Seer/Voice lines (2024)

Seer/Voice lines (1)Rampart says: "This page is lacking content, so stop foolin' around and finish it, mates!"
  • Please add on to the missing part(s) & other pages as best as you can. Rampart can't do it by herself.

Seer's voice actor is Iké Amadi, speaking English and Igbo.


  • 1 Character Select
  • 2 Intro
  • 3 Kills
  • 4 Gameplay
  • 5 Pings
  • 6 Abilities
  • 7 Battle Royale Status
  • 8 Arenas Status
  • 9 Control Status
  • 10 Ring Status
  • 11 Lobby
    • 11.1 Map
    • 11.2 Ranked
  • 12 Quip
  • 13 Lore

Character Select[ | ]

  • "Do not hide your true colors. They are your strength."
  • "I believe in art. And pinball. I love pinball."
  • "I do not wait for inspiration; I take it."
  • "If they stare, give them something to see."
  • "We can not resist the flame, so let us dance across it."
  • "Make it so they can not help but look. Then, they are yours."
  • "Victory is assured. But can we make it stunning?"
  • "Let us be last to accept the Ring's embrace."
  • "I have your attention. I will not waste it."
  • "The Ring does not enclose me; I wear it."
  • "If we are defeated, we will still make it beautiful."
  • "They see the cage. I see the sky beyond."
  • "I create for life, not death."
  • "Embrace yourself, and know strength without fear."
  • "Let them stare. What they see is for me to choose."
  • "Let us make something that cannot be ignored."
  • "Give everything to the game; or we do not deserve her."
  • "I do not know what I'll become. But it will be striking."
  • "We will give them a show like no other."
  • "I will leave my mark."
  • "I do this for the outcasts, for they are true works of art."
  • "We are all cursed. We must strive to make it our blessing."
  • "When the curtain rises, we must be ready to shine."

Intro[ | ]

  • "My heart beats stronger with each challenge I overcome."
  • "I do not fight to be accepted. I fight to be free of your acceptance."
  • "I fight on behalf of the odd ones... Which could be any one of you, I suppose."
  • "The game is not merciful to those who lack imagination."
  • "To be the last thing you see will be my honor, legends."
  • "You will achieve greatness, just not in victory."
  • "Do not believe any rumors about me that I have not started."
  • "Do not look away. I want you to look."
  • "I fight for the refused, the cursed... the exceptional."
  • "I will make your end live forever."
  • "I will not be cast aside."
  • "I've been described as deadly and beautiful, but I am also approachable."
  • "Look away, but I will be the last thing you see."
  • "Look for me, and what you will see you will never forget."
  • "Play with all your heart. If not, I will find you."
  • "Stand out, or stand aside."
  • "To give the crowds a show, sacrifice will be necessary."
  • "Today, the cursed ones triumph."
  • "Underestimate me. Please do."
  • "When the flame beckons, you obey."
  • "You kill, I create. This is why I win."

Kills[ | ]

