Server-Side Rendering vs Client-Side Rendering: Which one is Good? (2024)

Gone are the days when websites were only static pages displaying content. In today’s world, websites are much more robust and dynamic than ever before. In fact, with the introduction of Progressive Web App (PWA), the websites now look and feel like a mobile application. Also, with the growing importance of technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the need to create quick, responsive web pages is the need of the hour. This makes it very important to decide which web rendering technique to choose when creating your website. We have been introduced to various rendering techniques in the past, and each has had its pros and cons. In this article, we’ll talk about the two most streamlined rendering techniques: Server-side Rendering (SSR) and Client-side Rendering (CSR).

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

What is SSR?

In SSR, all page resources are rendered on the server rather than the browser. The server sends fully rendered HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and Javascript to the client when a request is made. SSR is very popular among React and Angular frameworks as they provide some pretty neat integration methods.

How does SSR work?

For a better understanding, let us dive deeper into how SSR works:

Server-Side Rendering vs Client-Side Rendering: Which one is Good? (1)

  1. The user requests for a web page (via a browser).
  2. The browser then connects to the server, which already has the pre-rendered HTML and CSS code for the page.
  3. The HTML and CSS are displayed on the user’s browser, but the page is not yet interactive.
  4. The browser then downloads the Javascript of the page, which is readily available on the server.
  5. The user can now view the page and interact with the elements.
  6. The browser executes the Javascript (DOM, or Document Object Model, is fully rendered).
  7. The page is now fully loaded and can respond to the interactions made by the user.

Advantages of server-side rendering (SSR)

  • Faster initial page load time – This provides a good user experience.
  • Better SEO – Due to the faster initial load time, search engine bots can crawl and index pages better.
  • Optimal for users with a slow internet connection – They can see the rendered HTML while the JS is processing.
  • Excellent Social Media Optimization (SMO) – Whenever you copy a page link and send it to others or post it on social media, a nice preview will show up with the page title, description, and image.

Disadvantages of server-side rendering (SSR)

  • High server load – The browser keeps sending requests to the server as all page resources are located on the server.
  • Time consuming – Rendering big applications on the server can be time-consuming.
  • Less interactive – While the page is visible to users, they cannot interact with it.
  • Slow TTFB (Time to first byte) – this happens because the server requires time to process the rendered HTML to respond to the first request.

Client-Side Rendring (CSR)

What is CSR?

CSR is a technique where all the page resources are rendered on the client’s browser rather than the server. This is done using the Javascript framework that compiles and generates code at the browser-end. CSR can be incorporated with the help of Javascript frameworks and libraries like Angular, VueJS and React SSR.

How does CSR work?

Here’s a breakdown of how CSR rendering works:

Server-Side Rendering vs Client-Side Rendering: Which one is Good? (2)

  1. The user requests for a web page (via a browser).
  2. The server/CDN (Content Delivery Network) responds to the request with a an HTML page that contains links to essential Javascript files.
  3. The page is not visible to the user and only a page with a loading sign can be seen.
  4. The browser downloads the Javascript through the links in the HTML.
  5. The Javascript is then executed through the framework. The user can only see placeholders at this stage.
  6. The final request is sent to the server for the final render.
  7. The user can now see and interact with the page.

Advantages of CSR

  • Renders fast – The page renders quickly after the initial page load time.
  • Offers quicker navigation of the website – This is possible because placeholders are loaded first.
  • Puts less load on server – The Javascript is executed on the client’s browser, putting less load on the server.
  • Works amazing with PWA (Progressive Web Apps) – Again, this is because the code can be entirely rendered on the browser.
  • Is interactive – The rendered page is interactive.

Disadvantages of CSR

  • Loads slowly – The HTML, CSS and Javascript have to be rendered first and then displayed to the user, increasing the time taken to load the initial page.
  • Hampers SEO if not implemented correctly – This can increase your page speed and can be unresponsive for the user.
  • Delays crawling and indexing – The search engine bot has to wait for all the page resources to load.
  • Relies on external libraries – To achieve the best results, it has to be combined with external libraries and frameworks.

SSR or CSR – Which one is the best for me?

Both of these rendering techniques are robust and can enhance user experience if implemented correctly. The SSR and CSR approaches have their pros and cons. It all boils down to which rendering techniques suit the needs of your website. And the expertise you have with frameworks.

Here are some important things to consider when making a decision

  • Page Load Time

Page load time is an important metric, especially in the current SEO landscape. The faster your page loads, the better it is for users and search engine spiders.

The initial page load time in SSR is faster than CSR. When compared, SSR loads 1-1.5 seconds faster than CSR. This is because, in SSR, the server responds by sending pre-rendered HTML, which can be viewed by the user. In CSR, on the other hand, the entire code (HTML, CSS and Javascript) needs to be rendered before the user can interact with it. Once the initial page loads, we see the SSR in all its glory.

