Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (2024)

Website Development Hosting

Jun 27, 2024

Paulius Z.

7min Read

So, you’ve decided to start a site – after buying a domain name you need to find a hosting provider that can supply you with server space. There are many types of hosting services available, made to support different types of sites, so it can get overwhelming. No need to worry, because we’ll talk about the two most popular types of web hosting to suit your needs — shared server vs VPS service.

We’ll cover the basics of each one, what kind of features do they offer, and their pros and cons. Let’s get started, shall we?

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (1)

Don’t feel like reading? Sit back and watch our video walkthrough of VPS vs Shared hosting types.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (2)

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Imagine shared hosting as living in an apartment where you have to share places such as the pool, backyard, or a parking lot. In this case, your site will share the same resources, such as CPU, disk space, and memory with other users who are on the same shared hosting server.

Shared hosting is the most affordable website hosting option of all. Unfortunately, your site might have limited bandwidth and will get slow when there’s a lot of traffic crowding websites on the same server as you are.

You can enjoy the pool when it is not crowded, yet you still have to anticipate when everyone goes in, and things get cramped — shared hosting is a lot like that.

  • You’re building a blog or personal site
  • Want to make a small to average-sized company website
  • Have a small budget
  • Don’t know much about web development
  • More beginner-friendly hosting solution
  • Provides a standardized setup
  • Requires less technical expertise
  • Least expensive of all hosting options
  • Often has less bandwidth and storage than VPS
  • Is prone to errors when there is high traffic
  • You have limited access to the back-end
  • It doesn’t grant you root access

What Is VPS

With VPS hosting you’ll still be sharing one physical server, but each user gets a specified set of resources, meaning that other websites on the same server won’t affect you, unlike with shared hosting. While hosting a website on VPS, each user has their own dedicated virtual partition, ensuring that resources are always available to them.

Of course, VPS is more expensive than shared hosting. Setting up VPS hosting also requires advanced technical knowledge making it an unsuitable solution for beginners.

If we’re going to use the same analogy as before, then a VPS partition is like owning a penthouse, or a condo — there are many apartments like it in the building, but you have everything you need and don’t have to share it with anyone else.

Pro Tip

Feel free to read our What is VPS hosting tutorial to learn more about the service.

Why Choose VPS Hosting

  • You’re running a business and plan to expand it in the future
  • Have a larger budget and want to invest in your site
  • Expect high-traffic for your website in the future

VPS Pros

  • VPS hosting grants you root access to your server
  • More memory and bandwidth, easily scalable
  • It is not affected by other site’s traffic
  • Much more stable and faster than shared hosting

VPS Cons

  • Comes at a slightly higher price
  • Needs technical expertise to manage well

The main difference between shared hosting and VPS is that shared hosting provides a package that is already configured and ready to use, limiting your customization options, whereas VPS allows you to configure it however you want. However, because the VPS setup requires some technical knowledge, it may not be the best option for beginners.

In short, shared hosting is the less expensive option, as you share one server with other websites. You are given a limited number of resources but can maintain a small website without spending too much money. VPS hosting, on the other hand, provides greater freedom and performance at a higher cost.

Since knowing the general definitions is not enough, we will provide you with some hosting comparisons between the two hosting types to help you better decide whether to move from shared hosting to VPS or not.

Security and Performance

Security is essential no matter what kind of website you own. Both hosting types are relatively secure and stable methods for hosting your site, but there are some differences.

With shared hosting, your site might be affected when there’s an error on another site. Also, if other sites eat up too much of the shared bandwidth, your website might get slowed down. This is especially crucial if your site hits high traffic numbers.

You can avoid this problem by using VPS, as the partitioned servers make sure each website works accordingly. However, if you lack the technical knowledge of how to take care of your virtual private server you should consider your options. When poorly managed, it can lead to a whole bunch of other problems.

Expert Tip

Apart from upgrading to VPS, you can do two things to optimize hosting – optimize images and set up caching.

For a popular CMS like WordPress, the LiteSpeed Cache plugin offers great caching configuration and requires little technical knowledge and setup time.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (5)

Paulius M.

Web Hosting Monitoring Tech Lead


If you are looking for more advanced options for your site, VPS hosting is more suitable than a shared hosting plan. It grants you root access to the server, so you can install your own OS, control panel and software to optimize site performance and security. If you’re looking for an easy setup, check out Cyberpanel hosting, which comes with a preinstalled easy-to-use control panel.

In contrast, using a shared hosting plan limits you only to standardized server setups. This might be more convenient for people who don’t want to meddle with server management tasks on their own.

Server Administration

If you choose to host your site with shared hosting, there will be little to no technical maintenance required by you. Shared hosting providers will set up the shared server, install and upgrade the necessary software like the cPanel or hPanel, and monitor the servers to avoid downtime and effectively taking care of the back end.

