RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (2024)

When it comes to working RVers and earning an income on the road, many turn to starting their own businesses as freelancers, consultants, content creators, and other entrepreneurial endeavors. In a more traditional “sticks and bricks” environment, doing this seems fairly cut-and-dry; either you set up a home office space or you rent space somewhere else. BUT, when your home, business office, and vehicle are one and the same, it gets a bit trickier, especially when you look at tax opportunities, insurance liabilities, and even warranty coverage.

To help RVers make informed decisions about these questions, we reached out to experts in the different areas of RVing and earning income for their professional insight and advice.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (1)

Can I Write Off My RV As A Business Expense?

Business owners and freelancers often throw around the phrase “it’s a write off!” when it comes to reviewing business expenses. Before you get yourself into hot water with the IRS or your accountant, consider this advice from Heather Ryan, the Tax Queen.

When you use your RV as both your home and mobile office, it’s tempting to deducting many of your everyday expenses as business needs. Before you get too excited, remember there are two basic requirements for your home office to qualify as a deduction:

  1. Regular and exclusive use.
  2. Principal place of your business.

If you live tiny, can you really say any space is exclusively used for business? Probably not, right?

Plus, because the area used for business in an RV is so small, it usually isn’t worth the time and trouble to make the calculations and keep all the documentation. It’s also a red flag on a tax return. For all these reasons, Heather doesn’t recommend taking this deduction.

There are a couple of exceptions including a toy hauler and bunkhouse where the garage or bunk room can be dedicated office or studio space. Reminder: you do not meet the requirements of the exclusive use test if you use the area in question both for business and personal purposes.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (2)

If you plan to take this deduction, you must keep concise records. Lack of documentation alone can get your deduction denied by the IRS. In recent years, the IRS does allow for a simplified home office deduction which makes it easier to compute ($5/square foot up to 300 square feet) and less records are needed.

While the home office deduction can be valuable for those with a larger home and a designated office space, it isn’t often worth it for those living in a small space like an RV.

Think about it this way. The potential deduction may not be worth it, even if you do keep meticulous records and respect needed boundaries. Did you want to save maybe $20 and risk an audit? You decide if it’s worth it or not. (While we’re thinking about tax prep for RVers, check out this article from Heather, too!)

But what about RVers who work remotely as an employee of another company? If you are a W-2 employee and you own your own side business, you’ll need to prove exclusive use of your work space for your self-employed work. Otherwise, no, W-2 employees are unable to deduct expenses related to working from home.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (3)

Escapees – Working from the Road & RV Warranty Coverage

Taxes aren’t the only legal or financial loophole you have to be cautious of. If you choose to utilize your RV as a mobile office in some capacity, be mindful of how this may impact your RV warranty coverage. To help you navigate the fine print of your RV warranty, and how your mobile office may be affected, Staci Ritchie-Roman of Wholesale Warranties offers her insight.

The working condition of your home-on-wheels is always important, but never more so than when it is your living and working space. Unfortunately, any seasoned RVer will tell you, it’s not a matter of if your RV will breakdown, but when. You can’t prevent repairs altogether, but you can protect yourself from the costs associated with modern RV breakdowns. Extended RV warranty protection will step in to pay the cost of most mechanical and electrical failures your RV faces, allowing you to protect your travel (and home and work) budget! So, the question is, does involving your RV in your business impact your eligibility for coverage?

The answer is: not always! When looking at RV protection options, it’s always recommended to work with a provider who will get to know who you are as an RVer. This includes your rig, your travel plans, your full-timer status, and if you work from the road. Some policies will explicitly deny coverage in this case, but not all. A broker like Wholesale Warranties, who specializes in personalized coverage, will match you up with a provider who allows for commercial use of your vehicle. You can learn more about what is and isn’t covered by an RV warranty here.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (4)

Typically, you will pay an additional fee for commercial use. This is a one-time surcharge paid at the inception of your coverage, and will last for the duration of your term. Commercial Use typically applies to units that are used in a rental capacity, or as a functional part of your business, such as commercial construction or job site activity, an RV wrapped with commercial advertising, or a unit purchased in a company’s name. Some activities, like writing books, working a remote job from your computer within your RV, or creating a YouTube channel that centers on your travels, will most likely not require this added surcharge.

