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It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas everywhere you Go and I mean for everyone else but me Because I own Xrp and we still Broke welcome back ladies and gentlemen This is the bearable ball Here and I got this aggressive average Content for you Today as the Bulls faing the Christmas Spirit a little early this year ladies And gentlemen it's cold outside Everywhere you Go but the crypto Market is heating up Crypto prices are looking so much Better and old coins are beginning to Rev their Engines well it's been a frustrating Couple years for the xrp arm Me the other side of all of the We've had to go through is about to Present Itself price action is on its way and I Do still believe xrp could achieve over A Dollar by the end of Year we have the increased Narrative of A Bitcoin ETF getting past as Mike novag Grats predicted that January 10th They're going to pass a Bitcoin ETF and what I always find so funny is That when I put in the titles of my Videos that something is going to happen On a specific

Date people want to argue that nothing Ever Happens ladies and gentlemen when I told You about a massive November we saw Crypto break out of its sideways trading Pattern we saw crypto breakout and took Bullish Confirmation we saw ISO updates inter Internationally go live in July we saw Fed now go Live numerous things are pointing to the Perfect storm for 2024 and you all better get it Together 2024 is going to be a volatile Year and I see too much arrogance in the Comment section for you guys to be able To Survive humility and the ability to take On knowledge and perspective is what's Going to free you in 2024 because the turmoil is about to Commence expect bullish price action Over the coming Days and we're going to have a beautiful Time to Celebrate during this holiday season 65,000 100,000 I I don't know what you Think it it is in the cards but what do You think it's already in the in the uh The asset right now if you want to call It an asset is it already there once it Happens do you expect it to to go to new Highs or it just seems like we've Already paid a lot of it forward with

With the move we saw from I mean it was As low as 177,000 last uh this year sure Sure well you know Joe I'm not one to Make price predictions but I do think There is a lot of optimism again in the Market I think a lot of investors are Adding Bitcoin to their portfolios and When we look ahead to the hopeful Approval for spot Bitcoin ETFs it really Is going to unlock the opportunity to a Part of the investment community that For better or worse but I would say For Worse has unfortunately been locked out Of the opportunity to participate in Having Bitcoin exposure in their Portfolios so we're really talking about The advise Market here in the US which Is today about $30 trillion worth of Advised wealth um that we hope the Approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs the Uplisting of gbtc will allow for that Opportunity and for those investors to Partake in it as well Now guys I want to make something clear I'm a big believer that the moment they Announce a Bitcoin ETF being approved That will be the local top at that Time we are over here with the very high Probability of a $50,000 xrp excuse me a $50,000 Bitcoin and a $1 plus xrp being On the Horizon by the first is week of January if what Mike novigrad stated is True and I'm just going to say this Right now it helps confirm the

TA the time frame Mike novag Gratz gave For a Bitcoin ETF getting approved with Confirm Waters above analysis that he Gave on this channel just a few weeks Ago we are in a point where we could Take some Profits a local top will be arriving Interest in this space will be at Alltime highs since 2022 and you all better start paying Attention because right now what's Occurring in the crypto space is that Massive fud is beginning on xrp yet Again and people who have credentials But have a clear bias are spreading Misinformation and Propaganda and this is 100% what I hate In crypto 100% wrong information that people take At face value that have never done their Own research will then get regurgitated As if it's fact by the Masses but it's 100% Wrong he stated xrp is a scam and went Deep into xrp's quote lack of Decentralization saying they can change The code and saying that the US cracking Down on xrp P or crypto in the US nobody Will use it we've already won the case We're the only crypto in America with Legal Clarity and this is what the xrp Haters don't want to admit to you they Are 100% afraid but there's nothing they Could do about

It guys I have to give you more bullish Confirmation that 2024 is going to be a Special year as coinbase as released an 80 plus page document on the 2024 crypto Market Outlook and their top three trends for Bitcoin next year are one institutional Interest means Bitcoin will perform well Even if the economy Tanks two the Having and three Bitcoin doesn't need Dollarization to Thrive these three Criteria are things that we've been Discussing on this Channel crypto is a solution to an Economic Crisis despite the fact that crypto and Stocks have been heavily correlated and That is Indisputable there may be a moment when It actually happens and here coinbase is Actually letting all of us know that It's a Possibility keep this in the back of Your minds and you may be one step ahead As a contrarian Investor now also realize that coinbase Is at the head of 52 million Americans Who own digital Assets coinbase is usually the first Exchange people here in America use it's Credible it's public on the stock market People trust the coinbase brand and the