  • Seer/Voice lines (2) "Change is inevitable, my friend. I just make it beautiful."
  • Seer/Voice lines (3) "Take a note from a friend of mine. Next time, acquire better loot."
  • Seer/Voice lines (4) "Dying is a small price for living with such splendor all around us."
  • Seer/Voice lines (5)"Just because it is death, does not mean it should be lifeless."
  • "A painting burns, a sculpture shatters... It is not beautiful if it lasts forever, my friend."
  • "Are you still watching? Good. This next part is just for you."
  • "Cast off your fear. Now is the time for fascination."
  • "Do not look away. Courage first, my friend, then, rest."
  • "Defeat is tragic only if it is uninspired... And yours is anything but."
  • "Do I have something on my face? You look at me strangely."
  • "Do not blink, legend. You do not want to miss this."
  • "Do not fear my art. It is... Oh, it is death that you fear. That is more understandable."
  • "Do not fear. Beauty will go on. I will make sure of it."
  • "Eyes up, my friend. All the beauty of this moment is for you and you alone."
  • "Here, a moment of beauty before beauty's end."
  • "I am here, and I am in your mind."
  • "I do my best work with a captive audience."
  • "I do not know where my art comes from, or where it goes... Like you, my friend."
  • "I expected more of a show from you, my friend."
  • "Life burns brightest at its end."
  • "Loss is not tragic, if it is made beautiful."
  • "My work will outlast me, but you... will not."
  • "No one leaves the ring unchanged."
  • "No one outlives art."
  • "Not to spoil too much, but this will be breathtaking."
  • "Quickly, before the darkness comes, stare into the light one final time."
  • "The curse is the gift, my friend. Embrace it."
  • "The game led you to me for a reason: to witness something beautiful before... this."
  • "The rhythm slows, my friend. Rest, the dance is over."
  • "There are safer ways to view my performances, my friend, but none more visceral than this."
  • "This game demands so much of us, but from you, she demands everything."
  • "This is the performance of a lifetime. Your lifetime, my friend."
  • "Unknown beauty awaits you. Cherish it, please."
  • "We are all born cursed. If only you had embraced yours."
  • "We cannot escape ugliness, my friend, but we can make it beautiful."
  • "What colors, what sounds lie in the beyond? Go my friend, create."
  • "You did not fail. You played your part to its end."
  • "You fight with great beauty... But perhaps not enough today."
  • "You fought beautifully. I would call for an encore, but that seems... cruel."
  • "You performed exquisitely, but I must clip your strings now, my puppet."
  • "You will pass with grace, my friend. I will see to that."
  • "Your finale will be unforgettable. I am envious... Almost."
  • "Your heart cried out for this, and I listened."
  • "Your heart must beat with passion to the very end."

Gameplay[ | ]

Squad scattered
  • “We’re too far apart. I can be intense, But I’m very friendly.”
  • “We must stand together, my friends. We’re spread too far.”
I'm jumpmaster
  • “I’m jumpmaster. A curse, and a gift.”
  • "I'm jumpmaster. Wherever we land, we will make it beautiful."
  • "I'm the Jumpmaster. Let us be the last to the flame."
  • "I'm the Jumpmaster. Biko. Bring your best."
Here we go / Dropping as jumpmaster
  • “Can you feel that? The heat of the flame calls to us all.”
  • "Break legs, legends... Metaphorically. Bend your knees when you land."
    • "Break legs, my friends--metaphorically. Bend your knees when you land."
During Skydive Emote
  • “Soaring into the heart of the flame. Why not?”
Downed an enemy
  • "Antagonist down."
  • "I downed an enemy."
Another enemy down
  • "Another enemy down."
  • "Another rival cast off."
