Review: Evidence-based Clinical Research of Anti-obesity Supplements in Japan (2024)

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Review: Evidence-based Clinical Research of Anti-obesity Supplements in Japan (1)

Immunol Endocr Metab Agents Med Chem. 2013 Aug; 13(3): 185–195.

Published online 2013 Aug. doi:10.2174/1871522213666131118221347

PMCID: PMC4435568

PMID: 26005506

Asuka Yasueda, Toshinori Ito, and Kazuhisa Maeda*

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer



The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically throughout the world, and weight reduction through lifestyle management is urgently warranted. At present, numerous supplements advertised for their anti-overweight property are available in the Japanese market, but most of these lack proper evidence. Thus, we investigated dietary supplements that have been tested in clinical trials.

Search Strategy:

We researched anti-obesity supplements in the Japanese market using the google search engine in Japanese with the key terms “anti-obesity supplements,” ”diet supplements,” and “weight reduction supplements.”


We listed 49 companies that supply anti-obesity supplements. Of these, 11 had published clinical evidence of the anti-obesity efficacy of their supplements. These products contain the following active ingredients: Angelica keiskei, bofu-tsusho-san, capsaishin, DHA/EPA, forskohlii, garcinia cambogia, lactoferrin, L-carnitine, oligonol, tea catechin, and yeast hydrolysate.


We obtained 11 supplements for which clinical evidence was published in medical journals in English. We also found 10 products for which clinical or animal evidence was published in Japanese. We expect that many companies will produce evidence of the efficacy of their products in the near future, thereby validating the use of dietary anti-obesity supplements in Japan.

Keywords: Anti-obesity, clinical trial, dietary supplements, evidence-based, Japanese market, weight management.


Globally, strategies to prevent the development of obesity are focused on lifestyle modifications that restrict caloric intake and increase physical activity1. Therefore, treatments for overweight and obesity have important medical implications. Food research has attracted attention to the potential of natural products as treatments for obesity [1-3]. These products contain dietary phytochemicals with high potential for health promotion and disease prevention [4-7]. The anti-obesity effects of these compounds are mediated by regulatory effects on various pathways, including lipid absorption, energy intake and expenditure, increased lipolysis, and decreased lipogenesis and differentiation. Dietary supplements have been proposed as stimulants of weight loss that alter body functions during low-calorie dieting. Some agents have anorectic effects that lead to decreased food intake, whereas others affect metabolic changes that cause weight loss by increasing energy output [8]. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) have long been used in eastern countries and are increasingly being used worldwide. Supplements for anti-obesity are an established CAM modality and have attracted attention as complementary medicines in recent years. However, rigorous scientific studies of these products are few, and in many cases safety and efficacy are subordinate to marketing.

The Japanese market for supplements recently reached 1.8 trillion yen2, and many are advertised for their anti-overweight property on the internet and in newspapers. However, most of these lack sufficient evidence for medical professionals to prescribe them to patients with obesity and related complications. Evidence-based research regarding the efficacy and safety of anti-obesity supplements is required to make definite recommendations for lifestyle management. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anti-obesity supplements currently available in the Japanese market.

In this study, we researched data pertaining to ingredients or supplements that are consumed for weight loss. Among marketed supplements in Japan, we only reviewed ingredients for which evidence is available. This review summarizes evidence of the effects and safety of anti-obesity supplements relevant for patients and medical professionals.


We researched anti-obesity supplements in the Japanese market by performing a representative google search in Japanese on September 13, 2013, using the search terms “anti-obesity supplements,” “Diet supplements,” and “supplements for weight reduction.” Although numerous marketed supplements were identified from the initial database search, we focused on best-seller products from databases of popular internet distributers in Japan. In addition, we contacted the major supplement manufacturing company, which markets its products on television. We also performed market research in supermarkets and drug stores.

Some dietary supplements were identified from evidence of current product sales. Manufacturers were contacted for evidence of supplement effects and safety, and evidence-based data for items were requested. However, data from other sources was also included in this study. When multiple products contained the same agent, we chose the most representative product.

We limited the main outcomes of anti-obesity effects to weight and body fat loss. Searches and analyses for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), insulin resistance (IR) or appetite in participants did not include. All abstracts from human studies of changes in anthropometric measures such as body weight, body mass index (BMI) and body fat were included. Publications of in vitro experiments, review articles, and letters to editors were excluded. Unpublished data were also excluded.

We received responses from 41 of 49 listed companies [9]. Among these, 10 did not have evidence-based data and 2 others had products that lacked anti-obesity efficacy. Then, we excluded 12 products with evidence that was only published in Japanese. We also excluded 6 products that lacked characterization in human studies. Finally, we included 11 products (Table ​11) with published clinical evidence of anti-obesity effects of their supplements, as described in Table ​22.

Table 1.

List of Anti-obesity ingredients with company names, product names and the amount of active ingredients.

