Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University (2024)

Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University (1)

Falling in love is one of the best feelings in the world. It’s exhilarating, overwhelming, and even euphoric. But once the romantic bliss fades (and it inevitably does), sticky issues like misunderstandings, heated arguments, blame games, or simply growing apart due to differences can drive a wedge in your relationship.

Is it any wonder Stanford research reveals nearly 70% of heterosexual unmarried couples break up within the first year? Or that first marriages have a 40% chance of divorce, with subsequent marriages having an even higher chance of failure? To avoid becoming a grim relationship statistic, it’s crucial to learn effective conflict resolution strategies. Check out these seven conflict resolution tips for couples to help navigate and resolve disputes, fostering a healthier and more resilient relationship.

Table of Contents
  • Our Seven Conflict Resolution Tips
  • Other Conflict Resolution Strategies
  • NU Believes Counseling Can Make aDifference

Our Seven Conflict Resolution Tips

1. Directly express your thoughts and feelings

At times, you may decide to keep your grievances with your partner to yourself and bring them up at some later date. But before you know it, those unspoken grievances can accumulate and gain emotional velocity like a tornado. It’s crucial that you and your partner directly express what’s bothering you in a firm, honest, and caring manner.

To do so, open the discussion by showing consideration for your loved one’s feelings by saying, “I care about our relationship.” Or, “I know you don’t mean to upset me.” Next, describe the behavior you’d like your partner to change in clear detail and express the feelings you are experiencing, whether you’re angry, hurt, irritated, frustrated, or confused. Then ask for a specific change, such as, “I would rather you speak to me in a quiet tone.” Or, “I would like it if you’d wait until I finish my sentence before talking.” Finally, ask for an agreement at the end of the request: “Are you willing to agree to that?”

2. Don’t Blame Your Partner

The reasons why you may be tempted to blame your partner for problems are endless — whether it’s something they said, did, or didn’t do. But nothing good will come of it because the person taking the blame will feel attacked, forcing them to respond to the blame instead of the problem at hand. Imagine a scenario in which a partner says, “You’re crazy for thinking that!” Immediately the blame is shifted away from the issue, such as a fear of infidelity. Immediately the other partner will go on the defensive: “I’m crazy? You’re the one who’s crazy!”

So, here’s a tip on how to handle conflict in a relationship: Avoid the blame game. It’s better to respond with “I feel” statements that keep the focus on the issue at hand. An example is: “I feel angry when I’m alone, and you’re out with your friends.” Or, “I feel frustrated that the trash hasn’t been taken out yet.” This approach leads to better communication — and better results — by honoring the feelings of your partner without putting them down.

3. Stick to One Argument at a Time

Sometimes an argument that starts on one topic doesn’t stay on the same theme. Before you know it, a heated argument can veer in different directions, like a car that’s hit a patch of black ice on a wintery day. Beware of slippery road conditions in your relationship and stick to one argument at a time. If you move away from the one simple idea, the argument will be lost in a fog of related but unnecessary issues. Your ability to solve one problem will get lost in the shuffle of trying to solve many problems, causing an argument to go nowhere. Couples who stick to one argument have a much better chance of finding one solution. With an attitude of patience and understanding, each partner has time to process their feelings and reach a solution before changing the subject.

4. Communication is Key

You’ve heard it so many times it may sound like a broken record. But it still holds true: Healthy communication between partners is the bedrock of any successful relationship. What are examples of healthy communication? It includes active listening, making eye contact and giving your partner your full attention as they speak, and responding appropriately. It’s about maintaining a conversational tone and keeping your body language respectful, engaged, and open. It uses “I” statements that express feelings instead of assigning blame. And it’s the willingness to acknowledge when you’re wrong. By adding all these ingredients, you have the recipe for a relationship that can be your bedrock for love and harmony.

5. Stay Open-Minded

Among conflict resolution techniques for couples, remaining open-minded during disagreements increases the odds of finding a peaceful resolution. It’s easy to get caught up on your side of an argument, but it shuts down your ability to be flexible and understand your partner’s concerns. Instead, couples need to set their egos aside and remain objective, considering both sides of the coin without bias or personal gain. By doing so, it opens the door for a reasonable discussion and the opportunity to understand and accept your partner’s viewpoint. When couples can be open-minded and objective, they are well-suited to handle the challenges life throws their way.

