Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (2024)

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Have you ever wished that you could bottle up a moment and save it, maybe to divvy out a few drops at a time, to experience the sheer pleasure of a certain season or period in your life over and over again?

Trust me when I say that no matter how busy you are right now, you need to drop everything and pause for a minute to let me tell you about this recipe.

This tomato jam is the essence of summer.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (1)

It’s outdoor picnics enjoyed while the sun sets in the distance. It’s the bottled version of long summer nights, and roads lined with cornfields.

It’s spoonfuls of Saturday morning farmers markets and months of vacation from school, when the weeks stretch out before you, never rising until late morning when the temperature is just beginning to creep upwards as an indicator of the steamy afternoon to come.

It’s a reminder of visits to the pool and the lake and your friends’ houses, when everything smells like cut grass and hot asphalt, with just a hint of the sweet aroma of your neighbor’s rows upon rows of flowers wafting by on a warm breeze.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (2)

And look, you don’t have to believe me – yet. But to say that this tomato jam will change your life is no exaggeration.

It’s a unique variation to your typical summery varieties of fruit spreads, like peach or strawberry basil.

But when you try it at home and see for yourself what happens to a pound and a half of freshly picked, blanched, and peeled sweet tomatoes (ones that you plucked from your own garden, or picked up from a roadside stand) you will start to believe in the magic of this recipe.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (3)

When they’re combined with onions, basil, honey, and spices, and left to simmer low and slow, releasing their juices and breaking down and turning into something else entirely, you will know that alchemy is real, because you will have created a substance that is roughly the equivalent of tomato gold.

Pure gold.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (4)

Herbivoracious: A Flavor Revolution with 150 Vibrant and Original Vegetarian Recipes

This is the tomato jam I’ve dreamed of making ever since I first opened Michael Natkin’s “Herbivoracious” cookbook, which is available on Amazon. It’s the tomato jam that’s worth using your precious fresh garden tomatoes to make, or the most perfect specimens from the market. It’s the tomato jam that you will watch transforming into something downright incredible on your stovetop, and you will find yourself remembering what it is to truly be amazed.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (5)

You can spread it on portobello mushrooms, fresh off the grill; slather it on your morning toast, alongside your eggs; sandwich it with fresh mozzarella and basil on buttered sourdough, to make a grilled cheese that tastes like the summer evenings that I remember spending at Spacca Napoli in Chicago, and that will remind you of your own cherished summer moments.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (6)

In other words, like avocados, like love, like summer itself, this tomato jam is something to celebrate – for its ability to surprise you, for its pure delicious magic, for its rare and uncanny ability to not only make good on its promises, but to be better than you ever dreamed it could be.

Make it, try it, and share it with your loved ones; it will be worth your time. This is a deceptively simple recipe that will bring you joy, and allow you to experience the simple pleasures of summer at every meal.


Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (7)

Homemade Tomato Jam

★★★★★5 from 3 reviews
  • Author: Shanna Mallon
  • Total Time: 1 hour 35 minutes
  • Yield: 2 cups 1x
Print Recipe


Keep the flavor of summer alive with homemade sweet and savory tomato jam. This condiment will become a favorite at every meal.



  • 3 lbs ripe tomatoes
  • 1/2 cup finely diced white onion
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup chopped basil leaves
  • 2 Tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper


  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil, and blanch the tomatoes a few at a time, until the peels loosen (about 1 minute). Transfer immediately to an ice bath to cool, and peel carefully. Remove the cores and dice.
  2. Place the diced tomatoes in a large saucepan with the rest of the ingredients, and stir to combine. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium-high heat, then reduce the temperature to medium, keeping a slow simmer going.
  3. Cook for 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally and adjusting the heat as needed, until the mixture is thick and syrupy. Remove from the heat and transfer to another container to cool.
  4. Serve at room temperature, or store in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to three days.


Adapted from Herbivoracious by Michael Natkin.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 90 minutes
  • Category: Jam
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: Condiments

Keywords: tomato jam, tomato, basil, summer

Cooking By the Numbers…

Step 1 – Prep and Measure Ingredients

Wash all of the produce well, and measure out your honey and spices.

