Publishing your APIs  |  Apigee  |  Google Cloud (2024)

This pageapplies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation. Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (1)

Publish APIs to your portal to make them available for consumption by appdevelopers, as described in the following sections.

Overview of API publishing

The process of publishing APIs to your portal is a two-step process:

  1. Select the API product that you want to publish to your portal.
  2. Render API reference documentation from your OpenAPI documentor GraphQL schema to enable app developers to learn about your APIs. (Formore information, seeAbout API documentation)

What is published to the portal?

When you publish an API, the following updates are made to your portalautomatically:

  • API reference documentation. The interface provided depends on whether you publish your API using an OpenAPI document or GraphQL schema. See:
    • SmartDocs (OpenAPI)
    • GraphQL Explorer
  • A link to the API reference page is added to the APIs page

    The APIs page (included with the sample portal) provides a list of all APIs published to your portal, listed in alphabetical order, with links to the respective API reference documentation for more information. Optionally, you can customize the following:

    • Image displayed for each API card
    • Categories used for tagging APIs to enable developers to discover related APIs on the APIs page
    Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (2) Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (3)

SmartDocs (OpenAPI)

When you publish an API using an OpenAPI document, the SmartDocs API referencedocumentation is added to your portal.

Developers can review your SmartDocs API reference documentation and use theTry this API panel to make an API request and view the output.Try this API works with unsecured endpoints or secured endpoints usingBasic, API Key, or OAuth Authentication, based on the security method definedin your OpenAPI document. For OAuth, the following flows are supported:authorization code, password, and client credentials.

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (4)

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (5)

Click fullscreen Fullscreento expand the Try this API panel. The expanded panel lets you view thecurl call and code samples in various formats, such as HTTP, Python,Node.js, and more, as shown below.

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (6)

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (7)

GraphQL Explorer

When you publish an API using a GraphQL schema, the GraphQL Explorer isadded to your portal. The GraphQL Explorer is an interactive playground forrunning queries against your API. The explorer is based onGraphiQL,a reference implementation of the GraphQL IDE developed by the GraphQLFoundation.

Developers can use the GraphQL Explorer to explore the schema-basedinteractive documentation, build and run queries, view query results, anddownload the schema. To secure access to your API, developers can passauthorization headers in the Request Headers pane.For more information about GraphQL,

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (8)

Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (9)

About API documentation

Each OpenAPI or GraphQL document serves as the source of truth throughout thelifecycle of an API. The same document is used at each phase in the APIlifecycle, from development to publishing to monitoring. When you modify adocument, you need to be cognizant of the impact the changes have on your APIthrough other lifecycle phases, as described inWhat happens if I modify a document?

When you publish your API to a portal, you save a version of the OpenAPI orGraphQL document to render API reference documentation. If you modify thedocument, you may decide to update the API reference documentation published tothe portal in order to reflect the latest changes.

About callback URLs

If your apps require a callback URL, such as when using the OAuth 2.0authorization code grant type (often referred to as three-legged OAuth),you can require developers to specify a callback URL when they register theirapps. The callback URL typically specifies the URL of an app that is designatedto receive an authorization code on behalf of the client app. For moreinformation, seeImplementing the authorization code grant type.

You can configure whether or not to require a callback URL during appregistration when adding an API to your portal. You canmodify this setting at any time, as described inManage the callback URL for an API.

When registering an app, developers must enter a callback URL for all APIs thatrequire it, as described inRegistering apps.

Configure your API proxy to support the Try this API panel

Before publishing your APIs using an OpenAPI document, you'll need to configureyour API proxy to support making requests on the Try this API panel in theSmartDocs API reference documentation, as follows:

  • Add CORS support to your API proxies to enforce client-side cross-originrequests.
    CORS is a standard mechanism that allows JavaScript XMLHttpRequest (XHR) callsexecuted in a web page to interact with resources from non-origin domains.CORS is a commonly implemented solution to thesame-origin policy that is enforced by all browsers.
  • Update your API proxy configuration if you are using basic authentication orOAuth 2.0.

The following table summarizes the API proxy configuration requirements tosupport the Try this API panel in the SmartDocs API reference documentationbased on the authentication access.

