Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (2024)

Table of Contents
How to Make Money While You Declutter 19 Best Practices For Selling Your Stuff 1. Spend some time taking clear pictures. 2. Sell your most valuable items first. 3. Research prices on eBay. 4. Donate low priced items. 5. Don’t set prices too high. 6. Leave a little room for bargaining. 7. Use detailed headlines and descriptions. 8. Consider bundling items. 9. Be up front about damage. 10. Set a deadline in ads. 11. Use a Google Voice phone number for text communication. 12. Respond to emails in a timely manner. 13. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to an offer. 14. Meet in public places that have security cameras. 15. Select a firm time to meet and don’t wait around. 16. Never accept checks. 17. Accept a digital form of payment. 18. Re-group and re-list items that don’t sell. 19. Be organized with everything. Specific Selling Strategies for Craigslist Be aware of scams. 6 Pro Tips for Selling Items on Craigslist 1. Create a new email address specifically for selling on Craigslist. 2. Group items with a unique “keyword.” 3. Keep buyer inquiry emails organized. 4. Save your backup buyers’ email addresses. 5. Check out potential buyers before agreeing to meet. 6. Delete and repost items after 48 hours. 5 Facebook Strategies to Sell Your Stuff Faster 1. Sell on the most active selling groups in your area. 2. Pay attention to group rules. 3. Post at the right time. 4. Tag people who may be interested in the item. 5. Periodically “comment” on your post to bump it to the top. Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: Final Thoughts Selling on Craigslist & Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions More Decluttering Inspiration FAQs

Use these tips and strategies to learn how to sell sell your stuff fast on Craigslist and Facebook!

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (1)
Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (2)

I have been on a serious decluttering kick lately! As I’ve been going through our stuff, I’ve been adding items to an ever-growing “sell” pile.

Because we wanted to deal with it before it got too out of hand (and became another area of clutter, which is what we’re trying to avoid!), Donnie took on the job of listing items for sale so we could get them out of our house and into new homes.

He learned a bunch of helpful tips and tricks for selling on Craigslist and Facebook along the way, so I’ll let him tell you about them…

How to Make Money While You Declutter

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (3)

We live in a small house with limited storage, so asthings startto accumulate over time, Abby starts decluttering in order to keep our space clutter-free. (As a minimalist at heart, I secretly love when she gets rid of stuff!)

We end up throwing some things away and donating other items. Other times though, we’ll end up with stuff that is still in really good condition but is no longer used in our home, so we’ll take to Craigslist or Facebook yard sales to sell it.

I have also sold a lot of thingson eBay in the past,which is great for selling small, shippable, and expensive items. The things we wanted to get rid of this time around were bulkier though,so to avoidpaying a fortune in shipping costs, we opted to stick with Craigslist and Facebook.

Let’s start withgeneral selling tips that apply to both Craigslist and Facebook, and then I’ll get more specific andtalk about each platform individually.

19 Best Practices For Selling Your Stuff

1. Spend some time taking clear pictures.

When we were taking our photos, we made sure to clean up our space and use good lighting. A flash can leave weird shadows, so we triedto find a place in our house with lots ofnatural light.

We used asimple,plain background ratherthan taking a picture on acluttered kitchen table or something similar. We took multiple shots at various angles and if our item has a defect, we make sure to take a close up shot.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (4)

Sometimes it’s helpful to put something into the frame to show scale, especially on small items. A DSLR camera is best, but don’t underestimate the power of your iPhone or other smartphone if you have good lighting.

People scan images and only read the description if something catches their eye. Photos are important!

2. Sell your most valuable items first.

If our time is limited, we focuson selling the higher priced items first. When wedon’t have time to post everything at once, the $25 item can wait while wesell all of our $75+ items.

3. Research prices on eBay.

You may decide not to sell on eBay but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great place to research prices. Unlike thelocal Craigslist websites, eBay is a global platform, so it’s a great place to get an idea of prices for almost anything.

4. Donate low priced items.

If wehave a lot of lower priced items cluttering up our home, it oftenmakes more sense to donate them. We typically don’ttry tosell anything worth less than $25. Everyone will have to decide for themselves how much their time is worth when deciding their threshold amount for taking the time to sell an item.

