Resolving Common REST API Errors: Troubleshooting Common Issues with REST API (2024)

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are used widely across the internet. From connecting to Google Maps, and making online payments to holding digital video conferencing, organisations and individuals leverage APIs almost every second. However, despite how effective they are, more often than not, we come across errors that are a headache to deal with.

In this article, we will go through some of the most common REST API errors, explore tools you can use to troubleshoot these errors and look at the best tips to troubleshoot Digital Samba video conferencing REST API.

Table of Contents

  1. What is REST API troubleshooting?
  2. Most common REST API errors
  3. Tools and debugging solutions for API troubleshooting
  4. Top tips for troubleshooting Digital Samba REST API issues
  5. Conclusion

What is REST API troubleshooting?

REST API troubleshooting is the systematic approach to identifying, analysing, and resolving issues that arise within the REST API framework, particularly within video conferencing systems.

This can include issues related to:

  • authentication and authorisation,
  • rate limiting and throttling,
  • CORS and cross-origin requests,
  • pagination,
  • error handling and debugging,
  • timeouts and connection errors,
  • API versioning and maintenance, and
  • performance optimisation.

Ensuring the seamless operation of APIs is critical as they enable interoperability between disparate video conferencing services and devices. Malfunctions could severely affect the user experience by causing video call drops, poor audio quality, or access issues.

Troubleshooting aims to pinpoint the root cause of any API malfunction, prevent any downtime, and enhance the reliability and performance of a video conferencing system.

You can use various tools and methods when troubleshooting REST APIs, including logging, monitoring, and diagnostic tools that help in real-time monitoring and analysis of API calls, responses, and the system's overall behaviour. The analytical insights gathered from these tools are invaluable when rectifying issues, allowing you to quickly restore and maintain optimum performance on your video conferencing setup.

Resolving Common REST API Errors: Troubleshooting Common Issues with REST API (1)

What Are The Different Types Of Video API?

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What Are The Different Types Of Video API?

Most common REST API errors

REST APIs are the most commonly used type in modern web development to enable online communication between clients and servers. However, this does not mean that they are 100% perfect. API development companies and web developers still face challenges when implementing, consuming, or maintaining the REST APIs.

Let’s have a look at some of the most common REST API errors:

400 Bad Request Error

The 400 Bad Request Error is the most commonly encountered REST API error. It occurs when the server cannot understand the request sent by the client. Invalid data parameters, missing or incorrect headers, incorrect request syntax, or an issue with the App itself can cause this error.

To troubleshoot this error, you should start by examining the URL to ensure that you are sending valid data parameters with their requests and that they are using the correct headers. Then, verify the request syntax is correct and that no external restrictions block access to the API endpoints. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then the issue is with the application, and you should search for obvious errors within it.

400 Bad Request Error

401 Unauthorised Error

Next on the list is the 401 Unauthorized Error, which occurs when a server cannot authorise the client credentials. This could be caused by incorrect authentication credentials, username or password, missing or inaccurate authorisation headers, or incorrect access permissions.

To troubleshoot this error, the first approach is to use the correct username and password. If this does not work, it could be a permission issue, meaning you do not have access to the resource. If so, contact the API provider for assistance.

401 Unauthorised Error

402 Payment Required Error

The 402 Payment Required Error occurs when the client must pay to access the requested resource. This error is not commonly encountered in REST API development.

402 Payment Required Error

403 Forbidden Error

The 403 Forbidden Error occurs when the client cannot access the requested resource. This error can be caused by incorrect access permissions, missing or inaccurate authorisation headers, or external restrictions blocking access to the API endpoints.

To troubleshoot this error, ensure you have adequate permissions for making requests on the API endpoints in question. Additionally, you should verify that you are using the correct authorisation headers and that no external restrictions block access to the API endpoints.

403 Forbidden Error

404 Not Found Error

The 404 Not Found Error occurs when the requested resource is unavailable on the server. Various factors, including incorrect endpoint URLs, missing data parameters, or incorrect request syntax, can cause this error.

