Recipe Converter Calculator - (2024)

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Round conversion to nearest cooking fraction. (Nearest 1/8th)

Include original recipe in conversion.


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Recipe Converter Calculator - (4) Recipe Converter Calculator - (5)

The recipe converter (also known as a recipe calculator, recipe multiplier, recipe divider, recipe scaler, or serving sizer) is a kitchen tool that can be used to help you multiply, divide, portion, or scale your recipes to a desired yield or serving size. It's almost as easy as copy, paste, convert!

View the video tutorial, see the instructions below, or visit the Tutorial section for details on how to use the recipe converter.

You can also download the App (currently only available on Android and Kindle devices), which includes most of the conversion tools found on our website and additional tools such as an ingredient unit converter that allows you to convert between volume and weight measurements for more then 250 ingredients!

To hear about the latest updates to our site or app, follow our Facebook page.

(Recipe Calculator / Recipe Multiplier / Recipe Divider / Serving Sizer / Recipe Scaler)

Recipe Converter Calculator - (6)

  1. Enter the title of the recipe (optional)
  2. Type in or copy and paste the ingredients section of a recipe into the ingredient list text area.

    Note: The copy and paste feature may not work properly for some recipe sites or food blogs due to the way the site formats their text. The copy and paste feature may also not work properly for certain mobile browsers. If this happens, the ingredients can be typed in or each line that was pasted into the text area can be edited. See below comments for details.

  3. If necessary, edit the ingredients so that they are in standard recipe format and each word or number is separated by a space.
    (The standard recipe format for ingredients starts with the quantity, followed by the unit measure, and ends with the ingredient.)

    1 quart milk

  4. Edit the recipe so that each ingredient line is on a new line. (New lines are created by pressing enter.)

    1 cup milk
    2 Tbs sugar
    1 tsp salt

  5. Edit each line so that quantities and words are separated by a space.
  6. Check the "Round conversion to nearest cooking fraction" box if you want the converted ingredient quantities to be rounded to the nearest cooking fraction. (Checked by default).

    Note: When rounding to nearest fraction, any quantities less than 1/8 will be rounded up to 1/8.

  7. Check the "Include original recipe in conversion" box if you want to include the original recipe in the converted recipe text area. (Unchecked by default)
  8. Click the corresponding tab to choose to convert by portion or by multiplier/divider.
  9. Enter a recipe multiplier/divider, or enter an original size(serving/yield) and a desired size(serving/yield).
  10. Press the multiply, divide, or portion button and the converted recipe will be displayed in the converted recipe text area.

    Note: Only numbers placed at the beginning of each line will be automatically converted. To convert other numbers that are on the same line, use the ## operator to indicate that you would like that number to be converted. To use the ## operator, place a ## in front of each number you would like to convert while leaving a space after that number. The ## operator can be placed in front of a number that is in decimal or fraction format.

    1 1/4 cup banana (about ##3 bananas)
    3/4 cup butter (##1 1/2 sticks)
    1 cup sugar (##200 g)
    1 pound ##5 ounces flour
    3 to ##4 eggs

    For more tips on how to use the ## operator, visit our How to use scale operators section. See comments below for other details.
  11. Check the converted recipe for correctness. If necessary, the converted recipe can be manually edited.
  12. The converted recipe can be printed or copied and pasted into a document.


  1. Fractions can be entered as a quantity. When using fractions, separate whole numbers from fractions with a space.

    One-third = "1/3", one and one-half = "1 1/2".

  2. Make sure to remove any bullet points that may appear before the quantity or at the start of each line.
  3. Ingredients do not require a unit measure.

    1 watermelon = "1 watermelon".

  4. Ingredients that have a quantity range will not convert properly. To accomplish this, please see the note about using the "##" operator above.

    "3 to 4 cups bananas" (multiplied by 2) will incorrectly be converted to: "6 to 4 cups bananas"
    "3-4 cups bananas" (multiplied by 2) will not be converted and will display the original text.

  5. Always check the converted recipe for correctness.
  6. Check to make sure the cooking/baking instructions are updated as a result of the conversion.
Recipe Converter Calculator - (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 6267

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.