RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (2024)

Driving in Korea

Driving-Parking-Licenses-Vehicle Registration

All Topics

  1. Driving in Korea
  2. Car Ownership in Korea
  3. Vehicle Registration
  4. Navigation Apps
  5. Drivers License (Korean)
  6. Drivers License (Korean) After Age 75
  7. International Drivers License (IDL)
  8. Drivers License Staying Connected to U.S.
  9. Parking - Where NOT To Park
  10. Hi-PASS Electronic Toll Collection
  11. Handicap Parking in Korea
  12. T-Money Transportation Cards
  13. Driving Tips in Korea
  14. Warning About Tow Trucks
  15. Resources

January 31, 2024

Driving in South Korea is not difficult

Western style driving

Driving in Korea is pretty much a typical western style of driving such as driving on the right side of the road, somewhat normal size roads and highways, electronic drive-thru method of paying tolls, and of course lots of traffic in the cities.

Car Ownership in Korea

Retirees are authorized to register a vehicle for base access as a non-sofa status individual. However, retirees are required to first register the car downtown and are required to now pay tax on vehicles that are normally waivered for SOFA status personnel. So you register your vehicle downtown, and then request base access from Pass&ID offices. Your local Pass&ID office (DBIDS) has all the details.

A Non-SOFA status retiree cannot purchase vehicles from the Exchange's Military Car Sales (MCS) on base. The price of cars on the Korean economy, however both new or used, are reasonable, and there are many to choose from to include Korean, American and European made cars. A non-Korean car will be more expensive because of the import tax added. And there is an annual registration tax, which is typically roughly $500 a year or so, but it varies. Just be prepared for an annual registration expense.

Cars driven in Korea require a Korean Government Safety Inspection every two years.

Car insurance in Korea can be more expensive than in the U.S. depending on the type and make of vehicle. While there are several available, there are not as many insurance companies like in the U.S., but honestly I don't hear too many folks complain about insurance costs, so it really isn't that different. The insurance companies also have discounts based on if you have a black box (dash cam), drive less than xxx miles a year, etc. So shop around.

You will also pay Korea Road Tax during registration, with the amount varying based on the size of the engine.

Most apartments do not have designated parking, so apartment parking lots are often overcrowded. And the age old practice of parking wherever you want still exists. A such, almost every car has the owners phone number in the windshield so you can call them to move their car when you need to get out. Fun Fact: There was a time, back when standard transmissions were common in Korean cars, when car owners would leave their cars unlocked or in neutral, and YOU would be the one to push their car out of the way! Almost all cars have the owners cell phone number in the windshield, so you call them to move their car if it's blocking you.

The streets are pretty much just an extension of parking lots, typically with parked cars on both sides. A 2-lane road in a housing area will usually be just a single, or narrower, lane because cares are parked on each side. Drivers must pull over and navigate around each other as they approach each other coming from opposite directions.

Learn more on our Transportation Around Korea page.

SUGGESTED AUTO PURCHASE LOCATIONS (not an endorsem*nt, just suggestions)

Vehicle Registration of a Non-SOFA Vehicle

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Base Registration

As stated above, for a retiree, USFK authorizes retirees to register a vehicle for base access.

If you retire with a SOFA registered vehicle and wish to keep the vehicle, you must have it inspected at Incheon, pass that inspection, and pay the tax on the vehicle from the time it was brought into Korea. It can be very expensive. Once you pass this inspection, and pay the tax, you still have to get it inspected at your local Korea Inspection Station before going to the local Korean DMV to register it. After it is registered in Korea, you go to Pass&ID for a base sticker. Vehicle Safety Inspections for base registration must be accomplished off-base at a Korean Authorized Inspection Station. Korea DMV does not accept a safety inspection from an on-base facility such as the base auto hobby shop or base gas station.

If you buy a vehicle from another retiree, there are some differences on registering downtown vs on-base. One thing that is the same is you must have purchased insurance. If you purchase from an individual, you have to go to the Gu DMV office so the seller can de-register the vehicle, and then do a transfer to the buyer. The buyer pays for registration fee, taxes, etc.

Once all the Korea DMV work is completed, take all the paperwork over to on-base Vehicle Registration office (DBIDS) and fill out a form to request a base decal for the car. Depending on which office your using (which base), the time this takes could vary.

