SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (2024)

Let’s learn how to configure SCCM third-party Software Updates. A comprehensive guide to setup 3rd party patching with SCCM.

SCUP helped many of us to deploy third-party software updates for many years. Now, SCCM doesn’t require SCUP to deploy Third-party updates. Let’s dive into the SCCM third-party software update setup.

Microsoft applications are patched as part of the Microsoft Software Update patching process. However, the third-party applications (non-Microsoft) are NOT patched using Microsoft updates.

You should have a different process for 3rd party updates.

This post will teach you how to enable 3rd party patching using SCCM and WSUS without using SCUP. The patching of applications like Chrome, Java, etc… is not easy.


This post is a step-by-step SCCM third-party software updates setup guide for all SCCM admins.

First of all, you need to analyze and understand the business requirement of third-party updates. From my perspective, third-party patching is critical for the overall IT security landscape.

The following are some of the questions that will help you get ready for a third-party software update setup.

  • What is the current process for patching third-party applications?
  • Are you using the standard packaging process to perform third-party updates?
  • How many application vendors are providing SCCM-friendly “Update Catalogs” for free?
  • Do you need to spec up the SCCM server hardware before enabling third-party updates?

Video Guide – SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step by Step Guide Post Video Guide


You can enable third-party updates from SCCM (without SCUP integration) when you have 1806 or a later version.

The SCCM third-party software updates feature allows you to subscribe to partner and custom catalogs from the SCCM console and publish the updates to WSUS.

  • Partner catalogs are software vendor catalogs partnered with Microsoft. The following are the two partner catalogs (DELL & HP) available with SCCM 1902 release.
  • Custom Catalogs are the third-party software catalogs that you can add manually to the SCCM console. You can find more detail in the below section.

NOTE! – There are only a few vendors that provide FREE custom catalogs. You can find more details in the blog post free List of Catalogs SCCM Third-Party Software Updates.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (2)

The following is the quick list of prerequisites that you want to ensure before enabling the update feature.

  • WSUS and SUP should be configured and working fine.
  • Updates Classification should be enabled from Software Update Point Component Properties.
  • Valid Business requirements and find sponsorship from management.
  • License cost – SCCM support is free, but if you want to use other third-party products to get more vendor application support (via Custom Catalog), you need to pay the extra licensing cost.
  • SCCM Server Specs & Disk Space – Consider Upgrading Disk Space per your requirement.
  • Adjust your proxy and Firewall configurations – port 443, and you might need to white list all the third-party vendor URLs to download metadata, CAB files, and source files of updates.
  • Check out Certificate requirements at the Server and client-side. Also, you might need to adjust the Group Policy setting on the client-side.
  • SCCM Client Settings – Enable third-party software updates policies to YES.
  • Additional requirements when the SUP is remote from the top-level site server

NOTE! – Some Certificate Details – 1. WSUS (Publishers Self Signed) – Code Signing – Only WSUS Server 2. Trusted Publishers – WSUS Server & Client 3. Trusted Root Certificate – WSUS Server & Client

Enable SCCM Third-Party Software Updates

As I mentioned in the prerequisites, ensure that you have a working WSUS and SUP environment before enabling the third-party updates.

The following steps should be completed from the top site, either SCCM CAS or the Standalone primary server. The below steps will help you to enable SCCM third-party update feature.

  • In the SCCM console, go to the Administration workspace. Expand Site Configuration, and select the Sites node.
  • Select the top-level site in the hierarchy. Click Configure Site Components from the ribbon menu, and select Software Update Point.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (3)
  • Click on the Third-Party Updates tab and select the option Enable third-party software updates from Software Update Point Component Properties.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (4)

NOTE! – I would recommend using the default options of the SCCM configuration wizard unless you have a specific reason to select another option. I have chosen the configuration manager-managed certificate option.

If you don’t have any PKI certificate requirements for SCCM third-party updates, you can use the default option as I mentioned above.