6. Don’t sweat the small stuff

A popular self-help book titled “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson offers advice on how to not let little things bother you. Everyday annoyances and stresses can become a big problem for your relationship if you let them interfere with your ability to accomplish tasks and enjoy activities. The book reminds us that most things we worry and stress about don’t even matter. Carlson also advises readers to let go of their need for things to be perfect and try to accept and love things just as they are — in all of their imperfections. To keep things in perspective, he recommends developing compassion for other people and their problems, which frees you from obsessing about your own troubles. And if patience doesn’t come naturally to you, practice it by seeing if you can be patient for 10 minutes (and gradually build up the time you can keep your cool).

7. Assume your partner has good intentions

Your partner didn’t take the trash out again. They showed up late when you asked them to be on time. They didn’t respond to your text right away. Do you find yourself jumping to negative conclusions about your partner in situations like these, and react accordingly? It’s only natural to make assumptions about other people’s behavior, but it’s not exactly a way to promote harmony at home. Instead, take a breath and ask yourself, “What am I assuming here?” And, “is it time to reframe?” Reframing allows you to consider other possibilities after your mind conjures up a negative interpretation. Next, look for positive interpretations of your partner’s behavior, such as perhaps they’re just tired or aren’t paying attention. Better yet, if you’re not sure, then ask.

Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University (2)

Other Conflict Resolution Strategies

In addition to the strategies already discussed, several other conflict resolution approaches can help couples maintain a healthy relationship. One effective method is practicing active listening, where each partner takes turns speaking and listening without interruption. This ensures both parties feel heard and understood, fostering mutual respect.

Additionally, asking open-ended questions can facilitate deeper conversations and uncover underlying issues. Questions like “How do you feel about this situation?” or “What can we do to improve our communication?” can lead to more meaningful dialogue and solutions.

Another valuable strategy is taking a timeout during heated arguments. When emotions run high, stepping away for a short period can prevent escalation and allow both partners to cool down a part, leading to more productive discussions later.

Seeking external support from a mediator or therapist can also be beneficial. A neutral third party can provide new perspectives and resolutions to help couples navigate complex issues more effectively. By incorporating these additional conflict resolution strategies, couples can enhance their ability to resolve disputes and strengthen their relationship.

Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University (3)

NU Believes Counseling Can Make aDifference

Whether you’re a newlywed or your marriage is well into its prime, counseling services that offer conflict resolution management can lead to extraordinary breakthroughs in conflict management. National University is a firm believer in the benefits that counselors can offer to their communities, and its Marriage and Family Therapy program (MFT) is the perfect way to gain industry knowledge while preparing you for practice. The online MFT program gives you an in-depth perspective to help others navigate their life challenges and personal conflicts.

Through interactive programs, case studies, and quality training experiences, you’ll develop a wealth of thinking and research skills that you can extend to your clients, ultimately helping them lead better lives and resolve conflicts. NU offers the first distance-based program to receive certification from theCommission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), which means you can trust that your education encompasses the latest conflict resolution skills, techniques, and practices.

Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University (2024)


Seven Conflict Resolution Tips for Couples | National University? ›

John Gottman found that 69% of what couples fight about are not solvable problems. They are perpetual conflicts that have to do with fundamental differences between couples, differences in personality or needs that are fundamental to their core definition of self.

What are the 7 steps in conflict resolution? ›

Start by following these seven key steps.
  • Bring both parties together. ...
  • Lay out the ground rules. ...
  • Find the root cause of the conflict. ...
  • Actively listen as each side has their say. ...
  • Establish a desired outcome. ...
  • Get participants to suggest potential solutions. ...
  • Agree on a resolution and what must be done to make it happen.
Nov 3, 2021

What are 7 tips for managing and resolve conflict? ›

7 Strategies to Handle and Resolve Conflicts
  • 1) Determine if the problem is worth discussing. ...
  • 2) Use the right body language. ...
  • 3) Focus on the facts not personal opinions. ...
  • 4) Allow everyone to speak. ...
  • 5) Be mindful of the language you use. ...
  • 6) Approach the problem with empathy. ...
  • 7) Refocus the conversation on solutions.

How to resolve conflict with Gottman method? ›

7 Gottman-Approved Ways To Resolve Conflicts In Marriage
  1. Engage in an Open Dialogue About It. ...
  2. Seek to Understand. ...
  3. Soften Your Startup. ...
  4. Repair and De-escalate. ...
  5. Showing Empathy After a Conflict. ...
  6. Accept Influence. ...
  7. Compromise. ...
  8. Seek Guidance From Gottman-Certified Relationship Therapists.