MaterialProductsActive IngredientSales Inc. (Representative)
Angelica keiskei (Ash*taba)Ash*taba®2850 mg/pack (3 g)Takara Bio Inc.
(an oriental herbal medicine)
Bofu-tsusho-san®Clarified in Table 2Tsumura Co. Ltd.
CapsinoidsCapsiate Natura®3.0 mg/2 capsules (650 mg)Ajinomoto Inc.
DHA/EPAImark S®DHA 260 mg, EPA 600 mg/bottle (100 ml)Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd.
ForskohliiDHC forskohlii®500 mg/2 tabletsDHC Corp.
Garcinia cambogiaPerfect Slim α®
837 mg/6 tabletsFANCL Corp.
LS Corporation Co. Ltd.
LactoferrinNicelim essence
300 mg/3 tabletsLion Corp.
L-carnitineCarnipure TM ®100% L-carnitine in the crystalline powderLonza Japan Co. Ltd.
OligonolOligonol®100 mg/capsuleAminoup Chemical Co. Ltd.
Tea CatechinHealthya®
540 mg/bottle (500 ml)Kao Corp.Itoen Co. Ltd.
Yeast hydrolysateDNF-10®1 g/2 pouchesBHN Co. Ltd.

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Table 2.

Evidence list of active ingredients, references, study designs, numbers of subjects, intervention periods, and results.

MaterialRepresentative ReferenceStudy DesignSubjectsIntervention PeriodResults
Angelica keiskei (Ash*taba)Hiromu Ohnogi.; Shoko Hayami.; Yoko Kudo (2012)Efficacy and Safety of Ash*taba (Angelica keisei) in Patients and Candidates with Metabolic Syndrome: A Pilot StudyJJCAM, 9(1), 49-55.Open-label pilot study n = 9with metabolic syndrome8 weeksVisceral fat area (p < 0.01)Body weight (p < 0.05)vs. 0 week
Bofu-Tsusho-san(an oriental herbal medicine)Chizuko Hioki.; Kanji Yoshimoto.; Toshihide Yoshida (2004)Efficacy of Bofu-Tsusho-San, an oriental herbal medicine, in obeseJapanese Women with Impaired Glucose Tolerance.Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, Sep;31(9), 614-9.Randomized, double-blind,placebo studyn = 81Obese womenwith impaired glucose toleranceand insulin resistance24 weeksVisceral fat area (p < 0.01)Body weight (p < 0.01)vs. 0 week
CapsinoidSoren Snitker.; Yoshiyuki Fujishima.; Haiqing Shen (2008)Effects of novel capsinoid treatment on fatness and energy metabolism in humans: possible pharmacogenetic implications.Am J Clin Nutr, 2009, 89, 45-50.Randomized, double-blind,placebo studyn = 80with BMI of 30.4 ± 2.412 weeksAbdominal adiposity (p = 0.049)vs. placebo
DHA/EPAAlison M Hill.; Jonathan D Buckley.; Karen J Murphy.; et al. (2007)Combining of fish-oil supplements with regular aerobic exercise improves body composition and cardiovascular disease risk factorsThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 85, 1267-74.Randomized, double-blind Study(4 group)n = 75Over weight volunteers12 weeksFish oil and exercise combinationreduce body fat (p < 0.05)vs. 0 week
ForskohliiSeika Kamohara.; Somboon Noparatanawong (2013)A Coleus Forskohlii extract improves body composition in healthy volunteers: An open-label trialPersonalized Medicine Universe, 2, 25-27.Open-label study n = 15Healthy volunteers8 weeksFat content (p = 0.0038)Body weight (p = 0.0038)vs. 0 week
Garcinia cambogiaKohsuke Hayamizu.; Yuri Ishii.; Izuru Kaneko (2003)Effect of Garcinia cambogia (Hydroxycitric Acid) on Visceral Fat Accumulation: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled TrialCurrent Therapeutic Research, 64, No.8.Randomized, double-blind,placebo, parallel group studyn = 44with visceral fat area of >90 cm216 weeksVisceral fat area
(p < 0.001)Subcutaneous fat area
(p < 0.001)vs. placebo
LactoferrinTomoji Ono.; Michiaki Murakoshi.; Noriyuki Suzuki (2010)Potent anti-obesity effect of enteric-coated lactoferrin: decrease in visceral fat accumulation in Japanese men and women with abdominal obesity after 8-week administration of enteric-coated lactoferrin tablets.British Journal of Nutrition, 104, 1688-1695.Randomized, double-blind,placebo studyn = 26with visceral fat area of >100 cm2 andBMI of >258 weeksBody weight (p = 0.032)Visceral fat area
(p = 0.009)Hip cicumference
(p = 0.041)vs. placebo
L-carnitineKlaus D. Wutzke.; Henril Lorenz (2004)The effect of L-Carnitine on Fat Oxidation, Protein Turnover, and Body Composition in Slightly Overweight SubjectsMetabolism, 53, No.8, 1002-1006.Randomized, double-blind,placebo study(4 groups)n = 24with overweight male volunteers4 weeksBody weight (p < 0.01)vs. 0 week
Lychee Polyphrnol (Oligonol)Jun Nishihira.; Maremi Sato-Ueshima.; Kentaro Kitadate.; et al. (2009)Amelioration of abdominal obesity by low-molecular-weight polyphenol (Oligonol) from lychee.Journal of Functional Foods I, 341-348.Randomized, double-blind,placebo studyn = 18with abdominal circumference of >85 cm10 weeksWaist circumference
(p < 0.01)Visceral fat area (p < 0.05)Subcutaneous fat area (p < 0.05)vs. 0 week
Tea CatechinTomonori Nagao.; Yumiko Komine.; Shinichi Meguro et al. (2005)Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in menThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 81, 122-9.Double-blind, placebo studyn = 38with normal to overweight male volunteers12 weeksBody weight, Waist
circumference(p < 0.01) vs. 0 week(p < 0.05) vs. placebo
Yeast hydrolysateEun Young Jung.; Mi Kyoung Cho.; Yang-Hee Hong (2013)Yeast hydrolysate can reduce body weight and the abdominal fat accumulation in obese adultsNutritionRandomized, placebo studyn = 54with BMI of ≥2510 weeksBody weight (p < 0.001)Energy intake (p < 0.05)vs. placebo

