Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (2024)

Farming Ideas For Real Estate Agents

1. Real Estate Farming: Use Neighborhood Hashtags

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (1)

Real Estate Farming: Use Neighborhood Hashtags

Neighborhood hashtags help you be seen in a multitude of social media forums. When you post on social media use hashtags so your posts will show up in the appropriate threads and neighborhood feeds.

These posts sit out there forever so they’ll be constantly working for you.

Research and use common tags for the community you’re farming. Using hashtags effectively in social media is a great way to expose people in the neighborhoods you’re farming to you and it builds your brand awareness.

Get Your "How To Use Hashtags Effectively" Guide

2. Attend Your Farming Area’s City and County Meetings

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (2)

Attend Your Farming Area’s City and County Meetings

Be the consummate community expert by attending the city and county meetings.

You can do this online or in person.

Stay apprised of upcoming changes and challenges the city is facing. Take local decision makers out for lunch or coffee and get the real story on what’s going on in the area.

Report pertinent information in your market updates and your Real Estate E-Zine.

Become a real estate data nerd for your area.

3. Mail 4″ x 6″ Real Estate Farming Postcards To Stand Out

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (3)

Sample Farming Postcard

Mail 4″ x 6″ Real Estate Farming Postcards To Stand Out

If you’re going to spend time and money on postcards make sure you grab their attention.

Use a 4″ x 6″ size for your real estate farming postcards. Postcards get noticed more than a letter. Often, people don’t even open an envelope but a 4″ x 6″ postcard certainly captures the recipients attention.

Speak with your preferred title companies and lenders and ask if they’ll subsidize some of the investment. Some may partner with you on these real estate postcards. Many title companies will provide the addresses and mailing labels.

Mail real estate farming postcards at least quarterly to the same address. Mail more often if possible. This is a strategy that works if you stay committed to it.

One mailing won’t do much for you. STAY CONSISTENT with your mailings.

The real estate agents who stay consistent with mailing farming postcards to the same community year after year see results and a nice return.

Wise Pelican or other real estate postcard marketing companies can help curtail time and make the process much easier if you don’t want to go the DIY route.

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (4)

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (5)

Create A Community Facebook Group For Your Farming Area

Become a knowledgeable resource when real estate farming. Include local events, homeowner tips, homes available in the area and other posts to help make a connection with your farm area. Use these social media post ideas for help on what to post.

Creating and growing a community facebook group is a great way to become known in a particular geographic area.

Follow these tip for the best ways to market and grow your own community group.

5. Always Get Email Addresses When Farming

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (6)

Always Get Email Addresses When Farming

When you speak with someone in the area you’re farming, simply say “Would you mind if I send you market updates, sales activities and events going on in the neighborhood?…What’s your email address.”

While you’re at it get their phone number too. After they give you their email simply say “and your phone number is?” and wait for them to respond.

Make sure you follow up with a personal email soon afterward.Send them your most recent Strategic E-Zine (Strategic Real Estate Newsletter.)

If you’ve left a swag bag at their home, follow up with a personal email. Use these tips to locate email addresses.

How To Farm An Area In Real Estate: Get Your PDF Guide

6. Give Swag Bags To Your Real Estate Farming Community

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (7)

Give Swag Bags To Your Real Estate Farming Community

Include items in your swag bag in which homeowners find useful.

Partner with local businesses and ask them to include items for your swag bag.

Include information on your business, testimonials and other information to acquaint the homeowner with you and your business.

Give promotional swag bags to your local community centers, clubs, and golf courses.

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (8)

7. Host Community Events For Your Real Estate Farming Area

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (9)

Host Community Events For Your Real Estate Farming Area

Host neighborhood and community events for your farming area. Team up with the local fire department in October for Fire Safety month and create an event around this theme.

Help the local HOA and sponsor their next meeting. Everyone loves great food and desserts. Enlist the help of a local business and provide excellent refreshments at the next meeting.

Use these 10 Tips To Hosting A Great Community Event

8. Take Neighborhood Walks To Farm An Area Effectively

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (10)

Take Neighborhood Walks To Farm An Area Effectively

Walking a neighborhood is a great way to become known in a neighborhood and pick up listings. Be prepared as you’re walking the community. Doorknock.

Be sure to watch the video below for ideas on your approach.

Have your cell phone or tablet on hand and consider dropping off some swag bags.

