RPC Providers | Avalanche Docs (2024)

RPC Providers in Avalanche ecosystem.

There are multiple RPC providers from which you can choose from. These providers will work asintermediaries to help you interact with the Avalanche network. You'll experience different latencylevels depending on the provider's configurations. You can potentially use multiple providers forredundancy and balancing.

Mainnet RPC - Public API Server

There is a public API server that allows developers to access the Avalanchenetwork without having to run a node themselves. The public API server isactually several AvalancheGo nodesbehind a load balancer to ensure high availability and high request throughput.

Using the Public API Nodes

The public API server is at api.avax.network for Avalanche Mainnet andapi.avax-test.network for Avalanche Fuji Testnet. To access a particular API,just append the relevant API endpoint, as documentedhere. Namely, use the following end points foreach chain respectively:


  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc.
  • For X-Chain API, the URL is https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/X.
  • For P-Chain API, the URL is https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/P.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, use https://api.avax-test.network/ instead of https://api.avax.network/.


  • For C-Chain API, the URL is wss://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/ws.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is wss://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/ws.

Supported APIs

The public API server supports all the API endpoints that make sense to beavailable on a public-facing service, including APIs for theX-Chain, P-Chain,C-Chain, and full archival for the Primary Network.However, it doesn't support Index APIs, which includesthe X-Chain API's getAddressTxs method.

For a full list of available APIs see here.


The public API only supports C-Chain WebSocket API calls for API methods thatdon't exist on the C-Chain's HTTP API.

For batched C-Chain requests on the public API node, the maximum number of itemsis 40. We're working on to support a larger batch size.

The maximum number of blocks to serve per getLogs request is 2048, which is set by api-max-blocks-per-request.

Sticky Sessions

Requests to the public API server API are distributed by a load balancer to anindividual node. As a result, consecutive requests may go to different nodes.That can cause issues for some use cases. For example, one node may think agiven transaction is accepted, while for another node the transaction is stillprocessing. To work around this, you can use 'sticky sessions', as documentedhere.This allows consecutive API calls to be routed to the same node.

If you're using AvalancheJS to access the publicAPI, simply set the following in your code:

avalanche.setRequestConfig("withCredentials", true);


Usage of public API nodes is free and available to everyone without anyauthentication or authorization. Rate limiting is present, but many of the APIcalls are cached, and the rate limits are quite high. If your app isrunning up against the limits, please contact us ortry using a community RPC provider.


If you have questions, problems, or suggestions, join the official Avalanche Discord.


Provided for informational purposes only, without representation, warranty orguarantee of any kind. None of this is as an endorsem*nt by the AvalancheFoundation Limited, Ava Labs, Inc. or any of their respective subsidiaries oraffiliates, nor is any of this investment or financial advice.

Please review this Noticeand conduct your own research to properly evaluate the risks and benefits of any project.


Allnodes supports the C-Chain, X-Chain, and P-Chain.


  • Free
  • Privacy oriented
  • Globally distributed infrastructure on Allnodes
  • Optimized for speed and reliability - check our page for stats


  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-c-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For X-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-x-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For P-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-p-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For C-Chain WSS Endpoint, the URL is wss://avalanche-c-chain-rpc.publicnode.com

Testnet (Fuji)

  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-fuji-c-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For X-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-fuji-x-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For P-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-fuji-p-chain-rpc.publicnode.com
  • For C-Chain WSS Endpoint, the URL is wss://avalanche-fuji-c-chain-rpc.publicnode.com



  • Standard EVM API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche.
  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche-c. On ANKR the C-Chain API doesn't support standard EVM APIs. For that use the Standard EVM API.
  • For X-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche-x.
  • For P-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche-p.

Testnet (Fuji)

  • Standard EVM API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche_fuji.
  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche_fuji-c. On ANKR the C-Chain API doesn't support standard EVM APIs. For that use the Standard EVM API.
  • For X-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche_fuji-x.
  • For P-Chain API, the URL is https://rpc.ankr.com/avalanche_fuji-p.


  • Archive Data Included.
  • Automatic geo-routing across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Note: soft limited to 1 million daily requests per IP or referring domain. Batch calls limited to 1000.