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Ash*taba (Angelica Keiskei)

Ash*taba is a green and yellow vegetable of the Apiaceae Angelica family and contains a rich balance of vitamin and mineral nutrients. Similar to kale, it is often used as a nutritious food ingredient, but has even higher contents of protein; carotene; potassium; vitamins E, K, and B; pantothenic acid; niacin; and dietary fiber. Zhang et al. (2013) demonstrated that ash*taba contains the two main phytochemicals 4-hydroxyderricin (4HD) and xanthoangelol (XAG) (chemical structures ​11), which have various biological effects that lead to anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic activities. 4HD and XAG inhibited differentiation of 3T3-L1 (3T3 is a cell line derived from mouse and used in biological research on adipose tissue) adipocytes by suppressing the expression of cytidine-cytidine-adenosine-adenosine-thymidine enhancer-binding proteins (C/EBP)-β, C/EBP-α, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ. These effects lead to activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), extracellular Signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2, and c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling pathways, indicating potential benefits of ash*taba 4HD and XAG in the prevention of obesity and obesity-related disorders [10]. Ohnogi. et al. (2012) reported that ingestion of ash*taba green juice (6.2 g/day) for 8 wks resulted in significant reduction in visceral fat areas (−25.5 cm2, p < 0.01), body weight (−1.4 kg, p < 0.05), BMI (−0.5, p < 0.05), and body fat (−2.1%, p< 0.01) in nine adult subjects with metabolic syndrome [11].

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Chemical Structure 1. Ash*taba(Angelica keiskei) 3.

Bofu-tsusho-san (An Oriental Herbal Medicine)

Bofu-tsusho-san (BF), a traditional Japanese herbal medicine “kampo” comprising 18 crude components (Table ​33), has been an effective treatment for obesity, constipation, and hypertension. In a clinical trial, BF reduced body weight and improved glucose tolerance [12]. In addition, several pharmacological studies have reported its ability to counter obesity, fatty liver, and arteriosclerotic diseases [13]. As in traditional Chinese medicine, BF was used to reduce fever after bouts of influenza and promote bowel movements. After administering BF, it was demonstrated that BF activates the brown adipose tissue (BAT) and promote the lipolysis in white adipose tissue (WAT). Furthermore, reports of thermogenic responses to BF components from Ephedrae herba (EH), Glycyrrhizae radix (GR), Forsythiae fructus (FF), and Schizonepetae spica (SS) extracts have been reported. These inhibit cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase as shown with caffeine [12]. Nakayama et al. (2007) also showed that BF extracts activated thermogenesis in BAT and inhibited phosphodiesterase activity, resulting in weight loss [14].

Table 3.

Composition of crude drugs preparations containing bofu-tsusho-san. The amount of each crude drug required to prepare 100 g of bofu-tsusho-san dry extract are presented.

Crude Drug Content (g)
Scutellariae radix44.4
Glycyrrhizae radix44.4
Platycodi radix44.4
Gypsum fibrosum44.4
Atractylodis rhizoma44.4
Rhei rhizoma33.3
Schizonepetae spica26.7
Gardeniae fructus26.7
Paeoniae radix26.7
Cnidium rhizoma26.7
Angelicae radix26.7
Menthae herba26.7
Ledebouriellae radix26.7
Ephedrae herba26.7
Forsythiae fructus26.7
Zingiberis rhizoma6.7
Natrium sulphuricum15.6

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Hioki et al. (2004) conducted the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of BF. Eighty-one obese Japanese women (BMI 36.5 ± 4.8 kg/m2) with IGT and IR were randomized to receive either placebo (n = 40) or BF (24 mg/day) treatments (n = 41). After 24 wks, the BF group had significantly reduced bodyweight (90.8 ± 17.9 to 80 ± 10.3, p < 0.01) and abdominal visceral fat (197.6 ± 69.7 to 104.4 ± 28.0, p < 0.01), without decreases in resting metabolic rates (1986.2 ± 402.5 to 1821 ± 420.6). Whereas the placebo group showed body weight loss (90.3 ± 12.2 to 83.4 ± 13.4, p < 0.05), with no significant changes in abdominal visceral fat (177.2 ± 73.3 to 140.9 ± 60.4) [12].


