Scribie Review: Can You Really Make Money Transcribing for Scribie? (2024)

One of the easiest ways to gain entry into the world of working from home and making money online is through transcription.

This is the process of typing in what you hear. Think of it as watching Netflix and then typing in the utterances of the actors into a word processor.

But in transcription, you are not limited to transcribing videos alone. It could be a meeting, podcast, conference, speech, or an informal conversation.

If you think transcription could be your forte, one of the top places to check out for transcribing gigs is Scribie.

Scribie is one of the easiest companies to penetrate as they have a simple application process. Their requirements for transcribers are also more lenient than its competing transcription service providers.

But, before you go ahead and apply at Scribie, you might want to read Scribie reviews first, so you get a good feel of what it’s like to work there.

I spent hours on research and writing this review to give you all the information you need to know about Scribie.

Also included in this post are some honest reviews by people who’ve tried working for Scribie. I hope that this review will help you decide whether to give this company a go or a no go.

Let’s get started!

What is Scribie?

Table of Contents

Scribie Review: Can You Really Make Money Transcribing for Scribie? (1)

Scribie is one of the popular companies in the transcription industry founded in 2008 by a man named Rajiv Poddar. At that time, getting ahold of high-quality transcriptions was a struggle for many businesses. At the same time, transcribers needed to put in a lot of effort in completing accurate yet prompt transcripts.

Scribie uses a system in such a way that transcribers can get available work from the platform and then transcribe the file. The file then goes through a series of quality checks before they are put together and submitted to the client.

This way, Scribie claims to provide high-quality transcripts to their clients, and at the same time, give their transcribers an opportunity to earn an income.

Scribie also claims to offer the lowest transcription rates in the market, starting at $0.10/minute for automated, and $0.80/minute for manual, promising between 80-99% accuracy.

For people looking for transcription jobs, Scribie is always one of the staple options. TechRadar has named Scribie as one of the transcription services in 2020.

Scribie Transcribers Qualifications

If you believe Scribie transcription jobs are a viable side hustle for you and would like to work at Scribie, here are the qualifications you must meet when you apply:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Proficiency in both oral and written English
  • Ability to comprehend British, Indian, American and Australian language

Scribie hires transcribers from all over the world. You don’t have to be a native English speaker and you need to have an active PayPal account, as well as a computer and internet connection.

How to Apply at Scribie

Scribie Review: Can You Really Make Money Transcribing for Scribie? (2)

Scribie’s application process is pretty simple. Here’s the step-by-step guide to applying as a transcriber for Scribie:

  1. Go online and visit Scribie’s official website. Click on the “Apply” button and send your application. The site will generate an application number for you so you can easily track the status of your application.
  1. Click on the link Scribie sent to your email address to confirm your email.
  1. Scribie reviews your application and decides whether you’re rejected or waitlisted for their exam. This step typically takes one day. If you are waitlisted, you can track your application through the number you were provided with.
  1. Take the test when Scribie sends you the test link to your email. You’ll know when you’re about to take the test when the waitlisted number approaches zero. You have to create an account and set a password to take the test.
  1. You’ll find several audio files inside your Scribie account, and you only need to choose one to transcribe. Once you’re done, send the text file to Scribie so they can commence the review process.
  1. If Scribie finds your test transcript is good enough, they will hire you, and you can start working with Scribie. By the way, the test transcript will be paid if it passes their standard, and not paid if it is rejected.
  1. Keep in mind that you have two hours to submit your test transcript. If you were rejected, you could re-take the test for up to ten times.

How Does Scribie Work?

I see many people looking for information on how Scribie works, especially from a transcriber’s perspective.

You see, clients only need to upload their audio files, provide their payments, and then wait for their transcriptions. Transcribers, on the other hand, have a lot more work to do.

So, Scribie hires remote transcribers to type and turn their clients’ materials into text documents. In a nutshell, transcribing is all about typing what you hear.

But there’s a lot more transcription than that, that’s why Scribie has a number of criteria that a potential transcriber needs to meet.

You have to be skilled and a fast typist, be able to proofread and correct your work and then submit it on time.

Once you’re hired as a Scribie transcriber, you can start getting work from their platform. Audio files are short, often not more than six minutes long. These are also general transcriptions, meaning, they often take the form of interviews, videos, meetings, and more (two other branches of transcription are medical and legal, and they both require more specialization).