You might be able to see a new certificate type “third-party WSUS Signing” (as I showed in the below picture) when you use Configuration Manager to manage the certificate option from the above wizard.

Navigate to – \Administration\Overview\Security\Certificates

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (5)

Subscribe to Partner Catalog

In this section, you can subscribe to partner catalogs (out-of-box settings, as I mentioned above).

  • Launch SCCM Console
  • Navigate \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node
  • Click on the “Lenovo” partner catalog from the list on the right side
  • Click on Subscribe
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (6)

Add a Custom Catalog

The next step in setting up SCCM third-party software updates is to add the custom catalogs. In the console, you can add the custom catalogs from \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\Third-Party Software Update Catalogs.

You might already see the partner catalogs in the SCCM console. HP and Dell are the only two(2) partner catalogs available for SCCM 1902 version.

You can follow the below steps to add a custom catalog to SCCM.

  • Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\Third-Party Software Update Catalogs.
  • Click on Add Custom Catalog from the ribbon menu.

You must provide the following details in the Third-Party Software Updates Custom Catalogs Wizard. The next four(4) values are mandatory.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (7)

NOTE! You will wonder how I got the DOWNLOAD URL Details for Adobe Reader 11 Third-Party Updates? I will explain this to you in a different blog post.

Subscribe to Custom Catalogs

The Subscribe to Catalog step is the following configuration for enabling the SCCM Third-Party Software Updates setup. The Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node allows you to subscribe to third-party custom and partner catalogs.

The subscription of partner and custom third-party catalogs helps SCCM environments to get regular updates (or patches) from third-party application vendors.

The following steps ensure that the SCCM environment is subscribed to the vendor’s product updates, similar to Microsoft Software updates.

  • Navigate to the Software Updates Library workspace from the SCCM console.
  • Expand Software updates, and select theThird-Party Software Update Catalogs node.
  • Select the Custom Catalogs to which you want to Subscribe to:
    • I selected Adobe Reader 11
  • Click the NEXT button from Third-Party Software Updates Wizard
  • On the Download page of the third-party software update wizard, SCCM will download the CAB file using the URL you provided while adding a custom catalog.

NOTE! – You need to have appropriate internet connections, as I mentioned in the prerequisites section above. If not, the download will fail, and you won’t be able to proceed with the third-party software update wizard. This wizard uses the same proxy connection you set up in the SUP configuration.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (8)
  • Review and Approve the catalog certificate from the review and approve page of the Third-party updates wizard
  • Click on the View Certificates box to view the certificate properties and review them.

NOTE! – I would recommend reviewing and installing the Certificate to the Local Machine (Default location) – If you don’t do this, the Publishing of third-party update content will fail in the later stage of this process. You can check the certificate details in the Certificates node of the SCCM console, as I mentioned in the above section.

  • Click the OK button on certificate properties windows.
  • Click on the Checkbox near “I have read and understood” to agree and proceed further.
  • Click on the Next button to continue and finish the subscription process of the third-party catalog.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (9)
  • Click on NEXT on Confirm Settings page.
  • FINISH the wizard to start the metadata updates synchronization on to WSUS.
  • Click on Adobe Custom Catalog and initiate a Sync (Sync Now button from the ribbon) from the Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node.
  • Make sure the Last Sync Status is SUCCESS.

The above sync will make all the Adobe Reader 11 updates into the WSUS database. You can refer to the log file called SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNCAGENT.log.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (10)

NOTE! – The above Sync (use Sync Now button from the ribbon) from \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\Third-Party Software Update Catalogs won’t make the metadata of adobe reader 11 updates available in the SCCM console.

Products Selection

Now, you would be able to see the Adobe Reader underneath “All Products – Adobe Systems. Inc.” on the Software Update Point Component Properties window.