Capsinoids are abundant in non-pungent chili peppers (Capsicum anuum L.; Solanacae or pepper fruit; variety CH-19 Sweet) (chemical structures ​22). Watanabe et al. (2011) researched the effects of capsinoids, increased basal metabolism, fatty acid oxidation and decreased body fat. These effects are mediated by transient receptor potential channels (TRP) and the sympathetic nervous system [15].

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Chemical Structure 2. Capsaicin4.

BAT is a site for cold- and diet-induced thermogenesis, and therefore may be a target for body fat management. Yoneshiro et al. (2013) conducted a 6wk, placebo-controlled study and reported that cold-induced thermogenesis (CIT) was increased after administration of capsinoids (9 mg/day) (200.0 ± 33.9 vs 81.0 ± 32.5 kcal/d) [16]. Because CIT is proportional to BAT activity, these data suggest capsinoid-induced recruitment of BAT.

Orally administered capsiate activates transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1 (TRPV1) receptors on vagal afferents in the gut with equal potency to capsaicin, and results in increased sympathetic efferent activity and thermogenesis in animals [17].

Snitker et al. (2009) conducted a 12-wk, placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized study in which 80 subjects (BMI 30.4 ± 2.4) were recruited and randomly assigned to capsinoid (6 mg/day) or placebo treatment groups. Capsinoids were well tolerated and mean ± SD weight changes of 0.9 ± 3.1 and 0.5 ± 2.4 kg were observed in capsinoid and placebo groups, respectively (p = 0.86). Abdominal adiposity was also significantly decreased (p = 0.049) in the capsinoid group [17].


EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are essential fatty acids (chemical structures ​33). These essential omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold-water fish and are highly unsaturated, with 5 or 6 double bonds on their carbon chains. These polyunsaturated fats play important roles in human physiology5.

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Chemical Structure 3. DHA & EPA3.

Inoue et al. (2013) suggested that the ratio of EPA to arachidonic acid (EPA/AA ratio) may have a major role in obesity. The EPA/AA ratio, but not the DHA/AA ratio, was correlated with visceral fat accumulation among men (n = 134) [18].

Some mechanisms by which EPA and DHA act against obesity have been proposed. Specifically, EPA is a ligand of PPARα and activates the expression of genes that encode key enzymes of fatty acid transport and β-oxidation. EPA also improves glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) levels and enhances GLP-1 secretion from intestinal cells by activating G-protein-coupled receptor 120 (GRP120) [19]. GLP-1 also improves insulin secretion and satiety, and moderates postprandial glucose levels. These actions of GLP-1 effectively facilitate visceral fat reduction.

Hill et al. (2007) recruited 75 overweight volunteers (BMI > 25) and investigated the effects of fish oil intake and regular exercise. Subjects were divided into fish oil (FO), FO and exercise (FOX), sunflower oil (SO, control), or SO and exercise (SOX) groups. Oil treatments comprised 6 g of tuna FO/d (including 1.9 g of n-3 fatty acid) or 6 g of SO/d and the exercise regimens involved walking for 45 min for 3 d/week. After the 12-wks intervention, FO supplementation lowered triacylglycerols, increased high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and improved endothelium-dependent arterial vasodilation (p < 0.05). Both fish oil and exercise independently reduced body fat compared with baseline measurements (p < 0.05) [20].

Forskohlii (South Asian herb)

Coleus forskohlii (CF) is a native Indian coleus plant of the Lamiaceae family that grows wild in arid and semi-arid regions of India and Thailand (chemical structures ​44). The rhizome part of the perennial CF plant has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as a remedy for heart disease, and respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems disorders [21]. The active ingredients forskolin and diterpene act directly on adenylatecyclase, which activates cAMP and stimulates fat catabolism in human adipose cells [22]. CF regulates thermogenic responses to food, increases basal metabolic rates, and increases utilization of body fat. Theoretically, increased release of fatty acids from adipose tissue may also increase thermogenesis, facilitate body fat loss, and increase lean body mass. Enhanced lipolysis is associated with increased use of fat energy, and enhances fat loss without muscle mass loss [23].

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Chemical Structure 4. CF3.

Kamohara et al. (2013) performed an 8-wk open-label study of 15 healthy volunteers, who received 1000 mg of CF extract/d (10% forskolin). Subjects achieved significant decreases in BMI (24.92 ± 0.87 to 23.99 ± 0.86 kg/m2, p = 0.0038), body weight (66.33 ± 3.00 to 63.96 ± 3.10 kg, p = 0.0038), fat content (29.64 ± 2.19 to 27.77 ± 2.27 kg, p = 0.0038), lean body mass (44.34 ± 2.98 to 43.93 ± 3.01 kg, p = 0.0044), and basal metabolic rates (1379.1 ± 74.4 to 1363.9 ± 77.5 kcal, p = 0.0254) [21].

