Ranni the Witch (2024)

English Dialogue
When approached at Church of Elleh
This way, Tarnished.
May I have a word?
If talked to at Church of Elleh
A pleasure to meet thee, Tarnished.
I am the witch Renna.
I'd heard tell of a Tarnished hurtling about atop a spectral steed.
And upon looking into the matter,
the talk, I surmise, is of thee.
Thou'rt possessed of the power, no?
To call forth the spectral steed named Torrent.
"I can call the spectral steed"
Ah. As I had hoped.
I was entrusted this, for thee.
By Torrent's former master.
Tis a bell for calling forth spirits.
Summon them with it, from ash unreturned to the Erdtree.
The spirits will obey thine command but briefly, as they recall battles past.
Now it is thine. To do with as thou wishest.
If talked to again
Forgive mine intrusion, Tarnished.
I doubt we shall again meet. But all the same, learn well the Lands Between.
How long will it be, I wonder...
Before the Tarnished tire of obeisance to the Two Fingers?
"I cannot call the spectral steed"
Trifle not with me, Tarnished.
Or didst thou merely forget?
The name of the spectral steed thou callest?
After selecting "I cannot call the spectral steed"
I will ask thee again.
Thou'rt possessed of the power, no?
To call forth the spectral steed named Torrent.
Refusing to tell her a second time
Quite the stubborn one, aren't we?
Wise, in a way. The Lands Between are home to liars and cheats aplenty.
Perhaps thine ample mistrust will be to thy benefit.
I shall leave this for thee, at the behest of Torrent's former master.
Take it, shouldst thou overcome thy suspicion.
During Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon's phase 2 cutscene
Upon my name as Ranni the Witch.
Mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed by thee.
Foul trespasser.
Send word far and wide.
Of the last Queen of Caria, Rennala of the Full Moon.
And the majesty of the night she conjureth.
If talked to at Ranni's Rise (first encounter)
Mm? a Tarnished, here?
Thou must have some business in mind, to come all this way.
Though I have no memory of inking thee an invitation.
If talked to at Ranni's Rise (if previously encountered)
Oh, again we cross paths.
I believe I said my name was Renna, when last we met.
It pleaseth me to see Torrent hale and hearty...
But Tarnished, what business hast thou here?
I have no memory of inking thee an invitation.
"No particular reason"
No reason in particular, thou claimest?
Intriguing. Then mayhaps fate hath steered thee to this encounter. (First encounter)
Intriguing. Then mayhaps fate hath steered thee to this reunion. (Second encounter)
Wilt thou enter into my service?
I am the witch Ranni. I stole Death long ago, and search now for the dark path.
That I might one day upend the whole of it, and rid the world of all that came before.
Well? Has that roused thy interest?
"Serve Ranni the Witch"
I see. A choice well made.
Thou'rt a rare sort. Not many would have accepted the offer.
But I require as much of those under my command.
I anticipate good work from thee.
"Do not serve"
I see. More's the pity.
Come to me again, shouldst thou change thy heart.
Surrendering thyself into the service of a doll-witch...
Is not as frightful as thou fearest...
If talked to again after refusing to serve
Ah, art thou persuaded to my cause?
Then, again I shall ask, wilt thou enter into my service?
"You must be Ranni the Witch, behind the Night of Black Knives" (must progress Rogier's questline)
I see. Quite the sleuth, aren't we.
Indeed, I am the witch Ranni.
I stole a fragment of the Rune of Death, and used it to forge the godslaying black knives through fearsome rite.
I did it all.
But sadly for thee, the cursemark thou seekest is not to be found here.
I have slain the body I was born into, and cast it away.
And it is upon that flesh the cursemark is carved.
"Where did the body go?"
And why should I reveal that to thee?
I performed the act not to bury the past, nor in shame of the deed,
but all the same, thy begging compels me not a jot.
The cursemark thou seekest is not here. That is all I will say.
Now, begone.
If talked to again
The cursemark thou seekest is not here. That is all I will say.
Now, begone.
"I wish to serve you" (must progress Rogier's questline)
Oh, is that so?