Auth access Policy configuration requirements
None or API key Add CORS support to your API proxy, follow the steps described in Adding CORS support to an API proxy.
Basic authentication Perform the following steps:
  1. Add CORS support to your API proxy, follow the steps described in Adding CORS support to an API proxy.
  2. In the Add CORS policy, ensure the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header includes the authorization attribute. For example:
    <Header name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers"> origin, x-requested-with, accept, content-type, authorization</Header>
OAuth 2.0
  1. Add CORS support to your API proxy, follow the steps described in Adding CORS support to an API proxy.
  2. In the Add CORS policy, ensure the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header includes the authorization attribute. For example:
    <Header name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers"> origin, x-requested-with, accept, content-type, authorization</Header>
  3. Correct non-RFC-compliant behavior in your OAuth 2.0 policy. For convenience, use the sample OAuth 2.0 solution provided on GitHub or perform the following steps:
    • Ensure that the <GrantType> element in the OAuth 2.0 policy is set to request.formparam.grant_type (form param). For more information, see <GrantType>.
    • Ensure that the token_type in the OAuth 2.0 policy is set to Bearer, and not the default BearerToken.

Manage APIs

Manage your APIs as described in the following sections.

Explore APIs

Use the console or curl command to view APIs that are in your portal.


To view the API catalog:

  1. Select Publish > Portals and select your portal.
  2. Click API catalog on the portal home page.
    Alternatively, you can select API catalog in the portal drop-down menuin the top navigation menu.
    The APIs tab in the API catalog displays a list of the APIs that havebeen added to your portal.

    Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (10)

    Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (11)

    As highlighted in the previous figure, the APIs tab lets you:

    • View the details of the APIs available on your portal
    • Add an API to your portal
    • Edit an API on your portal by performing one or more of the following tasks:
      • Manage the API documentation
      • Publish or unpublish an API
      • Manage the visibility of an API
      • Manage the callback URL for an API
      • Manage the image for an API card
      • Tag an API using categories
      • Edit the API title and description
    • Remove an API from your portal
    • Manage the categories
    • Quickly identify orphaned APIs whose associated API product has been removedfrom Google Cloud console, and re-create the API product or delete the API from your portal


To list APIs using organizations.sites.apidocs/list:

curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.

See Pagination notes for instructions on usingpagination in the response payload.

Response payload:

{ "status": "success", "message": "one page of apidocs returned", "requestId": "1167960478", "data": [ { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello New World", "description": "Simple hello new world example", "specId": "hellowworld", "modified": "1695841621000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/camper1.jpg?v=1695841491415", "id": "381054", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello New World" }, { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "mock-product", "description": "Mock product", "specId": "apigee spec", "modified": "1698956849000", "anonAllowed": true, "id": "399638", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "mock-product" }, { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello World 2", "description": "Simple hello world example", "specId": "hello-new-world", "modified": "1698950207000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/book-tree.jpg?v=1698165437881", "id": "399668", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello World 2" } ], "nextPageToken": ""}


  • modified: Time the catalog item was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.For example, 1698165480000.
  • id: The ID of the catalog item. For example, 399668.

Pagination notes:

  • Page size:Use pageSize to specify the number of list items to return in one page.The default is 25, and the maximum is 100. If there are additional pages,nextPageToken is populated with a token:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"


    • PAGE_SIZE with the number of list items to return in one page.For example, 10.

    Response payload:

    { "status": "success", "message": "one page of apidocs returned", "requestId": "918815495", "data": [ { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello New World", "description": "Simple hello new world example", "specId": "apigee", "modified": "1699146887000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/camper1.jpg?v=1695841491415", "id": "381054", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello New World" } ], "nextPageToken": "7zcqrin9l6xhi4nbrb9"}
  • Page token:

    Use pageToken to retrieve subsequent pages when there are more than one:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"


    • PAGE_SIZE with the number of list items to return in one page.For example, 10.
    • PAGE_TOKEN with the nextPageToken value.For example, 7zcqrin9l6xhi4nbrb9.

Add an API

To add an API to your portal:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click add Add.

    The Add an API product to the catalog dialog displays.