Garcinia Cambogia

Hydroxycitric acid is an anti-obesity active ingredient found in rinds from the Indian fruit Garcinia cambogia (GC). GC derived hydroxycitric acid (chemical structure ​structure5)5) decreases the synthesis and secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) in the liver by inhibiting citrate lyase, which ensures the availability of cytosolic acetyl-CoA after mobilization of citrate from mitochondria. As a precursor of malonyl-CoA, acetyl-CoA is the major de novo substrate for fatty acid biosynthesis. Under conditions of decreased fat secretion from the liver, increased plasma chylomicron levels may compensate by providing lipids derived from dietary sources, potentially under the influence of the hormone leptin [24]. Finally, hydroxycitric acid competitively inhibits the extramitochondrial enzyme adenosine triphosphate-citrate (pro-3S)-lyase, which may inhibit de novo lipogenesis as a citrate cleavage enzyme. Taken together, these mechanisms suggest that GC may lower body weight and reduce fat mass in humans [25].

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Chemical Structure 5. GC6.

Various supplements contain GC with other components. However, GC is investigated in only one clinical study. Namely, Hayamizu (2003) et al. performed a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group design trial of 44 subjects (GC, n = 18; placebo, n = 21) aged 20–65 years with visceral fat areas of >90 cm2. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive GC extract for 12 wks (1667.25 mg/9 tablets, containing 1000 mg of hydroxycitric acid). At 16 wk, the GC group had significantly reduced visceral, subcutaneous and total fat areas compared with placebo group (p < 0.001). However, neither body weight nor BMI were significantly lower in the GC group [26].


Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein found in exocrine secretions such as breast milk, tears, sweat, and saliva. It is accepted that LF is a protective factor that prevents attacks from exogenous bacteria and viruses. LF has been shown to influence master regulators of adipocyte differentiation such as PPARγ, and inhibits the expression of genes encoding lipid synthesis enzymes, and hence lipid accumulation in preadipocytes. In recent experiments, LF increased cellular cAMP concentrations and reduced the expression of perilipin, further promoting lipolysis in mature adipocytes. Furthermore, the well-known lactoferrin receptor lipoprotein receptor related protein-1 (LRP1) is expressed in mesenteric fat and mediates accumulation of lactoferrin, suggesting that lactoferrin acts directly on adipocytes as visceral lactoferrin [27-28].

Ono et al. (2010) performed a double-blind, placebo-controlled design study of 22–60-year-old Japanese men and women (n = 26) with abdominal obesity (BMI > 25 kg/m2 and visceral fat area > 100 cm2). Subjects consumed enteric-coated LF (eLF) (300 mg/d as bovine LF) or placebo tablets for 8 wks and total visceral and subcutaneous fat areas were measured using computed tomography. In comparison with the placebo group, visceral fat area was significantly reduced in the eLF group (−1.8 vs. −14.6 cm2, respectively, p = 0.009; ANCOVA). Decreases in body weight, BMI, and hip circumference in the eLF group (−1.5 kg, −0.6 kg/m2, and −2.6 cm, respectively) were also significantly greater than those in placebo group (1.0 kg, 0.3 kg/m2, and −0.2 cm; p = 0.032, 0.013, and 0.041, respectively). There was also a tendency for a reduced waist circumference in the eLF group (−4.4 cm) when compared with the placebo group (−0.9 cm; p = 0.073) [28].


L-Carnitine (LC) is a vitamin-like amino acid derivative (chemical structure ​structure6)6) involved in metabolism of lipid and use of fat energy. LC promotes transport of long chain fatty acids across the selective inner membrane into the mitochondrial matrix for further β-oxidation. In addition to endogenous supply from liver, kidney, and other organs, LC is also ingested from foods such as lean meat [29].

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Chemical Structure 6. LC3.

Wutzke et al. (2004) showed that oral administration of LC to healthy human subjects for 10 days significantly facilitated fatty acid oxidation, indicating that LC may be a limiting factor for fat catabolism. Oyanagi et al. (2011) showed protective effects of LC vs. free fatty acid against mitochondrial membrane disruption, resulting in sustained β-oxidation functionally. These observations suggest that LC supplementation may attenuate obesity by improving rate limiting mitochondrial processes [30-31].

Odo et al. (2013) recruited 24 overweight (BMI 25.8–26.6 kg/m2) male subjects for a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. In this trial, low-dosage (500 mg/day) LC supplementation and motivation training for 4 wks resulted in significant body weight loss (82.0 ± 2.2 to 80.9 ± 1.8 kg, p < 0.01) and decreased serum triglyceride levels (218 ± 45 to 145 ± 42, p < 0.01) compared with non-motivated placebo-treated subjects [32].

