Pvp Tricks (2024)

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This page contains information about features that are no longer present in the game. They are recorded here purely for referential purposes.

Pvp Tricks (1)

This is intended to be an in-depth guide on PvP mechanics, strategies, and tricks, for offense or defense.Anyone is free to add tips or tricks they've found by doing PvP, or discovered by other users.


  • Due to updates to the game which changed how certain features work, some tips here will no longer be helpful.
  • Tips that have so far been confirmed not to work anymore have been marked. Unmarked tips may also not work, but have not been tested.
  • Some of the stats on the dragon pages which this page links to are inaccurate. Stats listed here are for the most part calculated from the stats of actual level 20 dragons, so they will not always match the dragon pages (e.g. the Paukiki page says that they have 15,000 health at level 20, but a level 20 Paukiki actually has 5,500 health).
  • These tips may not work for all devices. For example, some will be only for mobile, while others may be only for PC.


  • 1 Basics
  • 2 General Tips
  • 3 More Specific Tactics for PvP
    • 3.1 Small Dragon vs Small Dragon PvP
    • 3.2 Large Dragon vs Large Dragon PvP
    • 3.3 Small Dragon vs Large Dragon PvP
    • 3.4 Ground Dragon vs Ground Dragon PvP
    • 3.5 Ground Dragon vs Flying Dragon PvP
  • 4 Species-Specific Tips
    • 4.1 Origins
    • 4.2 Grassland
    • 4.3 Jungle
    • 4.4 Tundra
    • 4.5 Volcano
    • 4.6 Ocean
    • 4.7 Desert
    • 4.8 Fantasy
    • 4.9 Wasteland
    • 4.10 Prehistoric
    • 4.11 Accessory Island
    • 4.12 Event
    • 4.13 Extras
    • 4.14 The information here is incomplete.


This section explains the basics of PvP (controls, mechanics, worlds)

  • Dragons can deal damage in two ways: bite and breath/elemental. Bite damages enemies only at extremely close range and is used by tapping left-click on PC, and tapping the “BITE” button on mobile. Fire damages an enemy only if they are in the path of the flames coming from your dragon’s head and is used by holding left-click (while flying) or pressing "F" (while on the ground) on PC, and tapping the “BREATH” button on mobile.
  • Non-flying dragons can jump on PC by pressing "Q", and mobile users can jump by tapping the “JUMP” button.
  • Your dragon will slowly regenerate health over time if it is at 15% or more hunger.
  • If you are marked as "in combat" the game will not allow you to reset.
  • Players can create "parties", whose members can see each other's nameplates even at extreme distance and are unable to deal damage to each other. The leader of a party can invite or kick players from it.
  • Not all dragons of the same species will have the same stats. Higher leveled dragons will have better stats, and personalities can alter these stats further.

General Tips[]

This section gives some PvP tips that can be used with just about any dragon.

  • Never take on multiple opponents alone, unless you are highly skilled or have a high-level dragon with good stats.
  • It may be helpful to use adult dragons instead of elders. They are smaller and harder to hit, and also harder to see. In addition, this gives you a clearer vision as there is less model taking up the screen. This is really only worth it when using larger dragons, as smaller ones aren't much of a problem anyway.
  • In most maps, materials like neon can make you more visible. It's best to have dull materials, or “ghost” (forcefield material) on your dragons to make them less visible. This can be helpful when you're trying to sneak attack or escape an enemy in PvP grounds. Also take into account that the color of the dragon you're using will affect your visibility: sandy yellow or gold dragons don't stand out in the Desert. Grey, brown, or other dark colors are useful in the Volcano. Dark green or brown are good in the Jungle and grey, dark green or other dark colors make decent Wasteland camouflage.
  • Try to stay behind your enemy, since dragon flames can’t be fired backward, this is a fairly safe spot from which to deal heavy damage to your opponent.
Pvp Tricks (2)
  • Bleed damage has been removed, so hit-and-run tactics will not work.
  • Bite attacks do about three times as much damage as fire per hit, but has incredibly short range, so use fire whenever you can.
  • On some dragons, ground fire is easier to aim at short mobs/player avatars/dragons if it is used while your dragon is in the running animation. (No longer true after recent updates which made fire easier to aim on the ground)

More Specific Tactics for PvP[]

In general, strategies that you use for PvP depend on the size and speed of your dragon. In this section, "small dragon" refers to dragons with sizes ranging approximately between a Saurium and a Krekiz, and a "large dragon" refers to dragons with sizes ranging approximately between a Numine and a Chronocus.