So, you grab a file to transcribe and you’re given two hours to finish it. You want to go over your work a few times more to proofread it before turning it in. The file will be reviewed by their reviewers and proofreaders, and if it passes their standard, you will get paid for it.

I know that some people assume that transcribers are paid per hour. However, let it be known that payment is paid per audio hour, and not the number of hours you’ve put into transcribing one file.

Therefore, you have to work fast and accurately as you’ll initially only be able to work on one file at a time.

The Scribie Grading System

Another important thing you have to keep in mind if you want to work with Scribie is their grading system. The grading system is often overlooked in many reviews I have seen online, but I think every aspiring Scribie transcriber needs to know how this system will impact their work and income.

Based on Scribie’s updated grading system as of 2020, every transcribed file will be graded. They’ve imposed strict criteria for simple files, and more relaxed criteria for more challenging files. The grades range from excellent, good, average, bad, poor, and rejected.

A simple file can be rejected if the reviewer spots 6 or more errors on your work, while a high-difficulty file can be rejected if there are 24 or more errors. A low-difficulty file can get an excellent grade if there are 0-1 errors, while a high-difficulty file is graded excellent if there are 0-4 errors.

The reason why you need to learn about the grading system is that it can make or break your income and position within Scribie. If you keep churning in excellent work, you can move from being a transcriber to being a reviewer, and then a proofreader.

On the other hand, consistent poor work can mean a demotion. You can dispute if you feel your work is not being graded reasonably, but that doesn’t guarantee anything. The only way to submit high-quality transcriptions is to check your file multiple times.

Scribie Review: How Much Does Scribie Pay?

Scribie Review: Can You Really Make Money Transcribing for Scribie? (3)

Unlike other remote and online jobs that pay per hour you’ve worked, Scribie pays per audio hour.

So, how much can you make on Scribie, really?

According to its website, transcribers can earn between $5 to $25 per audio hour. Audio files are split into 6-minute files, so each audio file can allow you to earn about a dollar to $2.00.

Note that “audio hour” does not mean the time you spent transcribing the material. Chances are, it may take you more than one hour to transcribe a 1 audio-hour file. This is most especially true if the file has poor audio and has more speakers.

However, you have the opportunity to make even more money with Scribie through their bonus, referral, and affiliate programs.

The company provides a $5 bonus if you can transcribe 3 hours of audio file each month. If you help promote Scribie to your family and friends and get them to sign up and apply, you earn 2.5% in commission from their earnings.

If you refer a client to use Scribie’s transcription services, you earn 5% in commission from their order.


How to Become a Transcriptionist

25 Top Transcription Websites for Beginners

Is Scribie Legitimate?

It pays to be cautious of any income opportunity, especially those that are remote and online-based. While there are many genuine online jobs out there, there are also scams.

It’s only right to ask: is Scribie legit?

One of the best ways to check a company’s track record is by looking it up on the Better Business Bureau website. When I researched Scribie on BBB, I’ve found that it was not listed.

This could mean a few things. First, it may be that Scribie is simply not listed on the BBB database although it’s been around since 2008. Or, it could be that there weren’t that many complaints or inquiries about Scribie, so BBB hasn’t entered it in their database yet.

Bear in mind though that businesses listed on BBB, and have good or excellent ratings, tend to exude confidence and trustworthiness. It means the company acts on any complaints filed by customers. If Scribe had a BBB rating, it would have been easier to know its reputation and track record among clients and employees.

I also looked around Scribie’s official Facebook page just to see what people think of the company. It gathered a 2.3 rating out of 5 from its reviewers. Some people cite Scribie’s excellent support system towards its employees, while others pointed out Scribie’s poor-quality audio files, and confusing grading system.

These reviews tell us that Scribie is indeed legit, it exists and it does hire remote transcribers. However, it seems like there’s much left to be desired when it comes to their transcribers’ income-making opportunities.

