Segregated Witness Wallet Development Guide (2024)


  • Basic segregated witness support
    • Sending to P2SH
    • Creation of P2SH-P2WPKH Address
    • Transaction Serialization
    • Transaction ID
    • Signature Generation and Verification for P2SH-P2WPKH
    • Network Services (optional)
    • User Privacy
    • Transaction Fee Estimation
    • Activation
    • Backward Compatibility
  • Complex script support
    • Creation of P2SH-P2WSH Address
    • Signature Generation and Verification for P2SH-P2WSH
  • Segwit native addresses (optional)
    • Native Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash (P2WPKH)
    • Native Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH)
    • Why and How to Use Native (Bech32) P2WPKH and P2WSH?
  • Scripts and Transactions Examples

Most contents of this document could be found in the BIPs related to segregated witness, including BIP141, BIP143, BIP144, and BIP145. Please consider this as the first point of reference to other related documents, and as a checklist for what should and should not be done.

Basic segregated witness support

A wallet MUST implement all the features in this section, in order to be considered as segwit-compatible at a basic level:

Sending to P2SH

  • A segwit-compatible wallet MUST support pay-to-script-hash (BIP16) and its address format (BIP13).
  • For making payments, the wallet must be able to correctly transform a given P2SH address to a scriptPubKey, and create a transaction.
  • For receiving payments, the wallet must be able to create a P2SH address based on a P2WPKH script (defined hereinafter), and be able to recognize payment to such addresses.
  • This is a mandatory requirement, even if the wallet accepts only single-signature payments.

Creation of P2SH-P2WPKH Address

  • A P2SH-P2WPKH address is comparable to Bitcoin’s original single-signature P2PKH address (address with prefix 1).
  • Like any other P2SH address, P2SH-P2WPKH address has prefix 3.
  • Until a P2SH-P2WPKH UTXO is spent and the redeemScript is exposed, a P2SH-P2WPKH address is indistinguishable from a non-segwit P2SH address (such as a non-segwit multi-signature address)
  • P2SH-P2WPKH addresses should be used when only 1 public key is used to receive payment (like P2PKH)
  • P2SH-P2WPKH uses the same public key format as P2PKH, with a very important exception: the public key used in P2SH-P2WPKH MUST be compressed, i.e. 33 bytes in size, and starting with a 0x02 or 0x03. Using any other format such as uncompressed public key may lead to irrevocable fund loss.
  • To create a P2SH-P2WPKH address:
    1. Calculate the RIPEMD160 of the SHA256 of a public key (keyhash). Despite the keyhash formula is same as P2PKH, reuse of keyhash should be avoided for better privacy and prevention of accidental use of uncompressed key
    2. The P2SH redeemScript is always 22 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed by a canonical push of the keyhash (i.e. 0x0014{20-byte keyhash})
    3. Same as any other P2SH, the scriptPubKey is OP_HASH160 hash160(redeemScript) OP_EQUAL, and the address is the corresponding P2SH address with prefix 3.

Transaction Serialization

  • A segwit-compatible wallet MUST support the original transaction format, as nVersion|txins|txouts|nLockTime.
  • A segwit-compatible wallet MUST also support the new serialization format, as nVersion|marker|flag|txins|txouts|witness|nLockTime
    • Format of nVersion, txins, txouts, and nLockTime are same as the original format
    • The marker MUST be 0x00
    • The flag MUST be 0x01
    • The witness is a serialization of all witness data of the transaction.
      • Each txin is associated with a witness field. As a result, there is no indication of number of witness fields, as it is implied by the number of txins
      • Each witness field starts with a compactSize integer to indicate the number of stack items for the corresponding txin. It is then followed by witness stack item(s) for the corresponding txin, if any.
      • Each witness stack item starts with a compactSize integer to indicate the number of bytes of the item.
      • If a txin is not associated with any witness data, its corresponding witness field is an exact 0x00, indicating that the number of witness stack items is zero.
  • If all txins in a transaction are not associated with any witness data, the transaction MUST be serialized in the original transaction format, without marker, flag, and witness. For example, if none of the txins are coming from segwit UTXO, it MUST be serialized in the original transaction format. (exception: coinbase transaction)
  • Examples of the transaction serialization can be found under the example section of BIP143. Wallet developers may use the examples to test if their implementations correctly parse the new serialization format.