Working from the road is one of the greatest perks of RVing, and a way to truly live life on your terms. Protecting that freedom with an RV warranty is a great option, and one that is available to just about every type of RV business.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (5)

Insurance Things To Know: Using An RV For Business

Using your RV as a mobile office for your self-employment presents another potential hurdle- insurance coverage. The largest consideration for using your RV as a mobile office is the type of work you are doing. While most full-timer R­V insurance policies allow for contents coverage (such as your laptop, monitor, webcam, and other equipment related to remote work), once you establish your RV as a mobile headquarters for your business, your coverage could be affected. To help figure out the ins and outs of these options, we reached out to FCIS/RV Advantage. Jake Thompson and Renae Hopp, both from the brokerage’s commercial division, lend their input.

Are you working remotely for an employer? This may not require additional liability to use the RV as your workspace. You should verify with your employer that any company-issued equipment is covered under their business policy if a loss, like theft, occurs. If those types of items are not covered by the company while it is away from headquarters, check with your homeowner’s or full-time RV policy for options.

A commercial or business insurance policy may be needed if the nature of your work is outside the normal scope of remote work. For example–utilizing the RV to travel to work sites, selling merchandise out of the unit, meeting with clients inside the RV, or using it for delivery would all require additional insurance. Be especially aware if you are operating a business from your RV while living in it more than 30 days a year. Check with your insurance provider on the coverage options available to you.

Regarding strictly using the RV as a mobile office, like writers, photographers or bloggers tend to do (not bringing any clients to/in the RV) while also using it as a residential/recreational vehicle there are no additional coverages needed for the RV or personal contents. This type of usage is acceptable on a personal travel trailer or motorhome insurance policy. Confirm a company issued laptop or equipment is covered by the employer or your homeowner’s or full-time RV policy.

If the insured has advertising on the outside of the RV that would attract people or if they are bringing clients to/in the RV or traveling to a worksite or location, this type of usage would require a commercial policy. A commercial policy would provide coverage for contents used specifically for the business whereas a personal policy would not. Physical damage coverage on the RV would be written on an Actual Cash Value settlement option, which means if there were a total loss to the RV, the insurance carrier would payout the depreciated or current market value of the RV at the time of loss. Total Loss Replacement and Agreed Value settlement options are not available on commercial policies.

The same is true for the auto being towed by the motorhome or towing the travel trailer. If there is no actual business being conducted than a personal auto policy is sufficient. The liability on the auto is extended from the Motorhome policy while traveling down the road and vice versa on a Travel Trailer/5th wheel. Physical damage to the vehicle would be covered by the auto/RV policy.

You risk having your claim denied or policy canceled if you have a personal RV policy while using the RV for business that would attract additional liability risks such as bring clients to/in the RV. Keep in mind, there are restrictions on the number of nights the RV can be used as a recreational vehicle on a commercial policy.

In a nutshell, if you are doing anything outside the scope of a general remote work job, you should check with your insurance provider to ensure you are adequately protected in case of an emergency. The last thing you want while dealing with a stressful emergency is also fighting with your insurance company over insufficient coverage. For the most peace of mind, check out this article from FCIS’s team about the things you need to know about your RV insurance coverage.

We hope that, with all of this in mind, you now feel better equipped to get the most from your office-on-wheels while keeping yourself out of legal and financial confusion! If you have further questions on any of these topics, we encourage you to reach out to the appropriate contributor for more detailed information.

RV Office Space Things To Consider: Taxes, Legal, & More - Xscapers (2024)


Can you write off an RV as an office? ›

If you use your RV only for business, and not as a residence or for personal use, you can deduct a wide range of business expenses. For example, renting out your RV, or using it as a mobile office. Be careful, though. If you use your RV for personal use as well as business, this may disqualify you.

Can you use a camper as an office? ›

Understand That Your Workspace May Be Small

Remember that working from an RV means you might be limited on space, and you probably won't be able to fit everything that a traditional office or stationary home can. Think about all of the items you need to get your work done and rank them from most important to least.

Are there tax benefits to owning an RV? ›

Recreational vehicles, such as campers, motorhomes, towables, and RVs, may be eligible for company tax deductions based on how they are used. If you use your RV to work from it and run your business you can deduct expenses as a business deduction tax.