5. Don’t set prices too high.

After we’veresearched prices on eBay, we usually end uplowering them a bit for Craigslist or Facebook. As a general rule, for something in great shape, we price it for slightlyless than half of what weoriginally paid. People expect massive discounts!

6. Leave a little room for bargaining.

If welist something for $100 on Craigslist or Facebook, it’s typical that someone will ask if we’lltake $85 or $90. When weprice items, then, we leave a little room for bargaining. We’ve found that having no price flexibility usually does not get usvery far.

7. Use detailed headlines and descriptions.

Before I posted anything to Craigslist or Facebook, Abby spent some time writing a detailed description of each item in bullet point format. She included everything she could think of. This cut down on the amount of “question” emails wereceived.

As wewrote headlines and descriptions, we tried to think about the questions wewould ask if wewanted to buy that particular itemandtry to answer those same questions in our ad.

If we’reposting to multiple locations (Craigslist and Facebook), we firsttype out our titles and descriptions in a separate document so we can reference them easily and copy and paste them to each relevant page.

8. Consider bundling items.

For peace of mind, we will oftenpackage like items together to make the selling process easier.

Make sure the “bundle” makes sense though. A coffee maker and a set of encyclopedias is not a natural bundle, but a grouping of toy trainswould be a good fit together.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (5)

9. Be up front about damage.

If the item we’reselling isn’t perfect, we always try to take a picture of the damage and explain the flaw. This saves our time and the buyers’ time and helps the transaction to go more smoothly.

10. Set a deadline in ads.

If wewant to get rid of the item by Sunday night, we mention that in the ad. “Must go by Sunday night” or something to that effect can help speed up the process.

11. Use a Google Voice phone number for text communication.

This may seem like it’s a bit overboard, but as I’ll share later, I ended up being glad that I took this extra step.

Once a Craigslist or Facebook sale moves past the initial email or Facebook message communication, it can sometimes move to text messages, so I set up a free Google Voice phone number and re-directed texts to my personal cell.

12. Respond to emails in a timely manner.

As a buyer, there’s nothing worse than sending an email or posting a comment on an item for sale on Facebook and failing to receive a response from the buyer.

When we’reselling our stuff, we tryto respond almost immediately to interested buyers or else they’ll move along and buy from someone else.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (6)

13. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to an offer.

If the offered price is ridiculously low, the buyer is rude, or something doesn’t feel right, don’t be afraid to turn the offer down and move on. You’re under no obligation to sell.

14. Meet in public places that have security cameras.

It often seems more convenient to have someone come straight to our house,but it really is a much better idea to meet in a public location. Ensuring your safety should be your number one priority!

15. Select a firm time to meet and don’t wait around.

It’s common to have a buyer say something like “Well how about I stop by this afternoon sometime to look atthe item?” This usually results in having to wait around for them to show up, not knowing if/when they actually will.

I’m alwayssure to choosea specific time and placeto meet. If they don’t show, I don’t waste time asking what happened and why they weren’t there.I just move on with mylife.

16. Never accept checks.

This is a hassle. The check could bounce, and Idon’t know the person. Cash, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, etc. are much preferred.

17. Accept a digital form of payment.

If I’mdealing with a buyer who insists they don’t have cash, I recommend that they pay with PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.

When wemeet to exchange the item, they can log in to their account and send payment– fast and secure! (I would not accept digital payment without first meeting the person and showing them the item.)

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (7)

18. Re-group and re-list items that don’t sell.

For whatever reason, sometimes we’llspend time taking great pictures, writing a good description, pricing the item competitively, and it still won’t sell.

We then re-evaluate our price and strategy and then re-list the item. It doesn’t take much additional effort to do this and we’ve often foundthat right buyer on our second or third time listing the item.

19. Be organized with everything.

We keep our pictures and item descriptions organized in a specific folder on our hard drive. This helps when posting to multiple platforms (Craigslist and Facebook) and saves us so much time if weneed to re-list something.

Specific Selling Strategies for Craigslist

I’ve had some great experiences selling on Craigslist and some not-so-great experiences selling on Craigslist. Sometimes it feels like a scam waiting to happen.

Be aware of scams.