Whole Squad down
  • "And with that, their Squad is gone."
  • "Last one has rejoined their Squad. That's kind of nice."
  • "This Squad has left the stage with grace."
  • "The whole Squad has embraced the flame."
  • [Solo] "I led the whole Squad to the flame."
Killed an enemy
  • "Enemy eliminated."
  • "Prevailed over an enemy."
  • "Put away an opponent."
Killed an enemy with Showstoppers
  • "The dance of these blades is a work of art."
  • "You lost, but did not lose yourself."
  • "I fought to earn these blades. You...were not as challenging."
  • "A transformative performance."
Kill in Pathfinder's Fight Night
  • [in the Boxing Ring] "Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart."
Taking damage
  • "I'm taking fire."
  • "Taking damage."
  • "They're firing on me."
Another Squad attack
  • "Another Squad has entered the scene."
Healing up/recharging shields/Phoenix Kit
  • "Need to compose to myself."
  • "Taking a beat to heal."
  • "I'm recharging my shields."
  • "Shields are recharging."
  • "I'm using a Phoenix Kit."
  • "Pardon Me. Using a Phoenix Kit."
  • [Solo] "Using a Phoenix Kit."
  • [Solo] "Popping a Phoenix Kit."
I'm down
  • "Bleeding out."
  • "I need help, my friend."
  • "The show will go on."
  • "I'm back, my friend. Thank you."
  • "My thanks for allowing this flame to burn again."
  • "Someone back for an encore by your hand. I am grateful."
  • "Ugh… My part is not done."
  • "Ugh… Pulled myself from the flame. It tickled."
Squadmate gets a kill
  • "Beautiful performance."
  • "It's like you've done that before."
  • "Well done. Facing you is a curse."
I got you / Reviving Squadmate
  • "I am here, my friend."
  • "Your part is not done."
  • [reviving Seer/Voice lines (6)] "You have more to do here, Bloodhound."
  • [reviving Seer/Voice lines (7)] "Talos need you still, my friend."
  • [reviving Seer/Voice lines (8)] "Your butler is not here, so I will pick you up."
  • [reviving Seer/Voice lines (9)] "Perhaps you will consider your actions from now on."
  • Seer/Voice lines (10) [to Seer/Voice lines (11)] "I will lift you up, my friend. Those are not just words."
  • Seer/Voice lines (12) [to Seer/Voice lines (13)] "Allow me to assist you with action, not expression."
  • [reviving Seer/Voice lines (14)] "You're not leaving until you teach me the drums, Ms. Che."
Recover Squadmate's banner
  • "Banner retrieved. Now to pull them from the flame."
Deploy Heat Shield
  • "Deploying a Heat Shield."
Shot down Cargo Bot
  • "I hit a Cargo Bot, my friend."
  • "Swatted down a Cargo Bot."
Unlock Vault
  • "I've opened the vault, my friend. Come, look."
  • "The vault now lays open."
Using Replicator
  • "Biko, just a moment. Crafting."
  • "Crafting. Just a moment more."
Drop Seer/Voice lines (15) Holospray
  • "I'm not above bit of swagger."
  • "Of course an artist signs their work."
Use a Seer/Voice lines (16) Survey Beacon
  • "Good. I see the next Ring."
  • "The next Ring has been unveiled. Your map can guide you."
Entering Trident driver seat
  • "Don't make me drive alone, biko."
Entering Trident passenger seat
  • "Let us begin."
Exiting Trident
  • "I need to stretch my legs."
Throwing ordnances
  • Seer/Voice lines (17) Frag Grenade
    • "Throwing grenade."
    • "Frag out."
  • Seer/Voice lines (18) Arc Star
    • "Throwing an arc star."
    • "Tossing arc star."
  • Seer/Voice lines (19) Thermite Grenade
    • "Throwing thermite."
    • "Throwing a thermite grenade."
    • "Thermite out."
    • "Thermite grenade out."
Killed Flyer
  • "I grounded a Flyer. Not my finest moment."
Seer/Voice lines (20) Dropping while in Shadow Royale Mode
  • "Two Revenants? I wonder if they fear each other."
Killed Shadow but Enemy Squad is still active
  • "To stop the Shadows, the whole Squad must be dismissed."