Are 69% of problems unsolvable? ›

John Gottman found that 69% of what couples fight about are not solvable problems. They are perpetual conflicts that have to do with fundamental differences between couples, differences in personality or needs that are fundamental to their core definition of self.

What are the 3 C's for resolving a conflict? ›

In conflict management, or any kind of mediation exercise, there are three principle decision models: Capitulation, Compromise, and Collaboration (the 5C version also lists Consensus and Co-existence, but in my experience, both can be achieved through any of the original three options).

What are the 4 C's of conflict resolution? ›

By: When it comes to managing conflict remotely, there are four C's that matter: Commitment, Communication, Conflict Resolution, and Camaraderie in a framework developed by attorney, mediator, negotiator and conflict resolution expert Damali Peterman.

How to conflict resolution in a relationship? ›

Our Seven Conflict Resolution Tips
  1. Directly express your thoughts and feelings. ...
  2. Don't Blame Your Partner. ...
  3. Stick to One Argument at a Time. ...
  4. Communication is Key. ...
  5. Stay Open-Minded. ...
  6. Don't sweat the small stuff. ...
  7. Assume your partner has good intentions.

What are 8 strategies for resolving conflict? ›

Dealing with conflict in constructive ways will help you maintain and enhance business productivity and achieve professional results in a fair, open and transparent manner.
  • Be aware. ...
  • Be proactive. ...
  • Seek to understand all sides of the issue. ...
  • Initiate dialogue. ...
  • Know when to ask for help. ...
  • Assess your options. ...
  • Take action.
Dec 16, 2020

What are the 6 C's of conflict management? ›

The theory of conflict management depicted using the Six C's model (Context, Condition, Causes, Consequences, Contingencies, and Covariance) (Glaser, 1978)

What are the 7 principles that make marriage work by John Gottman summary? ›

These principles include: enhancing their "love maps"; nurturing their fondness and admiration; turning toward each other instead of away; letting their spouse influence them; solving their solvable problems; overcoming gridlock; and creating a shared sense of meaning.

What is the 5 5 5 method of conflict? ›

The 5-5-5 method is simple, according to Clarke. When a disagreement comes up, each partner will take 5 minutes to speak while the other simply listens, and then they use the final five minutes to talk it through.

What are the 7 ways to make marriage work John Gottman? ›

Gottman's 7 Principles
  • 1) Sharing love maps.
  • 2) Nurturing fondness and admiration.
  • 3) Turning toward each other, instead of away.
  • 4) Letting your partner influence you.
  • 5) Solving your solvable problems.
  • 6) Overcoming gridlock.
  • 7) Creating shared meaning together.
Oct 26, 2022

How do you prove a problem is unsolvable? ›

Proof techniques
  1. Contradiction. One of the widely used types of impossibility proof is proof by contradiction. ...
  2. By descent. Main article: Proof by infinite descent. ...
  3. Counterexample. The obvious way to disprove an impossibility conjecture is by providing a single counterexample.

What is an example of an unsolvable problem? ›

One of well known unsolvable problems is the halting problem. It asks the following question: Given an arbitrary Turing machine M over alphabet = { a , b } , and an arbitrary string w over , does M halt when it is given w as an input ? It can be shown that the halting problem is not decidable, hence unsolvable.

How do you solve unsolvable? ›

“Unsolvable problems” are not as unsolvable as you think. If you let go of your assumptions and step back, you can reframe your problem and identify things that you can do to knock down that wall and solve it once and for all.

What are the 6 C's of conflict resolution? ›

The theory of conflict management depicted using the Six C's model (Context, Condition, Causes, Consequences, Contingencies, and Covariance) (Glaser, 1978)

What are the basic steps of a conflict resolution process? ›

The Five Steps to Conflict Resolution
  • Step 1: Identify the source of the conflict. The more information about the cause of the conflict, the more easily it can be resolved. ...
  • Step 2: Look beyond the incident. ...
  • Step 3: Request solutions. ...
  • Step 4: Identify solutions both disputants can support. ...
  • Step 5: Agreement.

What are the 5 A's of conflict resolution? ›

Five A's Technique

Borisoff and Victor identify five steps in the conflict management process that they called the "five A's" of conflict management − assessment, acknowledgement, attitude, action, and analysis.

What are the 4 A's of conflict resolution? ›

When looking to resolve team conflict, look for the 4 A's: acknowledge, accept, appreciate, and apologize. Acknowledge that a problem or conflict exists. Accept responsibility for creating the conflict. Appreciate the interests of all parties.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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