To troubleshoot this error, ensure you use the correct endpoint URLs and send valid data parameters with their requests. Additionally, you should verify that the request syntax is accurate and that no external restrictions block access to the API endpoints. If this does not work, contact the API provider for assistance.

404 Not Found Error

500 Internal Server Error

This Error occurs when the server encounters an unexpected condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request. Various factors, including server-side errors, incorrect data parameters, or incorrect request syntax, can cause this error.

To troubleshoot this error, you should verify that the request syntax is correct and that you are sending valid data parameters with their requests. Additionally, check the server logs for any error messages that may provide more information about the cause of the error. Also, contact your API provider to resolve any underlying issues within their internal systems.

500 Internal Server Error

Some additional Common Errors

Other common REST API errors include the following:

408 Request Timeout Error:

Occurs when the server takes too long to respond to the client's request. To troubleshoot it, double-check the URL and ensure it’s correct, check your internet connection, and then reload the web page.

408 Request Timeout Error:

502 Bad Gateway Error

Occurs when the server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid response from the upstream server. To troubleshoot it, ensure you use the correct domain name and the server is reachable. Also, check your firewall logs to see if you are blocking any traffic.

502 Bad Gateway Error

504 Gateway Timeout Error

This occurs when the server acting as a gateway or proxy takes too long to receive a response from the upstream server. To troubleshoot the error, verify your internet connection is working and that you are sending valid data parameters within the request.

504 Gateway Timeout Error

507 Insufficient Storage Error

Occurs when the server cannot store the representation needed to complete the request. To troubleshoot it, subscribe to a better package that offers more storage or optimise your current repository if there is excess page traffic.

507 Insufficient Storage Error

508 Loop Detector Error

This occurs when the server detects an infinite loop, which could be caused by too many redirects preventing the requested resource from rendering. To troubleshoot the error, look for the API call(s) causing the loop and forward it to your API provider for assistance.

508 Loop Detector Error

To troubleshoot these errors, you should verify that the request syntax is correct and send valid data parameters with your requests. Additionally, you should check the server logs for any error messages that may provide more information about the cause of the error.

Tools and debugging solutions for API troubleshooting

Debugging and resolving REST API issues can be a challenging task for developers. However, various tools and methods are available to help you troubleshoot and resolve REST API issues.

Resolving Common REST API Errors: Troubleshooting Common Issues with REST API (2)

What are the key benefits of video APIs?

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What are the key benefits of video APIs?

Let’s have a look at some of the best tools available:

Tools available for debugging

  1. Postman: An API platform that collects working API requests in an API definition repository and compares submissions against saved examples. If Postman identifies an error, you’ll get an error message that explains the issue.
  2. End-to-end API management tools provide an easy way to monitor and test APIs, allowing you to quickly identify any problems arising from the underlying code or infrastructure. These tools help you identify and resolve issues quickly, ensuring smooth API operation, including scenarios where the use of residential proxies might be beneficial.
  3. Automated tests: deploying automated tests regularly for regression testing can help identify issues before they become significant problems.

What are the benefits of using debugging tools for API troubleshooting?

  1. Faster issue resolution: Debugging tools can help you identify issues more quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and effort required to find and fix issues.
  2. Improved accuracy: Debugging tools also help you identify the root cause of issues more accurately, reducing the risk of introducing new issues when fixing existing ones.
  3. Better observability: Lastly, debugging tools provide more visibility into the API's performance and behaviour, allowing you to identify issues before they become significant problems.

Top tips for troubleshooting Digital Samba REST API issues

Troubleshooting REST API issues can be a challenging task for developers. However, it doesn’t have to be too difficult with the right strategies in place. This section will explore some of the top tips for troubleshooting REST API issues.

