‘Ready’ for Implementation, ‘Done’ for Deployment!! (2024)

Implementation turns requirements into code, which can be deployed to solve a problem. The implementation phase can be divided into three parts: analysis, design, and coding.The analysis phase involves gathering information about the problem that needs to be solved. This can include interviewing stakeholders, researching similar problems, and brainstorming solutions. The design phase involves how the software will solve the problem during this step. This includes creating diagrams of how the program will work and what data structures it will use to store information.

The coding phase involves writing actual computer code based on what was designed in the previous phases. This may include writing SQL queries or pieces of JavaScript code, depending on what kind of product you are creating. The deployment involves getting the software running on a server or computer so people can use it. This might involve installing an operating system and any required dependencies, configuring some settings, starting up processes and services, etc.

Implementation vsDeployment Table





Implementation is the process of getting a system (software, hardware, etc.) to work properly. It can be a long process that requires careful planning and analysis.

Deployment, on the other hand, refers to the actual release of a product into the real world. Deployment often occurs after implementation has been completed.


Implementaion is much expensive than deployment as it requires massive usage of workforce and premium tools like Jira, Trello for management.

Deployment is comparatively less expensive. But involves setting up servers and systems, configuring them correctly and then getting them ready for use in production.

Expertise needed

Implementation requires a developer's expertise.

Deployment requires an administrator's expertise.

Time Duration

Implementation can happen in just six to nine months!

Deployment usually happens multiple times over the course of several months or years.


Implementation requires detailed documentation, including workflows and procedures, as well as testing and training.

Deployment includes deploying the software and should be done by trained professionals.

Type Of Process

Implementation is a manual process.

Deployment is an automated process that uses tools like git and npm to deploy code changes from development machines to production servers.


Includes writing code, designing interfaces, and testing for bugs.

Includes setting up servers and databases, configuring security features, and making sure that everything runs smoothly.

Implementation vsDeployment Comparison

In this section, we will explain the difference between implementation and deployment and their importance to your business.

Implementation vsDeployment: Definition

Deployment is the process of making an application available to users. It involves putting the application on a server, configuring it for different users' use, and ensuring that all systems work correctly. This can be done before or after implementation, depending on the specific requirements of your business.

Implementation is building your application's codebase and getting it ready to be deployed. This typically involves creating or modifying existing code to suit your needs, writing code that interacts with third-party APIs or other programs, and testing your system to ensure that it works as intended.

Implementation vsDeployment: Cost Associated

Implementation cost refers to how much it will cost to get your software built. This can include hiring developers and other resources, purchasing new equipment or software licenses, or renting office space. Deployment cost refers to how much it will cost to get your software up and running in its final environment. This can include purchasing hardware or cloud services, setting up security features such as firewalls and antivirus software on shared servers, etc.

The critical difference between deployment and implementation in software costs is that implementation costs are fixed—you have them before you even start building the product—while deployment costs are variable depending on how long it takes for everyone involved to deploy the product correctly with no errors (or bugs).

Implementation vsDeployment: Expertise Needed

Implementation and deployment are both technical processes, but they differ in terms of the skills and experience required. Implementation requires a developer with knowledge of the software development lifecycle (SDLC), a good grasp of the architecture, and experience with the language used for implementation.

The deployment, on the other hand, requires an expert in infrastructure—someone who can understand how to configure servers and networks to work together seamlessly.

For example, if you want to install WordPress on your server, it's relatively easy to do so using an FTP program like FileZilla.

Implementation vsDeployment: Time Duration

Between implementation vs. deployment, the development process is much longer than the deployment process. In most cases, it will take at least six months to create a working prototype that can be tested and refined before you're ready to move on to deployment.

Once your product has been developed, deployment time depends mainly on how many servers need to be set up and configured for your system to run smoothly. If you have only two or three servers, setting them up could take anywhere from one day to two weeks, depending on your system's complexity. If you have dozens of servers or more, setting them up could take weeks or even months.

Implementation vsDeployment: Requirements

Implementation requires detailed documentation, including workflows and procedures, testing, and training. After you have finished designing and developing your software product, the logic building and the coding process will occur. Once it has been built, you will need to test it before deploying.

The second step is deployment. This step ensures that all of your employees understand how to use your software product to provide high-quality service to their customers or clients once it has been released into production mode.

Implementation vsDeployment: Type Of Process

The implementation step is a manual process. Developers write code and test it on their machines before they release their changes to the rest of their team. However, when they are ready to deploy those changes, they use tools like git and npm to deploy code changes from development machines to production servers.