  4. Select the API product that you want to add to your portal.

  5. Click Next. The API details page displays.

  6. Configure the API reference documentation content and its visibilityon the portal:

    Field Description
    Published Select Published to publish the API to your portal. Clear the checkbox if you are not ready to publish the API. You can change the setting later, as described in Publish or unpublish an API.
    Display title Update the title of your API that is displayed in the catalog. By default, the API product name is used. You can change the display title later, as described in Edit the display title and description.
    Display description Update the description of your API that is displayed in the catalog. By default, the API product description is used. You can change the display description later, as described in Edit the display title and description.
    Require developers to specify a callback URL Enable if you want to require that app developers specify a callback URL. You can add or update the callback URL later, as described in Manage the callback URL for an API.
    API documentation

    To use an OpenAPI document:

    1. Select OpenAPI document.
    2. Click Select Document.
    3. Perform one of the following steps:
      • Click the Upload File tab and upload a file.
      • Click the Import from a URL tab and import a spec by providing a name and URL from which to import.
    4. Click Select.

    To use a GraphQL schema:

    1. Select GraphQL Schema.
    2. Click Select Document.
    3. Navigate to and select the GraphQL schema.
    4. Click Select.

    Alternatively, you can select No documentation and add one later after the API has been added, as described in Manage the API documentation.


    If you have not enrolled in the beta release of the audience management feature, select one of the following options:

    • Anonymous users to allow all users to view the API.
    • Registered users to allow only registered users to view the API.

    If you have enrolled in the beta release of the audience management feature, select one of the following options:

    • Public (visible to anyone) to allow all users to view the API.
    • Authenticated users to allow only registered users to view the API.
    • Selected audiences to select the specific audiences that you want to be able to view the API.

    You can manage audience visibility later, as described in Manage the visibility of an API.

    Display image To display an image on the API card on the APIs page, click Select image. In the Select image dialog, select an existing image, upload a new image, or provide the URL of an external image, and click Select. Preview the API thumbnail and click Select. You can add an image later, as described in Manage the image for an API card. When specifying the URL of an external image, the image won't be uploaded to your assets; additionally, loading of the image in the integrated portal will be subject to its availability, which may be blocked or restricted by content security policies.

    Add the categories that the API will be tagged with to enable app developers to discover related APIs on the APIs page. To identify a category:

    • Select a category from the drop-down list.
    • Add a new category by typing its name and pressing Enter. The new category is added to the Categories page and made available when adding or editing other APIs.
  7. Click Save.


To add an API to your portal usingorganizations.sites.apidocs.create:

curl -X POST "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": "IMAGE_URL", "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • TITLE with the display title. For example, Hello World 2.
  • DESCRIPTION with the display description. For example,Simple hello world example.
  • ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE with true or false (default), where trueenables anonymous user access. This setting is ignored if you have enrolled inthe beta release of the audience management feature.
  • IMAGE_URL with the URL of an external image used for thecatalog item, or a file path forimage files stored in the portal, for example, /files/book-tree.jpg.When specifying the URL of an external image, the image won't be uploaded toyour assets; additionally,loading of the image in the integrated portal will besubject to its availability, which may be blocked or restricted by content security policies.
  • CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE with true or false (default), wheretrue requires a portal user to input a URL when managing the app.
  • CATEGORY_ID with the ID of the category. For example,bf6505eb-2a0f-47af-a00a-ded40ac72960. Separate multiple category IDs with acomma. Get the category ID with thelist API categoriescommand.

  • PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE with true or false (default), wheretrue indicates the API is publicly available.

  • API_PRODUCT with the name of the API product. For example,Hello World 2.

Response payload:

{ "status": "success", "message": "API created", "requestId": "1662161889", "data": { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello World 2", "description": "Simple hello world example", "modified": "1698948807000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/book-tree.jpg", "id": "409405", "requireCallbackUrl": true, "categoryIds": [ "88fbfd1d-9300-49f7-bfc2-531ade4c63d4", "630c4cf9-109a-48b0-98cc-ef4c12ae4474" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello World 2" }}


  • modified: Time the catalog item was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.For example, 1698165480000.
  • id: The ID of the catalog item. For example, 399668.

Edit an API

Once you have added an API, use the console or an API call tomake edits.

This section provides a detailed example of the steps to take to modify anexisting API in your portal.

Refer to subsequent sections for specific modification settings.


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Under API details, make any modifications. See descriptions of theoptions in Add an API.
  6. Click Save.


Once you have added an API, use theorganizations.sites.apidocs.update call to make edits.

