Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (2024)

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (1)

To meet the ever-rising demand for quality, businesses must continuously update their apps. After such updates, the app must undergo smoke testing and sanity testing to validate its functionality. Although the definition of sanity testing vs smoke testing is quite similar, they should not be used interchangeably.

A good distinction between sanity testing vs smoke testing is the depth of the testing objectives. Sanity testing is about making sure that thecore functions of the app works fineafter a code change, while smoke testing verifies that the appworks at its bare minimum or not. Smoke testing has a narrower scope than sanity testing.

Key Differences Between Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing

Smoke testing

Sanity testing

Executed on initial/unstable builds

Performed on stable builds

Verifies the very basic features

Verifies that the bugs have been fixed in the received build and no further issues are introduced

Verify if the software works at all

Verify several specific modules, or the modules impacted by code change

Can be carried out by both testers and developers

Carried out by testers

A subset of acceptance testing

A subset of regression testing

Done when there is a new build

Done after several changes have been made to the previous build

In this article, we will deep-dive into the comparison between sanity testing vs smoke testing, their benefits, challenges, as well as processes to perform both.

What Is Smoke Testing?

To understand this example, we first need to understand the concept of asoftware build.

In software development, a build is a set of executable code ready either for testing or deployment. A software can contain thousands of source code files depending on its sophistication. When the project reaches a certain stage of development, these files are compiled into standalone applications that can be tested and shipped.

In case there are problems with the software build, teams will return to the source code to examine and modify them. Not every build can make it to the public release. Problems such as improperly installed environments, flaky networks, build scripts, and multiple other factors can render a build unqualified for deployment or even a complete failure. Thus, software build needs to go through rigorous testing to make sure it’s fully functional.

Smoke testing, also known asbuild verification testing orbuild acceptance testing, is a non-exhaustive testing type that ensures the proper function of basic and critical components of a single build. For example, smoke tests on Gmail only include testing the composing and sending email features - the core ones.

A more illustrative example would be to look at the name of this method: smoke. The term “smoke testing” actually predates electronics. It is believed to have originated from the plumbing industry, where plumbers would blow smoke into the water pipes to identify cracks in the pipe before fixing. The term is carried into the software testing world, and it has a similar meaning. In this sense, smoke testing is done to make sure that the very basic functionality of the product works, if at all. If those very basic features do not work, there is no point in continuing testing or building.

Performed in the initial phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC), its intent is to detect abnormalities of the application before teams move on to further exhaustive testing. This leaves little room for major errors to ripple through and become harder to fix down the line.

How Does Smoke Testing Work?

Commonly takes place after code reviews, if the initial build passes the smoke tests, it is qualified for further functional testing. If the smoke tests fail, the build is rejected and handed back to the development team.

The standard process is illustrated below.

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (2)

To achieve the best results when executing smoke testing, we should follow these common practices:

  • Schedule smoke test suite onCI pipelines to automatically run when a new build is added
  • Test early and regularly to assure the stability of the code build in every sprint
  • Choosing the fitted testing method based on the requirements and resources of your project. If the budget is limited, a hybrid or an automated approach might be more optimal compared to conducting it all manually.

Examples Of Smoke Testing In Software Testing

Suppose you are a software tester working on an e-commerce website that has recently undergone some changes to its payment processing system. After the changes have been made, you need to ensure that the website is still working as expected.

In this case, you could perform smoke testing by quickly navigating to the site. If you realize that the website has crashed entirely, there is no point to continue testing. Instead, you alert the developers of this critical fault for them to troubleshoot immediately before you carry on.

Now let’s suppose that you have a desktop application to calculate tax, billing, and salary for enterprises. You import your data, and realize that the app somehow calculates 1 + 1 = 3, which is an unacceptable result for an app with calculator functionality. In this case, there is no point to test if the app can accurately calculate the Income Tax of 300 employees in the company, since it can’t even perform the most basic arithmetic calculations.

Smoke testing is simple, but it provides QA professionals with a valuable confirmation that the Application Under Test is stable enough to proceed with more detailed testing.

