Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (2024)

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Search - Cryptographic Module Validation Program | CSRC | CSRC Use this form to search for information on validated cryptographic modules. Select the basic search type to search… PKI Debit Card Pins for ATMs Securing Cryptocurrencies What's in a PCIe HSM? What is a Device Key? The key to unlocking all keys. Master Backup Keys (MBK) Keys Supported Objects used in PKCS#11 Storage SafeNet HSM key-extraction vulnerability On Safenet HSM key-extraction vulnerability CVE-2015-5464 (part I) This series of posts is provides a more in-depth explanation of the key-extraction vulnerability we discovered and… Your Bitcoin Wallet May Be At Risk: Safenet HSM Key-Extraction Vulnerability | Gemini As a next generation Bitcoin exchange, ensuring the security of bitcoin on deposit is Gemini's top priority. Perhaps… Ledger's Analysis of HSM Vulnerabilities Cybercrooks Are Mailing Users Fake Ledger Devices To Steal Their Cryptocurrency Ledger's hardware wallets are a very popular way to securely store cryptocurrency. So popular, in fact, that… A Closer Look Into Ledger Security: the Root of Trust | Ledger In the previous articles, we have taken a closer look at Secure Elements and our custom Operating System — BOLOS. This… The Heartbleed Bug, explained In 2014, security researchers discovered a serious flaw in SSL, the encryption technology that secures the web. The… Cloud HSM Best Practices — Google Open Project to Make HSMs Affordable — CrypTech Alpha CrypTech Alpha Security & Privacy The CrypTech Alpha is a standalone prototype key-storage and hardware cryptography platform… HSM Use Cases — Cryptomathic Key Management and use cases for HSMs The rise of e-commerce enabled corporate organizations and banks to more easily expand their businesses and services… Definitive Guide to Encryption Key Management Fundamentals — Townsend Security The Definitive Guide to Encryption Key Management Fundamentals Back to Top The encryption key life-cycle, defined by NIST as having a pre-operational, operational, post-operational… Presentation on Reversing and Exploiting a FIPS 140–2 HSM Firmware — Recon BRX 2017 (Fotis Loukos) Awesome PKI GitHub - viralpoetry/awesome-pki: A collection of articles, manuals, research papers, blogs, videos… A collection of articles, manuals, research papers, blogs, videos and software somehow related to the Public Key… FAQs

Mabel Oza



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12 min read


Aug 29, 2022


HSMs (Hardware Secure Modules) are specialized hardware devices that are tamper proof and used to store cryptographic keys. The rule is that all secret keys forever stay in the HSM device.

When we need to use them we do the operation in the secure execution environment of the HSM.

HSM providers need to go through a certification process with the NIST. Some major providers that have been around for a while are Gemalto (owned by Thales, SafeNet (owned by Gemalto), Thales, nCipher (owned by EnTrust), FutureX, and Utimaco. These solutions have a costly overhead a Gemalto HSM can be ~$29,000, Thales can be ~$9,500, and Utimaco can be ~$15,000. In addition, you need to store these HSM devices in a secure location which can cost an arm and a leg or even more.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (4)

Someone doesn't need the high overhead to use an HSM, you can easily lease a cloud provider's HSM to get the job done. In recent years cloud providers have also become major contenders like AWS, Google, and Azure, providing cloud HSMs. There isn’t an overhead cost but a cloud cost to using cloud HSMs that’s dependent on how long and how you use them, for example, AWS costs ~$1,058 a month (1 HSM x 730 hours in a month x 1.45 USD = 1,058.50 USD). Another major difference with cloud HSM providers is that the physical devices sit at the cloud provider's sites, not yours. You would most likely use the services (Key Management Services — KMS) provided by the cloud provider to interact with the HSM devices on their site.

When finding an HSM provider, please validate the vendor's certificate issued by NIST using the site below:


All Certification Authorities (CAs) are required to use HSMs. Certificate Authorities use HSM devices to sign certificates, so apps can trust that the certificate issued is legitimate and blessed by the CA.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (5)

We need HSMs to sign the certificates to prevent a bad actor from using a hijacked cert. If a hacker gets a hold of the client certificate, they won't be able to authenticate themselves with a signature because the private key in the HSM can only sign the certificate.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (6)

Below are the CA/B Forum Baseline requirements:

The CA SHALL protect its Private Key in a system or device that has been validated as meeting at least FIPS 140 level 3 or an appropriate Common Criteria Protection Profile or Security Target, EAL 4 (or higher), which includes requirements to protect the Private Key and other assets against known threats.