Thou wouldst render me aid, is that thy proposal?
Affording thyself opportunity to grope about for the cursemark's location, no doubt?
Very well...
There's nothing wrong with a well-laid scheme.
What's more, if my past and past wounds beckon to thee,
I am curious enough to see what thy destiny portends...
I'll allow it. Enter my service.
And good hunting to thee.
After entering Ranni's service (before Radahn Festival)
Good, then I ask we proceed with haste.
There is, in my service, a half-wolven warrior by the name of Blaidd.
I would have thee join him in searching for the hidden treasure of Nokron, the Eternal City.
I have called for Blaidd to greet thee below. Take from him the particulars.
Ah, and there wilt thou find Iji, my war counselor, and Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts, also.
Heed not their peculiarities; feel secure in gaining from them what advantage thou canst.
I am sure the others will be doing just the same.
If talked to again
Speak with the three who await thee below.
Thou needst not indulge them unduly, but they too wish to appraise thy worth.
It hath been a passing long time since a newcomer entered my service, after all.
After entering Ranni's service (after Radahn Festival)
Good, then I ask we proceed with haste.
Art thou aware of the star that struck Limgrave?
It left a vast crater, and through it lieth the Eternal City of Nokron.
Go there to find the city's hidden treasure.
Ah, yes. Iji, my war counselor, and Seluvis, preceptor in the sorcerous arts, can be found below.
Like thee, they are in my service.
Heed not their peculiarities; feel secure in gaining from them what advantage thou canst.
I am sure the others will be doing just the same.
After speaking to Blaidd, Iji, and Seluvis
Ah, allow me to forewarn thee.
I shall soon enter my slumber.
And it will be some time before I wake.
This doll's body is not without its hindrances...
Still, I have high hopes for thee.
I look forward to the good news when I arise.
If talked to again
I shall soon enter my slumber.
And it will be some time before I wake.
I have high hopes for thee.
I look forward to the good news when I arise.
After obtaining the Fingerslayer Blade
Ahh...It was thee.
Not Blaidd, it seemeth.
Even in my slumber, I sensed it.
It is in thy possession, is it not? The hidden treasure of Nokron?
My thanks. Finally, all the pieces are in place.
Soon must I begin my journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.
If talked to again (progressed Rogier's questline)
Ah, but before I leave, I must entrust thee with this.
Take it.
My discarded flesh lieth beyond the seal unlocked by it.
Upon which is carved the cursemark of thy desire.
I can fathom what thy purpose might be.
Neither of us is welcomed by the brighter path, I see.
You may leave now.
It was but brief, but thou gavest me fine service.
If talked to again
What is it?
Thy purpose in approaching me was to obtain the cursemark, was it not?
You may leave now.
I, too, am to depart on a journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.
If talked to again (did not progress Rogier's questline)
Ah, but before I leave, I shall entrust thee with this.
My thanks, for thy sterling efforts.
A strange gift, perhaps, but a rare sort such as thee would welcome it, I am sure.
I am certain now, fate steered us to our reunion.
I am certain now, fate steered us to our first encounter.
I must thank Torrent too, for his part.
You may leave now.
It was but brief, but thou gavest me fine service.
If talked to again
What is it? You may go.
I, too, am to depart on a journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.
Talk to miniature Ranni (first time)
Oh? A dogged fellow, aren't we?
Or is it merely thy habit, to talk to dolls?
I hadn't expected any soul to recognise me in this guise.
But now the cat is out the bag, I cannot allow thee thy freedoms.
Perform for me a service, as recompense.
Eliminate the Baleful Shadows which prowl these lands.
The name of Ranni the Witch is already sullied by thee.
I will not brook disobedience in this matter.
If talked to again
Perform for me a service, as recompense.
Eliminate the Baleful Shadows which prowl these lands.
The name of Ranni the Witch is already sullied by thee.
I will not brook disobedience in this matter.
Talk to miniature Ranni (second time)
Let us speak of the past, a while.
I was once an Empyrean.
Of the demigods, only I, Miquella, and Malenia could claim that title.
Each of us was chosen by our own Two Fingers, as a candidate to succeed Queen Marika, to become the new god of the coming age.
