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This page describes how to search for an available domain name and register thedomain by using Cloud Domains. Cloud Domains lets youto choose your DNS provider and customize your DNS settings.

After you register your domain, Cloud Domains automaticallyrenews your domain registration as long as your Cloud Billing accountstays active. You can turn off automatic renewal at any time after your domain isregistered.

Before you begin

Before you start using Cloud Domains to register your domains,complete the following steps:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  2. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  3. Enable the Cloud Domains API.

    Enable the API

Set up and register a domain

To use Cloud Domains to register a domain, complete thefollowing tasks:

  1. Search for a domain name.
  2. Configure DNS for the domain.
  3. Choose privacy settings for your domain.
  4. Specify contact details.
  5. Verify your contact information.

When registering a domain that is owned by a company, the registrant mustprovide the company's contact details, such as the email address and phonenumber. If the registrant provides their personal contact details, the companymight lose access to the domain when the registrant leaves.

Permissions required for this task

To perform this task, you must have been granted the following permissionsor the following IAM roles.


  • domains.registrations.list (to search for and to get register parameters for the domain)
  • domains.registrations.create (to register the domain)


  • roles/domains.admin


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to theCloud Domains page.

    Go to Cloud Domains

  2. Click Register domain.
  3. Search for an available domain, and then identify the domain name thatyou want to purchase. Pricing is listed for each available domain.
  4. Click add_shopping_cart Selectnext to the domain name that you want to purchase.You can add as many domains as you like, subject to your availablequota. For details, see Quotas and limits.

    The total pricing based on your selection is calculated and displayedin the Search domain section. To remove a domain from your cart,click deleteDeselect next to thedomain name.

    After you set up billing and complete your domain registration,Cloud Domains automatically sets the registration toAuto-renew.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. In the DNS configuration section, choose one of the following DNSproviders for your name servers. If you are registering multipledomains, you can choose individual settings for each domain.

    DNS provider Description Cost
    Cloud DNS Google recommends that you use Cloud DNS as your DNS provider for all your name servers. Additional Cloud DNS charges apply. For details, see the Cloud DNS pricing page.
    Custom name servers If you choose this option, you can use Cloud Domains to configure your name servers, and then use a third-party DNS provider to configure your DNS resource records. Check with your DNS provider.
    • If you select the default value Use Cloud DNS (Recommended),Google Cloud automatically creates a zone for you. To editthe zone name and other details, do the following:

      1. In the Cloud DNS zone list, select Setup new zone.
      2. Make the required edits, and then click Save and continue.

      If you already created a zone in Cloud DNS,Cloud Domains selects that zone by default.

    • If you select Use custom name servers, enter at least two nameservers. To add more name servers, click Add another name server.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. By default, privacy protection is turned on. However, you can change thesettings to one of the privacy options in the following table.

    Privacy option Description
    Privacy protection on

    Choosing this option ensures that your contact information is not available to the public. To help protect your contact information and prevent spam, a third party provides alternate (proxy) contact information for your domain in the public directory. The third-party provider forwards all messages that are sent to your proxy contact information to the actual private contact information.

    Cloud Domains does not offer privacy protection for all domain endings or top-level domains (TLDs). Registries, the organizations that manage domain endings, have policies prohibiting the use of privacy protection for certain TLDs.

    Limit your info available to the public Choosing this option makes limited non-identifying information available to the public. The actual information available publicly depends on the domain that you have chosen. If you provide an organization name, it might be publicly visible.
    Make all contact info public Choosing this option makes all your contact information available to the public through the WHOIS database.

    For information about how to use contact privacy, see the ContactPrivacy section in the reference documentation.

  9. To limit which information is available to the public, selectLimit your info available to the public. This option is onlyavailable for .com and .net domains.

  10. To make all contact information publicly available, selectMake all contact info public.

  11. If you agree with the statement in the dialog, click I agree.

  12. Click Continue.

  13. Enter your contact informationfor the domain, which is necessary forICANN toreach you if there are any problems. By default, the same contactdetails that you enter are applied to the registrant, administrative,and technical contacts. To enter different information for each type ofcontact, you can edit your contactsettingslater.

    If you are registering more than one domain, you can choose toapply the same contact details to all domains or chooseto enter different contact details for each domain.

  14. Click Register.

    Processing your registration can take a few minutes.

    Cloud Domains or Squarespace sends a verificationemail to the email address that you enter.


  1. To search for an available domain name, use thegcloud domains registrations search-domains command:

    gcloud domains registrations search-domains SEARCH_TERM

    Replace SEARCH_TERM with any non-empty string tosearch for a domain name, such as example. This search returnssuggestions for possible domain names that you can register.

  2. To check up-to-date availability for a domain name and get theparameters needed to register a new domain, including price,availability, supported privacy modes, and notices, use thegcloud domains registrations get-register-parameters command:

    gcloud domains registrations get-register-parameters DOMAIN_NAME

    Replace DOMAIN_NAME with the domain name that youwant to check availability for, such as

    Your output looks similar to the following:

     availability: AVAILABLE domainName: domainNotices: ‐ HSTS_PRELOADED supportedPrivacy: ‐ PRIVATE_CONTACT_DATA ‐ PUBLIC_CONTACT_DATA yearlyPrice: currencyCode: USD units: '12'
  3. You can choose a DNS provider for your name servers based on theDNS provider options explainedin the overview. If you choose Cloud DNS as your DNS provider,you must first create a managed public zone for your domain.