Pings[ | ]

Go here/Suggested a location
  • "This direction calls to me. Let us go."
  • "The flame draws me this way."
  • "We must go here."
  • "This way. Come."
  • “This way, perhaps?”
Location from dropship
  • “This setting is perfect.”
  • “Let us set down here.”
  • "Why not land there? It is beautiful!"
Looting here
  • “Scouring this area for supplies.”
  • “I’ll find new gear here, perhaps?”
  • “Searching for items to inspire us.”
Attacking here
  • “Placing myself here for the attack”
  • “I will strike at them here.”
  • “The show begins, Attacking here.”
  • “Engaging with enemy here.”
Going here / Heading to a location
  • “I am moving over there.”
  • “That area is enticing. Checking it out.”
  • “This direction calls to me, Let us go.”
  • “I am going over here.”
  • “Going to scout this location.”
  • “Going here, Come if you like.”
  • “Going there. It looks…strangely beautiful.”
Defending here
  • “I will secure this area.”
  • “This setting is perfect. I will defend it.”
  • “I will hold this spot for you, my friend.”
Watching here
  • “I’m going to watch this area.”
  • “My eye is trained on this area.”
  • “I will keep lookout here.”
Location Compromised
  • “Other have been here. We may have an audience.”
  • "That location has seen another Squad."
  • "Someone has been here before. Originality is overrated."
  • "Contact with rival."
  • "Contact with enemy here."
  • "Antagonist spotted."
  • "Rival spotted."
  • “Antagonist in sight--and close.”
  • “Antagonist over here.”
  • "Antagonist spotted over there."
  • “There is an enemy over here.”
  • “Look. Enemy over here.”
  • "I see an opponent here."
  • "Opponent over there."
  • "Enemy in view. Over there."
  • "Enemy spotted. They are far."
Enemy being revived
  • "Enemy reviving here."
Enemy taking off with Seer/Voice lines (21) Skyward Dive
  • "That enemy Squad is about to launch."
  • "That enemy Squad is set to launch."
Canceled Ping
  • "Forget that."
  • "Never mind."
  • "Cancel that."
Help / Bleeding Out
  • "Abeg, please, help is needed. Urgently."
  • " I'm down. But I can be saved."
  • " I need help, my friend."
  • "Okay."
  • "Sure."
  • "Agreed."
  • "I could put that to use."
  • "Oh, I need that."
  • "Lead the way, my friend."
Hold on
  • "Biko, I need a moment."
Ultimate [Seer/Voice lines (22) Exhibit]
  • 0~84% charged
    • "My ultimate isn't ready yet."
    • "My ultimate needs more time."
    • "Ultimate is not ready."
    • "Ultimate still charging."
  • 85~99% charged
    • "My ultimate needs a moment."
    • "My ultimate is almost set."
  • 100% ready
    • "Ultimate is fully charged."
    • "Ultimate ready."
    • "My ultimate is ready and waiting.
    • "My ultimate is ready."
Seer/Voice lines (23) Rampage LMG
  • "Rampage here. One of Ramya's beautiful, mad children."
Seer/Voice lines (24) Bocek
  • "Bocek here. An elegant tool."
Rampart's Custom Modded Paintball Weapons
  • "<Weapon> here. Rampart special."
Seer/Voice lines (25) Extended Energy Mag
  • "If it is required, there is an extended energy mag here. Level 1/2/3/4."
Seer/Voice lines (26) Surveillance Drone
  • "I see a drone over there. I'm not afraid of an audience."
Seer/Voice lines (27) Silence
  • "There's a Silence Bomb here. Step lightly, my friend."
Seer/Voice lines (28) Black Market Boutique
  • "This Black Market could give our performance an edge."
Seer/Voice lines (29) Phase Breach
  • "Phase Tear here. Oddly beautiful."
Respawn Dropship
  • "Look: a dropship descends."
Seer/Voice lines (30) Materials
  • "I have found some Materials here. The stuff of creation."
Extended Supply Bin
  • [Unopened Extra Compartment] "Whoever emptied this Extended Supply Bin missed the extra compartment."
  • "Open Extended Supply Bin there, but they missed the extra drawer."
  • "Extended Supply Bin here. Its drawer is still shut."
  • "Extended Supply Bin there. A drawer's still closed."
Seer/Voice lines (31) Treasure Pack
  • "There is a Treasure Pack here. It is yours, if you like."
Charge Tower
  • "There is a Charge Tower here. It can inspire striking works."
Cargo Bot
  • "Cargo Bot here. What lays inside? I do love mystery."
  • "Cargo Bot over there. We must claim it."
Dropped cargo
  • "Dropped cargo here. Gather what speaks to you."
  • Let's use the Geyser over there. Seems fun."
  • "There is a Loot Vault right here, my friend."
    • [has Vault Key] "I have the key at the ready."
Seer/Voice lines (32) Vault Key
  • "Key to the Vault here. Claim it, if you can."
Mural at Big Maude
  • "Shame on me. I forgot Ramya's art extends beyond machines of death. Hmm, I look good."
  • "Trident here. Let's drive, my friend."
  • [Enemy boarding] "Spotted an enemy Trident over there."
Pathfinder Fight Night Boxing Ring
  • [Close] "Boxing ring here. A dance on the canvas sounds invigorating."
  • [Far] "Boxing ring over there. A fight within a fight? That's funny."
  • "Loot MRVN here. Enticing."
  • [Looted] "Ah, look: looted MRVN here."

Seer/Voice lines (33) Pathfinder's Statue

  • "Pathfinder statue here. Stunning likeness."
  • "Pathfinder statue there."
IMC Armory
  • "Armory here. I'm fond of it's gifts."
  • "Armory over there. Let us seize these instruments for art."

Abilities[ | ]

Using Seer/Voice lines (34) Focus of Attention
  • “Lifting the veil.”
  • “Unveiling.”
  • “What lies behind the veil.”
  • “Your veil will fall.”
  • “Drop the veil.”
  • “See through the veil.”
  • “Look beyond the veil.”
  • “The great unveiling.”
  • “Unveil yourself.”
  • “Drawing back the veil.”
Using Seer/Voice lines (35) Exhibit
  • “Now, to the heart of the matter.”
  • “The heart sees what the eye cannot.”
  • “An open heart sees clearly.”
  • “Emptying my heart.”
  • “Have a heart.”
  • “Listen to my heart.”
Inside Seer/Voice lines (36) EMP area of effect
  • “There's an EMP coming.”
Recalled back to Seer/Voice lines (37) Death Totem
  • “I'm at the Totem, whole again.”
  • “Back at the Totem. This device is…chilling.”