Juice the lemon, and remove any seeds if necessary.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (8)

Get out a sturdy cutting board and your favorite chef’s knife. Dice the onion and set it aside. Fighting to stop those tears? Check out our tips.

Remove the stems from the basil and discard (or save them for use in a homemade vegetable stock). Chop the leaves and set them aside.

Step 2 – Blanch and Peel Tomatoes

Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat. Cut a shallow X in the peel of the blossom end of each tomato (opposite the stem). Fill a large bowl with ice and water to make an ice bath, and set it aside.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (9)

Add the tomatoes in batches to the boiling water. Once the skin begins to separate, wrinkling and splitting in some places after about 45 seconds to 1 minute, remove from the water using a slotted spoon and transfer to the ice bath.

Allow the water to return to a boil between batches if necessary, and repeat the process until all of the tomatoes have been blanched.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (10)

When they are cooled enough to handle, carefully peel, core, and dice the tomatoes, and place them in a large saucepan or small stockpot.

Step 3 – Cook

To make the jam, add the lemon juice, onion, basil, honey, salt, black pepper, and cayenne to the pot. Stir to combine.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (11)

Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium-high heat, then reduce to medium. Keep the mixture simmering until it is thick and syrupy, stirring occasionally. This will take about 1-2 hours (it took 1 1/2 hours for me).

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (12)

Do not allow the mixture to boil or stick to the bottom of the pan while it is cooking. You don’t want your jam to burn.

Step 4 – Cool and Store

Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the jam come to room temperature before storing in an airtight container. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Why Does Homemade Taste So Much Better?

Sometimes, when I look at certain recipes, I have a slight hesitation.

Here’s what goes through my head: “Is it really worth spending the time to make this from scratch when I could just look for it at the store?”

Then I remember, the answer to this question is always yes. There’s a reason that everyone keeps saying homemade always tastes better – because it is 100% true.

The beauty of this recipe is that you can maximize the flavors of the summer garden without using any processed of chemically altered ingredients, so you know that it is fresh. Not to mention, making this tomato jam is a total breeze.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (13)

The only major time investment you have to make is while you’re waiting for it to cook down over the stove. But this gives you plenty of time to do other things, and you don’t have to hover!

Clean the kitchen, read a few chapters of a good book, chill with a glass of wine… think of this as an opportunity to get something done that you might not otherwise, or to just sit back, relax, and enjoy those delicious aromas that are wafting over from the stove.

Trust me when I say, once you taste it, you’ll be ecstatic that you decided to make it from scratch.

Tell us what you would use this jam for first in the comments below, and be sure to give the recipe a five-star rating if you loved it!

Photos by Meghan Yager, © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Originally published on June 22, 2012. Last updated: October 16, 2023 at 11:12 am. With additional writing and editing by Meghan Yager and Allison Sidhu.

Nutritional information derived from a database of known generic and branded foods and ingredients and was not compiled by a registered dietitian or submitted for lab testing. It should be viewed as an approximation.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (14)

About Shanna Mallon

Shanna Mallon is a freelance writer who holds an MA in writing from DePaul University. Her work has been featured in a variety of media outlets, including The Kitchn, Better Homes & Gardens, Taste of Home,, Foodista, Entrepreneur, and Ragan PR. In 2014, she co-authored The Einkorn Cookbook with her husband, Tim. Today, you can find her digging into food topics and celebrating the everyday grace of eating on her blog, Go Eat Your Bread with Joy. Shanna lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with Tim and their two small kids.

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Recipe for the Best Tomato Jam, Made from Scratch | Foodal (2024)


Why isn t my tomato jam thickening? ›

Cook it again.

Cooking jam without pectin requires practice and patience. A runny batch happens even to the best home jammers. If, after waiting, you find the jam is still too loose for your liking, empty the jars back into a wide pot and cook again. Wash and sterilize the jars and try again.

What is tomato jam called? ›

Tomato jam, also called Marmellata di Pomodoro, tomato marmalade or tomato preserves, is a sweet and savory condiment made from tomatoes and sugar, and typically will have some spices as well. The texture is thick and spreadable with a consistency similar to your classic fruit jams.

What's the difference between tomato sauce and tomato jam? ›

You need sugar for the kind of gooey, sticky quality we associate with jam; otherwise, all you're producing is a tomato sauce, no matter how different the flavor is from the classic. Once you add that sugar, however, you need acid, because even though tomatoes are plenty acidic, they can't counter all that sugar.

