Remembering 'Father Remm' | 'He had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...' (2024)

Remembering 'Father Remm' | 'He had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...' (1)

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Thirty-eight years after the diocese assigned him to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, the REV. GEORGE REMM will be memorialized today at the Urbana house of worship where he served as pastor for nearly two decades. “Father Remm,” as he was affectionately known to churchgoers in Champaign and Urbana, Rantoul and Thomasboro, died last week at age 89. On Monday, before his visitation at St. Pat’s, Editor Jeff D’Alessio asked two fellow priests how they’ll remember the pride of Peoria.

Chaplain of Urbana’s OSF Heart of Mary Medical Center since 2021, in residence at Champaign St. Mary since 2022

“I recall the first I met him was at Carle Foundation Hospital when he was a patient there. At that time, I was working for OSF Heart of Mary. Every Thursday afternoon, I would visit the Catholic patients that were admitted there.

Remembering 'Father Remm' | 'He had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...' (3)

"On my first visit with him, he was so weak from his right lung cancer. We talked together for some time and he needed to place a phone call to a number of people to let them know that he was a patient there and there was no telling how long he would a patient there. He called a good friend of his, Pat Justice, to let her know that he was doing well.

"I offered him Holy Communion, the Anointing of the Sick and prayers — and he agreed to all three. He was always an upbeat priest and it was a pleasure to visit with him. He was a patient there at Carle for about a week.

"When he was discharged from Carle, I visited with him at his home in Urbana. He had a very nice place to live in. He told me that he had to downsize from his former place of residence and had to throw away some of his old homilies. During my visit with him, he offered a drink.

"There was one good friend that he was constantly in touch with — Delores Gratkowski. I knew her when she was a patient at OSF Heart of Mary. She always told me that Father Remm and her were close friends and I know why.

"I would send him a Christmas card and an Easter card. I received a short note from him recently and I will treasure this short note.

"Every Friday, a good friend of his — Pam DeLey — would visit him and distribute Holy Communion. She always was diligent in going to visit with Father Remm.

"The last time I saw him was at St. Mary Catholic Church in Champaign for the memorial mass of Father Tom Royer. He gave an excellent homily about Father Tom.

"One afternoon, I called him and I woke him up from a sound nap. He spoke briefly with me and then he had to finish his nap.

"I will miss him so much but the time was that he had to leave this life."

Pesotum native, UI grad and former St. Patrick pastor (2017-19)

"Father Remm was always so encouraging and kind to me. He was always gracious about my preaching or writing, would always be complimentary and tell me I was doing a great job.

"He continued to read and learn even in these last months. Just a short time ago, he sent me a book and an article that he thought would be beneficial to my preaching.

Remembering 'Father Remm' | 'He had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...' (4)

"During my time as pastor at St. Patrick, Father Remm and I would often get lunch on Fridays. We would talk some about the parish and about news in the church. But primarily, we would talk about the joys of serving as priests and growing with God's people.

"He would share stories from his time as pastor that were both interesting and formative for me — I thought he had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...

"These last couple of years, we would connect on a phone call and I would ask him how his health was doing. He would always be honest, but also was quick to change the subject to how things were going with me.

"Even when he wasn't feeling well, I still found him to be the same encouraging and complimentary priest. I will certainly miss him and our conversations.

"God's peace and rest for his soul."

Remembering 'Father Remm' |  'He had a great way of making suggestions without ever saying: You should do this ...' (2024)
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