Battle Royale Status[ | ]

First blood
  • "The first Legend falls."
  • "First blood and it's not me. Who said I'm cursed?"
  • [by your Squad] "We killed first, but not without style."
  • [by your Squad] "We took first blood. Beautifully done, my friend."
New Kill Leader appointed
  • "New Kill Leader. Labels are a curse, and a target."
  • "Watch for the new Kill Leader."
  • [Self] "I may be the new Kill Leader, but I aim for beauty, only."
  • [Self] "I'm the new Kill Leader. I'm honored."
  • [Squadmate] "You are the new Kill Leader. Bravo."
Kill Leader eliminated
  • "We've downed the Kill Leader."
Champion eliminated
  • "A Champion falls, another rises."
  • "Even Champions cannot resist the flame."
  • [by your Squad] "We killed the Champion--with artistry."
  • [by your Squad] "We defeated the Champion. You're too much, my friend."
Replicator incoming
  • "Replicator coming down, my friend."
  • "Replicator incoming. Now, what to create..."
Care Package incoming
  • "Ah, look: supplies inbound, my friend."
  • "Care Package incoming".
Half the Squads left
  • "Half the Squads have left the stage."
Two Squads left
  • "Two other Squads remain."
  • "Down to three Squads. But only one will win--us!"

Arenas Status[ | ]

Round 1 prep
  • "Fight with beauty, my friends, and we'll win."
  • ▶️ "I'm ready. Let us give them a show, shall we?"
  • [withSeer/Voice lines (38)] "Bloodhound, my friend. Our enemies will not hide from us."
  • [withSeer/Voice lines (39)] "Arenas is our stage, Silva. Let us own it, not dive off it."
  • [withSeer/Voice lines (40)] "Arenas. This is a stage we know well, Ramya. Let us set it ablaze."
Match Point prep - Winning
  • "One more. They cannot contain us."
  • "We're set to win. Once more unto the flame, dear friends."
Match Point prep - Losing
  • "They're poised to win, and we're poised to take it from them."
Double Kill

Control Status[ | ]

Your Team controlled Zone
  • "We, the cursed, took a zone."
Zone is neutralized by enemy team
Zone is neutralized by your team
  • "We neutralized that zone. Now let us make it our own. "
Enemy Team controls Zone
Capture Bonus claimed
Enemy has capture bonus
Your Team has reached 50% of Ratings
  • "We are over the halfway mark. Eyes open, my friend."
Your Team has reached 90% of Ratings
Enemy Team has reached 50% of Ratings
Enemy Team has reached 90% of Ratings
New Ratings Leader Appointed
  • [Squadmate] "It was a beautiful performance, Ratings Leader, and the audience knows it."

Ring Status[ | ]

Squad inside the next Ring
  • "We are inside the next Ring. This is our stage."
  • "We're already inside the next Ring, my friend."
  • [Alone] "I'm inside the next Ring already. Time to prepare."

Squad outside the next Ring

  • "We are outside the next Ring. We must get inside to make our mark."
  • "We must act. Next Ring is far."

Squad outside the next Ring, far

  • [Alone] "It's a long, lonely trip to the next Ring."
One minute left, Ring's close
  • "One minute. Ring's near."
  • "One minute. Thankfully, it's close."
45 seconds left, Ring's far
  • "45 seconds. Let's get to the next Ring."
Ten seconds left
  • "Ten seconds, my friends."

Lobby[ | ]

Map[ | ]

Switching to Broken Moon
  • "To Broken Moon... Egh.. my mistake."

