Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (2024)

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Your Questions on Butterfly Bush, Answered!

Butterfly bushes(Buddleia) are cherished for their unrivaled flower power in hot, sunny gardens. Their blooms combine saturated colors with a rich, honey-like fragrance for an impactful display from summer into fall. If you couldn’t tell by the name, gardeners aren’t the only ones that adore this plant. The real show starts when butterflies and hummingbirds flock to your garden to visit your butterfly bush flowers. What makes this plant even better? It’s easy to grow and low maintenance – with no need to even deadhead the blooms!

Whether you’ve already planted your butterfly bush or are planning to buy one soon, you can find the answers to all yourBuddleia-related questions here! See what others are asking and learn why this shrub deserves a spot in your garden.

Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (1)

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There is some controversy on whether butterfly bushes are bad for butterflies. Really, butterfly bushesare not bad for butterflies! People can’t live by “bread alone”, and butterflies cannot live on butterfly bushes alone. To create the best garden for pollinators, make sure you provide other food sources (like host plants for larvae) as well. The more plants the merrier.

Is Butterfly Bush Invasive?

Butterfly bush is invasive to some areas in the US, and is even banned in Oregon and Washington. However, plant breeders have focused on developing non-invasive varieties that are packed with color and fragrance without risk of spread. To qualify as a non-invasive variety, a butterfly bush must show less than 2% germination, producing few to no viable seeds.

Butterfly bushes in theand‘Miss’ seriesfromProven Winners ColorChoice shrubshave undergone rigorous testing and arecertified non-invasive, which is why they can be shipped to Oregon and Washington.

Why Isn't My Butterfly Bush Blooming?

There are a few reasons why yourBuddleiamay not be blooming:

  • Not enough sun. Butterfly bushes require full sun, which means at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. It needs this (and prefers even more) to set flower buds and put on the best blooms.
  • Pruned too late. Butterfly bushes bloom on new wood, which means they set their buds on new growth in the spring. If you prune your plant too late, you may be cutting off the future flowers!
  • Too much water. If your butterfly bush is not blooming and is also boasting some yellow leaves, you may be overwatering your plant! Butterfly bushes do not like to have “wet feet”, and prolonged periods in wet soils will make them stressed. A plant under stress is not likely to bloom.
  • Too much fertilizer. These tough shrubs don’t require much (or any) extra fertilizer to succeed in your garden.

Gardeners oftentimes forget how excess fertilizer, especially nitrogen, will promote leafy green growth instead of blooms. Skip on the fertilizer, even in the spring, unless you know your soil is deficient in nutrients.

Can Butterfly Bush Grow in Pots

Yes, planting butterfly bush in containers is the best way to invite pollinators to your patio or porch. They allthrive in containers. The dwarf series of butterfly bushes (andPugster) are the perfect size for pots. Make sure you use an appropriate size pot with large drainage holes and keep it in full sun!

Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (2)

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Is My Butterfly Bush Dead?

We hear this question all the time in early spring! The short answer:no, probably not. Plants enter dormancy for the winter, losing their foliage and leaves. New growth emerges when spring rolls around, but some plants hit the “snooze” button instead of waking up early. Butterfly bush is notorious for waking up a little later than the rest. Give them a few extra weeks in the spring to push out new growth. In cold climates, you may have to wait until late May or early June!

How Do I Grow Butterfly Bush?

Butterfly bushes are fairly easy to grow and low maintenance. For the best growth, we recommend the following conditions:

Soil:Butterfly bushes require very well-drained, even dry, soils.

Light: Full sun – at least six hours of bright sun each day.

Water: Low to average watering; soil can even be dry once established. Butterfly bush do not tolerate wet conditions for any period of time.

Spacing: 2 to 4 feet

Fertilizing: Little needed; if desired, apply a granular rose or garden fertilizer in early spring.

Winterizing:In fall, plants can be trimmed lightly if desired, but save major pruning for spring. Do not fertilize in fall, and if mulching, do not apply heavily at the base of the plant.