Bottom line is: it may not always be the best move to keep your previously SOFA status vehicle. Purchasing a vehicle after you retire could save money.

Registering a Previously SOFA Registered Vehicle Off-Base

Most important question: Is it a U.S. spec vehicle that was brought to Korea under SOFA status (or purchase through the AAFES MAS on-base), or did you buy a Korean car while you were here. If it is a U.S. spec car that was brought here under SOFA, it did not have Korean Import taxes levied on it. So, you must first import the car, which will require ROK inspections, import and custom fees, and then ROK tax and registration fees. It can take a month or more to go through all this. The following IS NOT an endorsem*nt, just an example of a company someone has used to do all this for you. It is HB Motor Sports. Company's such as this will do all the work, you just have to pay; As an example several years ago, payment to this company to process a 2003 Ford Explorer that was imported into Korea in 2013 was about 1.2 million won, which allowed HB Motor Sports to the vehicle through all the import inspections. The import fees themselves were then another 1.4 million won, which at the time was 35% of the vehicles current value. Then to get the vehicle plated was another 300,000 won.

Bottom line: A U.S. car brought to Korea under SOFA is not cheap to take out of SOFA and register in Korea.

Oh, and if it's a Korea purchased vehicle NOT SOFA registered - pretty simple at DMV.

Navigation Apps

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There are some common smart phone navigator apps in Korea, but Waze is a popular one for expats due to it mapping on-base locations. It is a smart phone app with all the same type of bells and whistles most NAV Apps have like multiple languages, audio voice and alarm warnings, speed cameras warnings, speed limit and speed trap displays and warnings, allows you to send traffic jam and road construction warnings up for all to see etc. But what makes Waze stand out from the others is its complete mapping of all military installations in Korea. You want to know where building 4305 is on Yongsan? Waze will show you! Free download.

T-Map and Naver are common Korean smart phone apps, although not English friendly and do not map military installations. Both have better pictures and graphics than Waze and some like this better than Waze if they speak Korean. It is one of those "try them yourself" and see what you like.

Korean Driver License

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Up to date information at
Drivers Acquisition Process at

You cannot drive in Korea with a foreign issued drivers license, so retirees obtaining a Korean Drivers License is a must. The Korea Road Traffic Authority (KoROAD) has a lot of info on this, but here are some highlights and important segments.

Your first year in Korea you can drive with an International Drivers License (IDL) such as from AAA, although you must still carry a valid stateside driver's license. After that first year however, you will need a Korean Driver’s License.

Up until the age of 70 a Korean drivers license is issued for 10 years. At 70 years of age that changes to 5 years, and at 75 it's only 3 years plus everything mentioned below in the next sectionKorean Drivers License After Age 75.

Exchange A Foreign License

You can obtain a Korean rivers license using the Exchange A Foreign License card-swap process, exchanging your US driver’s license for a Korean license at a local DMV. They do take away your license from your home country. However, you can get it back when you travel out of Korea, bring your flight information to the examination office and trade your Korean license in for your stateside one.

NOTE: When you go in for your Korean license, have an Internet produced flight itinerary showing a flight within a week or two, not a purchased ticket, just an itinerary that you made and printed. You can cancel it after printing. DMV will not keep your US license by showing that, because it shows intent to travel back to the US soon.

Foreigners will usually be automatically issued (without asking) the version of license with English text on the back side, as well as the Korean text on the front. This same version can also be requested by a Korean citizen, but they need to specifically ask for it and pay the additional 10,000 won fee.

Stateside drivers licenses are needed to obtain a Korean License via the card-swap process. However, it is not required for a renewal of an existing Korean license.

If you do not have a valid stateside drivers license, you can still obtain a Korean license, but you will be required to take the written test and perform a road test.

The Republic of Korea is a member of the Hague Conference on Private International Law and recognizes Apostilles issued by foreign authorities. Therefore, U.S. citizens or Koreans with a valid U.S. driver’s license can exchange their U.S. driver’s license for a Korean driver’s license by taking a simplified version of the written exam. This written exam can be provided in English. If, however, your driver’s license was issued by a state with a Reciprocity Agreement with Korea, you are exempt from the written exam. As of Jul 2022 there are 14 states on this list. Check if your state is one of these reciprocity agreement states.