Select the product “Abode Reader” as I showed in the below picture and click OK.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (11)

NOTE! – I have seen people complaining about some of the Abode patches are missing from the SCCM console. It could be possible that Adobe changed the product name. So, it’s recommended to check whether any new products got added or not. You might need to enable those new products from software update point component properties.

Another Sync

It’s time for another Sync. But, this time, it’s not from the same place. You need to follow the below steps to make all Adobe Reader 11 updates (metadata) available in the SCCM console “All Software Updates” node.

  • Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\All Software Updates.
  • Click on the Synchronize Software Updates button from the ribbon menu.
  • After finishing this sync successfully (WSYNCMGR.log to verify), you will be able to see all the Adobe Reader 11-related updates, as you can see in the following picture.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (12)

NOTE! – Check out the BLUE color icons for Adobe Reader 11 updates metadata (metadata-only updates = BLUE). More details about the change of Third-Party Software Updates icons are below.

Publish Third-Party Software Update Content

Once the third-party software updates are available in the console, you can publish those Adobe Updates to WSUS.

The following steps will help you publish Adobe Reader Third-Party Software Update content to WSUS.

  • Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\All Software Updates node
  • Select the Abode Reader Updates you want to publish.
  • Click on Publish Third-Party Software Update Content button from the ribbon menu.
  • Check out SMS_ISVUPDATES_SYNCAGENT.log to monitor the progress.
  • The update files (for Adobe, it was . MSP files) will get downloaded to a temporary folder called C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\ISVTemp. (the folder name ends with .mrm or .mgm or some random name – that is nice)

NOTE! – When you publish third-party software update content, any certificates used to sign the content are added to the site. If you don’t install the certificates used to sign the third-party update content, publishing the content might fail.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (13)

You can also check whether the certificate status is BLOCKED or UNBLOCKED from the SCCM console (\Administration\Overview \Security\Certificates). If the certificate is blocked, there is a chance of failure in the publishing process.

  • Once the publishing process is finished, you might need to perform another Sync (WSyncMGR.log) to make the software update available for SUP to deploy and change the icon from BLUE to GREEN.

Download and Deploy SCCM Third-Party Software Updates

Now, it’s time to download and deploy the SCCM third-party software updates to Windows devices.

Create Software Update Group

The following steps will help you create a Software Update Group, Download and Deploy the third-party updates.

  • Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\All Software Updates node.
  • Select the third-party software updates which you want to download and deploy.
  • Click on Create Software Update Group.
    • Enter the name of the software update group = Reader 11 0 23 (“.” is not allowed)
    • Enter the description of the group.
  • Click OK to finish the creation of Software Update Group.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (14)

Start Deploy Software Update Wizard

You have already created Software Update groups in the above section. Now, you can start the deployment wizard for third-party updates.

In this section, you can select the third-party update deployment name and device collection name.

  • Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\Software Update Groups.
  • Select the Reader 11 0 23 groups created above, and click on the Deploy button from the ribbon button.
  • Follow through with the deployment wizard.
    • Deployment Name = Adobe Systems, Inc. Third-Party Software Updates
    • Select the Collection of devices you want to deploy Third-Party Software update and Click Next.
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (15)

Scheduling & Deployment Settings

This section helps to schedule the third-party software updates.

  • Specify Deployment Settings for this deployment.
    • Type of deployment = Required.
    • Details level = Only Success and error messages.
  • Click on the Next button.
  • Configure Schedule Details for this Deployment.
    • Schedule Evaluation – Time Based on: Client Local Time.
    • Software Available Time – As soon as possible.
    • Installation Deadline – Specific Time.
  • Click on the Next button to continue…
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (16)

User Experiences & Alerts

I selected all the default settings in the following two pages of User Experiences & Alters.