Small Dragon vs Small Dragon PvP[]

  • Battles of this kind tend to be a crazy dogfight, so pay close attention to your opponent's position and don't let them out of your sight. Just remember to stay behind your opponent if possible and do not run away directly unless you have a dragon that is much faster than your opponent’s dragon and can get away without taking a huge amount of damage.

Large Dragon vs Large Dragon PvP[]

  • As in almost all battles, the key to winning these is staying behind your opponent or otherwise avoid/reduce damage taken by your dragon. One trick used by some PvP players is to quickly (and repeatedly) tap the W key so that their dragon remains (mostly) in flying position without moving much horizontally. If they run, make sure to chase them with your fire until you're fairly near them and you can repeatedly tap the W key.
  • In Mother vs Mother, it depends on skill and stats, mostly skill. Make sure to ambush Mother Dragons in a way they don't expect, for instance, try ambushing while they're distracted by a player trying to farm. After they're almost done ambush them by dive-bombing into them and repeatedly press W once you hit their hitbox.

Small Dragon vs Large Dragon PvP[]

  • When using a small dragon to fight a large dragon, your best bet is to avoid fighting the large dragon on the ground. Small dragons can easily outmaneuver large dragons in the air when skillfully flown so make sure you attack in circles and then glide down if it follows you, large dragons are usually slower, so use that time to fly high and attack them from there while they are down, if it gets at the same point where you are, attack in circles, then repeat. (again, remember to stay behind the large dragon's head to avoid fire damage). If you do end up fighting the large dragon on the ground, they have the advantage, especially if they use ground fire. In this case, if you can't fly away, use your superior maneuverability to stay behind your opponent and keep using ground fire on them.
  • When using a large dragon to fight a small dragon, try to take out the small dragon before it gets close enough to hide behind you. If that fails, land on the ground and use your ground fire to take them down.

Ground Dragon vs Ground Dragon PvP[]

  • When battling with ground dragons (such as a Dexyn, Neroxide, Venu, Zinthros, or Tigrilia) most of the general tips still apply.
  • Try dodging the enemy's fire attacks and land your own attacks by dodging behind them. Pay attention to how your opponent is moving and use that to predict where their fire will go.
  • Ground dragons can use fire on PC by either holding left-click or pressing "F". On mobile, ground dragons can use fire by holding the “BREATH” button.
  • Due to recent updates, bleed damage is currently not usable in combat. This means that most ground dragon duels will be all about flame.
  • Keep jumping! If you jump there would be a lesser chance of getting hit by their fire. Don't jump at the same time with your enemy if you're close-ranged.

Ground Dragon vs Flying Dragon PvP[]

  • When using a ground dragon against a very small flying dragon, such as a Rocirus or Venid, use your superior health points to your advantage and attack head-on.
  • When using a ground dragon against a very large flying dragon, use your superior mobility to run around them and attack from behind.
  • When using a ground dragon against a mid-sized dragon, be evasive but take every opportunity to deal damage.
  • When using a very small flying dragon against a ground dragon, either run away or fly low to the ground so that your dragon seems to sink into it.
  • When using a very large flying dragon against a ground dragon, keep your eye on the ground dragon and don't let them out of your sight. Try to use fire to take them out at a distance, but if they get too close for fire use bite.
  • When using a mid-sized dragon against a ground dragon, be wary of the ground dragon's ability to quickly run behind you. Stay sharp and use fire to take them down.

Species-Specific Tips[]

Different species have different stats, meaning they have different strengths and weaknesses. The main stats you'll want to keep in mind depending on the situation, but it is always helpful to know them.


  • Feel free to add tips on anydragons not included already. (Some of this may be outdated.)
  • All stats provided here are for dragons at level 20 with stat modifiers of 0.


  • Rocirus have low health and medium-low damage but have fair speed and a tiny hitbox to compensate. The best ways to use them are either against even weaker dragons, such as the Amphyll, Saurium, or Taihoa, or against very large dragons, such as the Mother Dragon, Radidon, and Chronocus in air combat. Krekiz and other medium-sized dragons are the Rocirus's worst enemy since they're too small for the Rocirus to hide behind, but still pack a punch in terms of damage.