List of U.S. States that have reciprocity agreements with Korea to performExchanging a U.S. Driver’s License for a Korean Driver’s License:

List of Driver's License Headquarters and 27 nationwide centers

Below is a common process to get a Korean Drivers License. I went to the "Yongin Driver's License Examination Office" near Suwon (2267, Yonggu-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 031-289-0100). You can look this up on Waze mapping. This is not the only way to do this, but it is what I did and it was easy and painless.

  • To obtain an Apostille I contacted an agent, mine was Mr. Jeong at 010-9940-4881. He is still active as of Aug 2022. He processed all the paperwork regarding the required Apostille and the Notarized Translation document. This was all done via cell phone text messaging and bank funds transfers. It took approx. 2 weeks to get Apostille back from US. I sent him my actual Korea address (not APO), written in Korean. He couriered the returned Apostille to my house. My Apostille is processed in Tennessee, even though my stateside license is from another state – DOESN’T MATTER! It works.
  • Get 3 each 3.5 x 4.5 color photos, same size as Alien Registration Card (ARC). Must be recent within 6 months
  • TIP: I have heard this tip does not work everywhere, but not sure. Obtain an Airlines Flight Itinerary online that shows you’re traveling out of Korea SOON. You DO NOT need a ticket, just an Itinerary: make a reservation online, print the Itinerary, then cancel your reservation. DMV will give your US license back to you and not keep it as per normal card-swap procedure, because you are leaving the country soon. Typically, they keep your stateside license and you retrieve it before you travel out of Korea. You are also suppose to return it to DMV when you return - never knew anyone who did :)
  • “Yongin Driver License Department” is on Waze. Easy to get to, AND has a Foreign Driver’s License counter.
  • Take with you:
    - Apostille (for initial first-time license issuance. Not needed for renewals)
    - Photos
    - US Driver’s License
    - Passport with valid SOFA stamp/Visa
    - ARC Card if you have one
    - Flight Itinerary
    - Money: Eye Check W6,000 / License W10,000
  • I went to counter #2 labeled Foreign Driver’s License. The young woman there was super helpful and told me everything to do, which included:
    1. A 4-page Application Form
    2. A 1-page License Exchange Agreement
    3. Eye Test (nobody fails)
    4. There is no test with the card-swap process, but if needed, attached here is an English version of approx. 1000 Drivers License Exam questionswith answers.
  • They send you to another room for an eye test haha, an eye test where at W10,000 for the test nobody fails.
  • Start to finish, took me about 30 minutes to process everything including the eye test, then waited 30 minutes to get the license.

For more information on how to obtain a Korean driver’s license, please visit the Korean Driver’s License Agency’s websites:

Korean Drivers License After Age 75

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During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Korea Road Traffic Authority or DMV changed their procedures for renewing Driver’s Licenses for those over 75 to now consist of a Three-Step process, starting with an Internet Learning Course consisting of four (4) topics ranging from three to 12 chapters each. The second Step involves a Dementia test and the third Step is a Health questionnaire and Vision test, and possibly a written test.

The DMV's provide handouts in Korean identifying the steps to take, which may possibly differ DMV to DMV. We have all experienced some of the non-standard practices in Korea.

Below are steps translated from the Gangnam Seoul DMV handout.

STEP 1: < How To Listen To Lectures For Elder Drivers >
  1. Go to ‘Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center’.
    HINT: If your web browser supports a translation capability, use it! Or have someone translate for you.
  2. Click the “Older Driver Education” button.
  3. On the “Aging Driver” page, scroll down and click “Apply”.
  4. On the “Confirm” page to login, click on “Yes”.
  5. On the “Login” page, click on “Register as a Member” if you do not have a login.
    1. Check all the boxes that you agree to the terms and conditions.
    2. Next you must select a personal identification method to sign up.
    3. Authenticate through one of the following: Mobile Phone authentication, i-PIN authentication, or Card authentication.
    4. NOTE: If you use the Mobile Phone authentication, your cell phone number must be registered in YOUR name, not your Wife’s or family member’s name. You can deregister your cell phone number at your local phone office and re-register it under your own name. Then you will have no problem authenticating to sign up for the Internet Lectures.
    5. Once authenticated, a screen will show: “Your Membership is complete. Please use it after Login”.
  6. Login and click ‘Senior Driver Education’ on the first screen.
  7. After completing the Internet lectures, print out your Certificate.