  • Specify the User Experience for this Deployment – User Visual Experience.
    • User Notifications – Display in Software Center and show all notifications – Default option.
    • Deadline Behavior – When the installation deadline is reached, allow the following activities to be performed outside maintenance windows:
      • Software update installation
      • System Restart (if necessary)
  • Device Restart Behavior – Some software updates require a system restart to complete the installation process. You can suppress this restart on servers and workstations.
      • Suppress the system restart on the following Devices:
        • Servers
        • Workstations
    • Write filter handling for Windows Embedded devices
      • Commit changes at the deadline or during a maintenance Windows (requires restarts) – Default option
  • Specify Software Update Alert Options for this deployment
    • Configuration Manager Alerts
    • Operation Manager Alerts
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (17)

Create Deployment Package Third-Party Software Updates

The section will help you understand how to create a third-party software update package.

  • Specify the Package to Use page
    • Create a new deployment package:
      • Name – Adobe Reader 11 0 15
      • Package SourceUNC Path – \SCCM_Prod\Sources\Third-Party Updates\Adobe\Reader 11 0 15
      • Sending PriorityMedium
      • Enable Binary Differential Replication (Not Mandatory – But Recommended settings)
      • No Deployment package (NOT Mandatory Option)
        • Clients download content from peers or Microsoft Cloud (NOT a Suitable option for Third-Party Updates).
        • Click Next to go next page.
  • Specify the Distribution point groups to host the content
      • Add Distribution Point and click Next.
    • Specify the source location for the Software Update that you will download
      • Download software updates from the Internet
  • Specify the Languages of the updates
    • Product – There are two products-Windows Update and Office 365 Client Update – The language selected is English
    • There is an Edit option to add another language if available from third-party software updates.
    • Click NEXT
  • Specify Download Settings of this Deployment
    • Deployment Options
      • Do not install software updates
    • Deployment Options
      • Download and Install Software Updates from the Distribution points in the site default boundary group
SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (18)


Now, you deployed the third-party software updates. You can check out the content distribution status from the SCCM console. The deployment success with third-party software updates compliance report from SSRS.

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (19)


Bonus Details

Subscribe to a custom catalog Wizard template:

Subscribe To Catalog
• Catalog Name: Adobe Reader 11
• Publisher: Adobe
• Description: More Details
• Support URL :
• Support Contact :
• Download URL:

Create, Download, and Deploy Third-Party Software Updates Package Template:

Updates Targeted:
• Reader 11.0.11 Update APSB15-10(Article ID)
• Deployment Name: Adobe Systems, Inc. Software Updates
• Collection: Test Static Collection
Deployment Settings:
• Send wake-up packets: No
• Verbosity Level: Only success and error messages
• Deployment schedules will be based on: Client’s local time
• Available to target computers: 13-04-2019 02:41:00
• Deadline for software update installation: 20-04-2019 00:07:00
• Delayed enforcement on deployment: No
User Experience:
• User Notifications: Display in Software Center and show all notifications
• Install software updates outside the maintenance window when the deadline is reached: No
• Restart system outside the maintenance window when the deadline is reached: Suppressed
• If a restart is required, it will be: Allowed
• Commit changes at the deadline or during a maintenance window (requires restarts): Yes
• If any update in this deployment requires a system restart, run updates deployment evaluation cycle after restart: No
• On software update installation error generate a Window Event: No
• Disable Window Event while software updates install: No
The software updates will be placed in a new package:
• Adobe Reader 11 0 15
Content (1):
Software updates that will be downloaded from the internet
Reader 11.0.11 Update
Windows Update Language Selection:
Office 365 Client Update Language Selection:
English (United States)
Download Settings:
• Computers can retrieve content from remote distribution points: No
• Download and install software updates from the fallback content source location: Yes


AnoopisMicrosoft MVP! He is a Solution Architect in enterprise client management with more than 20 years of experience (calculation done in 2021) in IT. He is a blogger, Speaker, and Local User Group HTMD Community leader. His main focus is on Device Management technologies like SCCM 2012, Current Branch, and Intune. E writes about ConfigMgr, Windows 11, Windows 10, Azure AD, Microsoft Intune, Windows 365, AVD, etc…

SCCM Third-Party Software Updates Setup Step By Step Guide 1 (2024)


How do I set third-party updates in SCCM? ›

Subscribe to a third-party catalog and sync updates

In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Library workspace. Expand Software Updates and select the Third-Party Software Update Catalogs node. Select the catalog to subscribe and then select Subscribe to Catalog in the ribbon.