Crypto industry including coinbase Ripple grayscale and others have donated $72 million to begin Lobbying bipartisan support for crypto Forward candidates in 2024 and I promise You one sixth of America being crypto Holders that's going to make an impact To who gets elected and the type of Policy that gets passed and I think Public policy is going to take a major Shift people in crypto will have a voice In 2024 and I think all of this combined With everything else going on is going To be a fireworks display of a moment For this industry we have volatile news From the Colorado Supreme Court stating Trump can't run in their State and ladies and gentlemen I've Always stated 2024 was going to be a Divisive year a politically volatile Year but what I can stress is all this Volatility geopol politically and Domestically this is going to be a good Environment for crypto to Thrive all these things are making the Perfect xrp Storm and hold on to your hats as our Moment is fast Approaching now to cap off this video For today from subjective views the United States has been working behind The scenes to deliver the g20's vision Of faster cheaper and more transparent

And more accessible crossborder Payments in the long term they will Explore More far-reaching changes to Encourage responsible Innovation here in this clip we have the Bank of Korea at the IMF International Conference December 14th 2023 and the speaker is Nicholas Tabor The deputy assistant secretary for International financi cial markets for The US Department of the Treasury this is a special time to be Alive in the most powerful people on the Planet that control all the money and That move all the money in place are Discussing This xrp's use case the problem xrp is Looking to Solve ladies and gentlemen it's very Boring to try and decipher the lizard Talk and watch all these video clips From the dungeons of of the internet a Lot of videos like this that expose the Agenda only have 20 to 200 views on Them but you best believe that has around a couple billion Views that's the reason 99% of people Are Poor that's the reason 99% of people Aren't going to make It the difference between something That's important animportant that you Can actually make an impact on and mind Numbing

Entertainment is what's going to make us The new One% in the time of most propaganda and Misinformation we kept ourselves Informed with what the elites are Doing and that's why we deserve Everything we're going to Get we deserve our generational Wealth and ladies and gentlemen iay Promise you it's only a matter of Time I genuinely believe xrp can reach a Dollar before the end of the year and Even as late as the week after New Year's but I think it's Coming and I think all of you can sense It To ladies and gentlemen this is the Beable bll Here thanks for tuning In As always I appreciate every single one Of You now I'll be back Tomorrow with another Video a second lesson crossb payments Implicate a wide range of domestic and International policy issues and this Includes banking regulation just as it Did for Corgan but it also includes Questions about transparency and privacy About National Security about economic And financial inclusion and about the Role that a jurisdiction plays or seeks To play in the global economy payment

Systems are primarily the purview of Central banks but payments policy Touches on issues that go outside a Central bank's traditional mandate and As a consequence of that making progress On payments policy also requires Engagement from a broad set of public And private Actors to that end in the United States The US Treasury and the Biden Administration have been pursuing a Complimentary role to the Federal Reserve since last fall treasury has led A working group on the future of money And payments this group considers the Implications of new payments Technologies for broader US policy Objectives these include the smooth Functioning of the International Financial system National Security Objectives and privacy and financial Inclusion and in so doing our work Dove Tales with the focus and the independent Work of the Federal Reserve a treasury's Work has two core goals the first is to Improve crossb payments and the second Is to ensure that new payment systems And other Innovations are secure Resilient and reflective of democratic Values and Core US interests and within That our work also has more specific Goals we aim to ensure that the dollar Continues to fulfill all its functions In ways that are mutually beneficial to

The United States and the rest of the World we aim to support the security and Resilience of future Payment Systems While in parallel improving the speed And efficiency of existing payments Infrastructure we aim to ensure that new Payments Technologies protect users Privacy minimize the risk of elicit Financial transactions and promote Equity and inclusion in the delivery of Payment Services a third lesson and this is an Axium of treasury's work on this topic As well is that robust International Standards are essential both to progress On crossborder payments and to broader Financial stability it's no coincidence That the 1974 failure of haat Bank led To the creation of both the bosel Committee on banking supervision which Neil represented on here yesterday and The cpmi haat showed that strong Supervision and reliable payment systems Are both essential to managing the Unique and complicated risks of crossb Financial intermediation standard Setting is a critical tool for achieving Broad consensus on the measures that Preserve that stability and the utility Of international standards including Over other more hypothetical Arrangements has been borne out over Decades the consistent application of Strong standards like the principles for

Financial Market infrastructure or P Pfmi to new technologies and across Jurisdictions can reduce risks uphold a Level Playing Field and reduce frictions Between new and Legacy systems where Standards are absent we should look to Experienced in institutions to both Guide and develop them like the G7 the G20 the cpmi and the financial action Task force and in both cases present or Absent applicable standards the United States has an interest in preserving Promoting standards that are consistent With Democratic Values including sound Economic governance Financial stability Individual rights and the rule of law This is true regardless of the Technologies that we choose for either Our domestic payment systems or the Crossb payment arrangements in which we Are Involved standards are also critical for A broader reason which is that there is No clean slate in payments the Complicated imperfect architecture that We have for payments has grown and Changed episodically and over time Facing many challenges that have Persisted for decades it is also and Simultaneously the architecture on which Virtually all day-to-day economic Activity relies governments do not have The option of Designing real world Networks seamlessly flawlessly and from

