Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (2024)

How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer. We have owned our air fryer for more than 7 years and we are sharing with you today, everything we wish we had known when we first got our air fryer.

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (1)

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How To Get StartedWith Your Air Fryer

Let me guess, you’re here because you have just boughtyourself one of those amazing air fryers and you want to know that there ismore to the air fryer than French Fries?

Well there is and I must say before you carry on readingthat we are air fryer addicts and love our Philips Air Fryer.

We first got this model of Philips Air Fryers back in 2011 and since then we have upgraded to the XL digital version.

Both the models above I would recommend if you have not bought an air fryer yet, if you have then let’s get started!

Air Fryer Accessories

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Let’s start with the airfryer accessories as they are a big part of air fryer cooking. If youwonder whether you need air fryer accessories or not, or if you wonder if it’san unnecessary expense, then think of it like this:

  • Do you plan to cook more than just French Fries in your air fryer?
  • Would you like to bake or cook full dinners in your air fryer?
  • Do you like baked eggs?
  • Do you have a sweet tooth?

If the answer is YES to those then you need air fryer accessories.

An angry reader once told me that he wasn’t going to buy airfryer accessories as he had just spent a small fortune on the air fryer, but Iam sure he had an oven and accessories for his oven.

Just like you need baking trays or baking dishes for youroven you need baking pans, ramekins, grill pans for your air fryer.

Here is the bundle I recommend as it’s a great starter kit for the air fryer and gets things going.

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (4)

As well as this we have an extensive air fryer accessories guide here for you to read.

Air Fryer eBooks

Next on the list I am sure you want some yummy air fryer ebooksthat you can follow along with at home. Ones that are loaded with recipes andwill help you get into the zone with your air fryer cooking.

We recommend:

  • 101 Air Fryer Recipes For Beginners
  • Air Fryer Recipe Archives

With the air fryer 101 beginners’ recipes, you get a taster of air fryer recipes to get you started. But the archives collection is on a much bigger scale and includes all our air fryer recipes since we started the blog until it was last updated.

We update the air fryer archives quarterly and there is the chance to upgrade so that you can have lifetime updates to all our air fryer recipes. Just imagine how cool that would be?

Air Fryer Recipes To Cook First

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If I was to just cook 20 recipes in the air fryer forever and ever, it would be these 20. They are air fryer recipes that are easy to make and whether you have a Tower air fryer, Philips Air Fryer or Power Air Fryer, they are an excellent starting point.

Air Fryer Pitta Pizza

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These are so tasty and so easy to make too. Just load up your favourite pitta breads with your favourite pizza toppings and cook in the air fryer. Both adults and kids alike will love them.

Air Fryer Frozen French Fries

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Frozen French Fries in the air fryer, is what most people will cook in the air fryer first. Choose the brand wisely and go for frozen French fries with a tiny bit of oil and quality potatoes. They are so good and hassle free to make.

Air Fryer Sausage Rolls

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Make a healthier sausage roll in the air fryer. With the help of Weight Watchers Tortilla Wraps and a delicious filling, this is a recipe keeper.

AND did I say how easy it is to make? Plus you can adapt this method for a lot of the different things that you love that is covered in pastry.

Air Fryer Chewy Granola Bars

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (10)

If you love granola and are looking for something different. Then try out this healthy granola recipe in the air fryer. It is just a few simple ingredients and very addictive.

Then take the granola bars to work with you, or pack them in the kids packed lunch box.

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (11)

Imagine using your air fryer to make steak and fries? It’s a must have recipe and OMG I wish I could afford steak every week, as if I could I would just eat this.

Though even at its cost, it is still cheaper than eating steak and frites in a French restaurant!

Air Fryer Breaded Pork Chops

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (12)

Or for the cheap budget alternative, how about getting ataste sensation with breaded pork chops in the air fryer? Its just so good, youcan’t believe it came from the air fryer.

Air Fryer Boiled Eggs

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (13)

YES you can make boiled eggs in the air fryer. Isn’t that a fantastic use out of the air fryer? I often have air fryer boiled eggs for breakfast after a run with some sliced avocado and sliced banana.

I am not a big breakfast fan and boiled eggs are just the BEST.

Air Fryer Chicken Parmesan

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (14)

Love American Italian Food? Then you will love air fryer chicken parmesan. Just make sure you make enough for a second helping, because our air fryer chicken parmesan makes you greedy for seconds.