On the other hand, VPS hosting is slightly more complicated when managing resources. It needs somewhat more advanced knowledge to administrate and manage. Fortunately, VPS hosting lets you customize and configure applications and software to increase your website’s performance, offers root access, and allows you to tailor the back end to your needs.

Expert Tip

Hostinger offers several templates for various VPS setups. If you’re not confident in your technical skills, using one of these templates helps to streamline the configuration process.

That said, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the used templates and ensure the software is constantly updated.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (6)

Paulius M.

Web Hosting Monitoring Tech Lead


VPS hosting is much easier to scale up when compared to shared hosting. While shared hosting is a good option for a short-term plan or a small online website, you’ll have more trouble with the overall performance if your site reaches high traffic numbers.

VPS hosting allows you to scale quickly and easily, and if you can predict your site growth, VPS hosting might be a great investment for your future.


Shared hosting wins hands down under this category. However, VPS web hosting prices do justify its greater advantage.

While VPS hosting costs slightly more than the shared hosting plans, they offer more storage space and much more bandwidth when compared to what shared hosting has to offer. As a bonus, you can always check if there is a Hostinger coupon available for any of these types of hosting at the moment.

When to Upgrade Your Hosting Plan?

If you’re already using shared hosting and enjoying it, you might wonder when is the best time to upgrade to a VPS hosting plan. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Do I want more options and freedom for managing my server?
  • Will I get a substantial increase in traffic in the future?
  • Am I hosting more than one website someday?

No matter your choice, there are great benefits to both shared and VPS hosting options. You simply have to weigh in your options.

Expert Tip

Hostinger notifies users when their website has reached its resource limits and therefore should consider upgrading to a different plan.

To check if your site has overloaded its resources, simply go to Hosting → Manage → Order Usage in the hPanel.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (7)

Paulius M.

Web Hosting Monitoring Tech Lead

What Other Web Hosting Types Are There

Besides shared and VPS hosting, many of the best web hosting providers offer other hosting types.

The most common hosting options are cloud hosting, managed WordPress hosting, and dedicated hosting.

With dedicated hosting services, your website will be stored on a single physical server dedicated only for your personal use. You don’t have to share it with anyone else, and you can freely customize it based on your liking. It is, however, the most expensive option out of all of them.

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that comes with more resources and features, such as a dedicated IP address. As a result, it can handle more traffic and more resource-intensive websites. Cloud server hosting price depends on the hosting provider and the plan you choose, but in general, it’s a reasonable mid-market enterprise solution. For example, at Hostinger cloud plans start at ₹699.00/month.

Another common hosting type is WordPress hosting, which is optimized for sites that run on WordPress. The key difference between WordPress hosting vs web hosting is its additional features, such as pre-installed WordPress, WP-CLI, and a staging tool.

Hostinger offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all its hosting plans. Take advantage of this feature to test the available options and find the one that fits your needs best.

Expert Tip

Cloud hosting plans are managed the same way as shared hosting plans – via hPanel. So you don’t need prior technical knowledge to use it.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (8)

Paulius M.

Web Hosting Monitoring Tech Lead


Your hosting plan is heavily based on what you expect from your website. VPS hosting provides you with advantages that shared hosting cannot offer. However, there are benefits to both hosting options.

Before you choose a web hosting plan for your site, consider what kind of features you’re most interested in. Here’s a short recap:

  • Security and Performance. With shared hosting, you’re essentially sharing space with other users on the server. VPS hosting is much more stable and secure but does require additional technical knowledge.
  • Server Administration. Shared hosting is much more suitable for beginners than VPS hosting, yet lacks the freedom of customization than the latter option.
  • Scalability. VPS hosting is much more future proof than shared hosting.
  • Pricing. Both plans have different prices with different benefits, but shared hosting plans is less expensive than owning a virtual private server. Though before making your choice, you should consider all website hosting costs.

In the end, the choice depends on whether you are just starting out and don’t need any additional features that other hosting types have to offer. No matter your pick, we hope that this guide has been useful to you.

When Is the Right Time To Switch From Shared Hosting to VPS Hosting?

The right time to switch from shared hosting to VPS hosting often occurs when your website’s traffic volume begins to increase steadily, and you need more resources to keep offering a great user experience.

How Many Websites Can You Host on VPS?

With VPS Hosting, you won’t have limitations on the number of hosted websites, since you are in charge of allocating the server resources according to your needs.

Is Shared Hosting Better for SEO?

Shared Hosting can have an impact on your search engine rankings, especially if you’re sharing your server with many spammy websites. Shared Hosting can also result in slower page speeds, since you’re sharing the server’s resources with other websites.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (9)

The author

Paulius Zunda

Paulius is as a Content Editor who excels in creating engaging technology-based content, while his keen eye for detail ensures accuracy in all aspects of his work. In addition to his role, Paulius brings 4+ years of valuable experience to the team, with a particular knack for crafting YouTube-related content. Beyond his professional know-how, he is more than willing to talk to you about everything board games.