Maintenance & pruning: Butterfly bushes are best pruned in spring, once the new growth has begun to emerge. At that point, cut just above where big, healthy buds appear. Give butterfly bushes plenty of time to emerge in spring, especially in colder climates – this may take several weeks, even if other plants in your yard are already leafing out.

Will Butterfly Bush Grow in Shade?

For the healthiest and happiest butterfly bushes, you will need to plant them infull sun, which is a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight. Ideally, 8 hours of bright, direct sunlight each day will result in the best blooms. Don’t worry! They can handle the intense sun and heat even in summer.

Why are Flowers on My Butterfly Bush Turning Brown

While we wish flowers could last forever, alas, they all eventually fade. Plants produce flowers for one purpose: reproduction! Once a flower has been successfully pollinated, the flowers fade, and energy is diverted into producing seeds in its place. We call these finished flowers “spent flowers”.It’s completely normal to see on your butterfly bushes, especially if they have been blooming for a few weeks.

Don’t worry; just because flowers are fading does not mean there aren’t more to come! As one spike turns brown, you will probably find a new one starting to bloom on a nearby stem.

Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (3)

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Should I Deadhead Butterfly Bushes?

Butterfly bushesdo not require deadheading, which is why they are considered to be low maintenance! However, you can trim the spent flowers off if you please. It may even help your plant push out a couple more blooms.

How Do I Prune My Butterfly Bushes?

Butterfly bushes bloom on new wood, which means they should be prunedin the spring. Wait until new growth has emerged before you start, then cut just above where big, healthy buds appear. The result will be stronger stems and better blooms!

When Do Butterfly Bushes Bloom?

Butterfly bushes are generally late blooming plants, with flowering starting insummer and into the fall. Once your zone experiences its first frost, you can expect the flowers to fade and the shrub to start entering dormancy.

What is Butterfly Bush Winter Care?

Here are some things you should NOT do to butterfly bush to prepare the shrub for winter. First, skip the pruning during late fall and save for spring to protect dormant buds. You’ll also want to avoid any mulching as it conserves too much moisture, leading to root rot over the winter. Butterfly bush prefers well-drained soil, and any excess water could be harmful. And lastly, there is no need to fertilize your butterfly bush in the fall before the first freeze. Instead, save any fertilizing for spring to help promote new growth when optimal. So, what is the best way to prepare your butterfly bush for the chilly months? Leave it alone!

Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (4)

Can I Grow Butterfly Bush in Clay Soil?

Butterfly bushes require well-draining soils, which is the biggest downfall of soils with high clay content. The small particles of clay pack together tightly, leaving little room for water drainage and air circulation. While it can be difficult to growBuddleiain clay soils,it is not impossible!We recommend planting your butterfly bush so they are slightly above, rather than even with, the soil to encourage water to drain away from the base of the plant. Do not amend or add anything to the soil at planting time, as this can cause serious drainage problems. Skip on mulching around the base of the plant to allow the soil to dry out faster.

How Large are Butterfly Bush Flowers?

While each individual flower is tiny, they cluster together to form large spikes of flowers! Thesize variesbased on the variety, but here is a graphic to help give you an idea:

Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (5)

Is Butterfly Bush Toxic for Dogs?

While they arenot edible, they are alsonot poisonousto dogs, cats, or humans. Eating a large quantity (we meana lot) of leaves, stems, or flowers can cause an upset stomach. It is certainly safe for your dogs!

Are Butterfly Bushes Deer Resistant

Yes!Butterfly bush is deer resistant. Deer, rabbits, and other garden pests tend to avoid the foliage and flowers of butterfly bush. They receive an A-rating onRutger’s deer resistance ratingslist.

Written by: Miranda Niemiec, click here to read bio.

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Questions Answered Series: Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) (2024)


What are the facts about Buddleia? ›

Buddleia is a popular garden plant that was introduced into the UK from China in the 1890s and has now become widely naturalised on waste ground, along railway cuttings and in urban areas. Its familiar purple flowers bloom from June to October and attract all kinds of butterflies and moths looking for nectar sources.

