Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (2024)

Companies that strive to improve their sales pipeline and close more deals with Salesforce eventually realize that they need to go beyond regular monitoring of sales effectiveness and creating numerous pipeline dashboards. Rather, this process starts with building a seamless workflow that describes how sales reps should work with leads to convert them into closed sales deals. We leverage our Salesforce consulting experience, to show how companies can effectively manage leads as well as convert them into opportunities thereby increasing sales and bridging the gap between sales and marketing teams using Salesforce lead management.

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Introducing Salesforce lead management functionality

Using Salesforce, companies can track all stages of the lead management process, including:

  1. Capturing leads;
  2. Scoring leads to identify which ones are sales-ready;
  3. Prioritizing leads and assigning them to appropriate sales reps;
  4. Converting qualified leads into a sales opportunity;
  5. Nurturing leads that are not ready to buy yet;
  6. Evaluating lead management progress.

Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (1)

Note: The rule of thumb for a sales rep is to enter any new name as a Lead in Salesforce. However, some companies ignore this rule and prefer using Contacts tab instead. Though this format is acceptable for small companies or in case you get a new name from an existing account, we advise bigger companies with a sizable number of leads to follow the recommended approach.

A standard Salesforce lead record consists of fields that store information about each person that expressed interest to do business with your company.This record can include up to 25 different fields, but the most important of them are:

  • Lead Owner;
  • Lead Status;
  • Lead Source.

1. Lead Owner isa particular person that works with a lead. A sales rep can either assign a lead owner for each lead or place a number of leads in a queue and let a sales team decide on the lead ownership.

2. Lead Statusindicateslead tracking stages that allow sales reps to track sales process and prioritize future activities.

By default, Salesforce offers the following lead tracking stages:

  • New;
  • Working;
  • Nurturing;
  • Unqualified;
  • Qualified.

In case you have a more complex lead tracking process, Salesforce allows you to customize this standard list.

3. Lead Source shows where your leads come from. Though this field is optional, we advise companies to make it mandatory for sales reps to fill in the Lead Source.

By default, Salesforce offers the following lead source list:

  • Advertisem*nt;
  • Customer event;
  • Employee referral;
  • Purchased list;
  • Trade show;
  • Webinar;
  • Website;
  • Other.

Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (2)

Standard Salesforce lead record

You can also add custom fields to this list. Once available, this information helps calculate the ROI of your lead-generating activities and find out if your marketing channels work successfully. With this knowledge, you can make informed decisions on where to spend your marketing and sales efforts.

As you can see, the ultimate goal of a sales rep in the lead management process is to make a new lead ‘qualified’ and finally convert it. When it happens, the lead becomes a contact (person), account (company), and an opportunity (potential sale) in the Salesforce system. However, sometimes a lead can become a contact and an account without becoming an opportunity. As a rule, this happens when you currently don’t anticipate any revenue stream related to this particular lead.

Now, as you know what you should track in your Salesforce lead records, it’s time to organize your lead management process so that it brings maximum benefit to your company. Below, our Salesforce consultants have prepared a step-by-step guide to help you succeed.

7 steps towards effective Salesforce lead management process

Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (3)

1. Capture more leads

The more leads you have, the more opportunities and successfully closed deals you may have. With Salesforce, you have various options to increase your lead database:

  1. Automatic lead capturing using either Salesforce in-built functionality or Salesforce AppExchange apps. In particular, you canenable Salesforce web-to-lead feature that automatically captures visitor information from the website orinstall Toucan, a Twitter client for Salesforce that can help you promote products through Twitter campaigns and gather information about people who follow you.
  2. Lead import using the Salesforce Data Import Wizard. With this tool, you can ensure mass import of your leads from Excel spreadsheets or email apps, such as Outlook or Gmail.
  3. Manual lead input works well for individual leads.

2. Check whether you have duplicate lead records

The earlier you begin your lead record cleansing, the less is the probability that your contact list will become a mess. Duplicate leads in Salesforce can appear due to various reasons:

  • The same lead may have responded to several marketing campaigns.
  • The same person may have had various activities on your website (e.g., downloaded a presentation and sent a request for proposal).
  • Someone a sales rep met at a conference may have also responded to an email.
  • You have purchased a 3rd party list of leads that contained contacts you already have, etc.

So, before you create a new lead, make sure you won’t create a duplicate. In case you find several profiles belonging to the same person, you can merge them with either Salesforce or partner data cleansing tools found in the AppExchange. Besides, you can use validation rules that limit the conversion of leads with incomplete data.

