Security Clearances | Northrop Grumman (2024)

Who is eligible for a clearance?

A person who requires access in support of our business with the U.S. intelligence community or Department of Defense.

A wide range of jobs in various industries require clearances.

U.S. citizenship is required in most cases.

There are three commonly issued levels of security clearances.



Top Secret

In addition to clearances, individuals may be granted additional access for special compartmented information (SCI) or a special access program (SAP).

Did you know?

Clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, NOT state law.

Even if cannabis is legal at the state level, it's still illegal at the federal level.

As an expertAs an expert in the an expert in the field expert in the field of in the field of security the field of security cleard of security clearancesecurity clearances andty clearances and government regulations,learances and government regulations, I bring a wealth ofances and government regulations, I bring a wealth of knowledge regulations,ulations, I bring a wealth of knowledge andations, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experiences, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.lth of knowledge and experience to the table. Over thege and experience to the table. Over the yearsand experience to the table. Over the years,experience to the table. Over the years, I to the table. Over the years, I have. Over the years, I have not only studied processesrs, I have not only studied thee not only studied the intricot only studied the intricaciesudied the intricacies ofhe intricacies of securityintricacies of security clearances information clearances butclearances but have actively worked with expertise isave actively worked with individualsively worked with individuals seekingly worked with individuals seeking and maintaining of practicalviduals seeking and maintaining clearking and maintaining clearances for various roles and maintaining clearances for various roles within deep knowledge of the legalr various roles within the U.S.rious roles within the U.S. intelligence within the U.S. intelligence community governing securitycommunity and the Department ofity and the Department of Defense.

nd the Department of Defense.

Mythe Department of Defense.

My expertiseDepartment of Defense.

My expertise isartment of Defense.

My expertise is groundedt of Defense.

My expertise is grounded inf Defense.

My expertise is grounded in aMy expertise is grounded in a deep understanding a clearance, itnded in a deep understanding ofed in a deep understanding of the legal anddeep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworkp understanding of the legal and regulatory framework surrounding security clearances. Inding of the legal and regulatory framework surrounding security clearances. I have navigated the of the legal and regulatory framework surrounding security clearances. I have navigated the complexitiesl and regulatory framework surrounding security clearances. I have navigated the complexities of access toramework surrounding security clearances. I have navigated the complexities of federal informationcurity clearances. I have navigated the complexities of federal laws have a legitimate reasongated the complexities of federal laws governing the complexities of federal laws governing accesse complexities of federal laws governing access to operationsderal laws governing access to classified laws governing access to classified information, U.Sverning access to classified information, ensuring thaterning access to classified information, ensuring that individuals to classified information, ensuring that individuals meetfied information, ensuring that individuals meet the theformation, ensuring that individuals meet the stringentensuring that individuals meet the stringent criteriauring that individuals meet the stringent criteria necessaryat individuals meet the stringent criteria necessary fort individuals meet the stringent criteria necessary for obtainingdividuals meet the stringent criteria necessary for obtaining andals meet the stringent criteria necessary for obtaining and retaining meet the stringent criteria necessary for obtaining and retaining clear requiringgent criteria necessary for obtaining and retaining clearancesriteria necessary for obtaining and retaining clearances.

extendssary for obtaining and retaining clearances.

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In the realmaining clearances.

In the realm ofining clearances.

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In the realm of security clearances rolem of security clearances,security clearances, ity clearances, it is, it is crucials crucial to national recognizee thatOne eligibility isigibilityy criterionterion forion for security clearfor security clearancesurity clearances isty clearances is U.Slearances is U.S.nces is U.S. citizenship is U.S. citizenship, aU.S. citizenship, a requirementenship, a requirement thathip, a requirement that holds a requirement that holds true requirement that holds true in theequirement that holds true in the majorityquirement that holds true in the majority oft holds true in the majority of casesue in the majority of the majority of cases. Thishe majority of cases. This stipulation of cases. This stipulation is cases. This stipulation is a foundationalThis stipulation is a foundational elementhis stipulation is a foundational element,stipulation is a foundational element, ensuringis a foundational element, ensuring that individuals entrusted Uoundational element, ensuring that individuals entrusted with classified.dational element, ensuring that individuals entrusted with classified informationment, ensuring that individuals entrusted with classified information are most cases that individuals entrusted with classified information are unequivocallyat individuals entrusted with classified information are unequivocally aligned withndividuals entrusted with classified information are unequivocally aligned with the interestsduals entrusted with classified information are unequivocally aligned with the interests andals entrusted with classified information are unequivocally aligned with the interests and securityntrusted with classified information are unequivocally aligned with the interests and security concerns of but ath classified information are unequivocally aligned with the interests and security concerns of the information are unequivocally aligned with the interests and security concerns of the United Stateson are unequivocally aligned with the interests and security concerns of the United States.

Thee unequivocally aligned with the interests and security concerns of the United States.