Blast supports the C-Chain, X-Chain, and P-Chain.


  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint ETH, the URL is https://ava-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/rpc
  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint AVAX, the URL is https://ava-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/avax
  • For X-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://ava-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/X
  • For P-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://ava-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/P
  • For C-Chain WSS Endpoint, the URL is wss://ava-mainnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/ws

Testnet (Fuji)

  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint ETH, the URL is https://ava-testnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/rpc
  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint AVAX, the URL is https://ava-testnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/avax
  • For X-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://ava-testnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/X
  • For P-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://ava-testnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/P
  • For C-Chain WSS Endpoint, the URL is wss://ava-testnet.public.blastapi.io/ext/bc/C/ws


Chainstack supports theC-Chain, X-Chain, P-Chain, and the Fuji Testnet.


  • Globally distributed infrastructure for optimal performance.
  • Crypto payments natively.
  • 24/7 customer support.


  • For C-Chain API, the regional elastic node URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/C/rpc, and the global elastic node URL is https://avalanche-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/ext/bc/C/rpc/API_KEY
  • For X-Chain API, the regional elastic node URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/X, and the global elastic node URL is https://avalanche-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/ext/bc/X/API_KEY
  • For P-Chain API, the regional elastic node URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/P, and the global elastic node URL is https://avalanche-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/ext/P/API_KEY

Websockets are available for the C-chain and the X-chain.

  • For C-Chain API, the regional elastic node URL is wss://ws-nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/C/ws, and the global elastic node URL is wss://avalanche-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/ws/ext/bc/C/ws/API_KEY
  • For X-Chain API, the regional elastic node URL is wss://ws-nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/X/events, and the global elastic node URL is wss://avalanche-mainnet.core.chainstack.com/ws/ext/bc/X/events/API_KEY

Testnet (Fuji)

  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/C/rpc
  • For X-Chain API, the URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/X
  • For P-Chain API, the URL is https://nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/P

Websockets are available for the C-chain and the X-chain.

  • For C-Chain API, the URL is wss://ws-nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/C/ws
  • For X-Chain API, the URL is wss://ws-nd-123-145-789.p2pify.com/API_KEY/ext/bc/X/events


DRPC supports the C-Chain.


  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche.drpc.org

Testnet (Fuji)

  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://avalanche-fuji.drpc.org


  • Decentralized RPC nodes
  • Node balancing
  • Unlimited compute units per month on the free tier
  • On free-tier is available Websockets


GetBlock currently only supports the C-Chain.


  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://avax.getblock.io/api_key/mainnet/ext/bc/C/ws?api_key=

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is https://avax.getblock.io/api_key/testnet/ext/bc/C/ws?api_key=.


  • For C-Chain API, the URL is wss://avax.getblock.io/api_key/mainnet/ext/bc/C/ws?api_key=

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is wss://avax.getblock.io/api_key/testnet/ext/bc/C/ws?api_key=.


Infura currentlyonly supports the C-Chain.


  • For C-Chain API, the URL is https://avalanche-mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR-API-KEY

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is https://avalanche-fuji.infura.io/v3/YOUR-API-KEY.


Moralis currently supports the C-Chain.


  • Moralis RPC Nodes for RPC Nodes
  • NFT API for getting NFT metadata, balances, transfers, sales and more
  • Token API for getting ERC20 metadata, balances, transfers, prices, burns, mints and more
  • Wallet API for getting wallet balances, transaction history, net worth and more
  • Blockchain API for getting data about blocks, transactions, logs and events
  • Streams API for getting real-time webhooks about any on-chain event


  • Free plan available
  • Supports all major EVM networks


Nodies supports the C, X, P, and DFK Subnet chains.


  • Generous free tier
  • Globally distributed infrastructure in 3+ geographic regions
  • Decentralized and Centralized API's


  • For C-Chain, the URL is https://lb.nodies.app/v1/105f8099e80f4123976b59df1ebfb433/ext/bc/C/rpc
  • For X-Chain, the URL is https://lb.nodies.app/v1/105f8099e80f4123976b59df1ebfb433/ext/bc/X
  • For P-Chain, the URL is https://lb.nodies.app/v1/105f8099e80f4123976b59df1ebfb433/ext/bc/P
  • For DFK-Subnet, the URL is https://lb.nodies.app/v1/105f8099e80f4123976b59df1ebfb433/ext/bc/q2aTwKuyzgs8pynF7UXBZCU7DejbZbZ6EUyHr3JQzYgwNPUPi/rpc


QuickNode supports the X-Chain,P-Chain, C-Chain, and Index API.