This example walks you through the steps required to change the publishedstatus of your API in your portal from true to false. You can changemore than one setting in one API call if necessary.

  1. Get a list of the APIs in your portalusing organizations.sites.apidocs/list in order to locate the generatedid that uniquely identifies each API:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

    Replace the following:

    • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
    • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.

    Response payload:

    { "status": "success", "message": "one page of apidocs returned", "requestId": "1167960478", "data": [ { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello New World", "description": "Simple hello new world example", "specId": "hellowworld", "modified": "1695841621000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/camper1.jpg?v=1695841491415", "id": "381054", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello New World" }, { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "mock-product", "description": "Mock product", "specId": "apigee spec", "modified": "1698956849000", "anonAllowed": true, "id": "399638", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "mock-product" }, { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello World 2", "description": "Simple hello world example", "specId": "hello-new-world", "modified": "1698950207000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/book-tree.jpg?v=1698165437881", "id": "399668", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello World 2" } ]}


    • modified: Time the catalog item was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.For example, 1698165480000.
    • id: The ID of the catalog item. For example, 399668.
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values for aspecific API:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

    Replace the following:

    • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
    • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
    • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.

    Response payload:

    { "status": "success", "message": "apidoc returned", "requestId": "2072952505", "data": { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello World 2", "description": "Simple hello world example", "specId": "hello-new-world", "modified": "1698950207000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/book-tree.jpg?v=1698165437881", "id": "399668", "categoryIds": [ "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db", "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" ], "published": true, "apiProductName": "Hello World 2" }}
  3. Include the mutable values you want to keep in theorganizations.sites.apidocs.update call, and modify the values you wantto change. If you omit a line, the default setting is used. For thisexample, change the published setting from true to false:

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": "IMAGE_URL", "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": false, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

    Replace the following:

    • TITLE with the display title. For example, Hello World 2.
    • DESCRIPTION with the display description. For example,Simple hello world example.
    • ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE with true or false (default), where trueenables anonymous user access. This setting is ignored if you have enrolled inthe beta release of the audience management feature.
    • IMAGE_URL with the URL of an external image used for thecatalog item, or a file path forimage files stored in the portal, for example, /files/book-tree.jpg.When specifying the URL of an external image, the image won't be uploaded toyour assets; additionally,loading of the image in the integrated portal will besubject to its availability, which may be blocked or restricted by content security policies.
    • CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE with true or false (default), wheretrue requires a portal user to input a URL when managing the app.
    • CATEGORY_ID with the ID of the category. For example,bf6505eb-2a0f-47af-a00a-ded40ac72960. Separate multiple category IDs with acomma. Get the category ID with thelist API categoriescommand.
    • API_PRODUCT with the name of the API product. For example,Hello World 2.

    Response payload:

    { "status": "success", "message": "ApiDoc updated", "requestId": "197181831", "data": { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "title": "Hello World 2", "description": "Simple hello world example.", "modified": "1698884328000", "anonAllowed": true, "imageUrl": "/files/book-tree.jpg", "id": "408567", "requireCallbackUrl": true, "categoryIds": [ "88fbfd1d-9300-49f7-bfc2-531ade4c63d4", "630c4cf9-109a-48b0-98cc-ef4c12ae4474" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "Hello World 2" }}

Publish or unpublish an API

Publishing is the process of making your APIs available to app developers for consumption.

To publish or unpublish an API on your portal:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Under API details, select or clear Published (listed in the catalog)to publish or unpublish the API on your portal, respectively.
  6. Click Save.


Include one of the following in theupdatecall:

 "published": true, # API is published to your portal "published": false, # API is not published in your portal

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Manage the visibility of an API

Manage the visibility of an API in your portal by allowing access to:

  • Public (visible to anyone)
  • Authenticated users
  • Selected audiences (if you haveenrolled in the beta release of the audience management feature)

To manage the visibility of an API in your portal:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Select the visibility setting.If you haveenrolled in the beta release of the audiences feature, select one of thefollowing options under API visibility:

    • Public (visible to anyone) to allow all users to view the page.
    • Authenticated users to allow only registered users to view the page.
    • Selected audiences to select the specific audiences that you want tobe able to view the page. SeeManaging the audiences for your portal.