Air Fryer Chicken Breast

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If you want just a simple chicken breast that is grilled toperfection, is moist and not dry, then try out our air fryer chicken breastrecipe. It is so easy to make and perfect for salads in summer and pasta dishesin winter.

Air Fryer Rotisserie Chicken

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Our famous air fryer rotisserie chicken is so easy to makeand us Milner’s have it at least twice a week.

The skin of the chicken is crispy like a rotisserie chickenand you can add your favourite seasonings to it. Or just go with a plain butdelicious mix of olive oil, salt and pepper.

Air Fryer Chocolate Banana Bread

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (18)

I love this Paleo approved air fryer chocolate banana bread.It’s a personal favourite of mine. The only problem is that we never have anybananas left to make banana bread with.

As a family of 5 we go grocery shopping on Wednesday, andthey are all gone by Saturday morning. Then we all blame each other for eatingthe last one.

Air Fryer Lemon Pepper Chicken

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If you love lemon pepper seasoning on your meat and fish,then you’ll love our Whole30 and Paleo approved lemon pepper chicken. It crispsup perfectly in the air fryer too. You could also mix and match the recipe withother cuts of chicken.

Air Fryer Fruit Crumble Mug Cakes

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (20)

Just because mug cakes are amazing, and they can be cooked in the air fryer. Just make sure you have a mug that will fit and make all your favourite mug cakes whenever you like. This is my favourite fruit crumble version.

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (22)

Take these air fryercheese and bacon muffins with you to:

  • Work
  • The beach
  • Picnics
  • Hiking
  • School
  • Parties
  • Barbecues

Air Fryer KFC Popcorn Chicken

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (23)

If you’ve not tried our air fryer KFC copycat popcornchicken in the air fryer, then it is a must. Little balls of chicken with theKFC secret blend and perfectly crispy in the air fryer. What is there not tolove about that?

You can either mince fresh chicken breast or buy ready madechicken mince to make this recipe.

Air Fryer Meatloaf

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I love meatloaf and it is amazing in the air fryer. Just useyour favourite air fryer container and its ready in no time. Perfect for a lazyfamily dinner when you have some spare mince that needs using up.

Though our son says he hates meatloaf for dinner – simply becauseI don’t make enough of it! Clearly, there is no pleasing 17 year old growinglads!

Air Fryer Doughnuts

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I love doughnuts. Especially with pink icing and soft in themiddle. These are our famous air fryer doughnuts and you will want more thanone.

Take them to birthday parties, barbecues, picnics on thebeach or just when you fancy making a round of doughnuts.

Air Fryer Party Meatballs

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My American aunt introduced me to these in the 90’s, but now they have an air fryer makeover and are simply delicious in the air fryer.

If you have some favourite meatball recipes, then use our timings to transform them into air fryer meatballs.

Air Fryer French Fries

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (27)

Life in the air fryer is just wrong without air fryer French Fries. We have them on a regular basis, especially when we’re hungry and can’t be bothered to cook.

They are also a fantastic side for while cooking your main meal in the Instant Pot.

If you have a bigger Air Fryer, you could cook chicken andfries or steak and fries at the same time.

Air Fryer Strawberry Cupcakes

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (29)

Let’s finish on our favourite 20 air fryer recipes with somestrawberry cupcakes. So, so good you will want to eat them all day and forever.I just wish they were zero calories!

I could go on and its hard to name JUST 20 out of 200+ air fryer recipes. BUT these would be my starter recipes to get you going. Ifyou do want our whole 200+ air fryer collection then click here.

As well as these we also have some more air fryer recipesfeatured below in our useful reads section.

Air Fryer UsefulReads

Beyond our all-time favourite beginner air fryer recipes, wealso have a few other excellent reads to help you with your air fryer.

  • 13 Different Air Fryer French Fries Recipes
  • 22 Best Ever Air Fryer Burgers
  • 50 Best Ever Air Fryer Desserts
  • How To Cook Frozen Food In The Air Fryer
  • Air Fryer Chicken Marinade Recipes
  • How To Clean Your Air Fryer
  • How To Convert ANY Recipe To The Air Fryer
  • The Deep Fryer Vs The Air Fryer
  • Philips XL Air Fryer Review
  • Air Fryer Accessories

Air Fryer Hacks

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (30)

I wanted to highlight some useful information, that I would want to have read at the time that we got our air fryer. Unfortunately, when we bought our first air fryer, they were very new and not many people knew what to do with them beyond making air fryer French fries.