Advantages of Smoke Testing

  • Early bug troubleshooting: It quickly evaluates the essential features at the initial stages of the project for earlier corrections
  • Time and resources efficiency: Smoke test verifies the stability of a delivered build to avoid any QA efforts that may otherwise be wasted
  • Reduction of regression issues: Newly introduced build is first tested to reduce the major flaws that can break the integration with the original material
  • Automation potential: Automated smoke testing can significantly reduce testing time, since smoke testing is inherently quite symbol and involves only a few specific scenarios

Disadvantages of Smoke Testing

If the team only does manual testing, it will be time-consuming, much like manual regression testing. It is therefore recommended to use an automation tool to increase testing capacity and efficiency. A quality management platform likeKatalon enables teams to test more scenarios in a short time.

What Is Sanity Testing?

Sanity testing, or surface level testing, is a software testing technique to ascertain that no issues arise in the new functionalities, code changes, and bug fixes. Instead of examining the entire system, it focuses on narrower areas of the added functionalities. It is performed on the stable build of the software.

To understand the concept of sanity testing, we can analyze its name: sanity. The term came from the concept of “sanity check”. The goal is also to verify that the build is stable enough for further testing, similar to smoke testing. If there are obviously app-breaking bugs, there is no point to continue testing. It’s much faster to send the build back to the development team immediately than testing a build that is guaranteed to fail, which is an extremely time-consuming effort.

The major difference between sanity testing and smoke testing is that sanity testing is fairly more complicated. Taking the example of the plumber above. If smoke testing is about blowing smoke into the pipe to identify cracks in the pipe (i.e. verifying if the pipe works at all) then sanity testing is about checking if the valve is tight enough, then turning on the water to see if it leaks out of the pipe after they have fixed the cracks (i.e. verifying if the critical features work fine, and if the bugs have been resolved)

It is a rare occurrence for a sanity test to fail. However, if it actually fails, testers save themselves from the unnecessary in-depth testing on a bug-ridden software. In a way, sanity testing is essentially “testing the water” before deep-diving in.

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (3)

Instead of examining the entire system, sanity testing focuses on narrower areas of the added functionalities, while regression testing targets the application as a whole.

Goals Of Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is executed before the production deployment and after the build is delivered with minor code changes, to fulfill the below objectives:

  • Validate basic, critical functionalities and evaluate newly added ones
  • Catch defects quickly
  • Ensure the introduced changes don’t clash with the current functionalities
  • Test rational and logical implementations to the app from the developers
  • Determine if full testing is required. If sanity testing results are negative, either we need to launch more comprehensive testing or send the build back to the development team
  • Reduce business risk of introducing bugs into software without having to expend too much resources and effort from the testing team

Sanity Testing Examples

Now let’s suppose that we have a development project for a mobile banking application, which includes these features:

  • Login/Verify Pin
  • Transfer Money
  • Change Pin
  • Withdraw Money
  • Display Customer Name
  • Provide Bill
  • Show Balance

After the first build of the software, only the most basic features have been developed. In this case, those features should be Login, as no further actions can be taken if the user cannot access the main interface, and Withdraw money - the basic functionality of an ATM application.

In the 2nd build, a new feature is added - Changing PIN. To ensure that this new feature added does not interfere with the existing functionality, testers conduct sanity testing on the Login and Withdraw money features. If those 2 features work, they know that the Changing PIN feature did not affect them negatively.

Another example would be when testers discover a bug and send the build back to the development team for troubleshooting. After fixing, testers need sanity testing to confirm that the bug has indeed been fixed. It is more specific than smoke testing.

Key Elements Of Sanity Testing

  • Quick and simple: They are easily designed and performed with the aim to receive quick feedback. This immediate feedback is a great indicator for testers to know how they should proceed
  • Highly targeted: One or few functionalities are covered in depth.
  • Undocumented and unscripted: In general, sanity testing doesn’t require test scripts or test cases thanks to its informality and quickness. It is not mandatory to provide documentation either.
  • Performed by testers: Usually, testers are the ones performing sanity testing, and they know how to provide a more in-depth perspective to the software quality than developers themselves