Review the Digital Samba API documentation thoroughly

The first and most crucial step in troubleshooting is deeply understanding the Digital Samba REST API documentation. This includes knowing the expected request and response formats, available endpoints, and the required parameters. It is essential to be familiar with the structure of the API, including the base URL, path parameters, and query parameters.

Review the Digital Samba API documentation thoroughly

Examine request and response headers

Headers in REST API requests and responses are critical to the proper functioning of the API. When using the Digital Samba API, ensure that headers related to content type (like `application/json`), authentication tokens, and any custom headers required by the API are correctly set. You can use our Postman tool to inspect and modify headers easily if you get any errors.

Examine request and response headers

Verify the endpoint URL

Ensure the endpoint URL matches the one provided in the Digital Samba API documentation. A minor typo can lead to a different endpoint or a `404 Not Found` error.

Verify the endpoint URL

Check authentication and authorisation parameters

Digital Samba's REST API uses authentication mechanisms like API keys, so ensure that you use the correct method, your keys are valid, and that you have the necessary permissions.

Check authentication and authorisation parameters

Inspect query parameters

Incorrect or improperly formatted query parameters can lead to unexpected responses or data. Check if all required parameters are included and optional ones are correctly utilised, spelt, and encoded as per our API documentation.

Inspect query parameters

Analyse the status codes

Each response from the Digital Samba API comes with a status code that indicates the result of the request. These codes can give immediate insights into what went wrong. For example, a `401` might suggest an authentication issue, while a `500` might indicate a problem with the Digital Samba API server.

Analyse the status codes

Validate the request body

For methods like POST or PUT, the request body's content must match the structure expected by the Digital Samba API, often in JSON format. Ensure the data types, nesting, and field names in the request body are correct. Using tools like JSON validators can help check the correctness of the JSON structure.

Validate the request body

Utilise logging and monitoring tools

Implement logging on your client side to capture detailed request and response data. This can be invaluable in understanding what was sent and received from the API. Use API monitoring tools to track your API calls' performance and error rates. This helps in identifying patterns or trends that indicate underlying issues.

Utilise logging and monitoring tools

Experiment with API methods and parameters

If a particular method or parameter is causing issues, experiment with alternative ways to achieve the same result. This might involve using a different endpoint, changing the HTTP method, or tweaking the parameters. You can use our Postman tool to test various scenarios and understand how the API behaves under different conditions.

Experiment with API methods and parameters

Contact Digital Samba support

If all else fails, contacting Digital Samba’s support team can provide more direct and specific assistance. They can offer insights into your situation or inform you about any known issues or ongoing maintenance affecting the API.

Contact Digital Samba support


By following the detailed troubleshooting steps highlighted, you can systematically identify and resolve issues encountered while working with the Digital Samba REST API, ensuring a smoother and more effective integration in your projects.

Experience the power of Digital Samba's WebRTC-powered live video conferencing solution. Contact our sales team today to learn more and get started on enhancing your video conferencing platform.

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Experience the power of Digital Samba's WebRTC video conferencing solution

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Resolving Common REST API Errors: Troubleshooting Common Issues with REST API (2024)


Resolving Common REST API Errors: Troubleshooting Common Issues with REST API? ›

500 Internal Server Error: This error indicates that the server can't handle the request. 403 Forbidden: This error can indicate an undetected HTTP vs. HTTPS error. 404 Not Found: This error can indicate that a server does not have an HTTP endpoint and that your API request can't be processed.

How do you handle error in REST API? ›

Error handling for REST
  1. Use HTTP status codes properly: REST APIs rely heavily on standard HTTP status codes to communicate the nature of an error. ...
  2. Provide enough detail in error messages: REST is stateless in nature. ...
  3. Use a standardized error response format: Maintain a consistent standard for error messages.
Feb 8, 2024

What are common API errors that are often found? ›

500 Internal Server Error: This error indicates that the server can't handle the request. 403 Forbidden: This error can indicate an undetected HTTP vs. HTTPS error. 404 Not Found: This error can indicate that a server does not have an HTTP endpoint and that your API request can't be processed.