  • Saurium have even less health than a Rocirus. They only have 75 attack, making them a poor choice for a PvP dragon. Sauriums are best used as an inconspicuous dragon to evade enemies.
  • Tigrilia, being faster than a Dexyn, is a medium-classed non-flying dragon. Although weaker, it can outspeed a Dexyn. Making it an okay dragon.


  • Dexyn is the strongest non-flying dragon in the game apart from perhaps the Zinthros. They have decent health and damage and can use their impressive ground speed to outmaneuver enemies either to deal with damage or to make a quick getaway. But is outclassed by Tigrilia.
  • Palus seem to have decent health, but low damage, only 150. Their defense does not make up for this either, although their decent speed does. Paluses may be best to fight weaker dragons like Amphylls or Sauriums. Following similar Rocirus fighting strategies are advised.


  • Alrenoth is another fairly balanced dragon in terms of stats. While it isn't the fastest dragon, its health and attack make it sturdy and dependable, and the three heads make it very easy to aim fire attacks.
  • Howler also have a small hitbox. It has more health and speed than the Sylva, making it a better escape dragon, but its lower damage means that "escape dragon" is one of the few roles it can play in combat.
  • Sylva has a small hitbox, slightly above-average speed, fairly low damage, and less health than a Rocirus. As a mild compensation, it has surprisingly good ground speed. If you do somehow end up caught in a fight while riding one of these, use the Sylva's speed and maneuverability to your advantage to either stay behind your opponent or to flee. Weave around obstacles using your small size and try to shrug off your opponent.


  • Magmip have decent stats. Good speed means you can use this dragon to escape. Besides that, it's weaker than a Rocirus. In other words, don't use them.
  • Numine have fairly balanced stats, with 6000 health and 600 attack. While it's probably too big to do well against a Mother Dragon, it can duel Krekiz on fairly even terms. But at lower levels, it gets beaten up by the Rocirus.
  • Venu have an obvious weakness of being unable to fly. The best way to use this dragon is to run whenever you see something coming your way that's bigger than a Rocirus.


  • Amphyll has stats poorly adapted for PvP. With an attack stat of 50 and health stat of 1,200, the best way to fly this dragon in PvP worlds is to use its speed (60) to outrun potential opponents.
  • Enkylous has average health (3,000), low speed (30), and low attack (100). Thanks to its low speed, it is unable to outrun most common PvP dragons, so it best advised to not use this dragon or to stay out of sight.
  • Krekiz is a favorite for PvPers, as its high damage, medium speed, and medium-small hitbox allow it to take down large dragons in the air without taking much damage itself. The Krekiz's worst enemy is the Mother Dragon (or any other high damage and health dragon) using fire while being on the ground. However, Krekiz can take Mother Dragons and similar dragons down if they are able to keep them airborne.
  • Taraka is used by some players for its small hitbox and average speed. In the best case, a Taraka can take down a Krekiz, and in rare cases, a Mother Dragon.


  • Agricosis a relatively low-health and low-attack dragon, having only 3,000 health points and 150 attack. In the past, the Agricos had a nasty bite with lots of bleed damage, but after an update, they became much weaker. However, this small attack stat has been partly compensated for by its flight speed of 50 (the same as a Rocirus).
  • Ferorex has stats on par with some of the more powerful dragons, and is quite fast of a flyer. Honestly can take down many things.
  • Khepera has similar stats to a Numine, but with slightly less speed and attack and much greater defense. Compensating for this, it has a hitbox about the size of a Krekiz's, making it a somewhat elusive target.


  • Mother Dragonhas the current highest combination of health and damage, with 8,000 health at level 20 and 1,200 attack. Mother Dragons are to be feared, especially in grounded battles. Its stats are superior even to a Skelltor's, and if it gets the opportunity for enough hits it kills very quickly. Mother Dragons fight well both on the ground and in the air (unless fighting small dragons). The best way to use this dragon is to take advantage of its heavy health and damage and use its powerful flames to quickly take down smaller enemies (see the sections on large dragon PvP for more information).
  • Taihoa is practically a Rocirus with slightly more health, slightly higher speed and half the attack. On the other hand, the lack of wings means that it has barely any hitbox to speak of, with the result that it can evade attacks without too much trouble.
  • Zeiperais best described as a more tanky version of the Agricos. They have 4,500 health and 300 attack. You could do a lot of damage still, especially in aerial flight in which getting hit is uncommon.You'll want to hit and run like anAgricos, but you don't have to be overly cautious since you have much more health. Ensure you bite them,and keep away from your opponent if they pursue you until you get a chance to hit them back. Ifthey run, pursue them and continue biting; the higher health allows you to be more reckless than Agricos'.


