Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer: Which One Is More Powerful & Useful? (2024)

Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, Supercomputers have been an important part of expanding what we know about the world for a long time. The AI Research SuperCluster (RSC), which is one of the most powerful supercomputers for AI, was made available byMetaat the beginning of this year. Its goal is to make it easier to build complex AI models that can do things like learn from trillions of examples, move across hundreds of languages, analyze text, photos, and videos all at once, make augmented reality apps, and other similar things.

But the need for something that could do calculations much faster than supercomputers was what led to the creation of quantum computers. TheUniversity of Science and Technology of Chinashowed the Zuchongzhi 2.1 to the public the year before. It is the fastest programmable superconducting quantum computer in the world (USTC). A normal personal computer is about one million times slower than this one.

Google told people about its plans to build a Quantum AI campus in Santa Barbara, California, at the I/O conference the year before. The building has a chip research lab and a data center for quantum computing. It also has a chip foundry for quantum processors. The goal of the multinational technology company for the next ten years is to build a quantum computer that works and is free of bugs.

The next generation of computers, called quantum computers, will be more efficient and faster at solving hard problems than the most powerful supercomputers we have today. But does this mean that we don’t need to use supercomputers anymore? In this article, we are going to cover the difference Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, So, Let’s find out.

What Is a Supercomputer?

Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, Supercomputers are very big pieces of equipment that sometimes take up an entire room. These gadgets are nothing like desktop computers or portable computers like laptops. Instead, supercomputers are made up of many different processors that work together to complete a task.

The first supercomputer, made by Control Data Corporation, was called the CDC 6600. It was built in the 1960s. It could process information about ten times faster than regular computers at the time, making it the first supercomputer ever made. But since then, a lot has changed.

When you take everything into account, today’s supercomputers pack quite a punch. But it’s important to remember that context is the most important thing in everything. In its day, the CDC 6600 was a great computer, but by today’s standards, it’s at best considered to be old technology.

Even though it only took a little over five years for the CDC 7600 to pass it, most people have forgotten about it. Because of this, you need to be very careful when you use a supercomputer today.

Supercomputers, which are similar to the computer you use at home, can process and store data, but they can also do a lot of other things. Most of us use personal computers every day, but these machines are a million times more powerful, so they can easily do calculations and simulations that are very complicated. Also, they can do things in seconds that would take regular computer months or even years to do.

One thing a modern supercomputer can do is re-create the Big Bang. Other things it can do are predict the outcome of a nuclear explosion, make detailed models of the brain, and so on. The things that these robots can do are nothing short of amazing, and they can be used in a wide range of important ways.

On the other hand, if you take supercomputers apart into their parts, you’ll find that they are basically the same as regular computers. Unlike regular computers, these behemoths have tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of central processing units (CPUs). This gives them a much greater ability to process information. The central processing unit (CPU) of the computer you use every day probably has no more than a few dozen cores. Just think about what we could do if we could make it much more powerful.

Supercomputers are interesting to learn about and look into, but the costs of making and keeping them up and running are too high. A single supercomputer could cost tens of millions of dollars and use a huge amount of power.

Still, even the most advanced technology has some limits. The size of a supercomputer’s physical footprint is one thing that could limit what it can do. The supercomputers we have now are already pretty big and expensive to run. Because of this, a supercomputer’s price goes up in direct proportion to how much space it takes up.

Also, supercomputers give off a lot of heat, which needs to be let out so they don’t get too hot. Using a supercomputer takes a lot of time and money. Also, there are some problems that are so hard to solve that even the most advanced supercomputers can’t solve them.

Quantum computers, on the other hand, are a newer player in the field of computing. They can do things that supercomputers can’t do and can go beyond what supercomputers can do.

What Is a Quantum Computer?

The picture that comes next shows that quantum computers have nothing at all in common with other kinds of computers. This is because their ways of working are very different from each other in almost every way. Instead of binary coding, which is used by most computers and even some supercomputers, quantum computing stores information in very small units called qubits (or quantum bits).

A qubit is a unit of measurement that is very small and is used in quantum computing. Atoms are made up of quantum systems, which are much smaller than the protons and electrons that make up their basic parts. The fact that qubits can be in more than one state at the same time is one of their best qualities. Now that we know that, let’s look at it more closely.

Binary codes are, as their name suggests, made of two sets of two. This means that bits can only have the value of 0 or 1, which could be a problem when trying to do more complicated things. Quantum superposition, on the other hand, lets qubits be in more than one state at the same time. Also, qubits can form pairs that are quantum entangled.