Scribie Pros and Cons


  • Flexible and allows you to work on your own schedule. Scribie offers a venue for people to earn some side income without leaving their homes. You can work as much or as little as you like, on hours that are most convenient for you.
  • Hires beginners. Scribie hires transcribers from all over the world and even beginners can apply. While some companies only hired experienced transcribers, Scribie offers a stepping stone for aspiring freelancers who need an easy entry-point.
  • There are other ways to earn money. You can get paid when you refer friends to join Scribie or recommend Scribie to people seeking transcription services.
  • There’s room for growth. As you get better at transcribing, you can move up in ranks and become a reviewer or proofreader.
  • Automated transcription. The files are initially transcribed by a machine, so transcribers don’t necessarily have to start from scratch.
  • Listen and decide. You get to listen to a small portion of the file before you decide to take a task or not.


  • Inaudible files. Some files are low-quality, have lots of background noise, and are overall difficult to understand.
  • The pay isn’t so great. Some transcribers complain about putting in long hours to complete a transcript but only to end up with meager pay.
  • The grading system can be frustrating. Some transcribers claim that their transcripts are rejected, reviewers make changes that are against the guidelines. It seems like the review guidelines can get inconsistent depending on who does the reviewing.

Scribie Reviews From Transcribers: What’s It Like Working for Scribie?

Scribie Review of Greg of Work From Home Africa

Greg of Work From Home Africa thinks of his experience with Scribie as first dibs in working from home. Although he has heard of a couple of horror stories about working with Scribie, Greg still went for it and sent in his application.

That turned out to be a great idea because Scribie gave him a glimpse of what’s it really like to work from home. He appreciated the fact that Scribie never seems to run out of gigs, and the weekends were always full.

However, Greg wasn’t very happy with the rate. He always preferred to do low-difficulty files because they’re quicker to accomplish. Verbatim files, though pay higher, can get time-consuming.

Overall, Greg recommends Scribie to anyone wanting to try out transcription for the first time. Think of it as a good start for your home-based career.

As things stand now, I recommend Scribie for those who are new to transcription, looking for a way in. This is because of the leniency of entry into their program, and the fact that it is a lot less work now, thanks for the introduction of the automated transcript,” Greg wrote.

Reddit User Scribie Review

A Reddit user also shared his experience of working with Scribie. According to him, he tried applying to other transcription platforms, but he found Scribie had the easiest application process. He was also happy about not just being able to transcribe, but review transcripts as well, as that meant additional income.

Doing reviews, you still earn the same rate, but you are entering in timestamps and making corrections, as opposed to typing out entire transcripts. For someone that’s not necessarily the fastest typist, but has excellent grammar skills, this would be a great fit,” the Reddit user wrote.

Scribie Review from Overcome the Struggle

Another Scribie transcriber shared her experiences through her site called Overcome the Struggle. According to the author, Scribie had a breezy application process, but she failed her test file four times due to poor audio quality.

When she finally got in, she was surprised that real work had clearer audio and she was more than happy to take in one file after another. But after a few days, she noticed that audio quality was getting worse. There were also days when there was no file to transcribe, which meant zero income on those days.

She snagged the reviewer position at some point but struggled a lot when other transcribers did not do their job properly and she had to reject their transcriptions. Apparently, high rejection ratings can mean losing her position as a reviewer.

Scribie is great for transcribers wanting to get their fingers wet. Don’t expect a full-time job, no matter how committed the transcriber is. Ultimately, bad audio quality, lack of work, and review rejections will hinder any maximum potential earnings, ” says the author.

Is Scribie Worth It?

All in all, Scribie is a legit platform that pays you to transcribe files. You can work with them on an entirely remote and freelance basis, which means you have control of your time and schedule. You also get to pick the files you want to transcribe, based on the level of difficulty, accent, number of speakers, and other factors.

But transcribers mainly complain about Scribie’s poor pay rate. You can’t rely on Scribie alone if you want to make a full-time income from transcribing.

Scribie seems to be a wonderful place to get you started with your transcription career. But if you’re serious about making money online with transcription, I believe starting your own transcription company is a better option.

If you’re going for this route, I highly recommend checking out Janet Shaughnessy’s General Transcription Course. This course is designed not only to teach you how to become an efficient transcriber, the tools and skills you need for the job but also to show you how to build your own home-based transcription business.

Janet also has a free general transcription mini-course here if you want to learn more about transcription and whether it is for you.

Looking for

Have you tried working for Scribie? Share your opinion or Scribie review with us in the comments below!

Scribie Review: Can You Really Make Money Transcribing for Scribie? (2024)


Can you actually make money on Scribie? ›

As a Scribie transcriber, you can get paid $5 to $20 per audio hour. It is important to note that Scribie pays by audio hour, not by the actual amount of time worked.