How do I add software update to SCCM? ›

In the Configuration Manager console, select Software Library. In the Software Library workspace, expand Software Updates, and then select All Software Updates. Select the software updates to be added to the new software update group.

What is the difference between SCCM and WSUS? ›

Both SCCM and WSUS are products of Microsoft. Type: The type difference between SCCM and WSUS is that SCCM is a system management software, and WSUS is a remote administration software and package management. Software Packaging: SCCM supports the packages and programs used in the configuration manager.

What is SCCM scup? ›

System Center Updates Publisher (SCUP) is a stand-alone tool that is used in conjunction with Microsoft's System Center Configuration Manager (CM hereafter) to allow administrators to more accurately and efficiently install and update software.

How do I use SCCM to update Windows? ›

Deploying third-party updates using SCCM
  1. Install and configure Software Update point role.
  2. Create a software update group.
  3. Add the updates to a software update group.
  4. Distribute the update content to distribution points.
  5. Deploy the update group to clients.
1 Sept 2022

What is patching process in SCCM? ›

To fix the bugs in software and drivers, each vendor releases a patch. The process of deploying/installing these patches to one or more systems or devices is called software patching. Patching all existing applications is mandatory for organizations. The patching process helps to keep the environment secure.

What will replace SCCM? ›

Starting in version 1910, Configuration Manager current branch is now part of Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Version 1906 and earlier are still branded System Center Configuration Manager. The Microsoft Endpoint Manager brand will appear in the product and documentation over the coming months.

Can you use SCCM without Active Directory? ›

ConfigMgr requires AD. the workstations (for example) that will be ConfigMgr clients do not *have* to be domain members (but it's much easier if they are). The ConfigMgr site servers *do* need to be AD domain members. AD is free - it comes with Windows Server (which you also need for ConfigMgr).

Does SCCM require WSUS? ›

The WSUS Administration Console is required on the Configuration Manager site server when the software update point is on a remote site system server and WSUS isn't already installed on the site server.

Does SCCM support 3rd party patching? ›

You can enable third-party updates from SCCM (without SCUP integration) when you have 1806 or a later version. The SCCM third-party software updates feature allows you to subscribe to partner and custom catalogs from the SCCM console and publish the updates to WSUS.

How do I update SCCM in Chrome? ›

Deploy Google Chrome Update with SCCM Step by Step Guide
  1. Download Google Chrome.
  2. Create Google Chrome Application Package.
  3. Deploy Google Chrome with SCCM.
  4. Set Up Google Chrome Icon for Software Center.
  5. Deployment Properties – Deployment Types.
  6. SCCM Third-Party Software Update Options.
  7. Additional Tip.
  8. Results.
25 Aug 2022

Can Intune update 3rd party apps? ›

Patch Connect Plus identifies third-party applications that have been created within Intune and automatically publishes updates, as they get released by vendors.

How do you create a software update? ›

Select Patches & Create Software Update Group
  1. Launch ConfigMgr Admin Console.
  2. Navigate to \Software Library\Overview\Software Updates\All Software Updates.
  3. Select one of the patches from the list as you can see in the below screenshot.
  4. Right-click on the selected patch and click on Create Software Update Group.
25 Mar 2020

Which component is used for software update synchronization in SCCM? ›

To schedule software updates synchronization

On the Home tab, in the Settings group, expand Configure Site Components, and then click Software Update Point. In the Software Update Point Component Properties dialog box, select Enable synchronization on a schedule, and then specify the synchronization schedule.