Note: You can stop and start the lectures at any time. When you log in the next time, it will start where you left off.

STEP 2: < Dementia Test >

There are two ways to accomplish this:

  • Go to one of the Dementia test sites shown on the bottom of the DMV handout above.

    Bring your ARC and Driver’s License.

    One person will obtain your information: weight, height, blood pressure and ask questions ranging from what is your present address, to any drinking problems.

    Next person will test your dementia by having you repeat different sentences in Korean and saying some backwards, and having you repeat a series of numbers plus drawing diagrams identical to the ones shown.

    Upon completing the test, you will be given a certificate.

  • Get a true dementia test at the hospital and submit the results when renewing your Korean Driver’s License. It costs about 200,000 won. You should plan ahead, because there may be a few months waiting period for a hospital appointment e.g. Samsung Medical Center can be booked for 3+ months from now.
STEP 3: < Driver’s License Renewal >
  1. Go to your local driver’s license testing center (DMV). Note: The below information is for the Gangnam DMV.
  2. Bring ARC, Driver’s License, two Photos, your Internet Certificate, and Dementia Test Certificate; plus at least W20,000, (explained below).
  3. Look for the form that is double-sided with pictures of blacked out body parts (would assume that depicts missing body parts). This Health questionnaire form is all in Korean and may need someone to help fill it out.
  4. Once completed, take the form downstairs to the eye examination center. Pay the clerk W6,000 and giver her one of your two pictures, then proceed to the eye exam room.
  5. When the eye exam is finished, take the form back upstairs and get a number. When called, provide the clerk with your ARC, expired Driver’s License, Internet Certificate, Dementia Certificate, the Health and eye exam form and your second picture.
  6. You will be offered a choice of either the original Korean Driver’s License, or one with the English version on the back. The cost for the English version is W10,500.
  7. Once the clerk verifies all your information, she will direct you to Window #1.
  8. At Window #1, wait for your name to appear. Show the clerk your ARC and she will have you pull down your mask for identification purposes. If everything is okay, she will hand you your ARC and new Driver’s License.

Note:Note: Renewed Driver’s licenses are good for three (3) years for those over 75.

International Drivers License - IDL

You can get an International Drivers License (IDL) while in Korea from either a DMV office who issues Korean Drivers License, or from a Regional Police Station such as the Pyeongtaek Police Station for those living around USAG Humphreys and Osan AB.

The process appears to be pretty simple, and the same regardless of which option above you use to get a license. Just bring:

  • Passport
  • alien registration card
  • Korean driver's license
  • pictures
  • Korean Won between 8-10K

Parking - Know Where NOT To Park

Most apartments do not have designated parking, although it is becoming a more common trend to have them. Apartment parking lots are often overcrowded. Almost all cars in Korea now have the owners cell phone number in the windshield. So, if you are blocked in, you call them. The old days of blowing your horn until someone comes out is long gone. As are the days of everyone leaving their manual transmissions (there are none now) in neural and moving the cars around yourself!

Korean Government Buildings
The day of the week plus the last digit of your license plate number determines when you are allowed to park in Korea Government Building parking spaces. There are signs, in Hangul (Korean) of course, that outline the rules.

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Women's Parking Spaces
Established to make women feel safer, women’s parking spaces can be found nationwide. These spots are usually in an area under closed-circuit surveillance and are wider and longer, allowing women with children and strollers to have enough space to get out of their vehicles. You’ll recognize these as they tend to have hot pink outlines and are marked with the standard woman symbol.

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Elderly drivers These spaces marked in yellow are for elderly drivers, especially those who have mobility difficulties. These spots, while necessary, are not easy to distinguish from other parking spaces, as they are marked with ‘어르신 우선 주차 구역’ meaning “elderly parking space.” Recently, signs with an elderly person logo have gradually started to appear, but they vary by region.

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Pregnant woman This type of space is increasing in many government office parking lots around South Korea. Like a women’s priority parking lot, these parking spaces are wider than regular parking lots and are bordered with hot pink outlines and marked the pregnant woman logo.

