Real Estate Syndication Structure (Explained) | SyndicationPro (2024)

Real estate syndication is among the lucrative businesses in the modern era. The introduction of the JOBS Act in 2012 has opened the doors of this business to inexperienced, non-accredited investors. However, it is crucial to understand the structure and investor earning distribution in real estate syndication.

For instance, investors pool their investment along with a syndicator to acquire a 50-unit apartment building in a prime location. The syndicator promises investors certain returns on a long-term basis. Where does this money come from?

In this article, let's figure out the investment distribution in real estate syndication.

The Parties Involved in a Real Estate Syndication

Real estate syndication comprises two significant stakeholders

  • Sponsor or syndicator acting as General Partner and
  • Passive Investors, who are Limited Partners.

The sponsor's capital share may vary from 5% to 20%. To raise the remaining capital, passive investors pool their financial resources under the leadership of the syndicator. They own the property collectively.

Usually, passive investors get 70% of the profit. In comparison, the syndicator gets 30%, along with sponsor fees. The syndicator is responsible for finances, decisions for investment management, and routine administration.

Understanding the Two Primary Real Estate Syndication Structures

In real estate syndication, there are two primary structures used to organize and manage investments: the legal entity structure (organizational structure) and the real estate syndication structure (deal structure).

Let’s under both:

1. The Entity Structure, a.k.a, Organisational Structure

The entity structure of a real estate syndication refers to the legal and organizational framework of the syndication between the two parties. It defines how the syndication is formed, managed, and how profits and losses are distributed among the participants.

  • Limited Partnership (LP):
    • The syndication becomes a limited partnership. This is the most commonly used real estate syndication structure. In this, there are primarily two parties involved, i.e., the General Partner (GP) and Limited Partners (LP), as explained above.
    • The GP is the sponsor who takes on the maximum responsibility for the syndication, whereas the LPs are the passive investors who contribute capital and share profits and losses. They typically have limited liability and involvement in management.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC):
    • Sometimes a real estate syndication can take the form of LLC. Compared to a Limited Partnership (LP), an LLC offers more flexibility in terms of management. There can be multiple managers, or the management role can be assigned to specific members.
    • A key benefit of using an LLC is the limited liability. This means the personal assets of the investors are shielded from liability if the syndication encounters lawsuits or debts. Only the assets owned by the LLC itself are at risk.

2. The Real Estate Syndication Structure, a.k.a the Deal Structure

The real estate syndication structure, also known as the deal structure, is all about how the profits and any gains generated by the real estate investment itself are divided between the LPs and GPs.

  • Straight Split

This is the simpler and more straightforward structure. It emphasizes on a predetermined proportional sharing of all capital gains and cash flow between the GP and LP. This is based on the ownership percentages defined in the syndication agreement.The split can range anywhere between 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20 and 90/10. For example, if the agreement states that there will be a 80/20 straight split, 80% of the cash flow and capital gains will go towards LP and 20% will go towards GP.

For example, let’s say that in a syndication, there is a $200,000 cash flow which is to be distributed amongst GP and LPs at a 80/20 straight split. This means 80% of the cash flow will be distributed amongst the LPs and the remaining 20% will go to the GP (sponsor).
So, 80% of 200,000 = $160,000. That means $160,000 will be distributed amongst LPs. The remaining 20%, i.e., $40,000 will go to the sponsor.

  • Waterfall

This is a more complex structure that prioritizes returns for LPs before the GP receives a significant share of the profits. It uses a tiered approach to distribute cash flow and eventual sale proceeds.These profits are distributed sequentially in accordance with predetermined tiers outlined in the waterfall structure. Each tier represents a different level of priority for distribution.The first tier is Return of Capital (ROC). In this tier, all cash flow from the investment initially goes towards returning the LPs' initial capital contribution. This includes the money they invested in the property itself.

Then, the next tier utilizes the ‘preferred return’ method where LPs receive a fixed annual percentage return (e.g., 8%) on their investment before any profits are distributed to the GP. This means that the LPs receive 100% of the first 8% of the returns and any amount that remains after the LPs are paid, it goes to the GP.After that, GP Catch-up can be incorporated. It is a provision for the GP to receive a larger share of profits after a certain point. This "catch-up" can occur after LPs have recouped their initial investment and received their preferred return for a set period. This incentivizes the GP to focus on long-term value creation for the property as their interests become more aligned with LPs in the later stages.

Standard Real Estate Investment Distribution

Now, usually, the cycle for distribution is predefined in the agreement. Meanwhile, investors receive regular communication from the syndicators regarding the upgrade and repairs of the property and the periodic financial statements.