Oligonol (Lychee polyphenol)

Oligonol is a lychee fruit-derived polyphenol that is oligomerized during manufacture of catechin-type monomers and proanthocyanidin oligomers (chemical structure ​77). Diabetes-induced hepatic damage is occasionally observed in patients with metabolic syndrome. Oligonol has been shown to protect against hepatic damage by regulating oxidative stress and lipid metabolism in vitro and in vivo [33]. Ogasawara et al. (2010) demonstrated a mechanism for oligonol-improved lipid metabolism that involves the mitogen activated-protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway. Oligonol stimulated lipolysis in primary adipocytes by activating Ras and phosphorylated (Raf-1) and MEK1/2 independent of autocrine/paracrine interleukin 6 (IL6), leading to significant activation of ERK1/2 proteins and decreased secretion of IL-6 from adipocytes [34].

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Chemical Structure 7. Oligonol (Content %).

Nishihira et al. (2009) performed a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of oligonol in 18 adult volunteers with abdominal circumference of >85 cm. Subjects were enrolled and divided into groups treated with 50 mg oligonol or placebo/d for 10 wks. Clinical parameters such as waist circumference (p < 0.01), subcutaneous fat area (p < 0.05) and visceral fat area (80.5 ± 45.8 to 68.6 ± 36.5 cm2, p < 0.05) were significantly decreased in the oligonol group compared with placebo treated subjects [35].

Tea Catechin

Polyphenol bioactivities have recently become topical in medicine and cosmetics. Green tea, which has been consumed in Asian countries for centuries, contains low-molecular-weight polyphenols comprising mainly flavanol (flavan-3-ol) monomers, which are referred to as catechins (chemical structure ​88) [36]. Green tea components have been shown to affect PPAR signaling pathways. Lee et al. (2004) reported that green tea and its main constituent epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) increased the activation of PPAR [37]. Tea catechins also suppressed adipocyte differentiation and downregulated PPARγ and C/EBPα [38], which is a family of ligand-activated transcription factors of the nuclear receptor superfamily and is critical to fat metabolism and activation of PPARs.

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Chemical Structure 8. Tea catechin3

Nagao et al. (2005) investigated the effects of tea catechin in 38 healthy normal to overweight men. Subjects were divided into 2 groups with similar BMI and waist circumference distribution, and ingested 1 bottle of oolong tea/d containing 690 mg of catechins (green tea extract group; n = 17) or 1 bottle of oolong tea/d containing 22 mg of catechins (control group; n = 18). After 12 wks, the green tea extract group achieved significant reduction in body weight (p < 0.01; vs. placebo p < 0.05), BMI (p < 0.01; vs placebo p < 0.05), waist circumference (p < 0.01; vs placebo p < 0.05), body fat mass (p < 0.01; vs placebo p < 0.05), and subcutaneous fat area (p < 0.01; vs placebo p < 0.05). Changes in the concentrations of malondialdehyde-modified LDL were positively associated with changes in body fat mass and total fat area in the green tea extract group [36].

Yeast Hydrolysate

The typical yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used routinely in the production of sake and bread. Yeast hydrolysates (YH) from S. cerevisiae are solubilized using protein degradation enzymes. Jung et al. (2013) indicated that YH may act against obesity by suppressing appetite through appetite-related neurotransmitters in the central nervous system (CNS). YH is rich in cyclo-his-pro (CHP), which plays an important role in the regulation of leptin and has been associated with presynaptic dopaminergic mechanisms and leptin-like functions in CNS. Importantly, CHP reduces body weight by inhibiting food intake [39].

Jung et al. (2013) also conducted the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of YH. They showed that YH treatment for 10 wks inhibited abdominal fat accumulation in 54 obese (BMI > 25) men and women aged 20–50 years. From wk 6, energy intake in the YH (1 g/d) treatment group was significantly reduced compared with that in the control group (placebo 1 g/d; P < 0.05). Reduction in body weight and body mass index (BMI) between baseline and wk 10 were also significantly greater in the YH group than in the control group (body weight, -2.60 vs. +0.83 kg, p < 0.001; BMI: -0.90 vs. +0.29 kg/m2; p < 0.001)7.


Patients often inquire about anti-obesity supplements to medical professionals. However, due to lack of sufficient evidence, only few recommendations for anti-obesity supplements are possible. Nonetheless, most medical professionals fail to recognize the paucity of evidence for anti-obesity supplements in Japan. In addition, supplement–supplement and supplement–drug interactions remain largely unknown, despite the prevalent use of anti-hypertensive, anti-hyperlipidemia, and anti-diabetic drugs by obese patients.

Nonetheless, many people strive to decrease body weight using supplements that lack evidence. Thus, evidence-based research into the efficacy and safety of anti-obesity supplements is required for informed lifestyle management recommendations.

Accordingly, these products are marketed for weight reduction, but not for medical use, partly due to Japanese labeling regulations that prohibit health claims regarding anti-obesity effects of products, but recognize foods for specified health use (FOSHU; TOKUHO in Japanese)8. These regulations allow companies to produce supplements without clinical evidence and make it difficult for consumers to assess whether or not products have evidence. To solve this problem, the Japanese government is considering deregulation of dietary supplement labeling, which may encourage provision of evidence for anti-obesity supplements in the Japanese market.