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Electric/Hybrid vehicles The rapidly increasing number of electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles has made parking spots of this nature more common. Usually marked in English as EV or an simple plug logo, parking in these spots could get you a fine as there are limited parking spots for recharging.

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Handicap Parking Placard

Here is the form for your doctor to complete to get a handicap parking placard from the Korean Government. It will need to be completed in Korean. Once completed by your doctor take the form, your Korean driver’s license, Korean Registration Card, and Korean vehicle registration to your local Gu Office. There will be another form to complete at the office. They may ask for additional documents.

The Korean Handicap Parking Placard will expire on the same date as your Korean Registration Card. To renew your handicap parking placard at expiration, you will need to resubmit all the required paperwork again with your updated Korean Registration Card.

The small blue handicap parking decal you receive on base/post has no expiration date, BUT is only good on USFK installations. The Korean Handicap Parking Placard has an expiration date and is good both off and on post. You can have both on your vehicle.

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Click Here or on the form above to open/download the PFD form.

Hi-PASS Electronic Toll Collection

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Hi-Pass On Board Unit (in English)

Highway tolls can be paid using credit cards, cash, or a Hi-Pass card in Korea. The handy Hi-Pass system allows you to pay tolls without having to stop at every toll gate.

This collection system uses an On Board Unit (OBU) placed at the front part of the vehicle (normally on the car dash board or around rear-view mirror), and requires a Hi-Pass Card that is inserted into the OBU. Most vehicles today purchased in Korea have an ETC unit (Electronic Toll Collection) built into the rear-view mirror, which eliminates the need for an OBU. You can purchase a Hi-Pass card from any convenience store selling OBU such as GS25, CU, 7/11 and others. You can recharge the currency amount on the card at these same places.

You can also purchase a prepaid Standard Hi-Pass card, that is only available to pay tolls, or get a Hi-Pass Plus credit card that is linked to Hi-Pass service. Both cards are available at rest stops on highways or on Camp Humphreys (Bldg. 449). The Standard Hi-Pass card can be recharged at the same convenience stores that sells them. TheHi-Pass Plus card can be topped up (recharged) in advance at any bank or major highway rest area. Highway rest areas often have small machine kiosks where you can check your remaining balance and top up your Hi-Pass Plus card.

The other way to use a Hi-Pass card is to use it independently, by itself, without an OBU and use it on the automatic RFID readers in the non Hi-Pass lanes. Just hold the card against the reader and off you go. You of course must stop to do this, but in todays "everyone has a Hi-Pass" OBU, these lanes are almost always empty and your stop is but seconds.

A Standard Hi-Pass card is a pay-as-you-go card, but can also be connected to your bank account; you will receive a bill every month for any tolls you used. The cost for a bank-connected Hi-Pass card is a small fee you pay yearly, usually around 5,000 won. Some banks are easier to connect to the Hi-Pass card than others, and some banks do not allow foreign nationals to connect their cards. You can check with your bank, or use the Hi-Pass helpline (Korean) for more information.

T-Money Transportation Cards

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'VisitKOREA' Transportation Card Useful Tops at
T-Money Card Korea 2023: Where To Buy T-Money | How To Use

The Korean T-Money Card is a prepaid transportation card that can be used to pay for public transportation in cities across Korea, including buses and subways. It provides cash-less travel around Korean cities, as well as offering discounts in many places.

The T-Money Card can also be used to pay for a range of other items and services, including taxi charges, items in convenience stores, entrance fees for attractions, vending machines, and food and beverages in restaurants. Anywhere you see the T-Money logo (above), you can use the T-Money Card.

You can buy T-Money Cards at Incheon Airport or from convenience stores, including 7-11, GS25, and CU. You can 'top up' the card after you’ve bought it, and refill it at the same type of locations.

T-Money Card Quick Summary
Purpose: electronic payment system that allows people to avoid using cash
Uses: transportation, shopping, entrance fees for attractions across Korea
Cost: 2,500 KRW (Korean Won) for the card (special designs may be more expensive)
Valid: all over Korea

Driving Tips Before Hitting the Roads in Korea

Here are a few main differences you’ll notice when driving in Korea, and how to prepare for those differences while on the road.