Here are a few airfryer hacks that I wish I had known all those years ago:

#1 Smokey Food Is ANightmare

Do you ever have a pack of cheap sausages that are ever so fatty? Cook them in the air fryer and you have a problem. Smoke will fill your kitchen and your smoke alarm will go off.

The air fryer won’t catch fire, but you will be in a smoky haze. As well as this when you have eaten and gone back to clean up the air fryer a big lard layer will have developed in the bottom of the air fryer.

If cooking sausages in the air fryer, go for a leanerversion not overly fatty ones.

#2 Preheating Vs NotPreheating Matters

Most people when they cook do not preheat their oven. It isgenerally, just chefs like my husband that do. If he was reading this he wouldbe SHOUTING AT ME telling me that you must preheat the air fryer.

Many air fryer recipes will not include a preheat. If youautomatically preheat you might find that you burn your dinner.

If a recipe doesn’t mention a preheat, don’t preheat as you can overcook your food. Or slash a couple of minutes off the final cooking time.

#3 Size Matters

There are many air fryer recipes for Air Fryer Rotisserie Chicken, the only problem is that it’s never discussed the size of your air fryer vs the size of the chicken.

We have a Philips XL and it just fits a 1 kilo chicken into it. Don’t expect if you have a small air fryer for it to hold a chicken.

#4 Over CrowdingSucks

Love French Fries in the air fryer? Well the secret toperfect French Fries is to not cook too much of them at once and not to add toomuch olive oil.

I adore my fries butif you make too many and try to cook them at once, they will:

  • Stick to one another
  • Become dry
  • Taste like bad oven chips

I recommend that you do no more than 3 portions of French Friesat once. You can always do more of them later!

#5 NEVER Cover TheAir Vent

An air fryer works by blowing around lots of air and the airthen leaves the air fryer via the air vent. However, cover it up and you have afire hazard. The air fryer is safer to use than a deep fat fryer, but you stillmust think of safety first.

One mistake people make is leave a tea towel over it, so pleaseremember to remove any hazards before cooking.

#6 Don’t Add Too MuchOil

Because the air fryer naturally doesn’t need much oil to beable to cook food, it can taste rather awful if you add too much.

Most foods in the air fryer require less than one tablespoonof oil. There are also many foods that require no oil at all.

I also recommend measuring your oil or mixing food in a mixing bowl prior to cooking in the air fryer. This prevents food being too greasy or wasting oil.

My favourite Air Fryer Five Guys French Fries taste better than a lot of air fryer fries because I follow the mixing in a bowl method.

#7 Dirty Air FryerFood Is Horrible

If you don’t clean your air fryer after you have used it, what happens is that you end up with a build-up.

Where the fat from something that you cooked goes to the bottom, then the fat goes around the air fryer next time you cook and makes everything greasy.

Plus (even worse) if you cooked something that had a strongflavour, such as garlic, onions or peppers, all food will taste like that.

Irecommend keeping up with cleaning your air fryer to prevent this fromhappening.

#8 You’ll Want ToSell Stuff

The air fryer is one of those amazing all in one gadget thatcan replace a lot of things that you currently have in your kitchen.

You might look at it now and think about how much room it takesup. But if you have a clear out, you’ll be surprised by how roomy your kitchenwill become.

We found we sold thefollowing:

  • Toaster
  • Grill
  • Toastie Machine
  • Microwave
  • Deep Fat Fryer

We also found ourselves using our oven less and less. Especially when we have an Instant Pot Pressure Cooker and Slow Cooker too.

#9 The Air Fryer CanCure Health Problems

They say to heal yourself naturally should be done throughreal food. Well this is so true when it comes to the air fryer.

Because you can cookyour favourite takeout, fast food and deep-fried favourites in the air fryer fora lot LESS fat you can reduce or cure your:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obesity

That’s because eating from the air fryer a LOT will rid you of your deep fat fryerand other fatty foods in your diet and even if you binge on chocolate inbetween or wine, you’re still healthier than you have ever been.

I used to be obese and the only health complaint I had was PCOS and after a change in diet habits I went on 2 have two more children after 13 years of giving up hope.

#10 You Can Be AsHealthy Or Unhealthy As You Like

Based on #9 you would probably think that its just for healthypeople, but that is not always true.