Despite expectations, many companies have produced clinical evidence for their products regardless of labeling regulations in Japan. To improve the precision of this study, we only listed 11 products for which clinical trials were published in English journals (Table ​11). However, in addition to these, we found 10 more products with clinical trial evidence published in Japanese or with evidence from experimental studies using rodents (Table ​44). We expect that many companies will produce clinical evidence of international standard for their products in near future.

Table 4.

List of anti-obesity materials, company names, and resons for exclusion from table 1.

MaterialSales Inc. (Representative)Reasons for Exclusion from Table 1
AstaxanthinAstaReal from mice
ChitosanKOYO Chemical Co. from rats
(Genistein Combined Polysaccharide)
Aminoup Chemical Co. published in Japanese
Germinated brown riceFANCL published in Japanese
MaltitolUeno fine chamical industory Co. from rats
Mixture of amino acidsMeiji Co. from mice
Mulberry leavesOhta’s Isan Co. published in Japanese
Peucedanum japonicumMacrobiotic Material Laboratory from rats
PhytosterolToyo Hakko Co. from mice
PropolisYamada Bee Farm Co. from rats
Rhamnan sulfateKonan Chemical Co. published in Japanese
Soy bean isoflavonesSansho Pharmaceutical Co. published in Japanese

Open in a separate window

The Japanese market for dietary supplements is growing rapidly. However, the use of supplements remains more widespread in Western countries. Information regarding ingredients and products of supplements is more readily available in western counties, as indicated by the National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in America9. Thus, clinical evidence of supplement efficacy and safety should be more actively pursued in Japanese CAM.


All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The authors are grateful to H. Sakakibara (Takara Bio Inc.), T. Uwajima (Tsumura co. Ltd), T. Kayahara (Ajinomoto co. Ltd), T. Tsuji (Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd), T. Ono (Lion co. Ltd), T. Ohdo (Lonza Japan co. Ltd.), Y. Koga (Aminoup Chemical co. Ltd), M. Katashima (Kao co. Ltd.), T. Hirayama (BHN co. Ltd.), R. Sumi (Osaka University), H. Urushima (Osaka University) and H. Tojo (Osaka University) for helpful comments.


1Global strategy on diet, physical activity and health. In The Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly, 2007; pp 38-55.

2Trends in the Market for Dietary Supplement, Health Ingredients and Production Technology. [Accessed on 3rd October 2013].

3Chemical structures were drawn based on the Pub Chem Compound database.

4Whiting, S.; Derbyshire, E.; Tiwari, B. K., Capsaicinoids and capsinoids. A potential role for weight management? A systematic review of the evidence. Appetite 2012, 59 (2), 341-8.

5Dr. Hoffman Home Page. What are EPA/DHA? [Accessed on 3rd October 2013].

6Technical Resources International, GarciniaCambogia, [Accessed 25th November 2013].

7Jung, E. Y.; Cho, M. K.; Hong, Y.-H.; Kim, J. H.; Park, Y.; Chang, U. J.; Suh, H. J., Yeast hydrolysate can reduce body weight and the abdominal fat accumulation in obese adults. Nutrition 2013. in press

8Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU). [Accessed 3rd October 2013].

9National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). Dietary and Herbal Supplements.[Accessed 1st October 2013].


Asuka Yasueda, Toshinori Ito and Kazuhisa Maeda receive research funding from Aminoup Chemical co. Ltd. The sponsor had no control over the interpretation, writing, or publication of this work.


 = 4-hydroxyderricin
 = Arachidonic acid
 = AMP-activated protein kinase
 = Brown adipose tissue
 = Bofu-tsusho-san
 = Body mass index
 = CCAAT enhancer-binding protein
 = Complementary and alternative medicines
 = Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
 = Cytidine-cytidine-adenosine-adenosine-thymidine
 = Coleus forskohlii
 = Cyclo-his-pro
 = Cold-induced thermogenesis
 = Central nervous system
 = Docosahexaenoic acid
 = Epigallocatechin gallate
 = Ephedrae herba
 = Enteric-coated LF
 = Eicosapentaenoic acid
 = Extracellular Signal-regulated kinase
 = Forsythiae fructus
 = Fish oil
 = Food for specified health use
 = FO and exercise
 = Galcinia cambogia
 = Glucagon like peptide-1
 = G-protein-coupled receptor 120
 = Glycyrrhizae radix
 = High density lipoprotein
 = Impaired glucose tolerance
 = Interleukin 6
 = Insulin resistance
 = c-jun N-terminal kinase
 = L-carnitine
 = Lactoferrin
 = Lipoprotein receptor related protein-1
 = Mitogen activated-protein kinase
 = National center for complementary and alternative medicine
 = Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
 = Triphosphate-citrate
 = Ras and phosphorylated
 = Sunflower oil
 = SO and exercise
 = Schizonepetae spica
 = Tokutei hokenyou shokuhin (in Japanese)
 = Transient receptor potential channels
 = Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1
 = Very low-density lipoprotein
 = White adipose tissue
 = Xanthoangelol
 = Yeast hydrolysates


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Articles from Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry are provided here courtesy of Bentham Science Publishers

Review: Evidence-based Clinical Research of Anti-obesity Supplements in Japan (2024)


What is the Japanese medicine for obesity? ›

Alli will be available only to those 18 years or older. Patients expected to otherwise develop obesity soon should take the medicine, and men with waist measurements of 85 centimeters or more and women with waists of no less than 90 cm will be targeted.