Transaction ID

  • Under segwit, each transaction will have 2 IDs.
  • The definition of txid remains unchanged: the double SHA256 of the original serialization format.
  • A new wtxid is defined, which is the double SHA256 of the new serialization format with witness data.
  • If a transaction does not have any witness data, its wtxid is same as the txid.
  • The txid remains the primary identifier of a transaction:
    • It MUST be used in the txin when referring to a previous output.
    • If a wallet or service is currently using txid to identify transactions, it is expected to continue using this with segwit.

Signature Generation and Verification for P2SH-P2WPKH

  • For spending of non-segwit UTXO, the signature generation algorithm is unchanged.
  • For spending of P2SH-P2WPKH:
    • The scriptSig MUST ONLY contain a push of the redeemScript
    • The corresponding witness field MUST contain exactly 2 items, a signature followed by the public key
    • There is a new signature generation algorithm described in BIP143 for segwit scripts. Developers should follow the instructions carefully, and make use of the P2SH-P2WPKH example in BIP143 to make sure they are able to reproduce the sighash.
    • The BIP143 signature generating algorithm covers the value of the input being spent, which simplifies the design of air-gapped light-weight wallets and hardware wallets.
    • Please note that for a P2SH-P2WPKH, the scriptCode is always 26 bytes including the leading size byte, as 0x1976a914{20-byte keyhash}88ac, NOT the redeemScript nor scriptPubKey
    • Example

Network Services (optional)

  • Network services are needed if the wallet would send and receive transactions through the peer-to-peer network
  • Segwit-capable nodes will advertise that they can provide witnesses through the service bit: NODE_WITNESS = (1 << 3)
  • Transactions without any witness data (and therefore serialized in original format) may be sent to nodes with or without NODE_WITNESS support
  • Transactions which spend segwit UTXOs (and therefore is serialized in the new format) MUST ONLY be sent to nodes with NODE_WITNESS support
  • Transactions which spend segwit UTXOs but with witness data stripped (and therefore serialized in original format) may be sent to nodes without NODE_WITNESS support. Such transactions, however, are invalid after activation of segwit and would not be accepted in a block.
  • Details of the network services could be found in BIP144.

User Privacy

  • Until segwit transactions are commonplace, this transaction type may make Bitcoin tracking easier.
  • Using P2SH-P2WPKH as default change output may also have an impact on privacy.

Transaction Fee Estimation

  • Instead of transaction size, a new metric is defined, called “virtual size” (vsize)
  • vsize of a transaction equals to 3 times of the size with original serialization, plus the size with new serialization, divide the result by 4 and round up to the next integer. For example, if a transaction is 200 bytes with new serialization, and becomes 99 bytes with marker, flag, and witness removed, the vsize is (99 * 3 + 200) / 4 = 125 with round up.
  • vsize of a non-segwit transaction is simply its size
  • Transaction fee should be estimated by comparing the vsize with other transactions, not the size.
  • Developers should be careful not to make an off-by-4-times mistake in fee estimation.


  • As of block height 481824, all SegWit ready nodes started enforcing the new SegWit consensus rules.

Backward Compatibility

  • Sending and receiving legacy P2PKH payment (address with prefix 1) should continue to be supported.

Complex script support

If a wallet supports script types other than just single signature, such as multi-signature, it has to fulfill more than the basic requirements:

Creation of P2SH-P2WSH Address

  • A P2SH-P2WSH address is comparable to Bitcoin’s original P2SH address, which allows representation of arbitrarily complex scripts with a fixed size address.
  • Like any other P2SH and P2SH-P2WPKH address, P2SH-P2WSH address has prefix 3. They are indistinguishable until the UTXO is spent
  • To create a P2SH-P2WSH address:
    1. Define a script, called (witnessScript)
    2. Calculate the SHA256 of the witnessScript (scripthash). Please pay attention that a single SHA256 is used, not double SHA256 nor RIPEMD160(SHA256)
    3. The P2SH redeemScript is always 34 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed by a canonical push of the scripthash (i.e. 0x0020{32-byte scripthash})
    4. Same as any other P2SH, the scriptPubKey is OP_HASH160 hash160(redeemScript) OP_EQUAL, and the address is the corresponding P2SH address with prefix 3.
  • Restrictions on the script
    • The script evaluation must not fail, and MUST leave one and only one TRUE stack item after evaluation. Otherwise, the evaluation is failed.
    • Any public key inside P2SH-P2WSH scripts MUST be compressed key, or fund may be lost permanently.
    • If OP_IF or OP_NOTIF is used, it argument MUST be either an empty vector (for false) or 0x01 (for true). Use of other value may lead to permanent fund loss. (BIP draft)
    • If an OP_CHECKSIG or OP_CHECKMULTISIG is returning a fail, all signature(s) must be empty vector(s). Otherwise, fund may be lost permanently. (BIP146)
    • There is a default policy limit for the witnessScript at 3600 bytes. Except the witnessScript, there could be at most 100 witness stack items, with at most 80 bytes each. Transactions excessing these limits may not be relayed nor included in a block
    • Many of the original scripts consensus limitations, such as 10000 bytes script size, 201 nOpCount, are still applied to P2SH-P2WSH
    • The 520 bytes script size limit for P2SH is not applicable to P2SH-P2WSH. It is replaced by the 3600 bytes policy limit and 10000 bytes consensus limit.

Signature Generation and Verification for P2SH-P2WSH

  • For spending of P2SH-P2WSH:
    • The scriptSig MUST ONLY contain a push of the redeemScript
    • The last witness item of the corresponding witness field MUST be the witnessScript
    • The new BIP143 signature generation algorithm is applied:
      • Without using any OP_CODESEPARATOR, the scriptCode is witnessScript preceeded by a compactSize integer for the size of witnessScript. For example, if the script is OP_1 (0x51), the scriptCode being serialized is (0x0151)
      • For any unusual scripts containing OP_CODESEPARATOR, please refer to BIP143 for the exact semantics
    • Any witness stack items before the witnessScript are used as the input stack for script evaluation. The input stack is not interpreted as script. For example, there is no need to use a 0x4c (OP_PUSHDATA1) to “push” a big item.
    • To verify the correctness of signature generation and stack serialization, please always test against the examples in BIP143
    • Example

Segwit native addresses (optional)

The following functions are not required for initial segwit support.

Native Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash (P2WPKH)

  • Native P2WPKH is a scriptPubKey of 22 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed by a canonical push of the keyhash (i.e. 0x0014{20-byte keyhash})
  • Same as P2SH-P2WPKH, keyhash is RIPEMD160(SHA256) of a compressed public key.
  • When spending a native P2WPKH, the scriptSig MUST be empty, and the witness stack format and signature generating rules are same as P2SH-P2WPKH (including the requirement of using compressed public key)
  • Example

Native Pay-to-Witness-Script-Hash (P2WSH)

  • Native P2WSH is a scriptPubKey of 34 bytes. It starts with a OP_0, followed by a canonical push of the scripthash (i.e. 0x0020{32-byte scripthash})
  • Same as P2SH-P2WSH, scripthash is SHA256 of the witnessScript.
  • When spending a native P2WSH, the scriptSig MUST be empty, and the witness stack format and signature generating rules are same as P2SH-P2WSH (including the requirement of using compressed public key)
  • Example

Why and How to Use Native (Bech32) P2WPKH and P2WSH?

  • BIP173 proposes a checksummed base32 format (Bech32) for native P2WPKH and P2WSH addresses.
  • Support for Bech32 addresses was included in Bitcoin Core v0.16.0
  • Comparing with the P2SH versions, the transaction vsize of native versions is smaller in most cases, and therefore less fee may be required
  • Native P2WPKH and P2WSH may be used with raw scriptPubKey protocols, such as the Payment Protocol (BIP70). However, it may affect the privacy of the payer and recipient (see below).
  • Native P2WPKH and P2WSH may be used as default change address, but this may allow other people to identify the change easily (see below)
  • Until native P2WPKH and P2WSH are widely used, these address types may cause privacy concerns among users.

Scripts and Transactions Examples

Segregated Witness Wallet Development Guide (2024)


How do I know if my address is SegWit? ›

SegWit is accompanied by the Bech32 address standard. Bech32 addresses, also known as 'native SegWit' addresses, start with "bc1," while Legacy addresses start with "1". For example: Bech32: bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq.

What happens if I send Bitcoin to a SegWit address? ›

Size: Transactions from SegWit addresses are smaller in size or, when the same size as Legacy, effectively take up less block space due to a different calculation of 'weight' in the block. Fees: As a result, sending transactions from SegWit addresses usually incurs lower fees compared to Legacy addresses.