Scratch new systems and Technologies Must by necessity enter into and coexist Within this broader architecture they Will need to interact with Legacy Systems and payment systems with Different technical designs we'll still Need to interoperate across borders Adherence to and where necessary the Development of strong International Standards will facilitate this kind of Legal and Technical Interoperability under these conditions Making further progress is necessarily Going to be complicated the easy steps Towards improving crossb payments are Behind us the hard detailed work of Identifying and addressing frictions is All That Remains the work that we have Ahead of us will require sustained Support attention and engagement from a Range of countries and public and Private actors but the potential gains Of this are well worth the cost we Should and we will continue to pursue Them



Will XRP coin reach $1? ›

Experts have also projected that XRP could reach the $1 threshold. We recently identified a golden cross in XRP's chart, suggesting a potential surge above $0.65 to $1.

Will XRP reach 1 dollar in 2024? ›

According to XRP's predictive model, XRP price is expected to move between $0.36 and $0.62 in August 2024. This will allow XRP to rise to $1.63 later in 2024 and eventually $1.44 in 2025. Throughout 2024, XRP is expected to move between $0.48 and $1.63 with an average forecasted price of $0.98.

Is XRP going to Bull? ›

In 2024, Analysts' XRP price predictions suggest a range of potential values. The minimum expected cost for XRP is $0.506, while the maximum could reach $0.593, with an anticipated average trading price of $0.680.

Is XRP going to be listed on Coinbase? ›

Yes, XRP 2.0 is currently available on Coinbase wallet.

Will XRP hit $100? ›

Crypto analyst JackTheRippler has raised the possibility of the XRP price rising to $100 soon enough.

What will 1 XRP be worth in 2025? ›

XRP Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
8 more rows

How high can XRP go realistically? ›

Cryptonewsz.com has a XRP forecast that says the price of Ripple will continue to climb as well, but is much more bullish than Digital Coin Price, as by 2030 they expect that the average price of of Ripple could climb to as high as $9.81.

Will XRP reach $500 dollars? ›

Can XRP Reach 500 Dollars? For XRP to achieve a price of $500, it would necessitate an increase of over 1,000 times its current value. While theoretically possible in the dynamic world of digital assets, this scenario faces significant practical hurdles.

How much will XRP be worth in next 10 years? ›

XRP (XRP) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 0.584704
2026$ 0.613939
2027$ 0.644636
2030$ 0.746247
1 more row

Will XRP win a lawsuit? ›

Ripple recently scored an unequivocal victory from a dollars-and-cents standpoint in a class action securities lawsuit, with the judge tossing out most of the case.

Is XRP going to skyrocket? ›

If the project were to reform significantly to drive value to the XRP token, there is every chance that XRP could soar to new highs. However, like any investment, there are risks that every investor should consider before making a decision to invest.

Will XRP reach $20? ›

The Path to A Double-Digit Price

He believes the asset's true value lies between $8 and $20 and predicts it will reach this range by 2026.

How much are 1000 XRP shares worth? ›

About Ripple
1,000 XRP548.06 USD
5,000 XRP2,740.31 USD
10,000 XRP5,480.62 USD
50,000 XRP27,403.13 USD
7 more rows

Which crypto will boom in 2024? ›

Top 10 Cryptos of 2024
CoinMarket CapitalizationCurrent Price
Cardano (ADA)$13 billion$0.3847
Avalanche (AVAX)$9.8 billion$25.04
Shiba Inu (SHIB)$9.5 billion$0.00001554
Polkadot$7.7 billion$5.27
6 more rows

How much is 1 XRP worth right now? ›

Price of XRP today

The live price of XRP is $ 0.607292 per (XRP / USD) with a current market cap of $ 33.98B USD. 24-hour trading volume is $ 2.02B USD.

How much can XRP realistically go? ›

David Cox, writing on the CryptoNewZ platform, anticipated that XRP could reach a high of of $1.53 by 2025, with a low of $1.06 for the same year. Another Ripple price forecast by AMBCrypto estimated the XRP price could hit a high of $2.01 in 2030, with a short term prediction of a high of $0.61 in 2024.

Will XRP reach $3? ›

Previously, they expected that in 2025 the price of Ripple would exceed $3. However, now the portal's analysts do not expect the price of XRP to be higher than $2.50 even by 2029. However, this does not mean that their outlook is negative. The XRP price will continue to rise throughout 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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