    Otherwise, select one of the following options under Audience:

    • Anonymous users to allow all users to view the page.
    • Registered users to allow only registered users to view the page.
  6. Click Submit.


If you haveenrolled in the beta release of the audience management feature, usethe console to manage audiences.

If you have not enrolled in the audience management feature, visibility ismanaged using anonAllowed.

Include one of the following in theupdatecall:

 # When not enrolled in the beta release of the audience management feature: "anonAllowed": true, # Anonymous users can see the API "anonAllowed": false, # Only registered users can see the API

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Manage the callback URL for an API

Manage the callback URL for an API. See About callback URLs.

To manage the callback URL for an API:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Under API details, select or clearRequire developers to specify a callback URLto specify that a callback URL is required or not required, respectively.
  6. Click Save.


Include one of the following in theupdatecall:

 "requireCallbackUrl": true, # Portal user is required to input a URL "requireCallbackUrl": false, # Portal user is not required to input a URL

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Manage the image for an API card

Manage the image that appears with an API card on the APIs page by adding orchanging the current image.

To manage the image for an API card:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Under API details:

    • Click Select image to specify an image if no image isselected.
    • Click Change image to specify a different image.
    • Click x in the image to remove it.

    When specifying an image, specify either an image with an external URL usedfor the catalog item, or a file path forimage files stored in the portal, for example, /files/book-tree.jpg.When specifying the URL of an external image, the image won'tbe uploaded to your assets; additionally, loading of the image in the integratedportal will be subject to its availability, which may be blocked or restricted by content security policies.

  6. Click Save.


Include the following in theupdatecall:

 # Omit line for no image file "imageUrl": "IMAGE_URL" # URL of the external image or name of the image file

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Tag an API using categories

Using categories helps app developers discover related APIs. See alsoManage categories.

To tag an API with categories:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Click in the Categories field and perform one of the following steps:

    • Select a category from the drop-down list.
    • Add a new category by typing its name and pressing Enter. The newcategory will be added to the Categories page and made available whenadding or editing other APIs.
  6. Repeat to tag the API with more categories.

  7. Click Save.


Include the following in theupdatecall:

 # Omit line for no categories "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", # A category ID number "CATEGORY_ID2" # A category ID number ],

Use thelist categoriescommand to get the category ID numbers.

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Edit the display title and description

To edit the display title and description:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. Edit the Display title and Display description fields, as required.
  6. Click Save.


Include the following in theupdatecall:

 "title": "TITLE", # Display title "description": "DESCRIPTION", # Display description

To edit the API:

  1. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.get call to return the current values:

    curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"
  2. Use the organizations.sites.apidocs.updatecall to edit the API. Include the mutable values you want to keep andmodify the values you want to change. If you omit a mutable setting, thedefault value is used.

    curl -X PUT "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "title": "TITLE", "description": "DESCRIPTION", "anonAllowed": ANON_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "imageUrl": IMAGE_URL, "requireCallbackUrl": CALLBACK_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "categoryIds": [ "CATEGORY_ID1", "CATEGORY_ID2" ], "published": PUBLISHED_TRUE_OR_FALSE, "apiProductName": "API_PRODUCT", }'

See Edit an API for a detailed example of the steps, variables,and payload returned.

Remove an API

To remove an API from your portal:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Select the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Position your cursor over the API in the list to display the actions menu.
  4. Click delete Delete.


To remove an API from your portal using organizations.sites.apidocs.delete:

curl -X DELETE "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.

Response payload:

{ "status":"success", "message":"Apidoc deleted", "requestId":"645138256"}

Manage the API documentation

The following sections describe how to update, download, or remove APIdocumentation.

Update API documentation

After you publish your API, at any time you can upload a new version of theOpenAPI or GraphQL document.

To upload a different version of the API documentation:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. In the API documentation pane, select one of the following:
    • OpenAPI document
    • GraphQL Schema
  6. Click Select Document and select the latest version of the document.
  7. For GraphQL, specify the Endpoint URL.
  8. Click Save.


To update OpenAPI or GraphQL documentation contents usingorganizations.sites.apidocs.updateDocumentation:


curl -X PATCH "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"oasDocumentation": { "spec":{ "displayName":"DISPLAY_NAME", "contents":"CONTENTS"} } }'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.
  • DISPLAY_NAME with the display name of the API documentation. Forexample, Hello World 2.
  • CONTENTS with the base64-encoded string of contents of the APIdocumentation. Most development environments contain abase64 conversion utility, or there aremany online conversion tools.