    To create a managed public zone, use thedns managed-zones create command:

    gcloud dns managed-zones create CLOUD_DNS_ZONE_NAME \ --description="DESCRIPTION" \ --dns-name=DOMAIN_NAME \

    Replace the following:

    • CLOUD_DNS_ZONE_NAME: a name for your zone
    • DESCRIPTION: a description for your zone
    • DOMAIN_NAME: the DNS domain name for your zone,such as

      Use the same domain name that you used in the previous commands,which is the domain name that you are registering.

  4. To register the domain, use the gcloud domains registrationsregister command:

    gcloud domains registrations register DOMAIN_NAME

    Replace DOMAIN_NAME with the domain name that you wantto register, such as

    Your output looks similar to the following when you register the by using name servers provided by Cloud DNS:

    Yearly price: 12.00 USDDo you agree to pay this yearly price for your domain (y/N)? yYou can provide your DNS settings by specifying name servers or a CloudDNS Managed Zone name [1] Provide name servers list [2] Provide Cloud DNS managed zone namePlease enter your numeric choice (2): NAME_SERVER_CHOICECloud DNS Managed Zone name: CLOUD_DNS_ZONECloud DNS Zone 'CLOUD_DNS_ZONE' is not signed. DNSSEC won't be enabled.Contact data not provided using the --contact-data-from-file flag.Do you want to enter it interactively (Y/n)? yFull name: NAMEOrganization (if applicable): ORGANIZATIONEmail: EMAIL_ADDRESSEnter phone number with country code, e.g. "+1.8005550123".Phone number: PHONE_NUMBEREnter fax number with country code, e.g. "+1.8005550123".Fax number (if applicable): FAX_NUMBEREnter two-letter Country / Region code, e.g. "US" or "PL".Refer to the guidelines for entering address field information at / Region code: COUNTRY_CODEPostal / ZIP code: ZIP_CODEState / Administrative area (if applicable): STATECity / Locality: CITYAddress Line 1: ADDRESS_LINE_1Address Line 2 (if applicable): ADDRESS_LINE_2Address Line 3 (if applicable):Specify contact privacy [1] private-contact-data [2] public-contact-dataPlease enter your numeric choice (1): DATA_PRIVACY_CHOICEWaiting for 'operation-1597880129306-5ad437580410d-2c65d582-0861c5b7' tocomplete...done.Created registration [] Note:The domain is not yet registered.Wait until the registration resource changes state to ACTIVE.

    Replace the following:

    • NAME_SERVER_CHOICE: choose the name server optionbased on yourDNS provider choice
    • CLOUD_DNS_ZONE: the Cloud DNS managed zonename
    • NAME: your full name—for example,Alice Smith
    • ORGANIZATION: (optional) your organization—forexample, Doe Corp
    • EMAIL_ADDRESS: your email address forverification—for example, [email protected]
    • PHONE_NUMBER: the phone number of the contact ininternational format—for example, +1-800-555-0123
    • FAX_NUMBER: (optional) the phone number of thecontact in international format—for example, +1-800-555-0123
    • COUNTRY_CODE: the country or region code of theaddress—for example, US for United States
    • ZIP_CODE: the postal code or ZIP code of theaddress—for example, 94043
    • STATE: the state or administrative area of theaddress—for example, CA
    • CITY: the city or locality of theaddress—for example, Mountain View
    • ADDRESS_LINE_1: the first address line of theregistrant—for example, 1599 Bayview Parkway

      You can have up to 5 address lines, but only the first one is required.

    • ADDRESS_LINE_2: (optional) the second address lineof the registrant—for example, APT. 123

      You must enter the address accurately because it is used for domainrecovery in case you lose access to your registration. For details, seethe guidelines for entering address field information.

    • DATA_PRIVACY_CHOICE: your data privacy choice

      For detailed information about privacy options, seePrivacy protection.


  1. To search for an available domain name, use theregistrations.searchDomains methodwith an empty request body:


    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the domainregistration is created
    • SEARCH_TERM: any non-empty string tosearch for a domain name, such as example

      This search returns suggestions for possible domain names that you canregister.

  2. To check up-to-date availability for a domain name and get theparameters needed to register a new domain, including price,availability, supported privacy modes, and notices, use theregistrations.retrieveRegisterParameters methodwith an empty body:


    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where themanaged zone is created
    • DOMAIN_NAME: the domain name that you want to checkavailability for, such as

    The resulting response contains the yearlyPrice for the domain, whichyou need to use in the registrations.register API call.

  3. You can choose a DNS provider for your name servers based on theDNS provider options explainedin the overview. If you choose Cloud DNS as your DNS provider,you must first create a managed public zone for your domain.

