that she avoids eye contact with people or doesn’t want a conversation with you.

Regardless of the reason, checking her body language and talking to her might tell you why she avoids eye contact.

When looking at the one you like, it’s best to know how to keep eye contact with a girl. This article has shown you proven ways to do that, or you can consult a therapist to help you with social anxiety.

She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? (2024)


She Avoids Eye Contact with Me: What Does It Mean? ›

If a girl avoids eye contact with you, it can indicate that she's interested in you or not. Also, it might mean that she avoids eye contact with people or doesn't want a conversation with you. Regardless of the reason, checking her body language and talking to her might tell you why she avoids eye contact.

What does it mean when a girl purposely avoids eye contact? ›

That's pretty normal. In fact, a lot of women don't make strong eye contact. because they don't wanna seem too eager. They've been socialized. to play a little bit of hard to get.

What does it mean if a girl is not making eye contact? ›

It depends if she looks at you and turns away or ignores you in a rude way or not, because if she does then it means that she doesnt like you, but if she just can't make eye contact with you in a normal or cute way it means she's shy and likes you but just can't make an eye contact with you.

Does avoiding eye contact mean someone likes you? ›

Yes, it is possible. Avoiding eye contact is a common sign of attraction in some cases, as we have already discussed early on. When a guy avoids establishing eye contact, it could be because he likes you or has a crush on you.

What does avoiding eye contact mean? ›

For those without a diagnosed mental health condition, avoidance of eye contact could be related to shyness or a lack of confidence. Looking someone in the eye while speaking can feel uncomfortable for those without a lot of practice making conversation or who tend to prefer not being in the spotlight.

What does it mean when a girl looks away from eye contact? ›

When you catch a girl looking at you and she looks away, it could indicate shyness, embarrassment, or interest. If a girl looks at you and then quickly looks away when you catch her eye, it often means she finds you attractive but might be too shy or nervous to maintain eye contact.

Why does a girl look down when she sees me? ›

Looking down is a sign of submission. If a woman looks down after you lock eyes with her, she is signaling to you that she submits – oftentimes a strong sign of attraction. If a man does the same, he is signaling that he is intimidated by you / does not want to challenge you. As a rule, do not look down for anyone.

Why is she avoiding me? ›

External factors such as stress, family problems, or personal issues can affect someone's behavior. Even if they like you, they might be dealing with their problems and may not want to burden you with their struggles, leading them to withdraw and ignore you.

How to tell if a girl likes you? ›

Look at how she acts when she's around you—open body language, eye contact, and physical touch are signs that she could be interested. See what she says during a conversation; if she likes you, she might compliment you (or even tease you). Get the ball rolling by offering her a smile and striking up a conversation.

Does eye contact mean anything to girls? ›

At the minimum if she keeps making eye contact, she is interested in you. I haven't experienced a girl that makes meaningful eye contacts that I found out was not at least interested in me. Most girls would probably glance but not make eye contact with me when they are not interested.

Is avoiding eye contact attractive? ›

Can avoiding eye contact mean attraction? Yes, avoiding eye contact can be a pretty good sign that a person is into you. For instance, you are in a crowded place, and you notice someone gazing at you, but as soon as your eyes meet, they look away.

What does it mean when someone talks to you but doesn't look at you? ›

They may feel uncomfortable, shy, fearful, self-conscious or insecure. They may also be giving you a clear message that they are not interested in talking to you, or bored with the conversation, or don't agree with something you are saying. Every situation has to be looked at in context.”

Why is my crush avoiding eye contact? ›

Starting to avoid eye contact might signal a lack of interest. If your crush is avoiding your gaze, look at their body language to determine what it means. Crossing their arms and turning away from you can mean they're no longer interested. Avoiding eye contact doesn't automatically mean your crush doesn't like you.

Why is she avoiding my eye contact? ›

If someone's avoiding your gaze, it may be because they're shy or have social anxiety. Eye contact makes them nervous, so they try looking elsewhere. Another possible reason is that they might have a neurodevelopmental disorder like autism or ADHD. In this case, eye contact can be overstimulating.

What does lack of eye contact say? ›

It plays a key role in a social interaction since it represents a person's engagement with a conversation. If you avoid making eye contact with a person, you might be considered to be distracted or even insulting. Sometimes Americans might think you lack confidence or in some cases, that you could be untrustworthy.

Why someone doesn t give you eye contact? ›

When someone avoids making eye contact with you but not with others, it could indicate various things; It might mean they're feeling uncomfortable or anxious around you for some reason. They could be shy, unsure, or possibly hiding something.

Why guys avoid eye contact with the girl they like? ›

Truth be told, in most cases when a man avoids eye contact with a woman, he is simply shy or introverted. Such people restrain from making eye contact so that they can avoid awkward moments, especially in public. If you are thinking of dating a shy guy like him in the future, then be prepared for such awkward moments.

Why does my crush look away when we make eye contact? ›

If your crush catches your eye, notices you looking back, and quickly looks away and down, they likely have feelings for you. This can be a sign that they feel shy or embarrassed about their feelings. If your crush breaks eye contact by looking up or sideways, their gaze might simply be neutral and non-romantic.

What does it mean when a girl can t hold eye contact with a guy? ›

Some have attachment and intimacy issues. Some are uncomfortable with who they are and therefore don't wish to be seen. Some may have something to hide. And others may simply be shy, or inexperienced.

Why does my girl crush avoid eye contact? ›

There could be many reasons why someone avoids eye contact, such as feeling intimidated, being shy, or simply not knowing how to approach the situation. However, with the helpful tips and strategies discussed in this article, you can take an active approach and engage with your crush on a more personal level.

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