  • The URL is http://sample-endpoint-name.network.quiknode.pro/token-goes-here/


  • The URL is wss://sample-endpoint-name.network.quiknode.pro/token-goes-here/


Stackup currently supports the Avalanche C-Chain on Mainnet and Fuji Testnet.


  • Free
  • Account abstraction RPC endpoints
  • ERC-4337 bundlers and paymasters


  • The URL is https://api.stackup.sh/v1/node/YOUR-API-KEY


NOWNodes supports the X-Chain, P-Chain, C-Chain, and Blockbook.


  • Privacy oriented (non custodial, no KYC)
  • Dedicated access with no limits by request
  • Free starter plan
  • Technical guides
  • 24/7 Support


  • Full Node endpoint: https://avax.nownodes.io


  • The URL is: https://avax-blockbook.nownodes.io


  • Endpoint is: https://avax.nownodes.io/wss

Blockbook WSS

  • Endpoint is: https://avax-blockbook.nownodes.io/wss


1RPC, by Automata Network supports the C-Chain, X-Chain, and P-Chain.


  • Free to use
  • First RPC relay to be attested on-chain
  • Eradicate metadata exposure and leakage
  • Zero tracking

Mainnet RPC

  • For C-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://1rpc.io/avax/c
  • For X-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://1rpc.io/avax/x
  • For P-Chain RPC Endpoint, the URL is https://1rpc.io/avax/p

Subnets RPC - Public API Servers



  • The URL is https://subnets.avax.network/beam/mainnet/rpc.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is https://subnets.avax.network/beam/testnet/rpc.


  • The URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/beam/mainnet/ws.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/beam/testnet/ws.

DeFi Kingdom (DFK)


  • The URL is https://subnets.avax.network/defi-kingdoms/dfk-chain/rpc.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is https://subnets.avax.network/defi-kingdoms/dfk-chain-testnet/rpc.


  • The URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/defi-kingdoms/dfk-chain/ws.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/defi-kingdoms/dfk-chain-testnet/ws.



  • The URL is https://subnets.avax.network/dexalot/mainnet/rpc.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is https://subnets.avax.network/dexalot/testnet/rpc.


  • The URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/dexalot/mainnet/ws.

Note: on Fuji Testnet, the URL is wss://subnets.avax.network/dexalot/testnet/ws.

eRPC is a fault-tolerant EVM RPC proxy and re-org aware permanent caching solution. It is built with read-heavy use-cases in mind such as data indexing and high-load frontend usage.

  1. Create your erpc.yaml configuration file:
logLevel: debugprojects: - id: main upstreams: # You don't need to define architecture (e.g. evm) or chain id (e.g. 43114) # as they will be detected automatically by eRPC. - endpoint: https://ava-mainnet.blastapi.io/xxxx - endpoint: evm+alchemy://xxxx-my-alchemy-api-key-xxxx

See a complete config example for inspiration.

  1. Use the Docker image:
docker run -v $(pwd)/erpc.yaml:/root/erpc.yaml -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 ghcr.io/erpc/erpc:latest
  1. Send your first request:
curl --location 'http://localhost:4000/main/evm/43114' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data '{ "method": "eth_getBlockByNumber", "params": [ "0x2e76572", false ], "id": 9199, "jsonrpc": "2.0"}'
  1. Bring up monitoring stack (Prometheus, Grafana) using docker-compose:
# clone the repo if you haven'tgit clone https://github.com/erpc/erpc.gitcd erpc # bring up the monitoring stackdocker-compose up -d
  1. Open Grafana at http://localhost:3000 and login with the following credentials:
  • username: admin
  • password: admin
  1. Send more requests and watch the metrics being collected and visualized in Grafana.

RPC Providers | Avalanche Docs (1)

RPC Providers | Avalanche Docs (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.