What is the difference between P2WPKH and P2PKH? ›

The main difference being that a P2PKH is unlocked via the ScriptSig (and costs more in transaction fees), whereas a P2WPKH is unlocked via the Witness field (and costs less in transaction fees).

What are the pros and cons of SegWit? ›

Pros and Cons of SegWit

The benefits SegWit have include, more transactions in a block, lower transactions and faster ones. It also prevents transaction malleability. The drawback of SegWit is the fact that not everybody supports these type of transactions.

Should I choose SegWit or native SegWit? ›

SegWit optimizes transaction space and speed with benefits and limitations, while Native SegWit enhances error detection and security. Native SegWit, though newer, faces compatibility issues and lower transaction fees.

What is the difference between BTC and SegWit address? ›

Legacy address is the original BTC address while SegWit is the newer address format with lower fees. SegWit means Segregated Witness, where Segregated is to separate and Witness is the transaction signatures involved with a specific transaction.

Does Coinbase Wallet support SegWit? ›

Bitcoin support is activated by default — all you need to do is tap 'Receive' on the main wallet tab and select Bitcoin to send BTC to your Coinbase Wallet. Coinbase Wallet supports both newer SegWit addresses with lower transaction fees, as well as Legacy addresses for backwards compatibility in all applications.

Can I send BTC from Native SegWit to Taproot? ›

Are transactions between different address types like Legacy, SegWit, Native SegWit, and Taproot compatible on the Bitcoin network? Yes, transactions between different address types are compatible on the Bitcoin network.

Is it safe to send Bitcoin wallet address? ›

You can safely give out your crypto addresses to friends, family, and acquaintances. No one can steal your cryptoassets using just your crypto addresses. They'd need both your address and the private key to it.

What is the largest Bitcoin wallet address? ›

⭐ First place goes to 34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo, which is defined as a Binance cold wallet: This address holds a whopping 248,597 BTC or just over $6.4 billion at the current Bitcoin price.

What are the top 3 Bitcoin addresses? ›

Top 100 Richest Bitcoin Addresses MainNet
134xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo Binance248,597
2bc1qgdjqv0av3q56jvd82tkdjpy7gdp9ut8tlqmgrpmv24sq90ecnvqqjwvw97 Bitfinex180,010
62 more rows

Why use P2PKH instead of p2pk? ›

By using the hash of the public key rather than the public key itself, P2PKH enchances bitcoin security. This is because the hash is secured by SHA-256 encryption. Currently no known quantum algorithms can break the SHA-256 encryption.

Can you send Bitcoin to SegWit? ›

You can send BTC to a SegWit address from both legacy and SegWit addresses. The Bitcoin network supports transactions between different types of addresses to maintain compatibility and ensure users can send and receive Bitcoin regardless of the address format they use.

What percentage of Bitcoin transactions are SegWit? ›

The percentage of transactions using SegWit began to increase drastically in late 2019, from 40 percent in September to 60 percent in October 2019. In this article, we'll look at how SegWit works, discuss the adoption that SegWit has seen, and outline both the positives and negatives it brings to the Bitcoin network.

How does SegWit help the Bitcoin block scaling problem? ›

SegWit removes the “witness data” from the main block, therefore notably reducing transaction size. The transactions consequently require less space, enabling more transactions per block and greatly increasing the capacity of the Bitcoin network.

Is Coinbase a SegWit address? ›

Yes, Coinbase does support native SegWit. Coinbase customers can use SegWit addresses for Bitcoin transactions, which will help reduce the total size of each transaction to save on miner fees.

What does SegWit address mean? ›

Segregated Witness (SegWit) refers to a change in Bitcoin's transaction format where the witness information was removed from the input field of the block. The stated purpose of Segregated Witness is to prevent non-intentional Bitcoin transaction malleability and allow for more transactions to be stored within a block.

What does a Bitcoin address look like? ›

Bitcoin wallet addresses have between 26 and 35 characters and consist of both letters and numbers. They start with either "1," "3," or "bc1." Here's an example of a Bitcoin address: 1Lbcfr7sAHTD9CgdQo3HTMTkV8LK4ZnX71. Ethereum addresses are 42-character hexadecimal addresses.

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