Rest API Standards & Best Practices 2023 (2024)

A REST API is an application programming interface that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data.A REST API can be used to access resources such as web pages, files, or images. It is also known as a RESTful API and conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style, which allows for interaction with RESTful web services.Roy Fielding created REST in order to provide a standard way of accessing resources via the internet.

A REST API is typically used to retrieve data from a server. The data is returned in JSON format, which can be easily parsed and converted into a native data structure in the programming language of your choice.You can also use the REST API to update data on the server. For example, you can use the REST API to add or remove items from a database.

What's an API?

An API is an interface that allows two pieces of software to communicate with each other. In the context of a REST API, this means that a client can send requests to a server and the server will then respond with data. The data that is returned can be in any format but is typically in JSON format. The client and server communicate via HTTP requests and responses. The client sends a request to the server and the server responds with data. The data that is returned can be in any format but is typically in JSON format. You can think of API as a set of rules that govern how two pieces of software communicate with each other. These rules are known as an API contract.

When you're building a REST API, you need to design the API contract carefully. The API contract defines how the client and server will interact with each other. It should be clear and concise so that both parties understand what is expected of them. A well-designed API contract will make your REST API more robust and easier to use. It will also make it easier to evolve the API over time as your needs change.

What is REST API

A RESTful API is an interface that allows a client to request data from a server. The server then responds with the requested data, in one of several formats such as JSON, HTML, XML, or plain text.JSON is the most popular format to use because it is readable by both humans and machines. On receiving a client request, the RESTful API transfers a representation of the state of the resource to the requester or endpoint.

The endpoint is then able to use this data to perform the desired action. For example, if a user wants to view information about a specific product, they would make a GET request to the server.The server would then respond with the requested data, such as the name, price, and description of the product. An important part of a RESTful API is the request and response headers, which contain important information about the request's metadata, authorization, URI, caching, cookies, and more.Each header has its own HTTP connection information and status codes. You should be familiar with both request and response headers in order to properly use a RESTful API.

Characteristics of a well-designed API

  • Client-Server: There should be a separation between the client and server so that each can be developed independently.
  • Stateless: The server should not keep track of any state information about the client. All state information should be stored on the client side.
  • Cacheable:The server should be able to cache responses so that it can improve performance and scalability.
  • Uniform Interface:A uniform interface should be used so that the client can interact with the server in a consistent manner.
  • Layered System:The server should be organized into layers so that each layer can handle its own specific responsibilities.
  • Code on Demand (optional):There should be the ability to transfer code from the server to the client so that the client can execute it.

How RESTful APIs work:

In order to create a RESTful API, one must adhere to the HTTP methodologies defined in RFC 2616. These methods include GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. Furthermore, all calls made to the API must be stateless; that is, nothing can be retained by the RESTful service between executions. This modularity provides developers with a lot of flexibility, it can be challenging for developers to design their REST API from scratch.To assist developers, several companies provide models that developers can use; the models provided by Amazon S3, Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI), and OpenStack Swift are the most popular.

REST API Best Practices

There are a few standards that you should be aware of when designing or using a REST API. These standards define how the data is formatted, how the requests and responses are structured, and what HTTP methods are used.

1. Use JSON as the format for sending and receiving data

The first and most important standard to know is that REST APIs use JSON as the format for sending and receiving data. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. JSON is the de facto standard for data exchange on the web today, and most REST APIs use it as their default format. In fact, if you're building a REST API that doesn't use JSON, you're probably doing it wrong!

2. Use nouns instead of verbs in endpoints

When designing a REST API, you should use nouns instead of verbs in the endpoints. For example, instead of using an endpoint like /get-products, you should use an endpoint like /products.This is because the verb in the endpoint (get) implies that the client is requesting data from the server, when in fact the client is just requesting a resource. The use of nouns also allows for more flexibility in the endpoint design.

For example, if you want to add a new product to the database, you can use the /products endpoint instead of having to create a new endpoint like /add-product. This makes your API much more flexible and easier to expand in the future. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as the /login and /logout endpoints, which use verbs for clarity. However, in general, you should stick to using nouns in your endpoint design.

Use HTTP methods to specify actions

Another important standard to know is that REST APIs use HTTP methods to specify the action that should be performed on a resource. The most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

  • GET is used to retrieve a resource from the server.
  • POST is used to create a new resource on the server.
  • PUT is used to update an existing resource on the server.
  • DELETE is used to delete a resource on the server.