Ranked[ | ]

New Ranked Season
New Split
Ranked Up
  • "I ranked up. I am excited."
  • "My rank has increased. And so the flame grows."
Ranked Down
  • "I ranked down. But even I'm embarked can becoming inferno."
Seer/Voice lines (41) Silver
  • "I've made to Silver. But my work is not done."
Seer/Voice lines (42) Gold
Seer/Voice lines (43) Platinum
Seer/Voice lines (44) Diamond
Seer/Voice lines (45) Master
Seer/Voice lines (46) Apex Predator

Quip[ | ]

  • "An unforgettable performance. I bow to you."
  • " Sheer perfection. And I do not say that lightly."
  • " I am excited. I am not trying to hide it. "
Thank you
  • "Imena. Thank you--truly."
  • "My Thanks."
  • [To Seer/Voice lines (47)] "Exquisite. My thanks, Loba."
  • [To Seer/Voice lines (48)] "Thank you. Your taste remains impeccable."
You’re welcome
  • "You are most welcome."
  • [To Seer/Voice lines (49)] "Haha, I live to serve beauty."
  • [To Seer/Voice lines (50)] "No wahala. Anything for the muse."
  • [To Seer/Voice lines (51)] "You have not changed at all, Silva."
  • Seer/Voice lines (52) [To Seer/Voice lines (53)] "It will be a small profile. Nothing like yours, my friend."
  • Seer/Voice lines (54) [To Seer/Voice lines (55)] "Just a simple chat. I do not have your passion for explosives."
  • Seer/Voice lines (56) [To Seer/Voice lines (57)] "It is nothing so conceited. I will remind those cast out that they are not alone."
  • Seer/Voice lines (58) [To Seer/Voice lines (59)] "My art needs no such showmanship. I am here to bring hope to the cursed."
  • Seer/Voice lines (60) [To Seer/Voice lines (61)] "I could not turn down the chance to inspire those who have been cast out."
  • Seer/Voice lines (62) [To Seer/Voice lines (63)] "The audience demanded it. I will not deny them my authentic self."
  • Seer/Voice lines (64) [to Seer/Voice lines (65)] "I was caught off guard, and my words seem to have fallen flat."
  • Seer/Voice lines (66) [to Seer/Voice lines (67)] "Sometimes it is better to listen than to speak."
  • Seer/Voice lines (68) [to Seer/Voice lines (69)] "Ah. Still a child interested in the most attainable fruits, Octane."
  • Seer/Voice lines (70) [to Seer/Voice lines (71)] "Do not worry who is speaking to me. Worry who is not speaking to you."
Thanks Squadmate for first-aid
  • "You came back, my friend. Daalụ."
  • [to Seer/Voice lines (72)] "You revived me, Silva. Perhaps you do appreciate art."
  • [to Seer/Voice lines (73)] "At least you didn't 'accidentally' inject me with stim, again."
  • Seer/Voice lines (74) [to Seer/Voice lines (75)] "My apologies... There is much I need to think on."
  • Seer/Voice lines (76) [to Seer/Voice lines (77)] "I am feeling rather... lost at the moment."
You're Welcome for first aid
  • Seer/Voice lines (78) [to Seer/Voice lines (79)] "The truth... It--it cannot always be beautiful."
  • Seer/Voice lines (80) [to Seer/Voice lines (81)] "I... I cannot deny her claims."

Lore[ | ]

At Cenote Cave, Storm Point
  • "Nothing is in stasis. Not even a moon is promised to the sky. what was built can be rebuilt, but it can never be the same."

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As an expert in the field of Apex Legends lore and voice lines, it's clear that the provided text is a compilation of voice lines from the Legend named Seer. Seer is a character in Apex Legends, and the voice lines provide insights into his personality, background, and in-game interactions. The evidence supporting my expertise lies in the detailed breakdown of Seer's voice lines, showcasing a deep understanding of the character and the game's mechanics.

Now, let's delve into the information related to all the concepts used in the provided article:

Seer's Background and Personality:

Seer is a character in Apex Legends known for his artistic and poetic nature. He expresses a deep appreciation for beauty and sees the world through a unique lens. His voice lines suggest a connection between his artistic pursuits and the violence inherent in the Apex Games.

Character Select:

Seer's character select quotes reveal his philosophy, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's true self and creating something striking. He also mentions his belief in art and pinball.


Seer's intro lines provide further insight into his mindset, mentioning his motivation to overcome challenges and fight for the "odd ones."


Seer's kill quotes are poetic, emphasizing the transient nature of life and the beauty in defeat. He associates death with art and strives to make every moment stunning.


Seer's in-game quotes cover a variety of situations, including squad management, being the jumpmaster, downing enemies, taking damage, reviving teammates, and using various items and abilities.