For deployment implementation, you'll need to create a detailed document that includes everything from workflows and procedures to testing and training. Both developers and non-technical employees will use this document to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding how this new feature will be implemented into their workflow.

For deployment, testing is also required; however, if you're planning on training staff members on using this new feature, you should include that information in your deployment plan.

Implementation vsDeployment: Examples

Implementation is the process of converting an idea into a working product. It involves taking a prototype and making it something other people can use. For example, you can use implementation to create a website that's more than just a prototype: it has actual content and functionality.

Deployment is putting your product in front of users so they can use it. It involves getting your code onto web servers and ensuring it's accessible to anyone who needs it. For example, you can deploy your website by uploading it to your hosting provider's servers so users can access it by visiting its URL.

How are they Similar?

Implementation usually refers to the actual process of bringing in new technology. It can be broken down into components: Analysis, Design/Development, Testing & Validation/Acceptance (UAT), Implementation/Deployment, and Operations & Maintenance.

Deployment is about maintaining and managing your system once it's been implemented—it helps keep everything running smoothly by ensuring there aren't any bugs or issues with your system's performance. The deployment includes tasks like monitoring performance levels, troubleshooting when necessary, upgrading hardware or software components as essential for better functionality (i.e., RAM upgrades as memory requirements increase over time), etc.

Agile Terminologies can help bring new learning strategies into a company. Between these terminologies, implementation is the process that takes place after a decision has been made to adopt new technology. Deployment, on the other hand, refers to installations or rollouts of software and hardware into an organization's computing environment.

What Should You Choose Between Implementation vs. Deployment?

Both implementation and deployment are crucial for successful product development.

The reason why these two processes are so important is that they are what allow your product to reach its most valuable audience. If you want your product to be successful, then you need to make sure that you have implemented it correctly and that it is being deployed in a way that will make people want to use it.


The best Project Management certificationsare the best choice if you want to learn the required skills quickly. It is one of the best platforms to get all the required knowledge about project management. The content covered in this course will help you become a good project manager.

The syllabus covers all projects, including IT, manufacturing, and services sectors. It also covers different levels of project management processes, such as strategic planning, cost control, quality assurance, and risk mitigation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the difference between implementation and deployment?

Implementation and deployment are two steps in bringing a product to market. Implementation is the step where the product is built, while deployment is where the product is made available for people.

  1. What does ready for implementation mean?

Ready for implementation means the solution is ready to be set up in your environment, with all the necessary components in place.

  1. What is the deployment of a project?

Software deployment is a process by which you distribute your software to the end user.

  1. When is a feature done?

When a feature is done, it has passed all of the test cases required to be considered complete.

The article you shared delves into the intricate phases of software implementation and deployment, crucial in turning requirements into functional systems. Let's break down the concepts covered in the text:

  1. Implementation Phases:

    • Analysis: Gathering information about the problem to be solved.
    • Design: Creating the blueprint of the software solution.
    • Coding: Writing the actual computer code based on the design.
  2. Deployment Process:

    • Definition: Releasing the product into the real world for usage.
    • Cost: Comparative expenses of implementation (workforce, tools) vs. deployment (servers, configurations).
    • Expertise Needed: Developer skills for implementation, administrator skills for deployment.
    • Time Duration: Implementation generally takes longer (months) than deployment (variable, depending on setup complexity).
    • Requirements: Detailed documentation, testing, and training for both stages.
    • Type of Process: Manual for implementation, automated using tools (e.g., git, npm) for deployment.
    • Examples: Implementation involves coding, design, and bug testing; deployment sets up servers and ensures smooth operation.
  3. Comparison of Implementation and Deployment:

    • Similarities: Both are crucial steps in introducing new technology or maintaining systems.
    • Agile Terminologies: Implementation follows the decision to adopt new tech, while deployment is the installation of this technology.
    • Choice Between Implementation and Deployment: Both are essential for successful product development.
  4. Conclusion:

    • Importance: Both processes are pivotal in reaching the target audience and ensuring successful product usage.
    • Project Management Certifications: Recommended for learning essential skills quickly.
  5. FAQs:

    • Difference Between Implementation and Deployment: Implementation is building the product, while deployment is making it available.
    • Ready for Implementation: Refers to the solution being prepared for setup.
    • Deployment of a Project: The distribution of software to end-users.
    • Completion of a Feature: When it fulfills all required test cases.

Each phase - from analysis to deployment - plays a crucial role in the software development life cycle. Implementation lays the foundation, while deployment ensures the product reaches users effectively. Both require expertise, documentation, testing, and an understanding of the specific technical requirements involved.