Response payload:

{ "status":"success", "message":"Api documentation updated", "requestId":"645138278" "data": { "oasDocumentation": { "spec": { "displayName": "Hello World 2" }, "Format": "YAML" } }}


curl -X PATCH "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"graphqlDocumentation": { "schema":{"displayName":"DISPLAY_NAME", "contents":"CONTENTS"}, "endpointUri": "ENDPOINT_URI" } }'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.
  • DISPLAY_NAME with the display name of the API documentation. Forexample, Hello World 2.
  • ENDPOINT_URI with the domain name of your endpoint URI. For example,
  • CONTENTS with the base64-encoded string of contents of the APIdocumentation. Most development environments contain abase64 conversion utility, or there aremany online conversion tools.

Response payload:

{ "status":"success", "message":"Api documentation updated", "requestId":"645138278" "data": { "graphqlDocumentation": { "schema": { "displayName": "Hello World 2" }, "endpointUri": "" } }}

API reference documentation is rendered from the document and added to theAPIs page of the live portal.

Download API documentation

After you publish your API, at any time you can download theOpenAPI or GraphQL reference documentation that is published on your portal.

To download API documentation usingorganizations.sites.apidocs.getDocumentation:

curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.

    Response payload:

{ "status":"success", "message":"Api documentation downloaded", "requestId":"645138256", "data": { "oasDocumentation":{ "spec":{ "displayName":"Hello World 2", "contents":"c3dhZ2dlcjogJzIuMCcKaW5mbzoKICBkZXNlI ..." }, "Format": YAML } }}


contents: The base64-encoded string of contents of the API documentation.

Remove API documentation

To remove API documentation:


  1. Access the API catalog.
  2. Click the APIs tab, if not already selected.
  3. Click in the row of the API that you want to edit.
  4. Click edit Edit.
  5. In the API documentation pane, select No documentation.
  6. Click Save.


To remove API document content using an API, you clear existing settings bysending an empty request body.

To send an empty request body and clear existing content usingorganizations.sites.apidocs.updateDocumentation:

curl -X PATCH "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{}'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • API_DOC with the generated id of the document. For example,399668. Use the list API docs command to find this value.

Response payload:

{ "status":"success", "message":"Api documentation updated", "requestId":"645138279"}

Manage categories

Tag an API using categories to enable app developers to discover relatedAPIs on the APIs pageof the live portal. Add and manage categories, as described in the followingsections.

Explore Categories

Use the console or curl command to view categories.


To view the Categories page:

  1. Select Publish > Portals and select your portal.
  2. Click API catalog on the portal home page.
    Alternatively, you can select API catalog in the portal drop-down menuin the top navigation menu.
  3. Click the Categories tab.The Categories tab in the API catalog displays the list of the categoriesthat have been defined for your portal.

    Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (12)

    Publishing your APIs | Apigee | Google Cloud (13)

    As highlighted in the previous figure, the APIs page lets you:

    • View the categories and the APIs to which they are tagged
    • Add a category
    • Edit a category
    • Delete a category
    • Manage APIs published to your portal. See Explore APIs.


To list categories using organizations.sites.apicategories.list:

curl -X GET "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.

Response payload:

{ "data": [ { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "name": "Get Started", "id": "e0518597-ece2-4d7d-ba7c-d1793df0f8db" }, { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "name": "Test", "id": "61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620" } ], "status": "success", "message": "all ApiCategory items returned", "requestId": "602661435"}


  • id: The ID of the category item. For example, 61c1014c-89c9-40e6-be3c-69cca3505620.

Add a category

To add a category:


  1. Access the Categories page.
  2. Click add Add.
  3. Enter the name of your new category.
  4. Optionally, select one or more APIs to tag to the category.
  5. Click Create.


To add a category using organizations.sites.apicategories.create:

curl -X POST "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "CATEGORY_NAME" }'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • CATEGORY_NAME with the name of the category. For example,demo-backend.