How to resolve API issues? ›

This section will explore some of the top tips for troubleshooting REST API issues.
  1. Review the Digital Samba API documentation thoroughly. ...
  2. Examine request and response headers. ...
  3. Verify the endpoint URL. ...
  4. Check authentication and authorisation parameters. ...
  5. Inspect query parameters. ...
  6. Analyse the status codes.
Nov 28, 2023

What are the 4 most common REST API operations? ›

For REST APIs built on HTTP, the uniform interface includes using standard HTTP verbs to perform operations on resources. The most common operations are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. REST APIs use a stateless request model.

How do I troubleshoot REST API issues? ›

Here are the top 9:
  1. Check the Request and Response Headers. ...
  2. Check the Status Code. ...
  3. Check the Endpoint. ...
  4. Check Authentication Parameters. ...
  5. Check for Query Parameters. ...
  6. Validate the Body. ...
  7. Check for Logging. ...
  8. Look for Workarounds.

What is improper error handling in API? ›

Improper handling of errors can introduce a variety of security problems for a web site. The most common problem is when detailed internal error messages such as stack traces, database dumps, and error codes are displayed to the user (hacker). These messages reveal implementation details that should never be revealed.

How to handle 500 internal server error in rest API? ›

The HTTP 500 means that the external API that you called has an exception. If you have no access to the logging of the API that you consumed, you need to ask the supplier/developer to look into their error logging and determine what is wrong.

How do I fix an API timeout error? ›

One of the key reasons for API gateway timeout is server overload. To prevent server overload, set request throttling and rate limiting. You can control incoming requests and prevent overloading of the backend services. The limits should be set based on the server capacity and usage.

How errors can be handled in Web API? ›

Using exception filters in ASP.NET Web API. Exception filters are filters that can be used to handle unhandled exceptions that are generated in your Web API controller methods. In other words, you can use exception filters to catch unhandled exceptions in Web API that originate from your controller methods.

What problem does REST API solve? ›

Systems that implement REST APIs can scale efficiently because REST optimizes client-server interactions. Statelessness removes server load because the server does not have to retain past client request information. Well-managed caching partially or completely eliminates some client-server interactions.

How do you handle errors in go API? ›

Standard Go error handling makes the error flow clearly visible. Go treats errors as a normal part of the program flow because they are exactly that. If an error occurs, it should be handled or passed to the caller until some function up the call chain handles the error or writes it to a log file for troubleshooting.

How do I track API failure? ›

Error Rate: Error rates, like errors per minute and error codes, can help you track down problems in individual APIs. Error codes in the 400 to 500 range can indicate problematic APIs or web service providers. It is calculated in error requests that occur per minute.

How to test a REST API? ›

Steps for Testing REST API
  1. Step 1: Get Advanced REST Client. First, you must download Advanced REST through Google Chrome's web store. ...
  2. Step 2: Enter Your Information. ...
  3. Step 3: Enter and Confirm the Headers Set. ...
  4. Step 4: Enter the Body Content. ...
  5. Step 5: Start the Test. ...
  6. Step 6: Review the Results.
Jun 12, 2024

How to handle huge response in REST API? ›

REST API Pagination is a technique used to manage large data sets in API responses by breaking the data into smaller chunks, called pages. By doing so, it makes the API responses more manageable, efficient, and user-friendly, as it avoids overloading the client application with too much data at once.

What are the 6 constraints of REST API? ›

REST defines 6 architectural constraints which make any web service – a truly RESTful API i.e. Uniform interface, Client–server, Stateless, Cacheable, Layered system, Code on demand (optional). REST stands for Representational State Transfer, a term coined by Roy Fielding in 2000.

How do you handle an API outage? ›

Prepare for API outages
  1. Present a meaningful, user-friendly message to users.
  2. Refrain from disabling Zaps due to error-ratios.
  3. Potentially reattempt the action after a given delay window.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.