It can teach you how to reduce your calories withoutimproving your healthy diet. You can be swapping deep fried frozen food for airfried and reduce your calories by 50%.

This works for a lot of people as they can enjoy their Frozen French Fries, Frozen Mozzarella Sticks and Frozen Egg Rolls with a lot less guilt.

Plus, in my opinion these frozen foods in the air fryertaste AMAZING.

In a nutshell #9 only works and cures you if you’re gettingrid of processed foods in your diet, but #10 is great if you just want to dropyour calories and lose weight.

#11 You Will Hate GreasyFood

We went out for fish and chips a couple of years ago andhated it. It was so, so greasy and disgusting. It wasn’t the best fish and chipsand they hadn’t properly drained the oil, BUTwe had the same general opinion for anything deep fried.

Your body, like when you go on a diet, will get used to itsnew food and old greasy deep-fried food will be off putting.

#12 Spill Less &Clean Less

I find that there is a lot of air fryer food that can causea lot of mess if you don’t use air fryer accessories.

Favourites for this are batter recipes such as beer battered fish or homemade chocolate chip cookies. Instead make sure you’re using good air fryer accessories such as a baking mat to reduce on mess.

#13 Shake Food Sometimes

Sometimes you need to shake the food, other times you don’t.It can be confusing as to how often you need to shake your food, or if you needto at all.

The general rule is that if food will stick together thenshake it halfway through cooking. Think French Fries or potato wedges.

Whenever I make French Fries in the air fryer I will cook them for 12 minutes at 160c and then shake them and then crisp them up for 5 minutes at 200c.

Yet I see many other recipes that call for shaking every 3 minutes, which to me is like torture.

#14 Light Items WillTake Off

This is not talked about often, but it is TRUE. The air is circulating around the air fryer and if its not stuck down properly the food takes off. Think wafer thin food that has no weight on it.

For example, warming up a tortilla wrap on its own without any filling to weigh it down. Or melting a slice of cheese.

#15 Temperature Adjustments

Just because you would have a deep fat fryer on high, doesn’t mean that you should with an air fryer. I cook mostly at 180c rather than 200c. 200c is then used mostly for crisping up food, when the cooking time is nearly over.

160c is used for cooking food in the middle and 140c for defrosting. 120c is the temperature for boiling eggs.

#16 Defrosting Works

You can also defrost your food or cook it from frozen in theair fryer. Start the cooking time at 140c and then when it is defrostedincrease the temperature up to cook your food.

I recommend a 5 minute head start at 140c followed by theregular cooking time that you would use if cooking naturally from thawed.

#17 A Good Pair OfTongs

Out of all our general kitchen accessories we use our tongs the most. They are perfect for turning meat, especially air fryer rotisserie chicken. If our air fryer is on in the kitchen, you’ll find our kitchen tongs right beside it.

#18 Good Air Fryer Placement

Keep your air fryer in an area that is easily accessible andthat you can keep your air fryer accessories close by. We have in on a shelfnext to our Instant Pot and the cupboard directly below has our air fryeraccessories in it.

As well as that we also keep it at the opposite side of thekitchen to our smoke alarm. This is because a slightly fatty food will set itoff.

#19 Don’t Cook FoodDirectly In The Bottom

You have an air fryer basket, or the air fryer grilling pan for cooking food in the air fryer. Whatever you do, don’t cook food directly in the bottom of the air fryer.

The same can be said for being cautious around water. Keep your plug and your air fryer away from your sink as accidents can happen.

#20 Not All Air FryersDo The Same Thing

I am sad to say that not all air fryers are as good as each other. We have the Philips XL and we know our readers love the Power Air Fryer or the Tower Air Fryer. But the Tefal has had a lot of complaints from our readers.

Many people quit air frying because they have a bad one.

We recommend that you read the instructions and compare notes with family and friends that also have an air fryer.

Air FryerBeginner Infographic

If you would like even more information about the Air Fryer, then I recommend you check out our air fryer beginner’s infographic.

Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (35)

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Recipe This | How To Get Started With Your Air Fryer (2024)


What is the first thing I should make in my air fryer? ›

Brussels sprouts are the best place to start your air-fried vegetable journey. They crisp up beautifully and take no time at all. If you're making these for a crowd, we suggest frying them up in batches as overcrowding the basket can lead to soggy results.

