Prying Eyes: Government Drone Data Across New York State (2024)

Numerous highly advanced drones with the capacity to spy on New Yorkers have been obtained by New York government agencies. But until now there was little publicly known about just how many of these invasive drones fill the arsenal of police departments and other government entities. The NYCLU has published the most comprehensive picture yet of how many drones are deployed by government agencies, including law enforcement, across our state.

A NYCLU Freedom of Information Act request to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) revealed:

  • There are 530 active drone registrations by 85different New York government entities across the state.

  • The majority (327) of these drones are operated by law enforcement agencies.

  • The New York State Police holds a whopping 126 active registrations.

  • The Nassau County Police Department alone has 33 drones, the highest for any local police department.

  • The Capital Region, the Hudson Valley, Long Island, and New York City have a particularly high concentration of government drones.

The dangers posed by these incredibly powerful spying devices are hard to overstate, and they’re being used with almost no regulation. New York should tightly regulate the use of drones by law enforcement.

Drones pose serious risks to New Yorkers’ privacy and safety. Despite this, police departments rarely disclose how or when they are used, what type of information they are collecting, where and for how long the departments store that information, and who has access to it.

Drones can be used to track a huge number of people or vehicles over a vast area. Some drones are so small you likely wouldn’t notice them if they peered into your home’s window or followed you as you walked down the street, visited your doctor’s office, or entered your place of worship.

Advancements in camera and lens technology also allow them to stay hidden and to spy from long distances. At the same time, many are able to zoom in to see minute details, such as faces and license plates. Drones have also become cheaper and can operate for long periods of time without needing to refuel or leave the air. Some can even fly autonomously.

Drones can also be equipped with biometric surveillance capabilities like facial recognition, gait recognition, emotion recognition, or behavior detection — and even when the data is inaccurate, law enforcement may rely on it to arrest people. They can be outfitted to detect objects, including license plates. They can also use infrared or thermal imaging technology and even microphones sensitive enough to hear personal conversations.

These capabilities represent unprecedented risks to New Yorkers’ privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties, and concerns over their use are not just theoretical. Police aerial surveillance is rife with examples of misuse and abuse.

Drones have been deployed to police recent political protests. U.S. Customs and Border Protection used drones and other aerial surveillance tools to monitor protests against police violence in 15 different cities, including by deploying a Predator drone –military hardware – in Minneapolis. The ACLU of Northern California uncovered aerial surveillance of racial justice protests all over the state. And last year, a court ruled that the Baltimore Police Department’s aerial surveillance program – which put the daytime movements of virtually all Baltimore residents under surveillance for 12 hours a day over six months – was unconstitutional.

Drones are also increasingly being combined with other invasive technologies. New York City Mayor Eric Adams expressed interest in deploying drones paired with controversial ShotSpotter audio recording devices along rooftops. And a police department in Westport, Connecticut deployed drones coupled with thermal imagery and biometric recognition software that tracked people’s heart rate, sneezing, coughing, and distance from one another. This was a wildly inaccurate, ineffective, and invasive measure in the early days of the COVID response.

While there is no current evidence that drones operating in New York are armed, many of the drones being deployed by police departments in our state have the capacity to be weaponized and there is currently no law that prevents police departments from doing so.

Some departments have already shown an interest in arming technology with lethal weapons. The Dallas Police Department, for example, repurposed a bomb-disposal robot to kill a suspect, and the Oakland Police Department tried to get the City to let it arm robots with guns.

The data we’ve collected shows rapid growth and expansion of drone use in New York in recent years. In 2020 alone, 200 government drones were registered. And in just the first six months of 2022, another 79 drones were added.

Across the state, 85 different agencies have drones in their arsenal, ready to fly. We can expect this number to grow. In the 2022 state budget, Governor Hochul set aside $20 million for advanced surveillance technologies, including drones, for local law enforcement agencies without limitations and oversight.