Seer's ping lines reflect his artistic nature, using metaphors and poetic language to communicate with teammates about locations, enemies, and actions.


Seer's abilities, such as "Focus of Attention" and "Exhibit," are mentioned in his voice lines. These abilities are likely related to revealing or highlighting enemies and creating a visual spectacle.

Battle Royale Status:

Seer comments on various game events, such as first blood, new kill leaders, and the arrival of replicators and care packages.

Arenas Status:

Seer has specific lines related to the Arenas game mode, indicating his readiness for battle and determination to give a captivating performance.

Control Status:

Lines related to controlling zones and capturing bonuses in Arenas are included, showcasing Seer's awareness of the game's mechanics.

Ring Status:

Seer provides commentary on the status of the ring, whether the squad is inside or outside, and the urgency of the situation.


Seer's lines related to the map selection and Ranked play indicate his involvement in the larger Apex Games ecosystem.


Seer's quip lines express gratitude, acknowledgment, and his commitment to serving beauty.


The lore section refers to a specific location, Cenote Cave on Storm Point, suggesting that Seer has a broader perspective on the world of Apex Legends and its changing dynamics.

In summary, the provided text offers a comprehensive overview of Seer's voice lines, showcasing his character, personality, and interactions within the game.

Seer/Voice lines (2024)


What language does Seer speak? ›

Seer's voice actor is Iké Amadi, speaking English and Igbo.

What is Seers' accent? ›

he's nigerian, specifically igbo, which apparently is a different accent from other nigerian accents in the same way the US has varied accents. Upvote 106 Downvote Reply. Kvascha.

Who is the voice of Seer? ›

Seer's voice is brought to us by Apex Legends voice actor Ike Amadi. He is also known for his roles in animation and other videogames, such as the title character in Knack, Angor Rot in Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia, and Jameson Locke in Halo 5: Guardians.

Why is Seer so good? ›

Seer's Heart Seeker passive is incredibly strong in-game. It gives you free information without any cooldowns and allows you to sense enemies within 75 meters. His passive is one of the most underutilized tools by new Apex Legends Seer players.

What ethnicity is seer? ›

Seer's ethnicity is Igbo. Seer is pansexual. Seer has been fighting in the Arenas for 9 years.

What is a seer's weakness? ›

Surprisingly enough, Seer's greatest weakness is the sky. Because of the delay on Focus of Attention, it can be trickier to time it with a falling/flying target than one running along the ground.

Did Seer and Octane date? ›

Seer and Octane have a friend/hate relationship with each other, and on occasions will argue with one another. However, during the "Friends Like These" story, their friendship has greatly improved.

What is Seer silence time? ›

Seer Tactical Ability: Focus of Attention

If an enemy is caught inside, it will interrupt any ability or item they're trying to use (reviving, shields, meds, etc.) applies a 1.25 second silence effect, preventing them from using Legend abilities, and it will reveal their health bars for 8 seconds.

How tall is SEER? ›

Pathfinder is 6 foot 2, caustic is 6 foot 3, Seer is 6 foot 4, which honestly surprises me a little bit. as I thought he would be shorter.

Is SEER good or bad? ›

In general, the higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the AC unit and the greater the potential for energy savings. When air conditioning units with a higher SEER rating are used, less energy is required to produce the same amount of cooling, resulting in lower energy bills.

Who is best with SEER? ›

One of Seers best partners is Mausoleum Mage from the Undead Hordes. This is because he applies multiple buffs to your team including Crit Rate. Seer removes all these buffs and can hit for 300k+ to every enemy with the right set up and gearing.

What language does Assassin's Creed speak? ›

Isu is the fictional language of the Assassin's Creed universe created by Antoine Henry, Ubisoft's associate game director. In the game, it was created by the mysterious and technologically advanced Isu civilization, which is entrenched in the lore of the games.

What religion is seers? ›

A person authorized of God to see with spiritual eyes things that God has hidden from the world (Moses 6: 35–38). He is a revelator and a prophet (Mosiah 8:13–16)” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Seer,” One who reveals the will of God to His children.

What language does the Legion speak? ›

Caesar's Legion have created their own language, a combination of English, Latin and some particular terms adapted from Roman history, used in everyday communication.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.