The first thing you'll notice when driving in Korea is that the lanes are much narrower than lanes in the US. It’s not unusual to wind your way through claustrophobic back streets that can only fit one car, even if it's a wide street the chances of parked vehicles up and down both sides is good, so it sill becomes a single lane driving experience. Pulling over to let cars by you, or visa-versa, is common. If you’re a US driver who typically drifts towards one side of the lane, that’s something you’ll have to be aware of in order to drive safely.

Take some time on familiar roads to get used to the dimensions of your car and how much space you’ll need on all sides.

Defensive Driving

Driving within cities and towns in Korea requires you to be mentally “on” all the time. It can be very tiring to constantly be aware of your surroundings, but it's a necessity.

In towns and cities, cars may suddenly brake and do a U-turn in the middle of the road, people may jay-walk or bicycle unexpectedly across the road, and cars often make turns without signaling. You also have to watch out for taxis, which sometimes stop without warning to pick up passengers.

On the highway, it's generally much easier and you can relax more. Drivers tend to signal more often when they merge, and unexpected stops or swerves are uncommon.


Korea has a lot of tolls compared to most Western countries. In order to go through a toll booth, you must either pay in cash or install an RFID Hi-PASS tag as described above, which the toll can read and charge your bank card.

How much you will pay for the toll depends on the distance you traveled on the toll road. If you do not have an electronic Hi-Pass card in your car, you can go through the cash lane. Some roads require you to pay the toll up-front, while longer-distance toll roads will issue you a paper slip which has the toll you entered from. When you exit the toll road, the cashier will take the slip and calculate your amount based on the distance traveled.


On Korean roads, buses are king. They will not yield for you, let you over, or stop if you’re in their way. They will blare an impossibly loud horn at you if you’re in the way. If a bus is crossing several lanes of traffic, let them do it, and try not to get hit.

On the highways, be aware that highways that have left lanes with blue stripes are designated as a bus-only lane. Do not use these lanes.

No Stop Signs

In any small intersection, you have to always be watchful and hope for the best. This is especially true in the back roads of villas, where some people drive very quickly through the small intersections without looking.

Approach all small intersections with caution, as cars may be coming through at any speed. Some do not stop or look at all, and some do a rolling stop. The “right of way” rule for intersections (the first car to stop is the first car to proceed) is largely ignored, so keep your eye on what the other driver is doing.

Turn Lane Indications

Korea roads indicate which lanes are turn lanes by arrows painted on the street. Also, Korean highways now commonly have long painted lines and arrows to indicate exits.


It's kind of a new thing in Korea, and they are still getting used to them.

The typical rule for roundabouts is that you yield to cars in the circle before you proceed into the circle. While this rule is taught in Korean driving schools (and some younger drivers follow it), in practice, it is the opposite. You must expect cars in the circle to keep stopping to allow cars in – kind of how they do with 'merging'. This inevitably leads to a clogged circle and frustrated drivers. While younger drivers are slowly turning the tide by using roundabouts correctly, be wary of cars flying into the circle without stopping. They will often not yield for you.

Left turn signs

You’re in the left turn lane, waiting for the little green arrow to appear. Suddenly, the person behind you lays on their horn – wait, why are they so angry?

Next to traffic signals up above you, look for a blue sign that says “비보호”. This means that if the light is green and oncoming traffic is clear, it’s okay to make the turn.

Car Accidents

The way car accidents are treated in Korea is remarkably different from the US. Fender benders happen quite frequently and are treated as run-of-the-mill occurrences. Drivers typically do not become stressed or angry. Korean car insurance coverage is quite excellent, so they don't seem to worry about it much.

Most cars now are equipped with black box cameras, as almost all insurances require it. This can give you some peace of mind if the accident was not your fault; there is video evidence to corroborate your story. Even if the accident was your fault, Korean insurance coverage usually is still good enough to cover some of the costs for you.

The first thing to do is get out of the car and calmly ask the other driver for his or her information. Then, take pictures or video of the damage right away; any street markers, the affected area on the car, the other car’s license plate, and your car. If the accident is minor and in an inconvenient location (such as in a turn lane), it’s normal for both drivers to agree to drive to a nearby parking lot to assess the damage and exchange information. If the other driver drives off instead (which is very uncommon), you still have the photo evidence and their license plate number, so they won’t get far. Exchange information with each other, then call your insurance company to report the claim and any damages to your vehicle. It is quite common for the other person to offer cash instead; it’s recommended that you don’t take it, as this would void your right to a claim, and any health issues such as whiplash that you suffered will not be covered.