Can you write off an RV as a primary residence? ›

As long as it contains the required facilities, you can claim it as your main home on your taxes. The benefit of treating a boat or RV as your primary residence, is to take allowable homeowner tax deductions that can decrease your overall tax bill.

Can I write off an RV as a mobile office? ›

But what about an RV (recreational vehicle)? The two main IRS rules for deducting home office expenses are: the space must be regularly used as a home office (it is your principal place of business) and. it must be exclusively your home office—you can't use the area for anything else.

What RV expenses are tax deductible? ›

An RV or motorhome qualifies as a second home if it contains a kitchen, toilet and sleeping area. Available deductions include any interest on an RV loan and property taxes.

Can an RV be considered a second home for tax purposes? ›

An RV counts as a second home. Of course, there are a few contingencies in place to make sure that this tax break isn't abused. You need to have permanent sleeping, eating, and bathroom facilities in place to claim your RV as a legitimate second home deduction.

Can you write off RV interest as a second home? ›

The good news here is that, just as declaring an RV as your primary residence, if you're paying off a loan for an RV you declare as a secondary home residence, you can deduct the interest on that loan!

What is the IRS depreciation life of an RV? ›

Therefore, based on your facts and representations, the RV's having actual unloaded weights of less than 13,000 pounds are 3-year property as defined by section 168(c)(2)(A) of the Code, and the RV's having actual unloaded weights of 13,000 pounds or more are 5-year property as defined by section 168(c)(2)(B).

How to write off an RV as a business expense? ›

RV's are depreciated over 5 years or you may be able to take the section 179 deduction. To qualify for a section 179 deduction you must use the RV more than 50% for business and would have had to purchased it or converted it to business during the tax year.

Can you write off RV interest on taxes? ›

A mobile home, RV, house trailer, or houseboat that has sleeping, cooking, and toilet facilities counts as a main or second home, and as long as it meets all the other requirements for deducting mortgage interest, you can claim the interest like an immovable home.

What state has the lowest RV tax? ›

What States Have No Sales Tax on RVs. There are currently five states that have no sales tax at all. These are Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon. The states with the lowest combined state and local sales tax rates are Hawaii, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Maine.

What is the IRS rule for second home? ›

For the IRS to consider a second home a personal residence for the tax year, you need to use the home for more than 14 days or 10% of the days that you rent it out, whichever is greater. So if you rented the house for 40 weeks (280 days), you would need to use the home for more than 28 days.

How do I write off a trailer for business? ›

The equipment, vehicle(s), and/or software must be used for business purposes more than 50% of the time to qualify for the IRS Section 179 Deduction. Simply multiply the cost of the equipment, vehicle(s), and/or software by the percentage of business-use to arrive at the monetary amount eligible for IRS Section 179.

Does an RV count as a mortgage? ›

Depending on the cost and size of your RV, RV loans can work like an auto loan or a mortgage. The lender considers your creditworthiness, income and how much debt you have to qualify you for the loan. Each lender has different requirements to keep in mind while choosing the best fit for your finances.

Can I use an RV as a business expense? ›

If you use your RV solely for business purposes, you will be able to write off most, if not all, of the expenses related to operating and maintaining the RV for that business. In fact, the whole RV may qualify as a business deduction. The kicker here is that you won't be able to use your RV for personal use.

Can you write off a trailer as a business expense? ›

Whether you're in the market for a Mobile Office Trailer, Mobile Command Center, heavy-duty dump trailer, 5th wheel gooseneck trailer,mobile restroom trailers, or emergency shower trailers, you may qualify for the Section 179 Tax Deduction if you use your new trailer for commercial use for more than 50% of the time.

Can you write off a work trailer? ›

To qualify for the Section 179 vehicle tax deduction, a used trailer must meet the same criteria as a new one. The gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) should typically exceed 6,000 pounds, or the vehicle must be specifically listed on the Section 179 Vehicle List.

Can a business purchase an RV? ›

Buying a new RV in a business name is tempting. Buyers may do this to either avoid sales taxes or obtain some other tax benefit. But doing this comes with a nasty side effect – it will likely void the warranty!

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.