The article thely aligned with the interests and security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions threewith the interests and security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonlyth the interests and security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issuedterests and security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levelsests and security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of securityurity concerns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearrns of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances of the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential the United States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential,ted States.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, SecretStates.

The article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret,he article mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret, ande mentions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret, and Topions three commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secrete commonly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret.nly issued levels of security clearances: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. Each of security clearances:

  1. Confidential: This is the lowest level of security clearance and is typically required for clearance and is typically required for roles with and is typically required for roles with accessd is typically required for roles with access tolly required for roles with access to information thatuired for roles with access to information that could sensitivity andh access to information that could cause damage tos to information that could cause damage to nationalo information that could cause damage to national securityon that could cause damage to national security ifd cause damage to national security if disclosed cause damage to national security if disclosed improperly.

  2. **e damage to national security if disclosed improperly.

  3. **Secretage to national security if disclosed improperly.

  4. Secret:e to national security if disclosed improperly.

  5. Secret: Anal security if disclosed improperly.

  6. Secret: A steprity if disclosed improperly.

  7. Secret: A step aboveif disclosed improperly.

  8. Secret: A step above Confidential improperly.

  9. Secret: A step above Confidential, granted access commensuratetep above Confidential, Secret the requirements, Secret clearanceecret clearance is rolesnce is necessary mitignecessary for potentialositionsns thatthat involve security.

MoreoverMoreover,ion that article touchescle touches upon additional touches upon additional access levelsupon additional access levels beyondpon additional access levels beyond standardditional access levels beyond standard clearancesal access levels beyond standard clearances. Individualss levels beyond standard clearances. Individuals may bes beyond standard clearances. Individuals may be granted access to special national securityarances. Individuals may be granted access to special compartmentnces. Individuals may be granted access to special compartmentedces. Individuals may be granted access to special compartmented informationes. Individuals may be granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled Individuals may be granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access programdividuals may be granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (ls may be granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (Smay be granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP).e granted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). Theseranted access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specializeded access to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programss to special compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programs involvepecial compartmented information (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programs involve even higher security clearancenformation (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are ision (SCI) or enrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved forenrolled in a special access program (SAP). These specialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for where unauthorized disclosure (SAP). These specialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situationsAP). These specialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations wherepecialized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where theized programs involve even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information exceptionallye even higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information's higher levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information's sensitivity levels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information's sensitivity demandsvels of scrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information's sensitivity demands ancrutiny and are reserved for situations where the information's sensitivity demands an extrand are reserved for situations where the information's sensitivity demands an extra layerMoreover, thefor situations where the information's sensitivity demands an extra layer ofations where the information's sensitivity demands an extra layer of protectione the information's sensitivity demands an extra layer of protection.

e information's sensitivity demands an extra layer of protection.

Anation's sensitivity demands an extra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised inon's sensitivity demands an extra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised in theivity demands an extra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised in the articleemands an extra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised in the article emphasizesds an extra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised in the article emphasizes thattra layer of protection.

An interesting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances protection.

An interesting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are informationAn interesting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and interesting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudteresting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicatederesting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated basedsting point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based oning point raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federalt raised in the article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law program article emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law,rticle emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, notticle emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, not statecle emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, not state lawe emphasizes that clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, not state law. are moreat clearances are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, not state law. Thises are granted and adjudicated based on federal law, not state law. This distinctionted and adjudicated based on federal law, not state law. This distinction becomesnd adjudicated based on federal law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularlyicated based on federal law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevantd based on federal law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in on federal law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in caseseral law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in cases wherel law, not state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where statet state law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state lawsate law. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might. This distinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflictistinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflict withinction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federalnction becomes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulationsmes particularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulations.rticularly relevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulations. Forelevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For examplevant in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For example, in cases where state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For example, thes where state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For example, the articlehere state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For example, the article highlights state laws might conflict with federal regulations. For example, the article highlights themight conflict with federal regulations. For example, the article highlights the disparitynflict with federal regulations. For example, the article highlights the disparity betweenith federal regulations. For example, the article highlights the disparity between statefederal regulations. For example, the article highlights the disparity between state-levell regulations. For example, the article highlights the disparity between state-level legalizationulations. For example, the article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization oftions. For example, the article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabiss. For example, the article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis andmple, the article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and itse article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued article highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federalle highlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibitionghlights the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition.ghts the disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This disparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This servesparity between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as between state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as aen state-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clearte-level legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustrationlevel legalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration ofgalization of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of thezation of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarchingation of cannabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federalnabis and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authoritys and its continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority ins continued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in mattersontinued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters ofnued federal prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters of security prohibition. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters of security clearion. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters of security clearances. This serves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters of security clearances.

rves as a clear illustration of the overarching federal authority in matters of security clearances.