Is transcribing for Scribie worth it? ›

Can you make money on Scribie? The answer to this question is yes. But the downside of transcribing audio or video files on this platform is the potential of earning decent money is low. Scribie pays for 10 minutes audio file $1.0 and you can spend more than 30 minutes on the tasks just to earn a dollar.

How much do transcribers on Scribie make? ›

We pay by the length of the audio file and the pay rate varies from $5 per audio hour to $20 per audio hour. We also provide a free automated transcript to make it easier for you. You just need to go through a test process to become certified as a transcriber.

Can you actually make money as a transcriber? ›

The average transcriptionist who completes 15 jobs can earn $156 per month, and this figure includes those just starting out. If you're looking for an opportunity that allows you to earn extra income, becoming a freelance transcriptionist may be a good fit.

Is Scribie good for beginners? ›

Scribie is not a scam, and going by popular opinion out there, it's a nice place for newbies. However, making real money there is a hell of a lot harder than they make it sound. Fortunately there are other options for those of you who want to make money online.

Can I trust Scribie? ›

Scribie is a good choice when you need simple, affordable human transcription services. The website can be a nuisance, but the service's competitive price and the quality of its finished translations balance this out. Its collaboration space is also a key feature for teams or larger organizations.

Who pays the most for transcribing? ›

Top 10 highest paying transcription job
  • GMR Transcription. GMR Transcription is one of the companies with the highest paying transcription jobs. ...
  • SpeakWrite. ...
  • Rev. ...
  • CastingWords. ...
  • GoTranscript. ...
  • Daily Transcription. ...
  • Scribie. ...
  • 3Play Media.
May 23, 2023

What is better than Scribie? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Scribie include ease of use and reliability. We have compiled a list of solutions that reviewers voted as the best overall alternatives and competitors to Scribie, including Fathom,,, and Animaker. Have you used Scribie before?

Does Rev or Scribie pay more? ›

In terms of pricing, Scribie often offers cheaper rates than Rev. However, Rev boasts a faster turnaround time and slightly higher accuracy rate. It truly depends on individual preferences and project requirements.

How do I start earning on Scribie? ›

Freelancers go through a test process to become certified transcribers on Once certified they can select files which are available for transcription and work on them. They are paid on an hourly basis and we monitor their performance closely. Good performance is rewarded by them being promoted to reviewers.

Is Scribie better than Rev? ›

While Scribie doesn't have as many features as Rev, it does have low prices for accurate and reliable transcriptions. Scribie doesn't have a mobile app, and its website is a bit clunky, but its prices are tough to beat.

Is Scribie better than GoTranscript? ›

Turnaround Time

To do this, we looked at the average amount of time it took for each company to transcribe our six audio files. Scribie and GoTranscript had nearly identical turnaround times. However, SpeakWrite had the best average turnaround time by far.

How much can I earn by transcription as a beginner? ›

As of Apr 6, 2024, the average hourly pay for an Entry Level Transcriptionist in the United States is $20.19 an hour.

Are transcription jobs a good side hustle? ›

Odo notes that she still recommends the side hustle transcription to many people. “If you're looking to learn the skill of accuracy and precision, this side hustle is a great one to start with,” she shares. “On top of it, you get to decide on your clients, which gives you freedom.”

Is transcribing a hard job? ›

As a transcriptionist, you are expected to be a capable typist and have a good grasp of grammar and spelling. But what many people don't consider are the challenges that can come with deciphering complex audio. Sadly, it's not all perfectly recorded podcasts and constantly clear audio!

How much can you make a month on Scribie? ›

Scribie Transcription Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$55,500$4,625
75th Percentile$52,000$4,333
25th Percentile$40,000$3,333

How much can you realistically make transcribing? ›

According to Indeed, transcribers in the US earn an average of $19.50 per hour, with a fairly wide range of $12.49–$30.44 per hour. 1 As a freelancer, you can expect to earn around $0.40–$3 per audio minute transcribed. However, you may earn significantly more or less, depending on a wide range of factors.

How much can you realistically make with TranscribeMe? ›

How much can you earn as a transcriber working from home for TranscribeMe? The compensation rate at TranscribeMe is among the highest in the business. They pay between $15 and $22 per hour of audio.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Views: 6621

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.