Debit Card Pins for ATMs

HSMs are used to secure debit card pins, banks can't have pins out in the open because someone will use that to rob customers, so they use HSM devices to verify the PIN.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (7)

Securing Cryptocurrencies

With the emergence of cryptocurrencies, HSMs have become increasingly popular. Cryptocurrencies are essentially public and private key pairs, and since HSMs are built to secure keys, they are ideal for the job.

In the crypto space, HSMs are the signers for transactions. Since the private key always sits inside the HSM, the transaction is sent to the HSM to be signed.

Below is how Kaleido uses either Azure, AWS, or HashiCorp cloud HSM to sign off on a transaction.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (8)

HSMs devices are usually available as PCIe cards and Network Attached Appliances. The PCIe card can be installed into a server, and a Network Attached Appliance is its hardware.

Below is an image of an HSM PCIe device hosted on a Linux box. Usually, this Linux server runs on an Intel E5500 server, has 4 GBs of RAM, and a hard drive of 500 GBs.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (9)

The below image is a PCIe HSM; this PCIe card sits on the server and is where all the magic happens. It has sensors that can detect changes in temperate, voltage, power supply, and the tampering of the protection foil. A physical protection layer and a battery helps erase the contents of the memory in case of a breach when the HSM is powered off.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (10)

What's in a PCIe HSM?

  • A Texas Instruments TMS320C64x DSP that performs cryptographic operations.
  • True Random Number Generator (TRNG) and a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) to help it provide entropy
  • A Key-RAM which contains the Device Key that encrypts all keys

What is a Device Key? The key to unlocking all keys.

The device key is created when the HSM is put into operation. Most importantly, it encrypts all the cryptographic keys and security parameters. Keys in the HSMs cannot be extracted, exported, imported, or manipulated.

Master Backup Keys (MBK)

Master backup keys, as the name says, back up the keys. They are 256-bit AES keys used to encrypt backups and can be split into many shares using an n out of m scheme.

Keys Supported

Most HSM devices support RSA, DSA, ECDSA (NIST and Brainpool
curves), DH, ECDH, AES, DES, 3DES, SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, RIPEMD, etc.

PKCS#11 is a Cryptographic Token Interface Standard, also known as Crytoki, and has a suite of cryptographic services for encryption, decryption, signature generation, signature verification, and key storage.

PKCS#11 is a standard for interoperability between cryptographic hardware devices by abstracting device differences with unified API functions. Not all devices have to use all the PKCS#11 functions, and they can have additional functions as long as they don't conflict with PKCS#11.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (11)

Based on this standard, companies have created their functions. Below is an example of AWS's function to generate an AES key:

Objects used in PKCS#11

There are three types of objects used with PKCS#11, keys (secret, public, and private), certificates, and data (DSA/ECDSA parameters, etc.). Cryptoki doesn't manipulate these objects directly. Instead, it uses the object's handles.

Below are the attributes of a signing key object in PKCS#11:

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (12)

Every object gets access to a token, and inside a token, they get a slot ("plug-in position"). The slot contains cryptographic objects and protects against unauthorized access. If a user has access to a token, they only have access to the object associated with that token.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (13)


The persistent data is stored in a flash memory covered in epoxy resin on the PCIe card. It contains a Linux image, custom modules, logs, and the PKCS#11 objects. The flash memory is partitioned, and the PKCS#11 objects are stored separately. The encryption key is stored in external memory.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (14)

HSMs are resilient devices that can secure your keys in extreme weather conditions, fires, or from someone that wants to tamper with your device. Because they're hardware solutions and have the highest security grade, there are not many solutions with a NIST FIPS 130 level 2 (some have higher levels in specific areas, such as physical security). Below is a snapshot of the criteria that tells us what FIPS level an HSM qualifies as.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (15)

The other positive is that HSMs have been around for decades. So there is a wealth of knowledge on HSM best practices and several research studies around the securities of HSMs.

Despite all the strengths of HSMs, nothing is unbreakable.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (16)

SafeNet HSM key-extraction vulnerability

On January 30th, 2015, Gemini was evaluating the Luna G5 HSM used by AWS when they came across a vulnerability that allowed the extraction of secret keys. The problem was in Luna's PCIe card and network appliance used by AWS's cloud HSM.

Safenet's problem was that they used several PKCS#11 functions that were not reliable, especially the extract-key-from-key (key derivation) and XOR-base-and-data functions.

Extract Key from Key (Key Derivation)

Key derivation functions create a key as a function of another key. An example is BIP-32, where a Bitcoin HD wallet comprises a family of addresses derived from a single seed phrase.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (17)

This scheme generates a new key by taking a contiguous sequence of bits at an offset and the length from the existing key; it basically extracts a substring.