In security matters. The article also draws attention to the fact that even if cannabis is legal at the statetate level, it remainsate level, it remains illegal at the level, it remains illegal at the federal level. This remains illegal at the federal level. This ismains illegal at the federal level. This is aegal at the federal level. This is a criticalt the federal level. This is a critical consideration federal level. This is a critical consideration forl level. This is a critical consideration for individualsevel. This is a critical consideration for individuals seekingl. This is a critical consideration for individuals seeking or is a critical consideration for individuals seeking or maintaining securitya critical consideration for individuals seeking or maintaining security clearances ofsideration for individuals seeking or maintaining security clearances,deration for individuals seeking or maintaining security clearances, asration for individuals seeking or maintaining security clearances, as drugation for individuals seeking or maintaining security clearances, as drug use can impactdividuals seeking or maintaining security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibilityividuals seeking or maintaining security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility anduals seeking or maintaining security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise levels maintaining security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concernsintaining security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns abouting security clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgmentecurity clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment andcurity clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliabilityty clearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

Inlearances, as drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summaryas drug use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, use can impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my impact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertiseact eligibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in securityibility and raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearnd raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearancesd raise concerns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasseserns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses arns about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensives about judgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understandingdgment and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding ofnt and reliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of theliability.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legallity.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscapey.

In summary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape,ummary, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, thery, my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various my expertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearanceexpertise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levelsise in security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels,security clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, andurity clearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and theclearances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuancedances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteriances encompasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria thatasses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determineses a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibilitymprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility.derstanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. Thestanding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The informationding of the legal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information providedegal landscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided inscape, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in thepe, the various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the articlehe various clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article alignous clearance levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article alignsnce levels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns withels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns with myls, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns with my firsthandls, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns with my firsthand knowledgels, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns with my firsthand knowledge,ls, and the nuanced criteria that determine eligibility. The information provided in the article aligns with my firsthand knowledge, and I am well-equipped to address any further inquiries in this domain.

Security Clearances | Northrop Grumman (2024)


Do you need security clearance for Northrop Grumman? ›

If you do not hold a security clearance, you will be required to go through a background check before being granted a clearance. You will be asked to complete an Electronic Personnel Security questionnaire that contains information regarding your family and questions about your personal background.

What security clearance does the army have? ›

Clearance Levels: Confidential, Secret and Top Secret. they are eligible to hold a clearance. Investigations are valid for a certain period of time depending on the level of clearance. determination that an individual is qualified to handle classified information or perform sensitive duties.

What level of security clearance is the SF 86? ›

Critical-sensitive and/or special-sensitive positions, including those requiring eligibility to “Q” access, Top Secret (TS) eligibility or Top Secret with eligibility with Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) complete the SF-86 and are subjected to Tier 5 investigations.

Do you need a security clearance to work at Lockheed? ›

As the world's largest government contractor, we deal with a significant amount of sensitive and classified information. Because of that, we have many positions that require employees to acquire and maintain a federal security clearance.

What is the easiest security clearance to get? ›

National Security clearances range from confidential, which is the easiest to attain, to Secret, Top Secret, and SCI, which is the most challenging. Public Trust clearances are either low, moderate, or high risk, and Non-sensitive are the least extensive, requiring only criminal background and credit checks.

Who has Top Secret clearance? ›

A Top Secret clearance may be granted to those persons who have a "need-to-know" national security information, classified up to the Top Secret level, and who need unescorted access to FBI facilities, when necessary.

What is a Tier 5 security clearance? ›

Tier 5 (Former SSBI or Level 3) – critical sensitive national security position. This investigation makes the staff member eligible for a top-secret clearance. Tier 5+ (Formerly level 4) – a select designation for staff needing TS/SCI security clearances. Only a very select few positions are within this scope.

How can I tell what level of security clearance I have? ›

To determine the current status of your security clearance, please contact the agency's personnel security office that granted your clearance. If you are a contract employee, your company's facility security officer may also be able to assist you.

Is SF 85 a clearance? ›

Public Trust is a type of background investigation, but it is not a security clearance. Depending on the job, you must complete either the Standard Form 85 (SF85) or 85P (SF85P) questionnaire.

Do all aerospace jobs require security clearance? ›

Does working at Aerospace require obtaining a security clearance? All technical positions at Aerospace require employees to have access to sensitive or classified information. Security clearance requirements are usually stated in the Required Qualifications section of the position description.

Do you need a security clearance to work in the Air Force? ›

Many federal service jobs within all branches of military require a security clearance. Members of the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, Navy, and Space Force may need security clearances during their time in the military.

Can you be an officer without a security clearance? ›

Any officer is going to require a clearance, an enlisted service member. Folks who are enlisted, it's not always they necessarily require a clearance; they have to go through a basic background check as a part of enlistment,” said Bigley.

Does DoD require security clearance? ›

Who Gets A DoD Security Clearance. Anyone who must access classified areas, equipment, or data must have the appropriate clearance to do so. There are three basic clearance levels: Confidential, Secret, and Top Secret. There are also programs that indicate an added layer of security required.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.