More from Paulius Zunda

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You (2024)


Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One Is for You? ›

While shared hosting offers affordability and simplicity, making it suitable for small websites with low traffic, a VPS provides dedicated resources, flexibility, and scalability. This makes VPS ideal for resource-intensive websites that require more control and customization.

Is shared hosting better? ›

Dedicated hosting is ideal for high-traffic sites or applications requiring robust performance and reliability, whereas shared hosting is generally more suitable for smaller websites with less demanding requirements due to its cost-effectiveness and lower resource allocation.

Is VPS better than web hosting? ›

Using a VPS is the next logical step up from using a web hosting plan. A VPS offers a wider range of options, and more flexibility in terms of configuration, access and features (root access, Apache PHP. init). You can also install an SSL certificate and any other software you want.

What is the difference between shared hosting VPS & dedicated servers? ›

While VPS hosting is less scalable than shared hosting, it's more scalable than dedicated hosting since users can pay for more server space as they grow. Plus, VPS hosting comes with some customizability, which is also great for scaling.

When should I choose a VPS host? ›

Q: Do I need VPS hosting? A: VPS hosting is a much better choice over shared hosting for many reasons. Website traffic typically grows over time, and if you find yourself outgrowing your plan, it is typically time to move on with a VPS plan.

What are the disadvantages of shared hosting? ›

Disadvantages of Shared Hosting
  • Limited resources. Sharing resources with other websites means limited storage space, bandwidth, and CPU power. ...
  • No root access. Root access gives you the highest level of access to the server. ...
  • Shared IP. Apart from resources, you'll also share an IP address with other users.
Sep 6, 2024

Is VPS hosting more secure than shared hosting? ›

VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting is a type of web hosting that uses virtualization technology to provide you with dedicated (private) resources on a server with multiple users. It's a more secure and stable solution than shared hosting where you do not have a dedicated server space.

Is shared hosting slower than VPS? ›

As a result, VPS hosting generally offers faster load times, while shared hosting can be slower if other websites on the server consume resources. VPS hosting typically also has better uptime due to fewer websites sharing the server, while shared hosting may experience more downtime if any single website causes issues.

Do I really need VPS hosting? ›

It offers a balance between performance, security, and control, making it a popular choice for many. Whether you're experiencing performance issues, need more customization, or anticipate growth, VPS hosting provides the resources and flexibility needed to support your website or application.

What is the difference between VPS and shared hosting for WordPress? ›

Overall, with VPS hosting you'll have more control and flexibility over your websites compared to a shared or managed WordPress hosting plan. Finally, when it comes to cost, although more expensive than shared hosting, a VPS server is normally much cheaper than a dedicated server.

Is VPS better than dedicated? ›

Dedicated hosting plans offer improved capacity but at increased cost. In contrast, a VPS provides a good balance between performance and affordability. Although resources are shared, the virtualization technology ensures that each VPS has allocated resources and operates independently.

What is the difference between VPS and hybrid server? ›

Differences Between Hybrid Servers and Dedicated Servers:

In short, the hybrid server is much like the VPS server. The only difference is that it is split further into large chunks for delivering advantages like a dedicated server for a much lower price.

What is a VPS best for? ›

A VPS—or virtual private server—is a virtual machine that provides virtualized server resources on a physical server that is shared with other users. With VPS hosting, you get dedicated server space with a reserved amount of resources, offering greater control and customization than shared hosting.

Why is VPS hosting so expensive? ›

At the same time, the number of users occupying the same physical machine is smaller compared to a shared setup, and the technology powering VPS accounts is more complex. As a result, VPS plans are both more powerful and more expensive than shared ones.

When should I switch to VPS? ›

An increase in traffic to your website

As website traffic starts to expand, one of the primary reasons to think about moving to VPS hosting is when it happens. Multiple websites can be hosted on a single server under shared hosting plans, which allow them to share resources like CPU and RAM.

Is dedicated hosting faster than shared hosting? ›

Generally, if we compare the performance of Shared and Dedicated servers, the later will be faster and more reliable as it offers more resources like CPU, RAM, etc and those resources are used only by your websites.

Is shared hosting less secure? ›

Conclusion. Websites on shared hosting is easy prey to cross-site contamination, malicious traffic, DDoS attack vectors, etc. A real-time, comprehensive monitoring system is what you need to ensure your website is well protected. Astra Firewall is known to block these attacks in addition to 100+ more threats.

Why is shared hosting cheaper? ›

In a shared hosting environment, the web host stores and manages data from more than one website. Since the cost is shared between multiple sites, it's usually a less expensive type of hosting. For instance, at Hostinger, web hosting plans start at only £2.59/month.

Is shared hosting good for beginners? ›

Shared hosting is an affordable and user-friendly way to host a website, making it a great option for beginners. If you've been thinking about getting shared hosting for your website, we'll discuss how it works and what factors to consider when choosing a web host.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.