Response payload:

{ "data": { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "name": "demo-backend", "id": "ed0b6c1d-eb49-419f-8475-9a428ed5b8d1" }, "status": "success", "message": "API category created", "requestId": "295617049"}

Edit a category

To edit a category:


  1. Access the Categories page.
  2. Position your cursor over the category that you want to edit to displaythe actions menu.
  3. Click edit Edit.
  4. Edit the name of the category.
  5. Add or remove API tags.
  6. Click Save.


To edit a category using organizations.sites.apicategories.patch:

curl -X PATCH "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "CATEGORY_NAME" }'

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • CATEGORY_ID with the ID of the category. For example,bf6505eb-2a0f-47af-a00a-ded40ac72960. Get the category ID with thelist API categoriescommand.
  • CATEGORY_NAME with the name of the category. For example,demo-backend.

Response payload:

{ "data": { "siteId": "my-org-myportal", "name": "demo-backend-test", "id": "ed0b6c1d-eb49-419f-8475-9a428ed5b8d1" }, "status": "success", "message": "ApiCategory updated", "requestId": "192211979"}

Delete a category

When you delete a category, all API tags to that category are also deleted.

To delete a category:


  1. Access the Categories page.
  2. Position your cursor over the category that you want to edit to display the actions menu.
  3. Click delete Delete.
  4. Click Delete to confirm.


To delete a category using organizations.sites.apicategories.delete:

curl -X DELETE "" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Replace the following:

  • ORG_NAME with the name of the organization. For example, my-org.
  • SITE_ID with the name of the portal, in the formORG_NAME-PORTAL_NAME, where ORG_NAME is the name of theorganization and PORTAL_NAME is the portal name converted toall lowercase and with spaces and dashes removed. For example,my-org-myportal.
  • CATEGORY_ID with the ID of the category. For example,bf6505eb-2a0f-47af-a00a-ded40ac72960. Get the category ID with thelist API categoriescommand.

Response payload:

{ "status": "success", "message": "ApiCategory deleted", "requestId": "1610396471"}

Troubleshoot issues with your published APIs

The following sections provide information to help you troubleshoot specificerrors with our published APIs.

Error: Failed to fetch error returned when using Trythis API

When using Try this API, if the TypeError: Failed to fetch error isreturned, consider the following possible causes and resolutions:

  • For mixed content errors, the error may be caused by aknown swagger-ui issue.One possible workaround is to make sure that you specify HTTPS before HTTP inthe schemes definition in your OpenAPI document. For example:

    schemes: - https - http
  • For Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) restriction errors, ensure thatCORS is supported for your API proxies.CORS is a standard mechanism that enables client-side cross-origin requests.See Configuring your API proxy to support the Try this API panel.

Error: Request header field not allowed

When using Try this API, if you receive a Request header field not allowederror, similar to the following example, you may need to update the headerssupported in the CORS policy. For example:

field content-type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflightresponse

In this example, you need to add the content-type header to theAccess-Control-Allow-Headers section in your CORS AssignMessage policy, asdescribed inAttaching an Add CORS policy to a new API proxy.

Error: Access denied when calling an API proxy using OAuth 2.0

Google Cloud console's OAuthV2 policy returns a token response that contains certainnon-RFC-compliant properties. For example, the policy will return a token withthe value BearerToken, instead of the expected RFC-compliant value Bearer.This invalid token_type response can result in an Access denied error whenusing Try this API.

To correct this issue, you can create a JavaScript or AssignMessage policy totransform the policy output into a compliant format. For more information, seenon-RFC-compliant behavior.

Publishing your APIs  |  Apigee  |  Google Cloud (2024)


Publishing your APIs  |  Apigee  |  Google Cloud? ›

The process of publishing APIs to your portal is a two-step process: Select the API product that you want to publish to your portal. Render API reference documentation from your OpenAPI document or GraphQL schema to enable app developers to learn about your APIs.

What is API publishing? ›

Publishing APIs is the process of preparing your APIs for your internal developer community, your partners, and other consumers. By publishing an API, you're marking it as ready-to-use and be called from other applications. Publishing APIs is an important step to enabling adoption and ultimately API monetization.