3. Follow lead qualification requirements

When you get a new lead, you'll likely want to figure out whether this person is just kicking the tires or can really bring revenue for you. That is why before converting a lead into an opportunity, it should pass a set of lead qualifications criteria. Thus, once you decided to manage leads in Salesforce, you should determine the lead conversion point so that you could build an adequate sales pipeline later on.

In our practice we’ve seen the following conversion options:

  • Convert leads once they have shown a semblance of interest in your company.
  • Convert leads after you have agreed on a sales meeting date and the prospect attended it.
  • Convert leads once they have passed the lead score threshold, which depends on the degree of profile completeness.
  • Convert leads only after a sales rep specified the price.

N.B.: Early lead-opportunity conversions may result in a larger opportunity pipeline but lower win rates. And vice versa, those companies that opt for later conversions and smaller pipelines usually have higher win rates. Thus, it’s you who should decide on the amount and quality of opportunities you’d like to keep in your pipeline.

From our experience, we advise to convert a lead into an opportunity only when a sales rep can specify most of the following areas:

  • Business challenge
  • Close date
  • Deal size (amount of revenue)
  • Competitors
  • Name of the final decision maker.

4. Consider how to prioritize leads and distribute them among sales reps

In case your sales team handle leads on a first‐come-first‐served basis, you may benefit from lead queues that store pools of leads grouped by territory, business function and other attributes. For example, you may have separate lead queues for a California-based team and a Texas-based team, so when you add sales reps as queue members they will be able to pick leads only from the queue they have access to.

If your company generates lots of leads or you just want to automate the lead distribution process, you can use assignment rules to route leads to the right sales reps or queues. With this feature, the administrator can specify who should receive a lead and under what conditions. For example, to automate lead distribution in the above example, you can use ZIP codes to assign leads to appropriate teams.

5. Keep your leads moving towards the conversion point

The ultimate goal for any sales rep is to convert a lead into an opportunity or disqualify it in case they are currently not interested in your offer. That is why a good practice in Salesforce lead management is to assign a follow-up task so that leads don’t stay leads for a long time. When done properly, the queue will only contain the ‘freshest’ leads for the immediate follow-up. For this purpose, we advise following a straightforward rule: A lead should be converted within two weeks, otherwise it should be classified as ‘unqualified’ and removed from the list of current leads. However, it's possible to adjust this time period according to your individual sales tactic.

6. Nurture your leads

If a lead is currently not ready to purchase your products or services, sales reps should go for lead nurturing, which usually turns out to be a rather sophisticated task. Lead nurturing is much more comprehensive than just sending a monthly email or calling a lead every two weeks to check whether they’re finally ready to buy. A sales rep should build meaningful conversations by sending guides, tips, industry research, and other useful content that will not only help leads solve their daily pains but also position your company as a trustworthy partner. To enhance this process, you can use Salesforce Pardot’s drip campaigns that allow managing multiple nurturing tasks (e.g., dynamically choose content for each prospect based on various criteria).

7. Track your lead management effectiveness

To be aware if your lead management is effective, you should monitor which of your marketing campaigns bring benefit and which of them need to be improved. Salesforce offers various tools to track your lead management results.

  • Lead history reports ensure traceability between various lead criteria, such as lead source, industry, or annual revenue and opportunity amounts.
  • Dashboards to track results of your lead-generation efforts with different metrics, such as the number of leads, the number of converted leads and pipeline amount.

On the final note

Salesforce is a powerful tool that can help you increase the number of leads and effectively manage them. However, Salesforce on its own doesn’t guarantee brilliant lead management results. That is why a company that wants to see tangible benefits from Salesforce lead management should have a clear vision of how to treat leads first and only then automate this process with Salesforce.

Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (4)
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Salesforce Lead Management: Tips and Best Practices (2024)


What are the 5 major steps of lead management? ›

A successful and efficient lead management process includes the following five steps.
  • Step 1: Lead capturing. ...
  • Step 2: Lead enrichment & tracking. ...
  • Step 3: Lead qualification. ...
  • Step 4: Lead distribution. ...
  • Step 5: Lead nurturing. ...
  • 6 Benefits of using a lead management system.