Connect with the homeowners and be ready with the RPR Neighborhood Activity Report.

Ensure you get their emails. Simply say “Would you mind if I sent you the neighborhood market updates?

It keeps you informed of the current market value of the homes in the neighborhood and the sales activity.”

You’ll find most people will reply with a “sure” and they’ll give you their email.

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (11)

9. Email Market Updates To Your Real Estate Farming Community

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (12)

Email Market Updates To Your Real Estate Farming Community

People love to hear how the real estate market is doing in there area. Is the market appreciating, depreciating? How long do homes stay on the market? What’s going on in the local real estate market?

Email quality market updates.Learn how to create impressive real estate reports.

Be sure to include this information on your real estate website. Include a link to your website from your emailed market report. Encourage them to use your branded website.

10. Excel At Digital Farming

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (13)

Excel At Digital Farming

Digital farming in real estate is the strategic use of digital tools and platforms to identify, engage, and build relationships with potential buyers and sellers in a specific geographic area or niche.

The aim is to become the go-to real estate expert for that area and/or niche and generate leads for future transactions using digital farming techniques.

How To Digitally Farm In Real Estate

1. Define your target geographic area or niche

Choose a specific neighborhood, community, geographic area or niche you want to focus on. Research the area’s demographics, housing trends, and local amenities to better understand your target audience.

2. Have a website

Develop a professional website with valuable information about the target area or niche. Include details about the community, market trends, local schools, and amenities. You can also create a blog to share updates and insights about the local real estate market.

3. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO)

Optimize your website’s content for relevant keywords for your chosen farming area or niche to improve its visibility on search engines. This helps potential clients find you when they search for real estate agents or properties in your target area.

4. Use social media

Establish a presence on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Share local news, events, and real estate updates to engage your audience and demonstrate your expertise in the area.

5. Invest in online advertising

Use targeted online ads on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach potential clients in your farming area. These platforms allow you to customize your audience by factors such as location, interests, and demographic information.

6. Utilize email marketing

Build a mailing list by offering valuable resources, such as market reports or homebuyer guides, in exchange for visitors’ contact information. Send regular email newsletters with relevant content to your farming niche, including local news, market updates, and recent listings or sales in the area.

7. Host virtual events

Offer webinars, virtual tours, or live Q&A sessions about the local real estate market. This can help you showcase your local market knowledge and engage with potential clients remotely.

8. Engage with local organizations

Offer online zoom meetings and seminars to their audience and members. Offer to contribute articles to their online marketing media and emails to their community and audience.

9. Monitor and analyze data

Keep track of your digital farming efforts by monitoring website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and ad performance. Use this data to refine your strategies and optimize your efforts.

10. Maintain a consistent online presence

Regularly update your website, blog, and social media accounts with fresh content and helpful information to your farming area and niche market.

Stay Consistent In Your Farming Efforts

Innovative real estate farming ideas are crucial for agents who want to grow their real estate business and establish themselves as local experts in a specific area.

By focusing on geographic farming, demographic farming, and niche farming, agents can target potential clients and tailor their marketing efforts.

Techniques such as door direct mail, farming postcards, and distributing business cards at local events help increase visibility and generate leads.

Hosting open houses and engaging in geo farming strategies

Open houses allow agents to connect with prospects, obtain leads, and showcase their expertise in the local market.

Consistent marketing efforts and attending local events not only help agents gain a higher market share in their real estate farm area but also contribute to their success as a trusted and reliable real estate professional.

She Generated $226,000 GCI From Her Real Estate Farm

This agent generated $226,000 GCI from her real estate farming strategy. Watch the video below and see how she did this.

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (14)

Real Estate Farming Strategy

Real estate farming is a strategic approach where real estate agents focus on cultivating leads, building relationships, and establishing their brand within a specific geographic area. By treating your selected “farm area” like a gardener would tend to crops, successful real estate agents sow the seeds of trust and expertise to harvest a steady stream of business eventually.

One of the most traditional yet effective tools in a real estate agent’s arsenal is using real estate postcards, as mentioned above. These pieces of marketing material serve a dual purpose; they not only announce listings or recent sales but also help to keep the agent’s name at the forefront of homeowners’ minds. By sending out postcards that are both informative and visually appealing, an agent can create a subtle yet constant presence in their farm area.