How do you thicken tomato jam without pectin? ›

1. Add chia seeds to the recipe. Chia seed jam is a method of making jam that requires no cooking. The chia seeds soak up the juice and moisture from fruit purée and plump up, giving a thickening effect to the jam without using heat or added sugar or pectin.

How to thicken up tomato jam? ›

Simmer the jam until thickened, about 2 hours.

Reduce the heat to medium and gently boil, stirring occasionally, until thick and jammy, about 2 hours. You'll know it's done when you scrape a spoon across the bottom of the pot and no liquid fills in the path.

What not to do when making jam? ›

How to make jam: mistakes to avoid
  1. Confusing jam with marmalade.
  2. Don't be equipped, at least a little bit.
  3. Think that pectin powder is the enemy.
  4. Choose the most ripe fruit.
  5. Creatively interpret the fruit/sugar ratio.
  6. Neglect cooking.
  7. Don't know what to do with the surface foam.
  8. Skip the saucer test.

What is the secret in making jam? ›

Pectin, naturally found in fruit is vital to make your jam set. With low-pectin fruits like strawberries, help them along by either mixing with pectin-rich fruit like gooseberries or by using jam sugar (with added pectin and citric acid).

How to make jam more flavorful? ›

Get herbaceous.

Classic jams are made simply with fruit, sugar, lemon juice, and sometimes pectin, but there's a lot of latitude to get creative with other flavors. I love pairing fruit with herbs such as rosemary, mint, thyme, basil, and lemongrass.

What is tomato jam made of? ›

Combine tomatoes, sugar, lemon juice, ginger, red pepper flakes, salt, cinnamon, and cumin in a large, heavy-bottomed pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer until mixture reaches a thick, jam-like consistency, about 2 1/2 hours.

Which tomatoes have the most pectin? ›

If you are looking for a non-red paste variety, try Italian Gold which is a compact pear shaped tomato that contains higher pectin making it great for canning or freezing. Other popular paste tomato varieties for canning are Hogheart, Granadero, Opalka, Oxheart, and Roman Candle.

What are the benefits of tomato jam? ›

Benefits of tomato jam

On the other hand, tomato jam is rich in magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins B, C and A, which is why it helps protect the immune system, as well as being a great ally in skin and eye care.

Does tomato jam taste like ketchup? ›

Tomato jam might sound strange to you- but we promise it's delicious. It's been described as “a cross between marmalade and ketchup,” but we think the result is a lot more complex and refined than either!

What do they call tomato sauce in England? ›

In Britain, the word ketchup is used, but it's also often called tomato sauce, which sounds confusing if you're a fan of Italian food; in North America tomato sauce goes on pasta and pizza, not French fries.

Does tomatoes make ketchup a jam if they are a fruit? ›

A jam is made from boiling fruit or berries with sugar to a thickened consistency. Ketchup has, in various amounts: sugar, vinegar, and spices. Some people do make tomato jam, with tomatoes and sugar.

How can I thicken jam that didn't set? ›

For every 4 cups of jam that needs to be remade, whisk together 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon powdered pectin. Pour the jam into a low, wide pan and add the sugar and pectin combo. Stir until the sugar and pectin has dissolved.

Can I reboil jam that hasn't set? ›

If the jam is still liquid then we don't particularly recommend reboiling. It can be tried but there is a risk that the jam becomes over boiled, which also means that it will not set. The jam can also burn much more easily when reboiled. The thin jam can be repurposed as a sweet chilli sauce.

How to thicken jelly that didn't set? ›

Measure 15 mL (1 tbsp) water and 7 mL (1/1/2 tsp) powdered pectin for each 250 mL (1 cup) of jelly or jam. Place in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring until powdered pectin is dissolved. Add to the sugar and fruit mixture and stir until blended (about 2 to 3 minutes) pour into clean, sterilized containers.

Will jam thicken as it cools? ›

Once the jam is done cooking, it may look a little thin, but just remember that it will thicken in the fridge as it cools. For a thicker version (good for fruits that are low in pectin, like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and peaches), add a tablespoon of pectin powder.

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