Which is when I received Blaidd. In the form of a vassal tailored for an Empyrean.
But I would not acquiesce to the Two Fingers.
I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away.
I would not be controlled by that thing.
The Two Fingers and I have been cursing each other ever since...
And the Baleful Shadows...are their assassins.
If talked to again
I turned my back on the Two Fingers and we have each been cursing the other since.
The Baleful Shadows...are their assassins.
Talk to miniature Ranni (third time)
Even when I turned my back upon the Two Fingers.
Blaidd remained my loyal ally.
Though he was created a vassal for an Empyrean,
He was a colossal failure, on the part of the Two Fingers.
Blaidd, and Iji both... Art willing to give too much to me.
Yet they both understand. What lieth beyond the dark path...
That I must betray everything, and rid the world of what came before.
Ah, should I add thee to the list?
Another one, kind of heart. As kind of heart as they.
If talked to again
Ach, this form hath loosened my tongue.
I've let slip too much.
Forget what thou'st heard. Forget.
During Baleful Shadow encounter
O Shadow, thou'rt the last.
Tell the Two Fingers,
That Ranni the Witch cometh, to rend thy flesh.
With a fateful wound, ne'er to heal.
After Baleful Shadow encounter
Beautifully fought.
My thanks. 'Twas more of a challenge than I envisioned.
Now I can finally stand before them.
This is farewell, my dear.
Tell Blaidd, and Iji...
I love them.
After putting on Dark Moon Ring
So, it was thee, who would become my Lord.
Perhaps I needn't have warned thee.
I am pleased, however. Thou'rt a fitting choice.
I go now, to the night sky. It is there I shall find mine order.
I bid thee travel the path of the Lord.
And once all is done, we shall see each other, once more.
Talk to miniature Ranni (Ranni's Chamber Site of Grace)
I take it thou'st noticed? I shouldn't be surprised.
I thought I might expound a little further...
Upon the order I envision.
Mine will be an order not of gold, but the stars and moon of the chill night.
I would keep them far from the earth beneath our feet.
As it is now, life, and souls, and order are bound tightly together, but I would have them at a great remove.
And have the certainties of sight, emotion, faith, and touch...
All become impossibilities.
Which is why I would abandon this soil, with mine order.
Wouldst thou come to me, even now, my one and only Lord?
If talked to again
Mine will be an order not of gold, but the stars and moon of the chill night.
And I would abandon this soil, with mine Order.
Wouldst thou come to me, even now, my one and only Lord?
After final boss
...The battle is over, I see.
I do solemnly swear.
To every living being, and every living soul.
Now cometh the age of the stars.
A thousand year voyage under the wisdom of the Moon.
Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond.
Into fear, doubt, and loneliness...
As the path stretcheth into darkness...
Well then. Shall we?
My fair consort, eternal.
Variation of final two lines if spoken to at Ranni's Chamber Site of Grace
Let us go, together.
My dear consort, eternal.
If given Amber Draught
Well, this is a most unpleasant awakening.
The depths of wickedness never fail to surprise me.
I am saddened. That thou wouldst succumb to such depravity.
Led astray by Seluvis, with devious tonic in hand,
Didst thou think to have thy way with me?
Be gone. Hapless scum.
I won't have another whiff of thy rotten breath.
If talked to again after attempting to give Amber Draught
I have spoken. Away from my sight.
If talked to a third time after attempting to give Amber Draught
This is the third time, fiend.
Enough of thy unbearable breath.
If talked to a fourth time after attempting to give Amber Draught
What hopest thou to profit?
To think such was thy plot.
Well, I refuse to indulge thy fantasies.
I relinquished a natural death long, long ago.
If attacked (Church of Elleh)
What hopest thou to profit?
No sense in arguing, I see.
Thou'rt a wild one, indeed.
Torrent hath quite the ruffian chosen...
If attacked (Cathedral of Manus Celes)
What hopest thou to profit?
So, this is the measure of my Lord?
Perhaps it is precisely what I deserve.
…For surrendering myself to delusion.
Ranni the Witch (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.