We first start at the most-significant bit and extract 2 bytes. Now we can HMAC a chosen message using the derived key. Given this primitive, the attack can be made with brute force, we can uncover the short key by trying all possibilities against known message/HMAC pairs.

Now we can repeat, derive another short-key at a different offset, brute-force using a chosen message attack, then repeat until all key bytes are recovered. Fully automated, this requires a couple of seconds with Luna G5, much less time with the more powerful SA7000 used in CloudHSM.

Elliptic Curve Keys

This attack works against AES, generic HMAC secret, and elliptic-curve private keys but not RSA, plain DSA, and Diffie Hellman.

For elliptic-curve keys, the byte array truncated is the secret scalar part of the key. An example of the "secret" component for a Bitcoin ECDSA key is a discrete logarithm in secp256k1. Internally those discrete logarithms are just stored as a 32-byte scalar value, and the extract-key-from-key scheme can be used to successively reveal chunks of that scalar value.

More on the vulnerability can be found below:

Below is the announcement by Gemini on the vulnerability:

Ledger's Analysis of HSM Vulnerabilities

How does Ledger use HSMs?

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (18)

Ledger, the hardware wallet, uses HSMs to ensure the ledger devices received by customers are legitimate. Ledger has to do this because there have been several hacks where false devices were sent out to customers to steal their cryptocurrencies.

The process of validating the devices is called attestation. Every time a Ledger device is set up or updated, a server connected to the HSM sends a challenge (from a randomly generated number from the HSM) to the customer's device to prove its legitimacy. If the server can verify the signature, it's valid.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (19)

Ledger's Research on HSM Vulnerabilities (Everybody be cool this is a robbery)

On August 8th, 2019, Ledger presented at the USA BlackHat conference on vulnerabilities with HSM devices. Through their research, they discovered 14 memory corruption bug vulnerabilities, the exploits allowed them to execute their code remotely that eventually reveal every secret key in the device.

The HSM device they used for this research allowed the developers to develop custom modules that could be executed on the HSM, so they created a module that installed a custom shell and a debugger. To automate their research, they used a fuzzer that sent mutated messages from the host to the HSM. The mutated messages caused kernel module crashes and out-of-memory issues that led to HSM DDoS, so they had to filter the messages.

One of the bugs they found was very close to Heartbleed.

What is Heartbleed?

Heartbleed is a buffer over-read issue where additional info was leaked in a heartbeat message, hence the name heartbleed.

A heartbeat requests requires the command below, where the bp is the place it’s copying to, pl is where it’s copied from, and the payload is the length of the data being copied. The payload represents a memory length of a payload and is usually a 16-bit integer.

memcpy(bp, pl, payload);

Before providing the information, there should be a bounds check that validates the input request and returns the exact payload length requested. If the bound checks aren’t done the heart beat mechanism allocates a memory buffer without doing a validation check.

A memory buffer is a temporary storage for data in transit and can contain sensitive and financial information, credentials, cookies, etc. If it’s improperly allocated it can expose sensitive data in a heartbeat message.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (20)

Below is the HSM module code to set an attribute value. This is where they found a heartbleed-like bug. Notice below that the size passed to malloc and the size passed to memcpy is different. The different sizes would cause some part of the data that's copied to the value of the attribute not to get fully initialized.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (21)

With this vulnerability, they were able to expose the memory buffer of the HSM, the output below shows the leaked password of the administrator.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (22)

More vulnerabilities are discussed in the presentation, and I highly recommend you check Ledger's analysis of HSM vulnerabilities presented at BlackHat.

HSM devices are highly secure and are used worldwide by some of the biggest institutions today. But the world is evolving, hackers are getting smarter, and eventually, HSMs will no longer be unbreakable.

We need to stop seeing HSMs as the solution for key management and more like tools to manage keys. In the future, organizations will need to develop layered approaches and processes to better secure their HSM devices.

Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (23)

Cloud HSM Best Practices — Google

Open Project to Make HSMs Affordable — CrypTech Alpha

HSM Use Cases — Cryptomathic

Definitive Guide to Encryption Key Management Fundamentals — Townsend Security

Presentation on Reversing and Exploiting a FIPS 140–2 HSM Firmware — Recon BRX 2017 (Fotis Loukos)

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Securing Keys with HSMs (Hardware Secure Module) (2024)


How does HSM protect keys? ›

A Hardware Security Module (HSM) manages the lifecycle of the encryption keys, including key generation, storage, and destruction. The device is designed to be tamper-resistant, making it difficult for unauthorized parties to access the encryption keys stored inside.