Open Houses and Community Engagement

An open house is another way for agents to engage with the community. Not just a means to showcase a property, an open house can act as a local event, inviting neighbors to explore a home for sale and to meet the agent in a relaxed setting.

This interaction allows homeowners to connect faces to names and often leaves a lasting impression of the agent’s commitment and familiarity with the neighborhood.

Local Events

To cultivate a geographic farm effectively, agents often get involved with local events beyond real estate.

By sponsoring a booth at a community fair or participating in a local charity run, agents can demonstrate their investment in the community’s well-being, not just real estate.

These activities allow agents to engage with residents in a non-sales environment, fostering goodwill and brand recognition.

Successful Real Estate Agents

A successful real estate agent understands that their presence in a farm area should be multifaceted. It’s not just about the houses they sell; it’s about becoming a go-to resource for all things related to the community.

By integrating a mix of marketing materials, attending and hosting local events, and maintaining a consistent presence through methods such as real estate postcards, agents can effectively farm their chosen geographic areas, leading to a steady pipeline of homeowner and buyer leads in a geographic area.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Real Estate Farming?

Real estate farming is a marketing and prospecting strategy used by real estate agents and brokers to identify, target, and establish themselves as the go-to professionals within a specific geographic area or niche market. This approach involves consistently engaging with and nurturing relationships within the chosen community to become the primary resource for real estate services and information.

What Are The Different Types Of Farming In Real Estate?

Real estate farming can be categorized based on the target audience or the marketing approach. The different types of real estate farming include geographic, demographic, niche, digital, and sphere of influence farming.

What Is Digital Farming In Real Estate?

Digital farming in real estate is a marketing and prospecting strategy that leverages digital channels, tools, and platforms to identify, target, and engage with potential clients within a specific geographic area, niche market, or demographic group. Digital farming can be a highly effective strategy for real estate agents and brokers, allowing them to reach a larger audience, showcase their expertise, and generate leads more efficiently than traditional methods.

How Big Should A Real Estate Farm Area Be?

The ideal size of a real estate farm area depends on multiple factors, such as the local real estate market, your resources, and your marketing strategy. Generally, for a residential real estate agent, a farm area of around 500-2,500 homes is considered manageable and effective. However, if you have more resources or a team, you might be able to manage a larger farm area effectively.

What Are The Benefits Of Real Estate Farming?

Real estate farming benefits the agent in the growth of their real estate business by helping establish the agent as a local expert, thereby attracting more clients within the designated geographic area. This expertise and enhanced brand recognition often lead to increased transaction volumes and, therefore, higher commission income. Furthermore, it can improve profitability as concentrated, targeted marketing strategies are generally more cost-effective, reducing unnecessary expenditure and maximizing return on investment.

What Is Geo Farming In Real Estate?

Geo farming in real estate is a strategy where a real estate agent focuses their marketing and sales efforts on a specific geographic area, often a neighborhood or subdivision. The goal is to become the go-to real estate expert in that area, familiar with the local market trends, property values, and community specifics. This approach allows the agent to build a strong reputation and relationship within the community, leading to a higher likelihood of repeat business and referrals.

How Long Does It Take For Real Estate Farming To Produce Results?

Real estate farming is a long-term strategy, and typically it can take anywhere from six months to two years to start seeing significant results. Several factors, including market conditions, the competitive landscape, and the consistency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts, influence the timeline. Persistence, with regular, relevant communication, is crucial to building trust and rapport within your community to reap real estate farming’s benefits.

Use These Tips and Strategies From the Real Estate Farming PDF Guide

Be sure to get your “How To Dominate and Farm An Area In Real Estate” PDF eBook below. You can access it anytime.

Real Estate Farming: 10 Ideas To Dominate Your Market (2024)


How to farm real estate leads? ›

Common real estate farming ideas include direct outreach via mail, email or direct mailers, but you can also host neighborhood social events, sponsor seasonal events and provide helpful real estate information resources to your community through a social media group or webpage.

What is the farming approach in real estate? ›

Real estate farming is a marketing strategy agents use to establish themselves as the go-to expert in their region. Estate farming involves focusing on a specific neighborhood in your geographic area. The key is to build relationships and capture leads in a specific area.

What are the different types of farming in real estate? ›

There are generally two types of farming in real estate: demographic and geographic. The main difference between the two are: Geographic Farming in Real Estate: This farming in real estate involves focusing on a specific neighborhood or geographic location, building your presence, and generating real estate leads.