  • Neroxide are basically weaker versions of the Dexyn. They have 2,500 health, as compared to the Dexyn's 3,500, and 100 attack as compared to the Dexyn's 250. This would all be bearable if it was noticeably faster than the Dexyn, but it isn't. Considering these facts, Neroxide should probably be reserved for showing off to people who don't have Wasteland yet.
  • Radidon are strong dragons with fairly high HP (7,000), and 500 attack. Make sure your Radidon is very high on stats, using a 2/4 or 4/4 great stat Radidon in Wasteland is advised. If an attacker sneaks attacks you with a Skelltor, it’s best recommended to whip around with your fire to bomb the Skelltor. A tip for an advantage for when you see a challenger that has a Radidon too, is flame bombing. Use your highest stat Radidon and fly above the attacker or circle around them to the point where they fly and shoot fire in a circle and fly up when they aren’t looking, then drop fire above the attacker and then make the fire in a circle, then fly down again and then start circling again. Repeat this until the target leaves or dies.
  • Venid have many different roles. For an attack Venid, make sure the stats on speed, attack, and defense are high, make sure you use Bandages constantly whenever you're in battle. One of the best things to do on a Venid is to bite a dragon, let it bleed out, and fly away. Stay near, and repeat until the target dies. Venids have the fastest speed of any dragon in the game by a long shot, making it the best outrunner dragon in the game. Speed Venids are ideal for immediate escapes and breath circling if you are able to control the sometimes slippery flying. Venids with maximum possible speeds can be a nightmare when trying to outrun a dragon in a highly enclosed space, as you can keep bumping into walls due to the below-average handling. Avoid tight or enclosed areas at all cost if you have a max speed Venid. Venids that are made for speed are better for outrunning dragons in open spaces, since you can fly in a straight line and get away with it. Wasteland is the recommended map for speed Venids, due to the very few enclosed spaces and open area in which you can flee in a snap. Jungle is not recommended as much due to the giant vines, many caves, and the need of maneuverability. Do not dare engage a Mother Dragon, Krekiz, or any other damage disher in an enclosed space, such as caves, as they can corner you and destroy you easily due to you being fragile as a cost for your insane speed. Any Mother Dragon made for attack or PvP can wipe you out in a single hit, regardless of your health. Your only option at that point is to attempt to flee or fly over the void if you are nearby the edge of the map.


  • Chronocus have the largest health of any DA dragon at the moment (10,000). However, they only do 750 damage, so it is vulnerable to the Mother Dragon which has a base attack stat of 1,200.
  • Rhyndac have decent stats for PvP, approximately between a Rocirus and a Soukeyi, but is hampered by its slow run speed. It also has a very long neck which makes it quite difficult to aim ground fire while riding one.
  • Soukeyi have decent speed and decent attack. This means that it’s well adapted for both ambushes over small dragons, such as Taihoas, Amphylls, or Rocirus', and desperate retreats from larger dragons. It is about the same size as the Krekiz, allowing it to use many of the Krekiz's tactics. However, its attack stat is a little over half that of the Krekiz, while its health stat is only slightly better, making it a poor choice for battling Krekiz’s.
  • Zinthros are basically bigger versions of a Dexyn. It has roughly twice the Dexyn's health and attack, but this comes at the cost of slightly slower run speed and a much larger hitbox.