What is the Metabo law in Japan? ›

In 2008 the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare introduced the 'Metabo Law' to decrease Japan's obesity rates. The 'Metabo law' is, in theory, simple – stay below a government-mandated waistline of 85 cm for women and 90 cm for men or face the consequences.

How does Japan prevent obesity? ›

It is not only what the Japanese eat, it is the way they eat that helps them avoid becoming overweight or obese. A traditional Japanese meal consists of a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup, grilled fish and a variety of “sozai,” or side-dishes, usually involving a variety of vegetables, beans and seaweed.

What are the anti fat laws in Japan? ›

In 2008, Japan introduced the "metabo" law, which requires Japanese citizens between the ages of 40 and 74 to meet certain waistline measurements each year. Men must have a waist no larger than 33.5 inches, and women must have a waist no larger than 35.4 inches.

What is the ancient Japanese secret to weight loss? ›

Simple changes in everyday eating habits can help put the secret of hara hachi bu into practice for improved health or for weight loss. Anyone can make changes to their eating patterns or environment, enjoy food, and learn to eat only until they are 80 percent full.

What is the Japanese herb that helps weight loss? ›

Abstract. Here, we report a case in which the use of bofu-tsusho-san (BF) was effective for weight loss. A 22-year-old woman with a height of 157 cm, weight of 154.8 kg, and body mass index (BMI) of 63.6 kg/m2 was hospitalized.

What is the weight limit in Japan? ›

Japan Airlines Checked Baggage Allowance:

Business and First Class passengers can check three 32 kg (70 lbs) bags. No checked bag should measure more than 203 cm (79.9 in) in total dimensions. On domestic flights, passengers may check 20 kg (or 45 kg in First Class), free of charge, across a number of bags.

What are the weight loss laws in Japan? ›

Employers in Japan must reduce the number of employees who show symptoms of metabolic syndrome—obesity and high blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose. These risk factors can lead to vascular disease and diabetes. Companies must reduce the number of obese employees by 10 percent by 2012 and 25 percent by 2015.

What country is the least obese? ›

In Chile and the United Kingdom rates were just above one in four, while Korea had the lowest share of people with obesity of the countries studied at just 4.3 percent.

Why doesn't Japan need Ozempic? ›

They predicted that these drugs would dominate the market in Japan, but that won't mean much, for a simple reason: there is almost no obesity there. Some 42% of Americans are obese, compared with just 4.5% of Japanese people. Japan, it seems, is the land that doesn't need Ozempic.

Are Japanese healthier than Americans? ›

The U.S. and Japan are developed countries and comparable in many ways, but they're miles apart on the obesity spectrum. About 40% of Americans are obese. That's nearly 10 times higher than Japan's obesity rate.

What is considered overweight in Japan? ›

To decide if a person is fat or obese, one must calculate their size, body type, and age. Anyone with a BMI of 22kgs/m2 and above is considered fat in Japan. Women in Japan consider themselves overweight if their BMI is above 23kgs/m2. On the other hand, the Japanese say their men are fat if their BMI exceeds 25kg/m2.

What are anti obesity drugs in Japan? ›

Taisho Pharmaceutical announced Monday that it will start marketing in April anti-obesity drug orlistat, the first such drug to become available without a prescription in Japan.

What is the Antimonopoly Act in Japan? ›

The Antimonopoly Act prohibits the establishment of and transformation into a company which may cause excessive concentration of economic power.

What is obesity in Japan? ›

JASSO defines obesity as excessive fat storage in adipose tissue associated with a BMI of ≥25 kg/m2. The threshold BMI of obesity is low as compared to Western countries given that Japanese individuals tend to develop obesity-related health disorders at lower BMI.

What is the Japanese morning drink for weight loss? ›

Green Tea (Matcha)

Green tea, especially matcha, is rich in antioxidants and can help boost metabolism. This can help to increase the rate at which your body burns calories.

What is the Japanese ritual for weight loss? ›

We found a key secret to successful weight loss halfway around the world, in Okinawa, Japan. It's called Hara Hachi Bu and translated it means, Eat until you're 80 percent full. It's no gimmick. It's been proven effective since the times of Confucius.

How much does semaglutide cost in Japan? ›

The drug expense in Japan is less expensive compared with those in the United States or Europe; its monthly cost per patient without any reimbursem*nt is about 1350 USD in the United States, 338 USD in Germany, and 290 USD in Japan (87 USD with national health insurance reimbursem*nt).

What is Japanese diet for weight loss? ›

The Japanese diet consists of eating only 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. These meals are mainly made up of fresh vegetables, eggs, fish, soy and seafood. It is also important to drink at least 2 liters of water per day to stay hydrated and to help manage hunger.

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