What are four main stages in lead management process? ›

Starting the Lead Management Process
  • Know What You Don't Know. Begin with an audit that includes sales. ...
  • Get Executive Buy-in. It's difficult to get started with executive buy-in and if you don't go in with a good business reason, you're going to be met with resistance. ...
  • Prioritize Implementation. ...
  • Drive and Manage Change.

How do you effectively manage leads? ›

6 Steps to Implementing an Effective Lead Management Process
  1. Step 1: Identify and Understand Your Leads. ...
  2. Step 2: Generate & Collect Intelligence About Your Leads. ...
  3. Step 3: Score Your Leads. ...
  4. Step 4: Nurture Your Leads. ...
  5. Step 5: Pass Off Your Leads to Sales. ...
  6. Step 6: Track and Measure Your Leads.
15 Nov 2011

What are lead stages? ›

Lead Stage Defined

Lead stage indicates where a person is in the buyer journey. Tracking begins once a name is acquired by Marketing and follows the person as they enter, exit, and re-enter the buyer journey.

How do you categorize lead? ›

5 Steps To Defining & Categorizing Leads
  1. Step 1: Start With Buyer Personas. ...
  2. Step 2: Use Anecdotal Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Determine the Qualifications. ...
  4. Step 4: Determine Whether Marketing Can Deliver Leads to Sales. ...
  5. Step 5: Reflect, Review, and Revise.
24 Jan 2019

What is the difference between lead generation and lead management? ›

While a robust lead generation program ensures that fresh opportunities are constantly coming in, developing a lead management process with proper follow-up and effective nurturing is vital to maximize the value of each existing sales lead.

What are lead management fundamentals? ›

Lead management is the process of acquiring new leads, evaluating them for quality, engaging with them, and nurturing them. It helps you invest in leads that will generate business and keep opportunities from falling through the cracks.

What is CRM lead management? ›

Lead management is a systematic process in which incoming leads are qualified, analyzed, and nurtured so that they can be converted into new business opportunities. In a typical sales process, leads from multiple channels enter your lead management system, and the sales-ready leads are converted into deals.

What are lead generation strategies? ›

What is lead generation? Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects to your business and increasing their interest through nurturing, all with the end goal of converting them into a customer. Some ways to generate leads are through job applications, blog posts, coupons, live events, and online content.

What is the first step in lead generation? ›

The 7 Steps of Lead Generation
  1. 1) Research Your Target Market. ...
  2. 2) Create Engaging Content. ...
  3. 3) Promote Content Across Your Business Channels. ...
  4. 4) Nurture Existing Leads. ...
  5. 5) Score Leads. ...
  6. 6) Pass Leads to Your Sales Team. ...
  7. 7) Evaluate Your Lead Generation Process.
8 Aug 2022

Why lead management is important? ›

Lead management is an important tool for preventing your sales team from wasting time on unqualified leads. With the right lead management system and sales process in place, you can ensure your team is aiming their efforts at prospects who truly need your solution and are in the best position to purchase it.

What is lead status in Salesforce? ›

What is a Salesforce lead status? A Salesforce lead status is a default field in Salesforce and one of the most important fields to have set up, working, and being used in a consistent way across your revenue organization. Default Salesforce lead status options: Open.

How do you handle customer leads? ›

10 Ways to Better Manage Sales Leads
  1. Develop a concrete definition of a lead and make sure all employees understand it. ...
  2. Install an effective customer relationship management (CRM) tool. ...
  3. Track the source. ...
  4. Distribute your leads quickly. ...
  5. Nurture your leads. ...
  6. Excite your sales staff about each prospect.

What is lead lifecycle in Salesforce? ›

In this context, a “lead lifecycle” represents the recurring selling opportunities to an individual over their lifetime. In Salesforce a “Lead” (upper case) is an object where an individual's personal and company data is stored in a single record.

What is the full sales cycle? ›

Let's break down the seven main stages of the sales cycle: prospecting, making contact, qualifying your lead, nurturing your lead, presenting your offer, overcoming objections, and closing the sale.

Where is lead status in Salesforce? ›

Financial Services Cloud is available in Lightning Experience. From Setup, open Object Manager, then Lead, and select Fields & Relationships. Select Lead Status. If the picklist values Working - Contacted and Nurturing - Contacted aren't present.

How do you prioritize sales leads? ›

How to Prioritize Your Sales Leads
  1. Define MQLs. A marketing qualified lead (or MQL) is a lead who is very likely to become a customer based on some key data points. ...
  2. Establish a System. Establish other criteria you care to record and create a system for assigning points. ...
  3. Assign Actions to point Values.