What is the biggest challenge in real estate? ›

Global unrest, economic uncertainty and eroding home affordability are among the top issues facing the real estate industry over the next year, according to The Counselors of Real Estate's annual report, “Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate .” Each year, CRE surveys 1,000 real estate experts to gauge the emerging ...

How do realtors get free leads? ›

Social media is a powerful way to promote yourself, especially if you're a new agent trying to increase leads. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer both free and paid versions, allowing you to easily set up a profile and share content at no cost while directly engaging with clients.

What is farming strategy? ›

Developing an overall farm strategy is an important component of business development. This strategy includes a number of steps focused on market segments, attributes of those segments, and forming a strategy around the needs of each segment.

Which method is best for farming? ›

Conservation tillage: Tillage is a method of farming that involves minimal soil disturbance during planting and harvesting while retaining crop residues on the soil surface. It is a sustainable agricultural practice that helps to reduce soil erosion and improve soil health.

What are the three primary approaches to value used by farm appraisers? ›

When finding the value of a property, appraisers commonly use one or more of three approaches to valuation, the Cost Approach, the Sales Comparison Approach, and the Income Capitalization Approach. In this post I will explain the differences in the three different approaches and when each approach is commonly used.

How big should my real estate farm be? ›

The Neighborhood Connection is a proven farming and listing tool. We provide complete customization and exclusivity in your desired farm area to establish you as the expert and go-to realtor. While our average agents' farm area size is over 4,500 homes, we have established a 1,500 minimum to start you off right.

How do farm contracts work? ›

The contractor usually owns the commodity during production, and the farmer is paid a fee for services rendered. The contract specifies farmer and contractor responsibilities for inputs and practices. The contractor often provides specific inputs and services, production guidelines, and technical advice.

What is geo farming in real estate? ›

Farming, also known as geographic farming or prospecting, is a proven method of marketing your real estate business to a neighborhood or local proximity in a way that raises awareness of your brand, captures leads, earns referrals and gains listings.

What do realtors see as their biggest threat? ›

The Top 5 Biggest Threats to Real Estate in 2023
  • Interest Rates. When I think about what is the biggest threat to real estate, I think of interest rates. ...
  • Affordability. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Recessionary Impacts On The Real Estate Market In 2023. ...
  • Governmental Politics And Global Events.
Apr 16, 2023

What is the biggest threat to real estate? ›

Economic uncertainty and market volatility are two of the most significant risks that real estate investors face.

What is lacking in the real estate industry? ›

Housing affordability, maintaining sufficient inventory and keeping up with technology are among brokerages' biggest challenges over the next two years, according to the National Association of REALTORS®' “2023 Profile of Real Estate Firms,” a survey of more than 5,000 executives and senior management from companies ...

How do you start generating leads in real estate? ›

A few real estate lead generation strategies for how to get leads in real estate include the following:
  1. Be active across social media. ...
  2. Create email marketing campaigns. ...
  3. Develop a brand. ...
  4. Form local connections. ...
  5. Build strategic partnerships. ...
  6. Traditional advertising. ...
  7. Build credibility with PR.

How to get real estate leads without spending money? ›

On a Budget? 10 Lead Sources With No Upfront Costs
  1. These companies help you keep a steady flow of leads coming at you without upfront costs. Lead generation is the foundation of building a successful real estate business. ...
  2. OpCity. ...
  3. Redfin Referral Network. ...
  4. Rocket Homes. ...
  5. Estately. ...
  6. Veterans United Realty. ...
  7. HomeLight. ...
  8. Ojo.

How do estate agents generate leads? ›

Attend local networking events and join local social media groups to build your network. Networking events and local social media groups can be a great way to build your network and generate leads. Attend local networking events and participate in local social media groups to build a relationship with your community.

How do you prospect for real estate leads? ›

11 Real Estate Prospecting Tips
  1. Set Up Your Daily Goals and Stick to Them. ‍ ...
  2. Set Up a Basic Website. ...
  3. Get Active on Social Media. ...
  4. Engage in Community Events. ...
  5. Host Open Houses Whenever You Can. ...
  6. Reach Out to FRBO Listings. ...
  7. Contact Past Clients for Referrals. ...
  8. Reach Out to People in New Life Situations.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.