These HTTP methods are often referred to as CRUD operations, which stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It's important to note that not all resources support all CRUD operations. For example, a read-only resource can only be retrieved with a GET request, and cannot be created, updated, or deleted. In general, you should only use the HTTP method that is most appropriate for the action you're trying to perform. Using the wrong HTTP method can result in errors from the server, or unexpected behavior.

Name Collections with Plural Nouns

You should name your collections with plural nouns. For example, if you're storing products in a database, each product should be stored in a collection called products.This is because each collection represents a group of resources, and using a plural name makes it easier to understand that the collection contains more than one resource.

Similarly, you should name your endpoints with plural nouns. For example, if you want to retrieve a list of products, you should use an endpoint like /products, not /product. Again, this is because the endpoint represents a collection of resources, and using a plural name makes it easier to understand that the endpoint will return more than one resource. There are a few exceptions to this rule, such as resources that can only ever contain a single resource. In these cases, it's usually best to use the singular version of the noun.For example, if you're storing information about a user, you might use a resource called /user, instead of /users.

Use Status Codes in Error Handling

Having a well-defined error-handling strategy is important for any REST API. When an error occurs, the server should return the appropriate HTTP status code, and optionally, a body containing more information about the error.

The most common status codes you'll need to know are:

  • 400 – Bad Request: The request from the client was invalid. This could be due to missing data, incorrect data, or invalid data types.
  • 401 – Unauthorized: The client is not authorized to access the resource. This usually occurs when the client needs to provide authentication credentials, but doesn't.
  • 403 – Forbidden: The client is not allowed to access the resource. This could be due to the client not having the appropriate permissions.
  • 404 – Not Found: The resource could not be found. This could happen if the wrong URL is accessed, or if the resource has been deleted.
  • 500 – Internal Server Error: An error occurred on the server. This is usually due to a bug in the server code.

Each status code represents a different error and can be used to handle errors in different ways. For example, a 404 error can be handled by redirecting the user to a different page, or by displaying a message saying that the resource could not be found. It's important to note that you should only use status codes when there is an error. If the request from the client is successful, the server should return a 200 OK status code.

Utilize Resource Nesting Efficiently

Resource nesting is a technique for organizing resources in a REST API. It involves nesting resources under a common parent resource, which can make the API more organized and easier to understand. For example, if you're building an API for a blog, you might have a parent resource called /posts, with child resources called /comments and /likes.Each of these child resources would be nested under the /posts resource, and would only be accessible via the parent resource. Resource nesting can be a helpful way to organize resources, but it's important not to nest resources too deeply. Nesting resources more than one level deep can make the API more difficult to understand and use.

Utilize SSL/TLS security layers

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol that helps protect your API from attacks. TLS encrypts all data that is sent between the client and the server, making it more difficult for attackers to eavesdrop on or tamper with data. It's important to note that TLS is different from SSL. SSL is an older security protocol that is no longer considered secure. TLS should be used instead of SSL whenever possible. TLS can be implemented in a number of different ways, depending on your needs. One popular way to implement TLS is via a reverse proxy server, such as NGINX or HAProxy.

Reverse proxy servers can provide a number of benefits, including load balancing, security, and performance. Another way to implement TLS is by using a web server that supports TLS, such as Apache or Nginx. Web servers that support TLS usually have configuration options that allow you to enable and configure TLS. Once you've decided how to implement TLS, you'll need to generate a certificate and key pair. These files will be used to encrypt and decrypt data that is sent between the client and the server.

Be Clear with Versioning

When building a REST API, it's important to be clear about how you're versioning your API. Versioning is the process of incrementing the version number of your API as you make changes to its functionality. There are a few different ways to version an API, but the most common is to use a URL path prefix, such as /v1/. This approach is simple and easy to understand.

Another common versioning approach is to use a custom header, such as X-API-Version. This approach can be more difficult to implement, but it's less intrusive than using a URL path prefix. It's important to note that you should only use one versioning approach at a time. Using multiple versioning approaches can make your API more difficult to use and understand.


REST is a powerful tool for building APIs. When designing a REST API, there are a number of factors to consider, such as the resources that will be exposed, the structure of the URL, and how errors will be handled. By following the tips in this article, you can create a REST API that is easy to use and maintain. We hope all our tips will be useful for you while creating your own REST API! And keep in mind that if you have any questions or need help with designing or building your API, don’t hesitate to ask us. Our team of experts is always here to help!

Why choose Boltic?