The distribution may be carried out usually quarterly or, in some cases, monthly. The syndicators calculate the profit and divide it for every investor. The investors' profit shares depend upon their agreed-upon percentage and the contribution in the capital investment.

Calculating the Returns for Investors

Calculation of the investor earning distribution is a crucial part of the financial accounting of any real estate syndication. Let's analyze the process in a simplified manner:

  • Gross Rental Income

Let's continue with the previous example- The 50-unit apartment building.

Considering the rental rate of $500 per month, and considering that all units are filled,

Gross Rental Income Per Month will be 50 Units * $500, totaling $25000.

So, the Annual Gross Rental Income will be $300,000.

Here, we haven't considered the vacant units and the expenses. So, naturally, any investor will not receive the total sum of gross rental income as the real estate investment distribution.

Expenses: The Other Side of the Coin

Mortgage Installments

While acquiring the property, syndicators usually get a mortgage. Repayment of the mortgage is their liability. The installments are paid from the rental income the syndication makes.Usually, syndicators close a deal when they have sufficient funds to make the down payment for the mortgage and pay the processing charges. Later, they raise funds by convincing more potential investors.

Renovation and Maintenance

Property with better amenities attracts more high-paying tenants. The syndicators may renovate the parking lot, the gardens and plantations, and other social amenities within the apartment building to attract the tenants. The cost for upgrades is an essential aspect of expenses.


Any real estate syndication needs to comply with the norms of the SEC and the regional authorities. Some taxes are applicable, like property tax, which will be paid out of the rental income.

Net Rental Income

The net rental income of the real estate syndication is the difference between the gross rental income and the total expenses.

The real estate investment distribution is usually lucrative if the syndicators strike a proper balance.

  1. The capital investment to acquire the property and
  2. The rental income or cash flow it generates, in the long run

Investor Earning Distribution

Now, let's turn to the eternal question- What will an investor get as a return on investment?

Syndicators calculate the net rental income and distribute the predefined share to the investor community.

Here, investor earning distributions depend upon the initial capital investment of every investor. So, the investment distribution will be directly proportionate to the initial funds deposited by every investor.

Investors' Share During Exit

It is important to note that the recurring rental profit share is a part of the ROI every investor receives. The crucial game is to work with experienced syndicators. Choose syndicators who know real estate investment management and possess a successful track record.

Usually, the holding period of a multifamily apartment will be 5 to 10 years. Investors can discuss this with the syndicators initially or during any stage. The recurring quarterly passive income will keep flowing to the investors up to this period.

What happens next?

Syndicators discuss their exit strategy and alternate plans initially. After a considerable holding period, syndicators start looking for a buyer for the property. If they find a profitable deal, they will sell the property at a better price.

At this stage, the investors will get their initial capital back. Is that all they receive? Wait! The good news is here- Investors also receive a profit share in the appreciation.

Importantly, all this chaos can be managed efficiently by adopting the best real estate syndication software. The tool for syndicators and investors helps you accelerate the business. It keeps various operations on the auto-pilot mode so that real estate syndicators can spend more time closing more deals!

To help you understand the concept of real estate investment distribution better, we have created an infographic. The infographic covers various aspects discussed in the article briefly. We hope that the infographic will help you remember the process quickly. Here is the infographic:

Real Estate Syndication Structure (Explained) | SyndicationPro (1)

The Final Thoughts

This article explains the process of real estate investor earning distribution from a real estate syndication's perspective. We are sure that the various aspects of calculating the profits and sharing it among investors will be helpful.

Never rely on conventional methods for real estate investment distribution. Switch to the most appreciated real estate syndication software to attain more transparency, better efficiency and to enjoy its time-saving features. Take your growth in real estate syndication to the next level by adopting the best investor management portal today!

Real Estate Syndication Structure (Explained) | SyndicationPro (2024)


Real Estate Syndication Structure (Explained) | SyndicationPro? ›

The entity structure of a real estate syndication refers to the legal and organizational framework of the syndication between the two parties. It defines how the syndication is formed, managed, and how profits and losses are distributed among the participants. Limited Partnership (LP):

What is the legal structure of a real estate syndication? ›

A Syndication is a framework that enables private investors to acquire a fractional share of any commercial real estate property and generate passive income. The parties involved in a syndication are the General Partner (GP) and the investors, also known as Limited Partners (LP).