During this last selling spree, I received four or five different texts from out-of-town area codes inquiring about one specific item we were selling. They were all roughly the same and went something like this:

Scammer: “Is _________ still available? How much does it cost?”

Me: “Yes it’s still available. Are you interested in purchasing?”

Scammer: “I will buy __________ but I’m currently traveling. Can I have my personal assistantpick up the item?”

Me: “No thank you!”

Since I didn’t recognize the area codes,I Googled the numbersfound that they led toweird websites from overseas.In these types of interactions,the person making the inquiry often is trying to run a scam, so be very careful if a conversation sounds anything like the one above.

I tell you this little story not to scare you, but just to make you aware that there are people in every country of the world that make their living scamming people through sites like Craigslist. (Hence why the Google Voice number came in handy! I wouldn’t want these types of people to have my actual number!)

If you are aware of scams like theseand are careful, Craigslist is a fantastic place to sell your stuff. There are hordes of honest people looking to buy something at a fair price browsing as we speak.

6 Pro Tips for Selling Items on Craigslist

All of the tips in the first section apply, but here are some Craigslist-specific selling tips:

1. Create a new email address specifically for selling on Craigslist.

I give buyers the option of texting me (using my Google voice number) or replying to the ad using the hidden craigslist email.

As an added layer of protection,I created a new Gmail accountandset up this address to forward to my personal email address. This process only takes a minute or two but it makes me feel better about my privacy and security.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (8)

2. Group items with a unique “keyword.”

If Ihave a lot of listings going at one time, Isometimes make up a really strange keyword or phrase and mention at the bottom of mylisting that if they search for the “keyword” they can view all myother listings.

The buyer may beinterested in something else Ihave for sale, and this helps them to find my other listings quickly and easily.

3. Keep buyer inquiry emails organized.

If Iam selling lots of stuff at one time, myemail inbox can easily become unmanageable. To remedy this,I tag every incoming buyer inquiry in Gmail with “craigslist” so that I can find all the emails quickly if I need to.

4. Save your backup buyers’ email addresses.

There havebeen times when Ithink I have a deal in place and it falls through. Maybe the buyer never shows up or something else happens.

I make sure I have all the email addresses of other interested buyersso Ican quickly email them to let them know that the previous deal fell through and the item is back on the market.

5. Check out potential buyers before agreeing to meet.

If you’ve had some correspondence and negotiations with someone, it doesn’t hurt to type their name into Facebook and see whatcomes up. You can also Google their name or email address. If something doesn’t seem right, don’t meet them.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (9)

6. Delete and repost items after 48 hours.

Craigslist “for sale” pages are a chronological stream. If something doesn’t sell in a few days, it can end up buried and Craigslist users will never see the post. Sure, if someone is specifically searching for the item they’ll find it, but we’llmiss out on a whole lot of views.

After a few days, I log into myCraigslist account, delete the old posting, and create a new one. This is veryeasy because Ialready have the photos, title, and description all neatly stored and organized on mycomputer!

5 Facebook Strategies to Sell Your Stuff Faster

Facebook is another great place to sell your unwanted items. Whether using Facebook Marketplace or local buy/sell groups, it’s fairly easy to find people who live nearby who will gladly take our stuff off our hands.

You can find buy/sell groups on Facebook by searching things like “Pittsburgh Yard Sale” or “Pittsburgh Buy/Sell.” When I found the groups that looked interesting to me, Ipicked the two most active ones and requested to join.

Once I was notified that I had been “accepted,” I was able to post the same itemsI had posted on Craigslist in the Facebook group. During myFacebook selling ventures, I’ve picked up manyusefultips:

1. Sell on the most active selling groups in your area.

When I did a search for Facebook yard sale groups in my area, there were many that showed up. It doesn’t hurt to request to join all of them, but I typically try to make the most of my time byposting in the two most active groups first, and then moving on to smaller groups if necessary.

You can also list items on Facebook Marketplace, of course. It can be helpful to let potential sellers know that your items are cross posted.

2. Pay attention to group rules.

When I was a newbie, I made the mistake of creating multiple posts with my listingswhen the proper etiquette would’ve been to make an album of all the stuff I was offering for sale.

In another group this would not have been against the rules, so I try to do a quick scan of each group’s policies before I begin posting.

