Roasted Mushroom Base Recipe (2024)

By Martha Rose Shulman

Roasted Mushroom Base Recipe (1)

Total Time
45 minutes
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At this year’s Worlds of Health Flavors conference in Napa, Calif., Pam Smith, a culinary nutritionist, presented delicious recipes by the chef Clifford Pleau featuring a finely chopped roasted mushroom mix (chefs refer to it as simply “The Mix”), that she combined with beef for a delicious burger with half the meat, and with tuna for a wonderful tuna burger. Inspired, I made up a big batch of my own version of the mushroom base when I got home and had a lot of fun using it all week in adaptations of classic meat or fish dishes with the animal protein cut by half or more and replaced with the mushroom base. I recommend using pre-sliced mushrooms for this – then the mix goes very quickly. It is very easy to make and keeps well for several days in the refrigerator.

Featured in: Cutting Out the Meat With Mushrooms

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Yield:1¼ pounds or about 3 cups

  • 2tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2pounds mushrooms, sliced or quartered
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Ingredient Substitution Guide

Nutritional analysis per serving (4 servings)

111 calories; 8 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 5 grams monounsaturated fat; 1 gram polyunsaturated fat; 8 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams dietary fiber; 4 grams sugars; 7 grams protein; 545 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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Roasted Mushroom Base Recipe (2)


  1. Step


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment.

  2. In a large bowl, toss mushrooms with oil, salt and pepper. Spread in an even layer on baking sheets and bake in the middle and lower racks of the oven for 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes and switching pans top to bottom halfway through. The mushrooms should be tender and dry when done. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

  3. Step


    Grind in a grinder or pulse in a food processor fitted with steel blade until broken down into small pieces resembling ground meat. What works best in my food processor is to pulse about 10 times, scrape down the sides of the bowl and then pulse another five to 10 times. Taste and adjust seasoning.


  • The mix will keep for about 4 days in the refrigerator.



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Danielle R

You can slice whole mushrooms with an egg slicer, very fast, fresher mushrooms...

Ruth S

What to do with that big package of porcini mushrooms from Costco? I chopped and sauteed the whole batch with onions and froze it. The mushrooms pieces are removable and didn't stick together much. Take out a handful for any dish. Great idea! Wonderful on roasted potatoes or any other vegetable, in eggs, on steak.


I am also confused about the 1/2 pound called for in recipes. Is that 1/2 pound after the roasting process, or does this mean 1/4 of the full recipe? I am assuming that the roasted mushrooms become lighter. Thank you!


I was reluctant to follow this recipe verbatim since it is so simple. I resisted the urge to "dress it up" and I'm sure glad I went with that instinct. These were absolutely delicious.


I made this recipe over the weekend, and roasting 2 lbs of the standard white button mushrooms yielded roughly 1 lb of mushroom mix for me. I used it in the "Moussaka with Mushrooms" recipe, which calls for 0.5 lbs of mushroom mix, and I interpreted that to mean 0.5lbs of the roasted/ground mushrooms, not 0.5lbs of mushrooms before they are roasted. (You'd need to start with roughly 1lb to get the 0.5lbs of mushroom mix for the recipe.)


Cook them until virtual dry to create more of a chewy meat texture.


To add to my previous comment, the reason the Moussaka with Roasted Mushrooms recipe calls for 1/2lb of mushroom mix is because it is a substitute for half of the meat. You could do 1 lb ground meat, or 1 lb roasted mushrooms for a vegetarian version. Or, half-and-half as the recipe is written. Making this full recipe of mushroom mix would yield enough for the vegetarian version of that recipe. I did it as written, so I had leftover mushroom mix.

Kim G.

Added herbs de provence.


Delicious. I'm a vegetarian so I used this on pizza and omelettes, so far. Adds a nice umami layer of flavor. Will definitely make this again.

frau dietel

omg! thanks for the tip with the egg slicer! i dug it out of tje donation box again, since i never used it! but: my, what a revelation!
i have made the "mushroom meat" several times now and i like it a lot- although- the mushrooms let out a lot of liquid this time- poured it off and saved it for later. any tips? did i overcrowd the pans, maybe?


As mushrooms love butter would tend to use that for cooking and maybe add onions sometimes for variety.


I tried this first with meat loaf. That didn't work out so well. The slices of meat loaf just fell apart and I could not really taste the mushrooms. Next I tried it with a beef hamburger. That was delicious. I couldn't really taste mushroom, but there was definitely an umami bang.

Claudia Hall Christian

Very easy. Nice flavor. Great for tacos or burritos. It looks a little strange so it's hard to put in something where it will show.


Pickle them. All you need is white vinegar, pepper corn, onion and bay leaf.

And a pot and a jar. :P


I used this in turkey burgers and it was great. Usually, I doctor up turkey burgers with quite a bit of flavorings to avoid blandness. But I wanted to try this with just salt and pepper to see what the mushrooms added. I will still add in flavorings, but love what the mushroom base does.

Mike Collins

Shocked at how easy this was and how tasty it is. I am dialing my meat consumption way back and this certainly helps.


This recipe works really well as written!

Leslie Marqua

Will work with those mushrooms that you'll have to throw away tomorrow because you forgot about them. Then freeze after you've cooked them if you don't intend to use them immediately.


Made as written and then frozen. Magic to keep on hand (like cubes of last summer's basil). Tossed into Orecchiette with Tomato Sauce and Kale this sauce last night (%20Search%20Recipe%20Card&pgType=search&rank=1) - delish!


Tasty! Added too much salt--eyeballed it so not sure how much, but probably half a tablespoon or so. It was fine sea salt, so maybe that affected it. Made 1/3/2022.


11/16/2021. So good! Made exactly as written. Used sliced button mushrooms (nothing fancy). Wouldn’t change a thing…. And I definitely want to make this again! Incredibly easy!


Problem. They didn’t even make it to the table - my friend and I ate them straight off the pan. Used pre-sliced baby Bella’s that weren’t fresh enough for salads, will do this over sautéed mayday.


This roasted mushroom recipe is so simple you'll punch the air with joy. I stop at step two. I've learned to bake them a little over (but watch them). The mushrooms become a little crisp, oh so good crispy mushroom slices to snack on and crunch! I've used different mushrooms for roasting - all delicious. Eat em' up, yum.


When I read that the mushrooms have to be roasted in the oven, I am tempted to move onto a different recipe. Thought of using that much electric energy is daunting. If I sauté them in a pan, the result is quicker using less energy


It took forever for white button mushrooms to become dry! Roasted for at least twice as long.


Used baby bellas, and felt the flavor lacked depth. Next time I'll add some soaked and drained dried porcini at the chopping stage.

Trepidatious Cook

I can't see how two pounds of mushrooms spread evenly will fit onto two baking sheets.


Followed the recipe exactly and watched the entire box shrink into one cup...after the snacking we simply couldn't resist! These are just calling out to be in a cheese quesadilla If they last that long!

frau dietel

omg! thanks for the tip with the egg slicer! i dug it out of tje donation box again, since i never used it! but: my, what a revelation!
i have made the "mushroom meat" several times now and i like it a lot- although- the mushrooms let out a lot of liquid this time- poured it off and saved it for later. any tips? did i overcrowd the pans, maybe?


Cook them until virtual dry to create more of a chewy meat texture.

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Roasted Mushroom Base Recipe (2024)
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