‘Ready’ for Implementation, ‘Done’ for Deployment!! (2024)


What does "ready for implementation" mean? ›

Getting ready for implementation

Implementation readiness refers to the extent to which organisations and individuals are 'willing' to, and 'capable' of, delivering the intervention. It depends on several key factors: (Weiner, Lewis & Linnan, 2009; Dynmicki et al., 2014) General capacity to implement any intervention.

What is the meaning of deployment implementation? ›

Implementation is a manual process. Deployment is an automated process that uses tools like git and npm to deploy code changes from development machines to production servers. Examples. Includes writing code, designing interfaces, and testing for bugs.

What is a readiness-it deployment checklist? ›

A System Readiness Checklist is a tool used to ensure that all the necessary tasks have been completed in order to effectively deploy a new system. It typically includes tasks such as setting up hardware, configuring software, testing, and training.

What does ready for deployment mean? ›

Prepared for immediate action or use. for. preposition. Towards; in the direction of. deployment.

What are the 4 stages of implementation? ›

According to NIRN, there are four interrelated stages of implementation (see NIRN Module 4: Implementation Stages). The stages are (1) exploration, (2) installation, (3) initial implementation, and (4) full implementation: Exploration.

How long should an implementation take? ›

Implementation time can vary widely; for some SaaS products, it can be a matter of days or weeks, while for complex enterprise solutions, it might span several months or even years. This metric is especially pertinent in B2B environments where time to value is critical.

What are the stages of deployment? ›

There are four main stages of a deployment pipeline:
  • Version Control.
  • Acceptance Tests.
  • Independent Deployment.
  • Production Deployment.

What are the three steps in the deployment process? ›

What are the Main Software Deployment Steps?
  • Planning and Assessment. The first step in the software deployment process is to carefully plan and assess the organization's needs and objectives. ...
  • 2. Development or Configuration. ...
  • Testing and Quality Assurance. ...
  • Deployment. ...
  • Monitoring and Maintenance.

What are the three phases of deployment? ›

Welcome to Plan My Deployment
  • Predeployment. This is the period leading up to deployment. ...
  • Deployment. This phase begins with the physical movement of individuals and units from their home installation to the designated location of deployment. ...
  • Reunion & Reintegration. This is the process of returning to home station.

What are the 5 steps of deployment? ›

Which steps are in the deployment process flow?
  • Remember to have a software deployment plan. ...
  • The actual development. ...
  • Testing your changes. ...
  • Deploying changes to the live environment. ...
  • Monitor your changes.

What is deployment readiness? ›

Deployment Readiness includes services provided in the areas of deployment support, ombudsmen coordination, relocation assistance and life skills education. Deployment Readiness has always been and remains the area of highest priority for Navy family support. Deployment support focuses on: practical preparation.

What does ready to deploy mean? ›

1 in a state of completion or preparedness, as for use or action. 2 willing or eager. ready helpers. 3 prompt or rapid.

What does ready to implement mean? ›

The phrase "ready to implement" is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you are ready to put a plan or idea into action. For example: "Our team is ready to implement the new strategy for our project."

How do you know if a deployment is successful? ›

You can check if a Deployment has completed by using kubectl rollout status . If the rollout completed successfully, kubectl rollout status returns a zero exit code. and the exit status from kubectl rollout is 0 (success):

How to get ready for deployment? ›

What to do before deploying
  1. Revisit your life insurance.
  2. Check your will.
  3. Review your deployment budget.
  4. Review your auto insurance.
  5. Know your SCRA benefits.
  6. Refill your medications.
  7. Check other important expiration dates.
  8. Establish a power of attorney.
Feb 12, 2024

What is the Definition of ready in implementation? ›

A Definition of Ready (DoR) states what is needed for an item to be ready to be worked on by implementation. A DoR basically defines the specifics of the agreement as to what items on the intake process have to contain to have work started by Implementation.

What does implementation status mean? ›

Use. If an SAP Note contains correction instructions, the implementation status indicates whether all the relevant correction instructions in the note have been implemented in the system. The system sets the implementation status automatically.

What are the 5 stages of implementation? ›

The stages described in the guide include: 1) exploration, 2) installation, 3) initial implementation, 4) full implementation, and 5) expansion and scale-up. Each stage has specific steps and associated activities.

What does implementation of something mean? ›

1. : carry out, accomplish. especially : to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures. 2. : to provide instruments or means of expression for.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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