3. Post at the right time.

I try to think about what time of day mytarget market is most active on Facebook. For example, if I’m selling some of the boys’ toys that they’ve outgrown, I’m looking for people with young kids, who would typically be online after 8pm.

4. Tag people who may be interested in the item.

Use your discretion with this one. If you know for sure that someone is interested in something you have for sale, tag them in the post to bring it to their attention.

5. Periodically “comment” on your post to bump it to the top.

Comments bring your items for sale back to the top of the Facebook group feed. If you go a day with no luck, consider commenting or posting a new ad. (Again, check group policy on this.)

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: Final Thoughts

After using both Craigslist and Facebook to sell our stuff, I’ve found there are definitely pros and cons to each. Craigslist has a wide audience, and there are often people who are searching listings everyday for certain types of items.

My favorite thing about Facebook groups is being able to communicate with someone directly in the post comments. Others can see questions and responses so this cuts down on your communication.

Also, once a buyer is interested, the arrangements take place in private Facebook messages. I found this much easier to manage than texts and emails with Facebook.

Another upside ofFacebook is that I never felt like I was the target of some international scam designed to steal my money. When using Craigslist I was constantly on guard for this possibility.

No matter which platform you decide to use, always make sure that you are putting safety first by avoiding scams and being smart about where and when you meet people for transactions.

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (10)

Ready to get selling? 🙂 Or maybe you’ve already had success with Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace and buy/sell groups? We’d love to hear your best tips and tricks, so be sure to leave them in the comments below! Happy selling!

Related: What are sinking funds? (And why do I need them?)

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (11)

Selling on Craigslist & Facebook: Frequently Asked Questions

The Craigslist platform is free to sell on and only charges fees if you are selling a service or a vehicle or posting a job listing. In some areas of the US, there is also a fee for apartment and commercial real estate listings.

Cash is always preferred. This protects you as the seller and there’s no worrying if the check is going to clear. You could also choose to accept digital forms of payment like Venmo, PayPal, and Zelle. For larger items you could always request a money order. It’s as good as cash since it’s prepaid.

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Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (12)

More Decluttering Inspiration

  • 350+ Categories You Can Declutter in 15 Minutes or Less
  • How do you declutter when you have trouble letting go of things?
  • Decluttering Clothes the Easy Way (with Free Printable Decluttering Calendar!)
  • 5 Decluttering Lessons That Save Me Time and Money
  • How to Declutter Kids’ Toys and an Organized Playroom Tour

Thank you so much for following along! Have a wonderful day!

Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (13)
Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter (2024)


Selling on Craigslist and Facebook: 30+ Tips to Help You Make Money while You Declutter? ›

Facebook Marketplace is better than Craigslist if you're trying to sell merchandise as fast as possible. Listing is easier, and same goes for messaging potential buyers and arranging sales. The downside of the Facebook Marketplace is that you can't post services, so it's just for resellers.

What sells the fastest on Craigslist? ›

12 Items That Currently Sell the Most Money On Craigslist
  • Home Appliances. Gently used or well-maintained appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers are always in demand. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Cars and Motorcycles. ...
  • Power Tools. ...
  • Sporting Goods. ...
  • Garden Equipment. ...
  • Tech Accessories.
Jan 24, 2024

Is it better to sell on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist? ›

Facebook Marketplace is better than Craigslist if you're trying to sell merchandise as fast as possible. Listing is easier, and same goes for messaging potential buyers and arranging sales. The downside of the Facebook Marketplace is that you can't post services, so it's just for resellers.

How to make fast cash on Craigslist? ›

Sell your junk

The most typical way people make money on Craigslist is to sell items they no longer use or need. Just because you're done using an item doesn't mean someone else doesn't want it. Many people just throw away or donate their used goods when they could make money.

How to successfully sell on Craigslist? ›

Here are important tips on how to sell on Craigslist safely.
  1. Always use a proxy email address or phone number. ...
  2. Plan details in advance. ...
  3. Meet in public and bring a friend. ...
  4. Stay safe when a buyer comes to your house. ...
  5. Use a secure form of payment. ...
  6. Trust your instincts when vetting buyers.