How to store private keys to HSM? ›

Import the certificate that corresponds to the HSM-stored key.
  1. Certificate Management. Certificates. Device Certificates. and click. Import. .
  2. Enter the. Certificate Name. .
  3. Browse. to the. Certificate File. on the HSM.
  4. Select a. File Format. .
  5. Private Key resides on Hardware Security Module. .
  6. Click. OK. and. Commit. your changes.

Which service uses a hardware security module to protect encryption keys in the cloud? ›

Cloud HSM is a cloud-hosted Hardware Security Module (HSM) service that allows you to host encryption keys and perform cryptographic operations in a cluster of FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified HSMs.

What are the disadvantages of hardware security module? ›

2 Disadvantages of HSMs

One of the main disadvantages is that they are expensive and complex to deploy and maintain. HSMs require specialized hardware, software, and personnel to operate and manage them. They also need to be compatible with your hardware design and the standards and protocols that you use.

How do I secure my keys? ›

Label keys, keep them in a dedicated key box, and ensure that you, or someone you trust, have a record of all the keys. Resist the temptation to leave keys in obvious places like under the mat or in the plant pot near the door.

What is the difference between key vault and HSM? ›

What are Azure Key Vault and Managed HSMs? Azure Key Vault is a solution for cloud-based key management offering two types of resources to store and manage cryptographic keys. Vaults support software-protected and HSM-protected keys, while Managed HSMs only support HSM-protected keys.

Does HSM store private keys? ›

For added security, you can use an HSM to secure the private keys used in SSL/TLS decryption for: SSL Forward Proxy—The HSM can store the private key of the Forward Trust certificate that signs certificates in SSL/TLS forward proxy operations.

What is the best solution to securely store the private keys? ›

How Should Your Protect Your Private Key?
  1. Use a Trusted Key Management System (KMS) A KMS is a centralized system that provides secure storage, management, and protection of cryptographic keys. ...
  2. Encrypt the Private Key. ...
  3. Back-Up Your Private Keys. ...
  4. Limit Access. ...
  5. Verification Monitoring.

Where is the safest place to store private keys? ›

Paper wallets

A paper wallet involves printing one's private key on a physical piece of paper and keeping it in a safe location. Websites like can help users generate paper wallets. However, ensure that the paper and ink are of high quality to prevent degradation over time.

What are the two types of HSM? ›

HSMs are physically separated from their servers and can be found in the cloud (HSM in cloud). HSMs have become a very important element to protect the confidential data of both an organization and a user. There are two types of HSMs: General Purpose HSM and Financial HSM (also called Payment HSM).

How to implement hardware security module? ›

Using an HSM with your own CA

Configure your CA to communicate with an HSM using PKCS11 and create a Label and PIN . Then use your CA to generate the private key and signing certificate for each node, with the private key generated inside the HSM. Use your CA to build the peer or ordering node MSP folder.

What hardware device is used to store encryption keys? ›

A hardware security module (HSM) is a physical device that provides extra security for sensitive data. This type of device is used to provision cryptographic keys for critical functions such as encryption, decryption and authentication for the use of applications, identities and databases.

Why use a hardware security module? ›

The primary objective of HSM security is to control which individuals have access to an organization's digital security keys. With HSM encryption, you enable your employees to use your private keys without granting them direct access.

What is the difference between hardware security module HSM and key management service KMS? ›

HSM devices are responsible for these controls, providing a secure foundation for cryptographic materials. In contrast, KMS servers control the entire lifecycle of cryptographic keys and securely handling key distribution for both inbound and outbound requests.

What is a critical aspect of hardware security that focuses on protecting cryptographic keys? ›

Designed specifically to protect the crypto key lifecycle, hardware security modules perform encryption and decryption functions for strong authentication, digital signatures, and other cryptographic functions. HSMs serve as trust anchors to create hardened, tamper-resistant environments for storing cryptographic keys.

How does Yubikey HSM work? ›

How does an HSM work? An HSM is a secure physical device, typically plugged into a computer, that is used to protect cryptographic keys. HSM's offer a tamper resistant environment to host a larger number of keys. By providing a centralized place for key management the process is streamlined and secure.

How are SSH keys protected? ›

Anyone with a copy of the public key can encrypt data which can then only be read by the person who holds the corresponding private key. Once an SSH server receives a public key from a user and considers the key trustworthy, the server marks the key as authorized in its authorized_keys file.

How are encryption keys protected? ›

Encryption keys are managed using key management facilities (KMFs) and key fill devices (KFDs). KMFs are secure devices that generate encryption keys, maintain secure databases of keys and securely transmit keys to KFDs.

How does HSMs work? ›

Hardware security modules (HSMs) are hardened, tamper-resistant hardware devices that secure cryptographic processes by generating, protecting, and managing keys used for encrypting and decrypting data and creating digital signatures and certificates.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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