  • Caching

Caching is a technique where important, reusable scripts are stored in the client’s browser. This saves time as the cached scripts don’t need to be loaded again when a user revisits the website. This is mainly used in PWA. CSR practically wins this one, hands down. In CSR, once the page is loaded and executed, it does not need to make any requests to the server and almost works like a desktop application. In some scenarios (when the Javascript does not trigger API for calls to the server) it can also pretty much load without an Internet connection. In SSR, since the page resources lie on the server, the browser needs to send timely requests to the server.

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is king in digital marketing. And in the race to capture the organic traffic, Javascript SEO is a technique you have to engage with. Javascript SEO, in simple terms, is the ability of ensuring that all your javascript content (.js) on the website is correctly loaded, rendered, indexed and displayed on the Google SERP. Rendering plays a vital role in this.

Let’s cut to the chase, SSR is a friend of SEO. In SEO, the search engine spiders come to your website to crawl and index your metadata and content. When SSR is implemented, search engine spiders get the data they are looking for as the pre-rendered HTML is sent during the first request. However, in CSR, search engine spiders have to wait for the entire code (HTML, CSS and Javascript) to be rendered to start crawling the website.

What does Google say?

Google has had its issues with Javascript, which now, according to Google, seem to be resolved. In Google IO 2019, Google had announced that the best solution for rendering is SSR with hydration.

You can read more about it here.


The SSR technique has a slight edge as compared to CSR. SSR is a traditional rendering method and the most reliable one. You can’t go too wrong with this approach.

In comparison, CSR is a new method of rendering brought to the limelight due to some crazy framework integrations in Angular and React JS. It’s great for newly developed web applications. The problem, however, is that, if not implemented correctly, CSR can hamper user experience to a great extent. So, SSR or CSR? We’ll let you decide.

We hope this article helped you understand the basics of SSR and CSR. Let us know in the comments section which approach would you take for rendering your website and why you opted for it.

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Server-Side Rendering vs Client-Side Rendering: Which one is Good? (2024)


Server-Side Rendering vs Client-Side Rendering: Which one is Good? ›

Server-side rendering is ideal for static HTML site generation, but in more complex applications, frequent server requests and full page reloads can result in overall slower page rendering. Problems with compatibility. A number of third-party libraries and tools are incompatible with server-side rendering.

Is server-side rendering always better? ›

Server-side rendering is ideal for static HTML site generation, but in more complex applications, frequent server requests and full page reloads can result in overall slower page rendering. Problems with compatibility. A number of third-party libraries and tools are incompatible with server-side rendering.

Which is better SSR or CSR? ›

Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Client Side Rendering (CSR) are two popular techniques for rendering web pages. SSR is better for websites that have a lot of dynamic content and need to be crawled by search engines. CSR is better for web applications that require fast and seamless user interactions.

Is server-side rendering more secure than client-side rendering? ›

Improved Data Security and Compliance

With server-side rendering, even if you call on information in relational databases or NoSQL data stores, that information never goes to the front-end and is never delivered to the client, protecting data privacy and ensuring compliance.

What are the advantages of client-side rendering? ›

Benefits of Client-Side Rendering

Faster Page Loads: Because the client only requests a minimal HTML file from the server, which contains the necessary JavaScript and CSS files, the page can load more quickly. This can be particularly beneficial for mobile users, who may have limited bandwidth.

Which is better client-side or server-side? ›

Client-side processes are executed on the user's device after the web application is delivered. Server-side processes have more access to resources and are more secure, while client-side processes have less access to resources and are potentially less secure.

Is server-side or client-side validation better? ›

In general, it is best to perform input validation on both the client side and server side. Client-side input validation can help reduce server load and can prevent malicious users from submitting invalid data. However, client-side input validation is not a substitute for server-side input validation.

Is SSR good for performance? ›

Increased performance

SSR means there is no need for loaders or spinners for the initial load. This means that, generally speaking, SSR will outperform CSR.

Does Facebook use server-side rendering? ›

Many popular JavaScript frameworks, including Angular and React, use server-side rendering. Social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter also use rendered content before it's sent to the user.

Which is fast SSR or CSR? ›

In CSR, the initial page load takes longer compared to SSR because it requires more JavaScript to be downloaded and parsed. A second HTTP request needs to be made to load the content then more JavaScript is needed to generate the template.

Why not use SSR? ›

SSR works great for static pages, but with more interactive and complex page content, frequent full page reloads and requests can actually result in poor performance and slower page rendering.

Is client-side rendering slower? ›

With client-side rendering, the initial page load is naturally a bit slow. However, after that, every subsequent page load is very fast. In this approach, communication with server happens only for getting the run-time data. Moreover, there is no need to reload the entire UI after every call to the server.

Why would you want server-side rendering? ›

SSR leads to a faster web

Because the HTML is rendered by the server, the browser can display the content as soon as it transmits over the wire — much faster than a user would experience through CSR.