What are the top 10 foods to cook in an air fryer? ›

Start air frying these 13 foods and watch your cooking time drop and your satisfaction in healthy meals skyrocket!
  • Chicken Breasts. ...
  • Tofu. ...
  • Zoodles. ...
  • Cauliflower Gnocchi. ...
  • Salmon (chopped) ...
  • Chickpeas. ...
  • Personal Pizzas. ...
  • Frozen Cauliflower.
Feb 18, 2020

Why are people getting rid of air fryers? ›

Air fryers, once hailed as a kitchen revolution, are now being sidelined by some users. But why are people getting rid of air fryers? This concise exploration uncovers the primary concerns: they're bulky, they have limited cooking uses, and they often don't deliver on the promise of crispy, tasty food.

What is the first thing you do when you buy an air fryer? ›

Some manufacturers recommend running the air fryer empty for 10 minutes before you actually cook with it, to let it off-gas. There might be a slightly chemical smell (one manual referred to it as a “new appliance smell”), so have the vents on or windows open.

What 5 foods should you not put in an air fryer? ›

Take a gander of this list of top foods that should never make their way into your air fryer.
  • Wet Batters. ...
  • Cheesy Items. ...
  • Large, Bone-In Meat Cuts. ...
  • Baked Goods. ...
  • Greens. ...
  • Raw Rice and Other Grains. ...
  • Too Much of Anything.
Apr 14, 2023

How do you cook in an air fryer for beginners? ›

How to Use an Air Fry Oven
  1. SET UP YOUR AIR FRYER. Before you dive into your first recipe, take a few minutes to properly prepare your air fryer for use. ...
  2. PREPARE FOOD. ...
  4. PREHEAT. ...
  7. REMOVE FOOD. ...

Can you put raw meat in an airfryer? ›

It is safe to cook raw meat in the air fryer if it is fully defrosted, seasoned, and monitored. Some fully cooked foods, including chicken tenders or fries, can be placed frozen in the air fryer. However, with raw meat, it's recommended to thoroughly defrost to allow more even cooking and a tasty final product.

What is the best meat to air fry? ›

As with all dry-heat cooker methods (grilling, broiling, pan frying and oven roasting), tender beef cuts perform best in the air fryer. Those cuts include Top Sirloin, KC Strip, Ribeye, Tenderloin and Tri Tip. Ground beef also can be easily prepared in an air fryer.

Can I fry an egg in an air fryer? ›

Place it in the fryer basket and preheat it for 5 minutes at 400°F (204 °C). Crack an egg to a small cup and slide the egg to the hot pan. Air fry at 350°F (177°C) for 3 minutes for a sunny side over easy fried egg. If you prefer a fried egg with medium egg yolk, add 1 more minute to the cooking time.

Why do chefs hate air fryers? ›

Some say it's too good to be true, that you can't effectively “fry” something with a few tablespoons of oil and hot circulating air. Some say yeah, it works but it takes up too much countertop space for what it's worth.

What is negative about air fryers? ›

Air fryer health risks

COPs are linked to an increase in heart disease, cancer and other medical conditions. You may have also heard about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are carcinogens that are produced as fumes when foods are cooked at a high temperature.

Is there something better than an air fryer? ›

Versatility: Instant Pots have many capabilities compared to air fryers. Cooking times: Instant Pots can often prepare food more quickly than air fryers. Food choices: Although both small kitchen appliances can prepare a wide range of foods, Instant Pots offer more recipe options.

Do you put oil on food before Airfryer? ›

While you would typically add oil to a pan before adding your food, the case is not the same when using an air fryer. In a bowl, toss your food in a few teaspoons of vegetable oil or olive oil along with your seasoning before putting it in the air fryer. This method works best for cooking fresh meats and vegetables.

What is the trick for using an air fryer? ›

Expert tips to get the best results
  • Add an extra shake. Most air fryer models will advise you to remove the cooking basket and give it a shake once or twice during the cooking process. ...
  • Lay down foil for crumbed foods.
Jan 5, 2024

What is the general rule for cooking in the air fryer? ›

When taking a recipe from oven to air fryer, the general rule is to reduce the temperature by 20ºC – 30ºC, and cook for 20% less time.

How do you arrange food in an air fryer? ›

Don't overcrowd the fryer basket. In fact, the results are best when you arrange foods in a single layer if possible. This ensures foods like Trader Joe's shrimp pops (an employee favorite), come out with a light and crispy, non-soggy exterior.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.