What is the most searched item on Facebook marketplace? ›

1. Fashion Apparel. Branded fashion apparel is among the most searched-for items on the Facebook Marketplace. Generally, people use Facebook in their leisure time and are always ready to upgrade themselves through fashion.

What site is better than Craigslist? ›

The best alternative to Craigslist, in our opinion, is Offer Up. The app offers a robust array of listings, is easy to use, includes a verified account feature, and includes buyer ratings. Other worthy alternatives to Craigslist include Facebook Marketplace, Locanto, Mercari, and Recycler.

What should you not do when selling on Facebook marketplace? ›

Don't share your financial information (example: PayPal login and password, bank account info) or unnecessary personal information with buyers or sellers. Don't respond to messages or emails that ask you to provide verification codes or account information, such as your email address and password.

Can you actually make money on Facebook marketplace? ›

Using Facebook Marketplace is not passive income. It takes effort to get up and running, but it's one of the best places to quickly turn a profit. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make money on Facebook Marketplace, with specific examples of how to get a leg up on the competition.

Is it worth selling on Facebook marketplace? ›

Selling on Facebook can be a good choice if your target audience is active on Facebook as using Facebook Marketplace can be a valuable way to reach potential customers directly. It is also particularly beneficial for selling to a local audience, as it prioritizes nearby buyers.

How to make $100 cash in one day? ›

How to Make $100 a Day - 21 Simple, Legit Ideas
  1. Take online surveys.
  2. Open a new bank account.
  3. Get paid to complete offers and provide feedback.
  4. Deliver groceries and goods.
  5. Play games online.
  6. Use the right credit card when you spend.
  7. Become a virtual bookkeeper.
  8. Walk dogs or pet-sit.
6 days ago

What are the best Craigslist payment methods? ›

Use cash — safely

If you're dealing with a local, the most secure way to pay or collect funds for a Craigslist transaction is with cash. To keep it even more secure, you can make the exchange in a safe place like your local police station or even at Acclaim FCU.

Is it profitable to flip Craigslist? ›

Most items sold through Craigslist are used, so buyers tend to expect discounts or deals, but that also mean its a prime opportunity for resellers to pick up items and resell them for more than they paid. With a sharp eye and a little know how, flipping items on Craigslist is easy and profitable.

What should I not do when selling on Craigslist? ›

In any Craigslist transaction, never give out personal or financial information. Always meet in person, bring a friend, and deal in cash or use a secured or proxied form of payment such as PayPal to avoid giving your credit card information to the seller.

What is the fastest selling item on Craigslist? ›


Nearly all electronics do well on Craigslist for that reason, and because they hold their resale value well. The best and fastest sellers are whatever is most in demand at the time: Apple products such as the iPad, iPhone, and Watch will yield dozens of offers in a day.

Should you give your email address on Craigslist? ›

Craigslist email relay hides your email address when communicating with buyers or sellers. It's a great security feature that you should take advantage of. That means you shouldn't give your real email address or phone number to someone you're dealing with, especially if they're pressuring you.

What's the quickest thing to sell? ›

And afterwards, I'm going to list some of my favorite selling platforms and tricks you can use to maximize sales.
  • Clothing. When you are looking for things to sell to make money, you often don't have to look further than your own closet. ...
  • Jewelry. ...
  • Electronics. ...
  • Toys. ...
  • Furniture. ...
  • Books. ...
  • Baby Gear. ...
  • Collectibles.
May 24, 2024

How do I get more hits on Craigslist? ›

Include at least one image to attract more viewers. Customers typically like to see the conditions or status of your offering, because this eliminates the need to contact you requesting further details. Additionally, many users prefer to search only for ads that contain images.

How do I increase sales on Craigslist? ›

6 Pro Tips for Selling Items on Craigslist
  1. Create a new email address specifically for selling on Craigslist. ...
  2. Group items with a unique “keyword.” ...
  3. Keep buyer inquiry emails organized. ...
  4. Save your backup buyers' email addresses. ...
  5. Check out potential buyers before agreeing to meet. ...
  6. Delete and repost items after 48 hours.
Feb 19, 2024

What is the best day to list on Craigslist? ›

Day of the Week

Monday is the best of the remaining days of the week, with views dropping until Friday, which is lowest. prefers Friday and Saturday because they've learned that buyers check what's new on those days.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 6167

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.