What qualifies a good lead? ›

What makes a good lead? Generally speaking, a good lead is any sufficiently nurtured potential customer that can be passed on to your sales team. These potential customers also have to qualify themselves through their actions in order to signal that they are a good fit for your company.

What is criteria for qualified lead? ›

Lead qualification criteria are characteristics that help to classify a lead by the degree of its willingness and readiness to buy. As a result of this qualification, one can distinguish, in terms of making a purchase, the leads with the most and least potential: hot, warm, and cold.

How do I process leads in Salesforce? ›

‍Setting up lead processes in Salesforce‍
  1. Create the lead statuses needed in the lead process. To add your own lead statuses, head to Object Manager > Lead.
  2. Create and name a new lead process in setup. Select which lead status you want to target in that particular process.‍
  3. Create a record type for the sales process.

What are different ways to collect the lead information in Salesforce? ›

Using techniques like social selling, outbound emailing, and networking, the sales team can take lead generation into their own hands.

How do leads work in Salesforce? ›

A Salesforce lead is a prospective client or a potential opportunity, sometimes referred to as an “unqualified sales opportunity.” Leads can come from real-life interactions, such as meeting someone at a conference; or they can come from online interactions, such as when someone fills out a form on your website ...

How many types of leads are there in Salesforce? ›

Four types of lead statuses exist in Salesforce, including Open, Contacted, Qualified, and Unqualified.

How do I merge leads in Salesforce? ›

Merge Duplicate Leads in Salesforce Classic
  1. Select a lead record.
  2. Click Find Duplicates.
  3. Select up to three leads in the matching leads list that you want to merge. ...
  4. Click Merge Leads.
  5. Select one lead as the “Master Record.” Salesforce retains any data from hidden or read-only fields in the Master Record.

Which activities will not help with lead generation? ›

Answer: Activities like advertisem*nt, marketing, and sales promotion initiates the customer to buy the product or service from a company and thus leads to to increase in sales. Production is a process of manufacturing readymade product which is to be sold in the market and thus will not help with lead generation.

What is lead lifecycle in Salesforce? ›

In this context, a “lead lifecycle” represents the recurring selling opportunities to an individual over their lifetime. In Salesforce a “Lead” (upper case) is an object where an individual's personal and company data is stored in a single record.

What are the stages of the lead Salesforce lifecycle? ›

Understanding Salesforce Lead Status

Open - Indicates that the lead has been assigned to sales. Contacted - Indicates that sales has started outreach with the lead. Qualified - A lead sales has connected with and confirmed interest in moving forward in the buying process.

What is lead field mapping? ›

When you convert lead records, standard lead fields map to contact, account, person account, and opportunity fields. If you use custom fields, your admin specifies the fields that they map to in your newly created records. Lead Field.

How can we improve lead generation? ›

Constantly improve your content
  1. Keep SEO in mind. Google likes new content. ...
  2. Stay relevant. Things change every day. ...
  3. Rank your content higher. ...
  4. Keep it clean and simple. ...
  5. Present a clear call-to-action. ...
  6. Present a consistent message. ...
  7. Make a clear value offer. ...
  8. Use eye-popping CTA colors.
12 Oct 2021

What is the difference between a lead and a contact? ›

contacts: A lead is the name of a person or company who may (or may not) be interested in the products or services you sell. A contact is an individual with whom one of your reps has established a relationship and is a potential customer.

What is lead scoring in Salesforce? ›

Lead scoring and lead grading are two commonly used techniques to qualify leads — that is, to determine if a lead is worth passing from your marketing team on to sales. Lead scoring: Automatically scoring inbound leads with a numerical value to indicate how interested they are in your product or service.

Which comes first lead or opportunity? ›

In short, a qualified lead has the potential to become an opportunity, but it isn't a sure thing. An opportunity, however, pretty much is a sure thing. It's a deal ready to happen, and as such can be used to forecast your company's sales.

How do I convert multiple leads in Salesforce? ›

To do a mass conversion on all records found in your job, click the box at the top of the check box column to select All records. Then, click the Mass Convert Leads button to run the process on all of the records.

What is lead in Salesforce with example? ›

Leads are people who are interested in your product and service. Converting leads to loyal customers will provide success within a business. By managing your leads in a systematic and structured way, you can increase both the numbers of leads you generate and how many leads you convert.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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