Accessory Island[]

  • Lepilon is like the Fayrah, being a killer magnet. With its long wings and tail, it can't hide well and has a pretty large hitbox. Unfortunately, as it has an attack stat of only 50 at level 20, it can't really turn around and fight its enemies either. While it has above-average speed (60, the same as a Soukeyi or Fayrah) and a surprisingly high health stat (6,000), this is probably not the best dragon to ride around in a PvP world.
  • Geoteryx when at level 20 has 7000 health and about an average speed of 50, 500 attack and 50 defence, it is an average PvP dragon that could easily overpower a Mother Dragon below level 12 and all other smaller dragons. It is advised to not attack high level Mother Dragons or Chronocus'. When fighting, fly above the target and shoot your fire at them until they fall, and then finish them on the ground. Whilst fighting large dragons such as Mother Dragons, Chronocus’s or Radidons, circle the dragon using your faster turn radius to attack them. If you're losing health rapidly, use the Sylva technique and fly through obstacles to shrug off your opponent and into a safe zone. It is not recommended for PvP because of its large hitbox and it being a "killer magnet".


  • Skelltoris a well-rounded dragon, having above-average health (5,000) and with an attack stat of 700. It's not the fastest but can catch up to most dragons with optimal movement. You'll dobest whencatching opponents off guard, rushing them with bites until they succumb to it or heal. Due to their size, the biting range is large, and their gapped model allows you more visibility to target air bites.Keep up the pressure if you can beat the opponent, but if they start turning the tables it could be safest to flee. You'll be fine on the ground or mid-air, but you should always keep an eye on your health and if it starts going down too fast, take off. Skelltors are also good for sniping due to their long fire range.
  • Paukiki is the underdog of apexes, possessing relatively low health and quite low damage. You can fight well on the ground, or fight in the air, just be careful to avoid heavy hits. Agricos' are your best match-up in ground combat since you'll deal bleed damage much faster and have higher bite damage. Since Paukiki’s deals quite a decent bleed damage, you could go after a Skelltor or Mother Dragon in the air; though still be careful not to linger around them; instead, dart around them and deal hits when you can. It's not recommended to fight an Agricos or a Zeipera in the air since they deal much more bleed and have higher health; only do so if you can really use the Paukiki's speed to your advantage and pressure them with your bite damage.
  • Tosknir have similar stats to a Krekiz or a Soukeyi, though not as fast as either of them. It has 5,000 health, allowing it to take a fair amount of damage in a fight, but its attack stat is only 300, like the previously-mentioned Soukeyi. It is a fairly sturdy dragon, and if flown well can take down most opponents. This is a dragon which should mostly be flown with small dragon tactics.
  • Fayrah is not particularly good for combat, thanks to its underwhelming attack and health stats (100 and 2,500 respectively). It has also been called a "killer magnet" because its rarity suggests that any player using it is rich. Fortunately, it's faster than pretty much all of the high damage dragons except for the Soukeyi.
  • Skyrix is basically an upgraded Rocirus or an aerial Dexyn in terms of stats. When using one of these, use the same kind of tactics that you would with a Krekiz or Rocirus. Note, however, that it has weaker stats than a Krekiz while having approximately the same sized hitbox. It can take down most large dragons below level 15 and can destroy most small dragons that may try fleeing. If you wish to take down a strong level 20 dragon it will depend on the skill from the Skyrix user but NEVER fight one if you aren’t sure about it. The Skyrix’s most feared opponent is a high stats Rocirus, as it can’t hit the Rocirus that well due to its size, while the Krekiz will literally destroy the Skyrix, meaning the Skyrix is vulnerable to high level/stats same sized dragons and small dragons attacks.
  • Aranga is another "killer magnet", probably even more so than the Fayrah. It doesn't even have the Fayrah's speed as compensation: the Aranga's speed is only 45, the same as a Krekiz. The attack stat on the Aranga is 200, the same as a Rocirus', and the health is 4,500. The best tactic to use with an Aranga is probably to run when attacked by dragons bigger than a Rocirus.
  • Hexalios is also a killer magnet. Its weak attack and big size make it vulnerable to attack, however its speed of 58 is fairly good for such a large dragon. This dragon is not advised to use in PvP worlds.
  • Solarizon is like a Skelltor for battle, but with more health, slightly less attack, and a bit more speed. It has 600 base attack and 7,000 base health. With a speed of 48 at level 20, these powerful dragons are faster than most of the bigger PvP dragons and can chase them down fairly well, finishing the job with high-powered flame.
  • Dysuva (Info needed)
  • Volkumos (Info needed)
  • (many, many dragons need info)


If you want better aim, press the L key and then move your mouse to the middle of your opponent.

The information here is incomplete.[]

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Pvp Tricks (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.