How to publish API for free? ›

Add an API and Swagger based Docs to your Portal Catalog
  1. Step 1: Create your first API. ...
  2. Step 2: Initialise all your portal settings. ...
  3. Step 3: Create the home page. ...
  4. Step 4: Create a Policy. ...
  5. Step 5: Publish the API to the Portal. ...
  6. Step 6: Set your Portal hostname. ...
  7. Step 7: Log into your Portal.
Jul 15, 2024

Are Google Cloud APIs free? ›

Some Google APIs charge for usage, and you need to enable billing before you can start using these APIs. Enabling billing for the APIs that your projects use also has other advantages: Some APIs allow free usage up to a courtesy usage limit, and in some cases this free limit is increased when you enable billing.

How do I enable API permission in Google cloud? ›

Enable an API
  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
  3. If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the console left side menu and select APIs & services, and then select Library.
  4. Click the API you want to enable. ...
  5. Click ENABLE.

How to publish API in cloud? ›

Publish an API to the Developer Portal
  1. From the API List page, select the API you want to publish.
  2. Click the (Publication) tab.
  3. Enter a directory name in the API Portal URL field, if necessary. ...
  4. (Recommended) Ensure that you've added overview text and documentation references. ...
  5. Click Publish to Portal.

How do you publish your own API? ›

The process of publishing APIs to your portal is a two-step process: Select the API product that you want to publish to your portal. Render API reference documentation from your OpenAPI document or GraphQL schema to enable app developers to learn about your APIs.

How do I make my API public? ›

To do this, you must be the API's owner or a designer/consumer with access to the resource:
  1. Open the API page in SwaggerHub.
  2. If your API has several versions, select the version you want to make private or public:
  3. Click to make the version private or. to make it public.

How do I publish a local API? ›

Publish an API
  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory that will contain your Flex Gateway configuration files. This directory was specified when you started Flex Gateway.
  2. Create a configuration file with a . yaml file extension: ...
  3. Save the file. The gateway automatically refreshes the configuration.

How to deploy your API for free? ›

To deploy the API and ESP to App Engine:
  1. Get the service name of your API. This is the name that you specified in the host field of your OpenAPI document.
  2. Edit the app.yaml file, and add a section called endpoints_api_service that contains the service name. ...
  3. Save the app. ...
  4. Deploy your backend code and ESP to App Engine:

Do Google APIs cost money? ›

All use of Google Search Console API is free of charge. However, it is subject to usage limits. Was this helpful? Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

How do I set up Google Cloud API? ›

To enable an API for a project using the console:
  1. Go to the Google Cloud console API Library.
  2. From the projects list, select the project you want to use.
  3. In the API Library, select the API you want to enable. If you need help finding the API, use the search field and/or the filters.
  4. On the API page, click ENABLE.

What is Google Cloud APIs? ›

Google Cloud APIs are programmatic interfaces to Google Cloud Platform services. They are a key part of Google Cloud Platform, allowing you to easily add the power of everything from computing to networking to storage to machine-learning-based data analysis to your applications.

How do I create an API gateway in Google Cloud? ›

Create a GCP API
  1. If you have not already done so, go to the Google Cloud API Gateway screen by clicking on the GCP menu and selecting API Gateway.
  2. Click on CREATE GATEWAY.
  3. Enter the Display Name and the API ID (e.g. demo-api-display-name-for-external-function1 and demo-api-id-for-external-function1 ).

How do I set up Google API credentials? ›

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Credentials page: Go to Credentials.
  2. Click Create credentials, then select API key from the menu. The API key created dialog displays the string for your newly created key.

How do I grant API permission? ›

  1. In the navigation pane, click API permissions.
  2. Click Add a permission. ...
  3. Click the Microsoft Graph tile.
  4. Click Application permissions.
  5. Select the following permissions: ...
  6. Click Add permissions.
  7. Click Add a permission. ...
  8. Click APIs my organization uses, and then complete the following steps:
Jun 7, 2024

What is API posting? ›

Posting API allows for access to a job posting that was previously made public using SmartRecruiters application. Whenever a user posts a job, a posting would become accessible via the Posting API.

What does an API writer do? ›

An API writer is a technical writer who writes documents that describe an application programming interface (API). The primary audience includes programmers, developers, system architects, and system designers.

What does API stand for in printing? ›

By Steve EnstadAugust 28, 2023. If you aren't a software nerd like us, the term API (which stands for Application Programming Interface) might seem confusing.

What is an API and how is it used? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

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Article information

Author: Golda Nolan II

Last Updated:

Views: 6603

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.