What is the payout structure of a real estate syndication? ›

If a property deal is structured with an 80/20 split, 80 percent of all financial returns will be issued to the passive investors. Twenty percent will be issued to the sponsor. This percentage will be used for each investment deal, regardless of whether the returns equal $100 or $200,000.

How is a syndicate structured? ›

A syndicate is a temporary alliance formed by professionals to handle a large transaction that would be impossible to execute individually. By forming a syndicate, members can pool their resources together, and share in both the risks and the potential for attractive returns.

What are the three phases of real estate syndication? ›

The three phases of syndication—origination, operation, and liquidation—form the backbone of successful real estate investment syndicates.

What is the profit split in real estate syndication? ›

The split can vary from 90/10 to 50/50 with 70/30 being very common. For example, let's assume the profit split is 70/30. This means that the passive investor gets 70% of the annual cashflow and the GP gets 30%. At the time of sale, the passive investor gets their money back plus 70% of the capital gain.

Who owns the property in a syndication? ›

The sponsor's capital share may vary from 5% to 20%. To raise the remaining capital, passive investors pool their financial resources under the leadership of the syndicator. They own the property collectively.

What is a 70 30 split in real estate syndication? ›

The split structure in a real estate syndication deal considers both cash flow and profits from the sale. During the hold period, the primary proceeds are cash flow dollars from tenants' rent. 70% of the cash flow goes to the limited partners and 30% to the general partners.

How do real estate syndications pay out? ›

Investors in real estate syndications make money by receiving equity after the liquidation phase of a property. Generally, the sponsor makes between 30% and 40% of profits. Meanwhile, the investors split the remaining 70% to 60%. Both the sponsor and the hands-off investors stand to make a fair share of the profit.

What is a good return for a real estate syndication? ›

Though it varies depending on the company, syndications typically last at least three years and earn anywhere between 7% to 10% per year in property rental income. This is referred to as your cash-on-cash return and is distributed to passive investors as monthly or annual distributions.

Is real estate syndication worth it? ›

Syndication has a lower volatility risk. They are a long-term investment that can be held for decades. You won't need to sell them when real estate values fall, and you can wait for the market to recover. It allows you to hold on to your investment for more extended periods of time without having to sell at a loss.

What are the disadvantages of syndicate? ›

The Cons of Syndication

Perhaps the largest drawback of syndication is the aspect of group mentality and decision-making. This is especially true when it comes to multiple companies or corporations banding together to work on a specific project or task.

What is the minimum investment for real estate syndication? ›

Through the real estate syndication offering, passive investors can invest their capital as limited partners alongside the sponsors and share in the returns. The minimum investment amount can vary from syndication to syndication, but it's typically $50,000 or more.

What are the risks of real estate syndication? ›

Legal risk: Real estate syndications are subject to federal and state securities laws, and non-compliance can result in penalties and legal action. Liquidity risk: Real estate syndications typically involve a long-term investment, and there may not be a ready market to sell the investment if needed.

What is the payout structure of syndication? ›

Syndications can be structured in any number of ways, but one common split is that the passive investors, or limited partners, get 70% of the profits. The active investors, or sponsors, earn the remaining 30% plus sponsor fees.

What is the yield of a real estate syndication? ›

A Summary of the Returns You Can Expect From Real Estate Syndications
  • 5-year hold on real estate assets.
  • 6-8% average annual cash-on-cash returns, or cash flow distributions.
  • 6-8% preferred returns that will accrue throughout the lifecycle of the deal.
  • 40-60% profits upon sale of the asset in year five-ish.
Jul 23, 2024

Are real estate syndications regulated? ›

Legal risk: Real estate syndications are subject to federal and state securities laws, and non-compliance can result in penalties and legal action.

What is the legal structure of a REIT? ›

A REIT is similar to a regular corporation but has a few crucial differences. For example, REITs do not pay federal corporate income tax on REIT-level income paid to shareholders. As a result, if a REIT earns $100 of income and distributes $100 to its shareholders, the REIT does not have to pay tax on that income.

What are the requirements for syndication? ›

Requirements for investing in real estate syndications

Generally, you have to be an accredited investor to invest in a syndication. In other words, you have to have high-income or a high net-worth to invest in syndications. It is possible to invest in a syndication if you're NOT an accredited investor.

What are the two types of syndication in real estate? ›

506(c) vs 506(b) Syndications

There are two basic types of real estate syndications, distinguished by the types of investors that may enter into them. A 506(c) syndication is for accredited investors only and may be advertised publicly, while 506(b) syndications are open to non-accredited investors.

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