Advantages Of Sanity Testing

  • Speedy evaluation: Sanity testing identifies defects so much faster due to the unplanned and intuitive approach on a narrow set of functionalities. This laser-focus approach is amazing in time-constraint or budget-constraint situations.
  • Save time and effort: It acts as a gatekeeper by determining if the application should be further tested or not, which saves time of rigorous regression tests in case the release is in poor condition.
  • Less cost-intensive: Compared to other types of testing, sanity testing is usually cost-effective.
  • Identify deployment issues: Sanity tests can early detect compilation problems that may arise if the basic functionality is not working fine, or the previous bugs still exist but done from the developer’s end

Disadvantages of Sanity Testing

  • Lack of future reference: As it is often carried out without script or documentation, future references are not available.
  • Time inefficiency: It takes more time to verify specific components than to check the whole application at once

The Process Of Sanity Testing

  1. Identify the critical features: The first step in sanity testing is to identify the critical features of the software that need to be tested. These features are usually the ones that have.
    • Just undergone changes of fixes
    • High use frequency
    • High complexity
    • Customer-facing
    • High interdependence with other features
    • Strict regulatory requirements
    • High added business value.
  2. Develop and execute the tests: Once the critical features have been identified, testers can start writing the test cases which can either be manually or automatically executed. Here is a list of the bestautomation testing tools in the market currently that is helpful for sanity testing. Since sanity testing is similar to regression testing, you can also leverage those automation tools for that purpose. The selected features are then executed and verified if they meet the requirements and test objectives.
  3. Analyze the results and determine if full testing is required: Based on the results of the sanity testing, it is determined whether full testing is required. If the critical features are working properly, then it may not be necessary to perform full testing. However, if issues are identified, then full testing may be required to locate the defect cause.

FAQs about sanity testing

Why Is Sanity Testing A Subset Of Regression Testing?

Regression testing is a software testing practice rather than a testing in itself. It contains multiple types of tests, with sanity tests being a checkpoint in the process to decide if the build can proceed with the next level of testing.

Basically, sanity testing works just as regression testing but deals with a smaller test suite. This subset contains critical test cases that are run first before the examination of the whole package of regression tests.

The relationship between sanity testing, smoke testing, and regression testing can be seen in the graph below.

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (4)

Is sanity testing done before regression testing?

Yes, regression testing is performed after executing sanity tests of any modified or added functionality. It ensures an application still works as expected after any code changes, updates, or improvements. It determines whether or not the software is eligible for further functional validation.

Which comes first, sanity or smoke testing?

Smoke testing is executed first in the early stages of the SDLC to set out a foundation of bug-free and reliable core functionalities. Once passed smoke testing, the build moves onto sanity testing to ensure its stability and flawless integration with the existing features.

It is the best practice that the testing team start with smoke testing, followed by sanity and then regression tests, based on the project’s timeline and requirements.

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (5)

Address The Challenges Of Regression Testing With Katalon

Katalon Studio is a comprehensiveend-to-end automation testing solution that surely will change the way you do regression testing. It is the all-in-one regression testing tool for your website, web services, desktop application, mobile application and even API testing. With Katalon, you improve test coverage for all aspects of your application.

Katalon's Record-and-Playback functionality, any team member can easily capture test objects and record actions to simulate real user activity. This sequence can be re-executed during regression testing, saving significant time compared to manual testing.

Additionally, it supports running scripts on a variety of devices, browsers, and testing environments, streamlining testing activities by consolidating them in one location, and eliminating the need for environment configuration and constant tool-switching.

Following test execution, teams can review the results with the aid of comprehensive and customizable test reports in LOG, HTML, CSV, and PDF formats, and forward them as email attachments. Testers can perform root cause analysis for specific failed cases in debugging mode.

Katalon integrates seamlessly into your CI/CD pipeline with the help of its diverse integration ecosystem. Katalon provides nearly all of the features necessary to start testing and bring value to your team at no cost.

Download Katalon Studio for free

Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences (2024)


Sanity Testing vs Smoke Testing: Key Differences? ›

Smoke test is done to make sure that the critical functionalities of the program are working fine, whereas sanity testing is done to check that newly added functionalities, bugs, etc., have been fixed. The software build may be either stable or unstable during smoke testing.