What are the disadvantages of client-side server? ›

The biggest drawback to client-side scripting is it's not secure because the code is transmitted in the form of a message to the client and, therefore, accessible to it when the user checks the sources of his website page. In other words, the code is typically visible.

Why use client-side programming? ›

The two main benefits of client-side scripting are: The user's actions will result in an immediate response because they don't require a trip to the server. Fewer resources are used and needed on the web-server.

Which of the following are advantages of server-side processing over client-side processing? ›

As such, here is a reminder of the top five benefits of server-side rendering.
  • Improved data security and PIPA compliance. ...
  • Improve page load time with minimized network latency. ...
  • Predictable server-side processing performance. ...
  • Accurate user metrics. ...
  • Fewer browser compatibility issues.
Feb 28, 2020

What is server-side vs client-side rendering advantages and disadvantages? ›

Server-side rendering is usually the choice for SEO-dependent websites with static content, while client-side rendering is used to render dynamic content and improve the user experience.

Is Python a server-side or client-side? ›

Server-side code can be written in any number of programming languages — examples of popular server-side web languages include PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, and JavaScript (NodeJS).

What are the two good reasons to perform client-side validation? ›

Additionally, client-side validation can provide immediate and interactive feedback to the user, and improve the user experience and interface, while server-side validation can provide final and authoritative validation, and ensure the data integrity and security.

What are the advantages of client-side validation over server-side validation? ›

The advantages to using client-side validation are two-fold users receive feedback quicker (no need to go off to the server, process the information, then download another HTML page), and also it saves load on the server - more work is done on the client side.

What is the difference between client-side and server-side development? ›

Client-side developers focus on creating the parts of a website or application that users can view, such as visual design elements and webpage layouts. Server-side developers focus on more hidden components, such as how an application transmits data to a server.

Does React use server-side rendering? ›

Server−side rendering in React is an excellent option for rendering web pages to improve initial page load speed, distribution of content, SEO, and user experience. The best thing about server−side rendering in React is the availability of platforms and frameworks that make complex concepts easier to implement.

Does Amazon use server-side rendering? ›

Server side render everything is server side rendered and has no client side rendering framework.

What websites use SSR? ›

Server Side Rendering(SSR) is a technology associated with fetching and rendering web pages on browsers. It is an application's ability to convert HTML files on the server into a fully rendered HTML page for the client. There are many popular websites such as Facebook, Github and LinkedIn that use SSR.

What is the alternative to SSR? ›

Razzle is an alternative SSR framework for React and pretty much any other JavaScript framework available and to come. There are frameworks like Next. js and there's equally the react-server , but all of these do not entirely solve the problems associated with server rendering.

Why SSR over CSR? ›

Advantages of SSR

Faster load time for the initial page render that a CSR App, since the HTML received from the server can be quickly parsed by the browser and displayed immediately, and does not require a separate JS bundle to be downloaded and executed to display the webpage.

Why server-side rendering is bad? ›

SSR sites tend to get a high latency if you get lots of traffic at the same time, which delays/slows down the browsing experience for everyone.

What is the limitation of SSR? ›

One of the major drawbacks of SSRs is the low universality and poor transferability; that is, usually the species-specific SSR primers have to be developed.

Why do SSR get hot? ›

All solid state relays develop heat as a result of a forward voltage drop through the junction of the output device. Beyond a point, heat will cause a lowering (or derating) of the load current that can be handled by the SSR.

Does SSR increase performance? ›

Server-side rendering (SSR) can be a powerful tool for improving the performance and user experience of web applications. By rendering HTML on the server before sending it to the client, SSR can significantly reduce the time required to display a web page, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience.

Why is server-side tracking better? ›

The main benefits of server-side tracking versus client-side tracking are that it: Bypasses browser restrictions, ad blockers, and intelligent tracking prevention (ITP), resulting in more accurate data collection.

Why server-side processing is preferred during client server communication? ›

The server side helps connect with the database, which is already stored in the server database. It has total access to the files which are stored in the web database server. It occurs when the browser process all the codes, and then it reacts according to the client's query.

When not to use server-side rendering? ›

Server-side rendering may not be compatible with third-party JavaScript code. Rendering server-side may be ideal for static site generation, but frequent server requests and full page reloads can result in overall slower page rendering in more complex applications.

What are the problems with server-side rendering? ›

The Server-Side Rendering Process
Server-Side Rendering AdvantagesServer-Side Rendering Disadvantages
Faster load times.Higher server load for bigger applications.
Ideal for static websites.It will incur costs for the business.
More accurate user metrics.It can sometimes cause inefficient caching.
2 more rows
Mar 28, 2023

What is the best server-side? ›

The best server-side programming languages are Python, PHP, Java, C#, Scala, Pearl, C++, Kotlin, JavaScript, Ruby.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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