If the accident is medium to severe in damages, and especially if you are injured, take as many pictures as you can of the crash, being careful of oncoming traffic. Find a safe place nearby to sit, and immediately call the police. If the other driver is at fault, they may insist on bringing you to a hospital or paying cash; do not accept. Don’t worry about “bothering” the police; they deal with car crashes frequently, even if the damage is minor. They are typically very patient and understanding.

Once the police arrive, they will ask for your information, and they will also take pictures of the car and any injuries to you. If you need an ambulance, they will likely call one right away; if not, request that they call one for you. Give the police your insurance information, and they will often call the insurance company on your behalf. It is important that you do not leave the hospital until someone from the insurance company contacts you. If you do, you forfeit any money that would be paid towards your treatment. Often, an insurance representative will come in person, and they will try to offer a settlement amount to you. Keep in mind that you are being paid not only for the physical damage of the accident, but also for lost work, physical therapy, and mental stress. Be patient and request a larger settlement. You can often come to a compromise with the insurance representative that is much larger than the initial offer.


Ahh, parking in Korea… Street parking can be confusing, and public parking lots can be claustrophobic.

When street parking, check thoroughly for any no-parking zone barricades, poles with yellow striping or no-parking signs, and CCTV cameras.

Rather than circling endlessly for free parking, it might be easier to use a parking lot instead. Some parking lots have automated gates which will calculate the amount due when you leave, and some will have attendants that will hand you a paper slip which you return to them upon exit. The fees can often be a mystery, so you can check signs or ask the attendant what the rates are. Some downtown areas have a mandated “first hour / two hours free” policy on all public parking lots, which is nice. Another benefit of owning a small car: parking is half price, and you can park in certain parking spaces designated for small cars only (the space will be marked “경차”).

Some big marts and shopping malls have free parking only if you purchased something, or stayed less than thirty minutes. Some parking garages also have free parking on weekends, Sundays, or other specified days.

When visiting some beaches and public mountainous areas (think places that attract camping enthusiasts), it is possible that someone will come around and ask that you pay a certain amount in cash. This is not a scam; it’s the owner of the land charging an amount to visitors. Often, if you specify to them that you’re just parking – not setting up a fire pit or tent – they’ll waive the fee.

Warning About Tow Trucks

RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (14)

Be Aware and Prepared

You will see them everywhere, sitting on the sides of roads and highways, waiting for that "call" or listening to their scanners. And then you will see them flying down the road, lights on, loud exhaust sounds, heading to a destination they may, or may not, have been called to. First come first serve is the name of their game.

Do not allow an independently-owned (or any) Tow Truck to hook-up and move your vehicle, without first notifying your insurance company!Liabilities and payments can be tricky when dealing with local tow trucks. Always coordinate with your insurance company prior to using tow services. Most insurance companies have a Roadside Service call number.

Some Insurance Company's may not pay towing charges without notification first. And when there is any damage to the vehicle involved... wow, liability issues can arise easily, which makes payment issues that much harder.

Drivers License - Staying Connected to the U.S.

It is difficult for some to renew or keep a valid stateside drivers license. Whether it's due to your states drivers license laws and policies, financial problems with flying back, or not having a real residence address in the U.S., staying connected can be at times difficult.

We here at RSO Korea will not attempt to list every possible way to stay connected to every state, but there are some websites and information we have found that may help some.

RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (15)

Here is an interesting site from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) about U.S. drives license renewal procedures and requirements for older people:

RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (16)

Another interesting and potential resource is thisDomicile for Nomads: Establishing a Legal Residence on the Road website for those without a fixed residence in the U.S., which affects many retirees and expats overseas:

RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (17)

Here is a website called DakotaPost for becoming a South Dakota resident if living overseas, which appears to be an easy way to maintain a state drivers license even if not living in the U.S.:way

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This page is not officially affiliated with USFK, DoD, Military Health Systems or the Army RSO program in any way and does not represent their official opinions, nor do they endorse the content of this page.

RSO Korea - Driving in the ROK (2024)
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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.