Boltic is a powerful tool that makes it easy to design and build RESTful APIs. It provides a wide range of features that make it an ideal choice for building APIs, including:

  • A no-code, easy-to-use, user-friendly interface that makes it easy to get started
  • A wide range of options for configuring your API
  • The ability to connect to a variety of data sources
  • Excellent documentation that makes it easy to learn how to use the tool

With our platform, you can easily design and build a REST API that meets your specific needs. You don't need to be an expert in web development or HTTP to get started; our no-code, easy-to-use, user-friendly interface makes it easy to get up and running quickly. And, if you need help, our support team is always available to assist you. So, if you're looking for a tool to help you design and build a REST API, Boltic is a perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more about our platform and how we can help you achieve your goals.

Rest API Standards & Best Practices 2023 (2024)


Rest API Standards & Best Practices 2023? ›

The first and most important standard to know is that REST APIs use JSON as the format for sending and receiving data. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate.

What are the standards of REST API? ›

The first and most important standard to know is that REST APIs use JSON as the format for sending and receiving data. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate.

What is the best practice for REST API? ›

7 REST API Best Practices for Designing Robust APIs
  • Utilize the Recommended Endpoint Naming Conventions.
  • Use the Appropriate HTTP Method.
  • Manage REST API Requests and Responses Effectively.
  • Use the Appropriate Request Headers for Authentication.
  • Know When to use Parameters vs.
Dec 5, 2023

What is the most commonly accepted REST API specifications standard? ›

OpenAPI is currently the most widely accepted format for REST API specifications. The specification is written in a single file in JSON or YAML format consisting of three sections: A header with the API name, description, and version, as well as any additional information.

What are the four most common REST API operations? ›

For REST APIs built on HTTP, the uniform interface includes using standard HTTP verbs to perform operations on resources. The most common operations are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. REST APIs use a stateless request model.

What are REST API rules? ›

A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules and conventions for building scalable and efficient web services. RESTful web services use HTTP for communication and rely on the principles of the REST architectural style to operate on resources.

What is difference between REST API and RESTful API? ›

RESTful API vs REST API at a Glance

REST is used to develop API, which enables interaction between the server and client, whereas RESTful is a web app that follows the REST infrastructure. RESTful APIs provide interoperability between multiple systems across networks.

How do I get API standards? ›

Verify that you are purchasing API Standards through API or an authorized distributor to ensure you will obtain full, accurate, and current editions.
  1. API Webstore.
  2. Accuris.
  3. Intertek Inform.
  4. ASTM.
  5. BSB Edge Private Limited.
  6. DIN Media GmbH (Distribution in Germany)
  7. Afnor Editions (Distribution in France)

What is the standard format for a REST API? ›

While REST does not specify any data formats, JSON and XML are the two most commonly used.

What are the REST guidelines? ›

1. The Six Guiding Principles of REST
  • 1.1. Uniform Interface. ...
  • 1.2. Client-Server. ...
  • 1.3. Stateless. ...
  • 1.4. Cacheable. ...
  • 1.5. Layered System. ...
  • 1.6. Code on Demand (Optional) ...
  • 2.1. Resource Identifiers. ...
  • 2.2. Hypermedia.
Dec 12, 2023

What are the three principles for a RESTful API? ›

The following are some of the principles of the REST architectural style:
  • Uniform interface. The uniform interface is fundamental to the design of any RESTful webservice. ...
  • Statelessness. ...
  • Layered system. ...
  • Cacheability. ...
  • Code on demand.

Is REST API frontend or backend? ›

As you probably know, a typical modern application consists of 2 main parts: Frontend and Backend. If you want to create a web or mobile app, you need to have at least a basic understanding of REST API which is commonly used on backend development.

What is the difference between RESTful API and microservices? ›

REST APIs can be used within monolithic applications as well, but Microservices architecture specifically emphasizes the decomposition of applications into smaller services.

What are the API standards? ›

API standards are developed under API's American National Standards Institute accredited process, ensuring that the API standards are recognized not only for their technical rigor but also their third-party accreditation which facilitates acceptance by state, federal, and increasingly international regulators.

What is REST web service standards? ›

REST is not a standard in itself but instead is an architectural style that uses standards like HTTP, XML / HTML / JSON / GIF (Representations of Resources), text / html, text / xml, and image / jpeg (MIME Types).

What are the standard verbs in REST API? ›

These are referred to as RESTful verbs.
  • GET. Use the HTTP GET method to obtain data. ...
  • POST. Use the HTTP POST method to add new rows in a dataset. ...
  • PUT. Use the HTTP PUT method to modify data. ...
  • DELETE. Use the HTTP DELETE method to remove data.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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