    To create a managed public zone, use themanagedZones.create method:

    POST{ "name": "ZONE_NAME", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "dnsName": "DOMAIN_NAME.", "visibility": "public"}

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the managedzone is created
    • ZONE_NAME: a name for your zone
    • DESCRIPTION: a description for your zone
    • DOMAIN_NAME.: the DNS suffix for your zone,such as

    The resulting response contains a nameServers list that you must usein the registrations.register API call.

  4. To register the domain, use the registrations.registermethod:

    POST{ "registration": { "domainName": "DOMAIN_NAME", "dnsSettings": { "customDns": { "nameServers": [ "NAME_SERVERS" ] } }, "contactSettings": { "privacy": "CONTACT_PRIVACY", "registrantContact": { "postalAddress": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE", "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE", "administrativeArea": "SUBDIVISION", "locality": "CITY", "addressLines": [ "ADDRESS" ], "recipients": [ "CONTACT_NAME" ], "organization": "ORGANIZATION" }, "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "phoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER", "faxNumber": "FAX_NUMBER" }, "adminContact": { "postalAddress": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE", "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE", "administrativeArea": "SUBDIVISION", "locality": "CITY", "addressLines": [ "ADDRESS" ], "recipients": [ "CONTACT_NAME" ], "organization": "ORGANIZATION" }, "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "phoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER", "faxNumber": "FAX_NUMBER" }, "technicalContact": { "postalAddress": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE", "postalCode": "POSTAL_CODE", "administrativeArea": "SUBDIVISION", "locality": "CITY", "addressLines": [ "ADDRESS" ], "recipients": [ "CONTACT_NAME" ], "organization": "ORGANIZATION" }, "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS", "phoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER", "faxNumber": "FAX_NUMBER" } } }, "yearlyPrice": { "currencyCode": "CURRENCY_CODE", "units": NUMBER_OF_UNITS }}

    Replace the following:

    • PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where you createdthe registration resource
    • DOMAIN_NAME: the domain name that you want toregister, such as
    • NAME_SERVERS: the name servers that you want to use

      If you are usingCloud DNS, use the nameServers field output that you gotfrom the API call.

    • CONTACT_PRIVACY: the preferred privacy setting forthe contact data

      For detailed information about the available privacy options, see theContactPrivacy resourcein the Cloud Domains API.

    Replace the following values for registrantContact, adminContact,and technicalContact. For detailed information about each type ofcontact, seeContact information.

    • REGION_CODE: the region code of theaddress—for example, US for United States
    • POSTAL_CODE: the postal code of theaddress—for example, 94043
    • SUBDIVISION: the highest administrative subdivisionof an address, such as a state, a province, an oblast, or aprefecture—for example, CA for the state of California
    • CITY: the name of the city or town of theaddress—for example, Mountain View
    • ADDRESS: the lower levels of an address—forexample, 1599 Amphitheater Parkway
    • CONTACT_NAME: the name of the contact
    • ORGANIZATION: (optional) the name of theorganization that is registering the domain—for example,Doe Corporation
    • EMAIL_ADDRESS: the email address of thecontact—for example, [email protected]
    • PHONE_NUMBER: the phone number of the contact ininternational format—for example, +1-800-555-0123
    • FAX_NUMBER: (optional) the fax number of thecontact in international format—for example, +1-800-555-0123

      You must enter the address accurately because it is used for domainrecovery in case you lose access to your registration. For details, seethe guidelines for entering address fieldinformation.

    Replace the following values for the yearly price of the domain. This isthe amount obtained from the yearlyPrice field in theregistrations.retrieveRegisterParameters API call:

    • CURRENCY_CODE: the three-letter currency codeas defined in ISO4217—forexample, USD
    • NUMBER_OF_UNITS: the whole units of theamount—for example, if currencyCode is USD, then one unitis one US dollar

After the registration resource is created, it is in the stateREGISTRATION_PENDING. It should transition to the state ACTIVE in a fewminutes. This means that the registration process is successful and the domainis ready to use.

To resolve any issues that arise, see the Troubleshooting sectionDuring registration, a registration resource seems to be stuck in stateREGISTRATION_PENDING.See also List registered domains.

If you receive an error message during the registration process, seeErrors during domain registration.

After you register your domain, Cloud Domains sends averification email to the address that you provided in your contactinformation for the domain. This email includes a subject line thatstates Action required: Please verify your email address or[Action Required] Verify your Squarespace domain contact.

You must verify your contact information within 15 days or your domainbecomes inactive.

To verify your email address, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the verification email from [email protected].
  2. Click Verify email now.

After Cloud Domains verifies your contact information, aconfirmation message is displayed that indicates that your email address isverified.

If there is an error in verifying your contact information, see theTroubleshooting sectionRegistrant email verification issues.

What's next

  • To get an overview of Cloud Domains, see theCloud Domains overview.
  • To make changes to your registration settings, seeEdit registration settings for a domain.
  • To access API information, see theCloud Domains API.
  • To find solutions for common issues that you might encounter when usingCloud Domains, seeTroubleshooting.
  • To learn about Cloud DNS, see theCloud DNS overview.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-09-10 UTC.

Register a domain  |  Cloud Domains  |  Google Cloud (2024)
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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.