With the help of the idea of quantum superposition, quantum computers can take into account many qubit configurations at the same time. This makes it much easier to solve very hard problems. Quantum entanglement is the idea that two qubits can have the same state at the same time and affect each other in ways that can be predicted mathematically. This means that quantum computers will be able to do more work.

Because of this, the fact that quantum computers can take into account more than one state at the same time makes it possible for them to do very complicated calculations and run simulations that are on the cutting edge.

At the moment, IBM, Google, and many other big names in the IT industry are helping to fund research and development of quantum computers. A recent article in New Scientist said that Google’s Sycamore quantum computer was able to beat a supercomputer in the year 2019. Google says that Sycamore might be able to finish a calculation that would take a supercomputer 10,000 years to finish in just 200 seconds.

New Scientist says that just two years later, in 2016, a non-quantum technique was made in China that let regular computers solve the same problem in just a few hours. This means that a supercomputer would definitely be able to solve it as well. This was written about in a 2016 article.

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Because of this, the whole field of quantum computing is filled with a big “if.” This technology is still in its early stages of development, and there is still a lot of work to be done before it can be used as a good alternative to supercomputers.

Quantum computers still have a lot of room for error in both how they are built and how they are used. Quantum computers are also not good for most uses because they only have a small amount of computing power. Because of this, there are a number of problems that need to be solved before quantum computing can be considered a mature technology that is widely used.

Applications of Supercomputers

In the 1980s, the idea of a quantum computer was first thought of. During this time, the theory of quantum computing was set up by people like Richard Benioff, Richard Feynman, and Yuri Manin, who were the first people to work in the field. Quantum computing, on the other hand, was just starting out and had never been used in the real world.

Isaac, Neil, and Mark built the first quantum computer in 1998. This was after 18 years of research and development. Even though this computer’s processing speed is laughable compared to that of today’s most advanced quantum computers, the creation of this ground-breaking machine was nothing short of revolutionary.

Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, When dealing with massive data sets, both quantum and supercomputing are put to use. Some applications include:

The local weather we get on our smartphones is generated by a supercomputer. Supercomputers not only help rescue thousands of lives by forecasting the route of storms, but they can also tell you whether it’s going to rain in your city.

In order to better prepare for natural disasters, the Met Office of the United Kingdom secured a 1.2 billion pound contract with Microsoft last year to build the world’s most powerful supercomputer.

Insights into difficult areas of study are made possible by supercomputers, which are used in scientific research. Lab work takes a lot of time and money.

Thus, it makes sense to utilize supercomputers to mimic these laboratory trials. For instance, the COVID virus was combated and vaccinations were developed with the help of a global network of supercomputers.

Application of quantum computers

In order to store quantum systems for several hours, scientists are developing a computer unit called QRAM. It’s not hard to think of areas where quantum computers may be useful, like:

Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, Quantum computers are utilized in the drug design and development process to analyze potential medication interactions. The traditional approach to drug development relies on costly and sometimes dangerous “trial and error” experiments.

Computational chemistry:quantum computers, unlike supercomputers, prioritize the coexistence of 0 and 1, providing enormous computing capability to accurately map molecules.

A quantum computer’s cryptographic capabilities, such as quantum key distribution, might greatly improve the security of communications. However, there is indeed a disadvantage as well.

President Joe Biden recently signed a memorandum urging federal agencies to safeguard their most vital information systems by switching to encryption methods that are immune to quantum computers.

The most used method of encryption, RSA, uses integers with a length of 2048 bits. This code is vulnerable to a quantum computer. We do not have a quantum computer that has that kind of power yet.

Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer

Between Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer, we might say that quantum computers are a subset of supercomputers. Whether or not this is true is a matter of word choice, though.

People think that quantum computers, which would be similar to supercomputers, would be best at doing a limited set of tasks rather than completely replacing home computers. In fact, they might also need a lot of maintenance and data centers that are kept in good shape by experts.

There is a chance that in the future, it will be hard to tell the difference between regular supercomputers and quantum computers.

In the future, when CPUs, GPUs, and QPUs all work together to solve parts of very complicated problems, this business will be called “supercomputing” or “high-performance computing.” Time is the only thing that can show if the competition between supercomputers and quantum computers will lead to a productive partnership.


At this moment, it is still totally speculative whether or not quantum computers will be able to surpass supercomputers, although the possibility exists. The advent of quantum computing might, at some point in the future, make traditional supercomputers unnecessary. Nobody can deny the huge progress that has already been made in this domain. That much is certain. However, the development of functional quantum computers is yet in its infancy, and it may be decades before these types of computers are used on a mass scale.

Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer: Which One Is More Powerful & Useful? (2024)


Quantum Computer vs Supercomputer: Which One Is More Powerful & Useful? ›

Quantum computers are faster than Supercomputers. Supercomputers use classical bits. Quantum computers use qubits or quantum bits. Supercomputers perform the computations by using classical physics.

Are quantum computers more powerful than supercomputers? ›

Quantum computers are much faster and more powerful than supercomputers. They can process multiple computations simultaneously which makes them ideal for tackling complex problems that require massive amounts of data to be processed quickly.

Can quantum computers do anything useful? ›

Since then, scientists have come up with ingenious algorithms to make quantum computers useful for non-quantum things, such as searching databases or breaking cryptography.

Is the brain more powerful than a quantum computer? ›

The human brain excels in parallel processing, pattern recognition, and adaptability, while quantum computers offer unprecedented computational power for specific tasks.

Why are quantum computers better than computers? ›

Unlike a classical bit, which can be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be in a state of 0, 1, or both 0 and 1 simultaneously. This capability allows quantum computers to perform many calculations at once, providing the potential to solve certain types of problems much more efficiently than classical computers.

Who has the most powerful quantum computer in the world? ›

Now comes the hard part. After making the world's largest quantum chip (and cryogenic fridge), Big Blue is taking a more modular approach to build an error-corrected computer.

What is a quantum computer not good at? ›

Quantum computing has disadvantages from both an engineering and a societal perspective. These are three most significant: Quantum error correction and environmental sensitivity are major challenges. Post-quantum cryptography is a national security concern.

Why don't we use quantum computers? ›

Mostly for experiments

It has not yet been possible to build quantum computers with many quantum bits. Quantum bits are used to process the information in the computer, and a low number of quantum bits therefore limits the complexity of the calculations the quantum computer can perform.

How long until quantum computers are useful? ›

The current field of quantum computers isn't quite ready for prime time: McKinsey has estimated that 5,000 quantum computers will be operational by 2030 but that the hardware and software necessary for handling the most complex problems won't be available until 2035 or later.

Is the human body a quantum computer? ›

Theorists believe your brain might contain 100 billion quantum bits, which would make your own brain more powerful than all the digital computers in the world combined.

Could AI run on a quantum computer? ›

“AI methods are currently limited by the abilities of classical computers to process complex data. Quantum computing can potentially enhance AI's capabilities by removing the limitations of data size, complexity, and the speed of problem solving.”

Is the human brain smarter than a supercomputer? ›

While today's most powerful supercomputer, Frontier, matches the Human Brain computing power, it consumes million times more energy! It is an apples to oranges comparison, as they process information differently. Nonetheless, the Human Brain processing power has been estimated at 1 exaflops, about the same as Frontier.

How much faster is a quantum computer than a super computer? ›

Quantum computers have shown that they can process certain tasks exponentially faster than classical computers. In late 2019, Google claimed that it had managed to solve a problem that would take 10,000 years for the world's fastest supercomputer within just 200s using a quantum computer.

Does Google have a quantum computer? ›

Astonishing capabilities of Google's quantum computer

Google's latest iteration of its quantum machine, the Sycamore quantum processor, currently holds 70 qubits.

How many quantum computers are there in the world? ›

Estimates indicate there are around 150 to 200 quantum computers globally, as of February 14, 2024.

Is 158 million times faster than the world's fastest supercomputer? ›

Google has built a quantum computer that is about 158 million times faster than the world's fastest supercomputer. That's not hyperbole. That's a real number. Imagine the possibilities if we could broadly create a new set of quantum computers that are 158 million times faster than even today's fastest computers…

Are quantum computers more powerful than Turing machines? ›

Yet, the quantum computer has been believed to be no more powerful than the most general computing model—the Turing machine. Undecidable problems, such as the halting problem, and unrecognizable inputs, such as the real numbers, are beyond the theoretical limit of the Turing machine.

Are quantum computers millions of times faster than most powerful supercomputers today? ›

Scientists predict that Quantum computing is better than supercomputers as it performs tasks a million times faster. Quantum computers can handle complex calculations easily because they are built based on quantum principles that go beyond classical physics.

Are supercomputers more powerful than brain? ›

While today's most powerful supercomputer, Frontier, matches the Human Brain computing power, it consumes million times more energy! It is an apples to oranges comparison, as they process information differently. Nonetheless, the Human Brain processing power has been estimated at 1 exaflops, about the same as Frontier.

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