What is the truth about butterfly bush? ›

A single butterfly bush flower can produce 40,000 seeds and each bush is filled with many flowers. In these natural areas, the butterfly bush becomes an invasive plant. It's considered a noxious weed in some regions because it can out-compete native plants and destroy habitat.

What are the benefits of Buddleia? ›

The leaves of Buddleia species contain sesquiterpenes, iridoids, lignans and flavonoids. One of the phenolic constituents is verbascoside which is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and has been shown as effective against the bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus.

What does the butterfly bush symbolize? ›

Buddleia has a history as a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, and new beginnings. Sporting a lesser-known nickname of “bombsite bush,” this amazing plant is known for thriving in the toughest environments — even in the rubble of war-torn lands.

Can Buddleia change color? ›

Buddleia 'Flower Power' - gorgeous 'colour changing' spires of flowers, that vary from purple to orange - and all shades in between! Buddleia is one of the most robust and easy-care shrubs to grow requiring almost no maintenance .

How big does Buddleia grow? ›

Many buddleja make tall shrubs, 2.5-3m (8-10ft) tall, even with hard annual pruning. If you have a smaller patch, or are looking for something for the front of the border, or a container try one of the dwarf cultivars of B davidii like the Buzz series or Nanho series. These typically reach 1-1.2m (3-4ft) tall.

What is the butterfly bush known for? ›

A Pollinators Dream Plant

The lovely butterfly bush is a genus of woody flowering perennial that grow appealing fragrant flower spikes that are known to attract pollinators from late spring to fall.

What is the life cycle of a butterfly bush? ›

Butterfly bushes, a double-edge sword

Its popularity has real reasons: the plant grows fast, flowers very early on in its life cycle, and produces flowers throughout its life span of up to 30 years. The flowers smell good, are very showy and pretty, with large clusters that bloom for several days.

Do butterfly bushes like sun or shade? ›

Light: Butterfly bushes grow and flower best in full sun. They will grow fine in part shade, especially in warmer climates, but their flowering may be reduced. Soil: Butterfly Bushes are not particular about the soil conditions, as long as it drains well. Poorly-drained soils can cause root rot.

Where does Buddleia grow best? ›

Buddleia shrubs flourish best planted in loose, well-drained soil, so plant them before the frost arrives or after the threat has passed. Once established, buddleia can withstand British winter weather and will begin to grow again in spring.

Is Buddleia a perennial or annual? ›

The butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) is a fast-growing shrub with masses of showy, fragrant flowers that attract pollinators. Planted in spring or fall before frost, this perennial will bloom from summer through autumn.

How long do Buddleia last? ›

Buddleia usually bloom continuously throughout late summer and fall, stopping only with the first frost. Removing spent flowers will keep the plant looking neat and encourage additional blossoms. To deadhead, cut the stem back to the first set of leaves, several inches below the flower.

Why is butterfly bush a problem? ›

Butterfly Bush Doesn't Stay In Your Yard

Butterfly bush is an invasive plant, meaning it crowds out beneficial plants that have naturally grown in your community for centuries. This species originally from Asia readily takes over space where native North American plants would normally thrive.

Is it Buddleja or Buddleia? ›

Butterfly bushes are called Buddleja or Buddleia because they belong to the genus Buddleja/Buddleia, which is named after the English botanist Reverend Adam Buddle. The name "Buddleja" is the original spelling, while "Buddleia" is a later spelling variation that has gained acceptance over time.

What damage does the butterfly bush do? ›

Damage and Impact

Butterfly bush has the most ecological impact by displacing native plants when it escapes to natural areas. Once established in a natural area, butterfly bush can displace native plants. Native plants are important for pollinators because they provide them with a natural nectar source.

What are the special features of butterfly bushes? ›

The deep purple blooms are complemented by dark green leaves with whitish undersides. The spikes have an upward growth pattern and the bush can quickly reach 6 to 8 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide.

Where does the name Buddleia come from? ›

Buddleia; also historically given as Buddlea) is a genus comprising over 140 species of flowering plants endemic to Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The generic name bestowed by Linnaeus posthumously honoured the Reverend Adam Buddle (1662–1715), an English botanist and rector, at the suggestion of Dr. William Houstoun.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.