What are the differences between smoke and sanity testing? ›

Smoke testing provides a shallow but broad evaluation of the software, checking basic functionalities without delving deeply into specific features. Conversely, sanity testing delves deeper into the areas impacted by recent changes, ensuring that specific functionalities or features are working as expected.

Should sanity testing be done before smoke testing? ›

Smoke testing is executed first in the early stages of the SDLC to set out a foundation of bug-free and reliable core functionalities. Once passed smoke testing, the build moves onto sanity testing to ensure its stability and flawless integration with the existing features.

What is the difference between smoke testing and QA testing? ›

In the development environment, developers perform smoke testing to verify the accuracy of the application before releasing the build to the Quality Assurance (QA) team.

What is the difference between sanity testing and regression testing? ›

Sanity testing is used after small code changes or bug fixes. Also, it is used to check critical functionalities before a more in-depth testing phase. Regression testing is conducted after major changes, updates, or feature additions. While both tests serve distinct purposes, they complement each other.

What is sanity testing in simple words? ›

Sanity testing is used to validate the changes made to one or few specific parts of the application in order to make sure that the software is still functioning as expected after a small change or a bug fix. It is often used as a preliminary step before conducting more extensive testing, such as regression testing.

Can sanity testing be automated? ›

Ways to Perform Sanity Testing. Sanity tests can be executed with both manual and automated approaches. However, both have their specific advantages and disadvantages. Let's see each of them.

What action should we take when smoke testing fails? ›

In case, smoke tests are failed, the software is further sent to the development team to make the necessary changes before retesting.

Do we write test cases for smoke testing? ›

To test a product, the tester has to write and update the test cases. They can either write test scripts for existing features or new features. The manual method is the most commonly used smoke-testing method under which the smoke test cases are tested manually for the fresh build and the newly added features.

What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing Quora? ›

Sanity testing is nothing but the process of testing the bug fixes in the new or updated build. Smoke Testing will be almost same for all builds in a release. Whereas, Sanity Testing varies from build to build in a release based on the specific purpose of that build.

What is a real time example of smoke testing? ›

Imagine you're testing a newly developed web application. One critical feature is user authentication, ensuring only registered users can log in with valid credentials. In a smoke test, you would verify the following: User Registration and Login: Confirm that users can register and log in using their credentials.

Is smoke testing part of UAT? ›

Smoke testing is not part of user acceptance testing (UAT). Smoke testing is performed earlier in the testing process to ensure basic stability, while UAT is conducted by end-users or stakeholders to validate that the software meets their specific requirements and is ready for production use.

What is the purpose of a smoke test? ›

Smoke testing serves as a critical checkpoint in software development, acting as the first line of defense to ensure new builds are stable and ready for further examination. This preliminary phase of testing checks the software's core functionalities, aiming to catch major flaws before more detailed testing ensues.

What is the difference between smoke and sanity? ›

Smoke and Sanity Testing are both rapid in checking core functionalities of the code besides checking eligibility for further tests. However, while smoke testing ensures that acute functionalities of a program are working fine, sanity testing checks that the proposed functionality works as expected.

When should we do sanity testing? ›

Usually, we perform Sanity testing after receiving a stable software build or even when a software build might have undergone minor changes in the code or functionality. Sanity testing helps us decide if an end to end testing of a software product shall be carried out further or not.

Is retesting a sanity test? ›

Re-Testing is carried out to check and confirm that the test cases that failed in the final execution are passing after those errors/defects are solved. Sanity Testing is carried out to check and confirm that the functionalities are working perfectly after minor functionality/bug fixes or any changes.

What is an example of a smoke test? ›

Smoke Testing Example

Consider that a software company has developed a social media application. The development team completes the initial build of the application and decides to conduct a Smoke test to ensure that the software is running as expected.

What is the difference between smoke testing and unit testing? ›

Smoke Tests vs.

Both smoke tests and unit tests should be implemented in your build pipeline. Smoke tests should cover high-level end to end functionality, where unit tests should cover single component testing.

What is the difference between functional testing and smoke testing? ›

Smoke Testing is a high-level, preliminary testing process that verifies the software's critical functionalities. In contrast, Functional Testing is a more detailed and thorough testing process that checks all the software functions according to the specified requirements.

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