How do I check for SCCM updates? ›

Software Updates Scan Cycle
  1. You can launch the client app from any computer that has an SCCM client installed.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Run the following command – Control smscfgrc.
  4. Click on the Actions tab.
  5. Select Software Updates Scan Cycle.
  6. Click on OK from the Software Updates Scan Cycle popup window.
10 May 2022

What is software update group in SCCM? ›

You can use the details received from the Software Update Groups node to troubleshoot SCCM patching issues and get the status of SUG deployments, such as Overall Compliance status of SUG, Downloaded or not, Deployed or not, etc.

How does SCCM get updates from WSUS? ›

  1. WSUS downloads updates catalog and update binaries when SCCM requests them.
  2. Primary site configures himself WSUS role. ...
  3. Once an update package is created, it is deployed on Deployment Point.
7 Mar 2014

What is the current SCCM version? ›

For instance, ConfigMgr/SCCM 2207 was made available on August 13, 2022. This article also lists the SCCM console version numbers for every ConfigMgr release and the steps to find the SCCM console version. Microsoft releases 3 current branch versions every year and around 12–13 technical preview versions.

What is third party patching? ›

Third-party patching (patch management) is the process of installing patches to third-party applications, that are installed on your company's endpoints, to address bugs or vulnerabilities in the software. Third-party patching is critical for the security of your organization that prevents data breaches.

How SCCM download the patches? ›

In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Software Library workspace, and select the Software Updates node. Choose the software update to download by using one of the following methods: Select one or more software update groups from the Software Update Groups node. Then click Download in the ribbon.

What is software updates scan cycle? ›

Software Updates Scan Cycle or Software Updates Deployment Evaluation Cycle (forced online scan) The client computer always connects to WSUS running on the software update point to retrieve the software updates metadata before the client computer scans for software updates compliance.

Is SCCM end of life? ›

While these products will continue to function, Microsoft will no longer be providing technical support, security updates and fixes, or definition, engine, and platform updates. On July 12, 2022, the following products will reach end of support.

How much does SCCM cost? ›

Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Microsoft Intune + SCCM) Pricing Overview
Microsoft 365 Business Basic $5 On Premise per user/per monthMicrosoft 365 For Individuals $6.99 On Premise per month
Microsoft 365 Business Standard $12.50 On Premise per user/per monthMicrosoft 365 Business Premium $15 On Premise per user/per month

What is better than SCCM? ›

Choosing an SCCM Alternative

Tools like SolarWinds Patch Manager, NinjaOne Patch Manager and ManageEngine Desktop Central stand out as alternatives that offer you a complete patch management experience at a competitive price point.

What ports does SCCM use? ›

By default, the HTTP port that's used for client-to-site system communication is port 80, and 443 for HTTPS. You can change these ports during setup or in the site properties.

Is Intune replace SCCM? ›

Both solutions are parts of Microsoft Endpoint Manager – a single, integrated platform for managing all the endpoints in the organization. Intune is a cloud-based solution that allows you to manage company-owned and personal devices, while SCCM is a more traditional on-premises solution.

What is domain in SCCM? ›

Server computers that run Active Directory are called domain controllers. The domain controller authenticates and authorizes all users and computers in a Windows domain. So let's look the steps to install active directory for SCCM.

Is SCCM better than WSUS? ›

WSUS can meet the needs of a Windows-only network at the most basic level, while SCCM offers an expanded array of tools for more control over patch deployment and endpoint visibility. SCCM also offers pathways for patching alternate OS and third party applications, but on the whole, it still leaves much to be desired.

Can SCCM replace WSUS? ›

SCCM does not actively replace WSUS, being designed to work on top or in tandem with it. In a nutshell, the System Center Configuration Manager unlocks additional patch management and deployment options.

What are unknown computers in SCCM? ›

If the computer fails to install the operating system image or the Configuration Manager client, an "Unknown" record for the computer is created and the computer appears in the All Systems collection.

How does SCCM get updates from WSUS? ›

  1. WSUS downloads updates catalog and update binaries when SCCM requests them.
  2. Primary site configures himself WSUS role. ...
  3. Once an update package is created, it is deployed on Deployment Point.
7 Mar 2014

How does SCCM integrate with WSUS? ›

Install WSUS for SCCM | Configuration Manager
  1. Log on to the server on which you plan to install the WSUS server role. ...
  2. In Server Manager, click Manage, and then click Add Roles and Features.
  3. On Server Roles page, select Windows Server Update Services and click Next.
1 Jul 2022

Can SCCM be used for patch management? ›

What is SCCM patch management? System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows IT teams to manage Windows-based computers. Of its many features, SCCM is commonly used by organizations to deploy updates and security patches across a network.

Is Microsoft SCCM going away? ›

No! SCCM is not dead.

How do I create a software update deployment package? ›

Specify software update alert options for the deployment and click Next. Configure download settings for the deployment and click Next. Specify the deployment package details. Select create new deployment package and specify the folder path where the package has to be created.

Which component is used for software update synchronization in SCCM? ›

To schedule software updates synchronization

On the Home tab, in the Settings group, expand Configure Site Components, and then click Software Update Point. In the Software Update Point Component Properties dialog box, select Enable synchronization on a schedule, and then specify the synchronization schedule.

How do I check for SCCM updates? ›

Software Updates Scan Cycle
  1. You can launch the client app from any computer that has an SCCM client installed.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Run the following command – Control smscfgrc.
  4. Click on the Actions tab.
  5. Select Software Updates Scan Cycle.
  6. Click on OK from the Software Updates Scan Cycle popup window.
10 May 2022

What ports does SCCM use? ›

By default, the HTTP port that's used for client-to-site system communication is port 80, and 443 for HTTPS. You can change these ports during setup or in the site properties.

What service does SCCM use? ›

This service is also known as the Configuration Manager service or SMSExec service, or just SMSExec service. If you are a beginner in SCCM, you might want to know how to restart SCCM services ?. Let's see what is SMS_EXECUTIVE service and ways to restart this service.

Does SCCM replace WSUS? ›

SCCM, or System Center Configuration Manager, is a paid patch management solution from Microsoft. SCCM relies on WSUS to check for and apply patches, but offers some more desirable features and gives users more control over how and when patches are deployed.

Does SCCM support 3rd party patching? ›

You can enable third-party updates from SCCM (without SCUP integration) when you have 1806 or a later version. The SCCM third-party software updates feature allows you to subscribe to partner and custom catalogs from the SCCM console and publish the updates to WSUS.

What is third-party patching? ›

Third-party patching (patch management) is the process of installing patches to third-party applications, that are installed on your company's endpoints, to address bugs or vulnerabilities in the software. Third-party patching is critical for the security of your organization that prevents data breaches.

Does SCCM manage Linux? ›

Managing Linux with SCCM

As SCCM evolved, it adopted support for other operating systems, including Mac® devices and Linux servers and machines. Organizations with extensive Linux infrastructure used SCCM to secure and support their DevOps or other network engineering needs, and continue to do so to this day.

Is SCCM worth learning? ›

Mastery of SCCM will make you a go-to pro in your organization. It won't be easy. They don't hand out 'superhero' badges for nothing — but there are lots of places to get trained up. First, try Microsoft Docs, where you'll find a comprehensiveIntroduction to System Center Configuration Manager.

What is the future of SCCM? ›

SCCM is becoming a core business-critical system (so as SCCM admins) which includes Antimalware, patching, and managing access policies (Conditional Access policies via Intune) to get the mail access and critical data access of your organization.

Is Intune replace SCCM? ›

Both solutions are parts of Microsoft Endpoint Manager – a single, integrated platform for managing all the endpoints in the organization. Intune is a cloud-based solution that allows you to manage company-owned and personal devices, while SCCM is a more traditional on-premises solution.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.