The vast majority of all registered drones – approximately 86 percent – are made by DJI. The company was added to the U.S. government’s economic blacklist, for allegedly raising national security concerns and enabling human rights abuses. The Department of Defense subsequently reaffirmed the potential threat to national security posed by DJI in 2021 and added the company to the list of military-civil fusion entities in October 2022.

Many of the other drone companies used by New York agencies have checkered histories and their products are often explicitly designed and advertised as military tools. The use of these technologies furthers the dangerous militarization of local law enforcement that we’ve seen over the past several decades.

Parrot’s Anafi drone is described as being “designed for the US Army.” The company Aeryon claimed its Skyranger drone is “battle-tested” while trumpeting that it’s been deployed by 20 national militaries across the world. UAV Solutions’ Ghost 60 drone was marketed to the Army and Special Forces and selected by the Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate of the Department of Defense. Now the NYPD has two of these drones in its arsenal.

The drones revealed through the FOIA data have frightening capabilities. Skydio drones – of which there are ten in use across New York – feature advanced AI, autonomous flights, thermal cameras that can sense body heat, and 3D mapping capabilities.

The New York State Police owns an Acecore Zoe drone which can detect and identify people and objects from up to 4,000 meters (2.5 miles) away. This drone supports heavy payloads for a variety of dangerous items or invasive technologies: for example, it explicitly offers a tether for “unlimited” flight times and a “vehicle follow-me” function to autonomously track and fly after moving vehicles.

There are also 29 Autel drones deployed across the state. They include thermal sensors and claim to recognize subjects from up to 100 meters away. They also offer “predictive target tracking” to follow or identify targets.

Almost all of these drones are being operated with little or no oversight, and there is nothing stopping police departments from acquiring and deploying many more in the years to come.

We can’t count on law enforcement agencies to police themselves, and that’s especially true when it comes to the use of invasive, military-grade technologies like drones. State leaders must put the clamps on police use of these devices.

State leaders should pass legislation that prohibits drone surveillance of protests and other events and activities protected by the First Amendment and require a search warrant before drones are used in police investigations. They should also prohibit drones from using facial recognition software, weapons, or crowd control devices.

Drones must be subjected to public oversight. We need rules for the public accessibility, retention, and deletion of drone-collected data, and private drone operating companies should be subject to the same rules as law enforcement.

Legislators must recognize that unregulated use of drones by police poses a unique threat to our rights to protest, privacy, and to be free from invasive and warrantless government surveillance.


Inspired by the ACLU of Massachusetts, the NYCLU filed a Freedom of Information request to the FAA for all active registrations by New York government agencies, including law enforcement agencies.We encourage others to replicate these requests in their respective states to get a more complete picture of the widespread use of drones.

You can access and download the spreadsheets as per the file names below.We edited to remove erroneous duplicates from the dataset, consolidated agencies that were falsely separated, and corrected misspellings.

As an expert in drone technology, surveillance, and related legal and ethical considerations, my background encompasses a deep understanding of the advancements and implications of drone use in various sectors, particularly in law enforcement. My expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, having closely followed developments in drone technology, regulations, and their applications.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts and information highlighted in the provided article:

  1. Scope of Drone Deployment:

    • The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) conducted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to reveal the extent of drone usage by New York government entities.
    • The obtained data indicates that 530 active drone registrations exist, distributed among 85 different government entities in New York.
  2. Distribution Among Government Entities:

    • Law enforcement agencies operate the majority of these drones, with 327 out of the total 530.
    • The New York State Police holds the highest number of active registrations (126 drones), and the Nassau County Police Department alone possesses 33 drones, the highest for any local police department.
  3. Geographical Concentration:

    • Certain regions, namely the Capital Region, the Hudson Valley, Long Island, and New York City, exhibit a high concentration of government drones.
  4. Privacy and Safety Concerns:

    • The article emphasizes the potential dangers to privacy and safety posed by the extensive use of drones, highlighting the lack of adequate regulation.
  5. Capabilities and Surveillance Technologies:

    • Drones are equipped with advanced camera and lens technology, enabling long-distance surveillance with the ability to zoom in on minute details.
    • They can be fitted with biometric surveillance capabilities such as facial recognition, gait recognition, emotion recognition, and behavior detection.
    • Additional features include the ability to detect objects, license plates, and the use of infrared or thermal imaging technology.
  6. Misuse and Examples of Abuse:

    • Instances of drones being deployed to monitor political protests are cited, including examples from U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the ACLU of Northern California.
    • Previous cases, such as the Baltimore Police Department's aerial surveillance program, are referenced as unconstitutional.
  7. Integration with Other Technologies:

    • Drones are increasingly combined with other invasive technologies, such as audio recording devices and thermal imagery with biometric recognition software.
  8. Arming Drones:

    • While there is no current evidence of armed drones in New York, concerns are raised about the potential weaponization of drones, as seen in examples from other regions.
  9. Rapid Growth in Drone Use:

    • The data collected indicates rapid growth, with 200 government drones registered in 2020 alone, and an additional 79 drones in the first six months of 2022.
  10. Financial Allocation for Surveillance Technologies:

    • The 2022 state budget allocated $20 million for advanced surveillance technologies, including drones, for local law enforcement agencies without clear limitations and oversight.
  11. Drone Manufacturers and Security Concerns:

    • Approximately 86 percent of all registered drones are made by DJI, a company blacklisted by the U.S. government due to national security concerns and human rights abuses.
  12. Military-Grade Drone Companies:

    • Mention is made of drone companies with checkered histories and explicit military applications, contributing to the perceived militarization of local law enforcement.
  13. Specific Drone Models and Capabilities:

    • Examples of drones with advanced capabilities are provided, including Skydio drones with AI, autonomous flights, thermal cameras, and 3D mapping capabilities.
    • The Acecore Zoe drone owned by the New York State Police is highlighted for its long-range detection capabilities and support for heavy payloads.
    • Autel drones are mentioned for their thermal sensors, predictive target tracking, and recognition capabilities.
  14. Lack of Oversight and Regulation:

    • The article underscores the lack of oversight in the operation of these drones, with concerns about the potential for increased deployment without regulation.
  15. Call for Legislative Action:

    • The concluding section advocates for state leaders to regulate the use of drones by law enforcement, including legislation prohibiting drone surveillance of protected activities, requiring search warrants, and establishing rules for data accessibility and retention.

In conclusion, the information presented in the article paints a comprehensive picture of the current state of drone usage by government entities in New York, highlighting both the capabilities and potential risks associated with their deployment, while calling for increased regulation and oversight.

Prying Eyes: Government Drone Data Across New York State (2024)


Is it illegal to fly a drone over private property in New York State? ›

In New York State, drone operators are allowed to fly over private property, but they must obtain permission from the property owner before doing so. Additionally, drone pilots must respect the privacy and safety concerns of others while operating their drones.

Does the government use drones to spy on people? ›

U.S. law enforcement is greatly expanding its use of surveillance drones, and private actors are also seeking to use the technology for personal and commercial use. Drones have many beneficial uses, including in search-and-rescue missions, scientific research, mapping, and more.

What do government drones look like at night? ›

A: Police drones often have distinct features, such as blue and red lights. If you see these lights in the night sky and detect the drone using a drone detector app, it's likely a police drone flying around.

What is the NYPD drone policy? ›

Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Permits

The NYPD, in partnership with the Department of Transportation (DOT), reviews these permit applications and either approves or disapproves them. A permit is required in order to take-off or land any FAA-registered, FAA-compliant UA lawfully within the City.

Can I shoot down a drone spying on me? ›

The act of shooting down a drone can indeed be considered a crime. Under federal law, a drone is classified as an aircraft. Therefore, damaging, destroying, disabling, or wrecking a drone could result in federal criminal charges under 18 U.S.C. § 32, which deals with the destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities.

What to do if a drone is spying on you? ›

If you feel a drone is spying on you, you should call police or report it to FFA. The appropriate authority to deal with cases of a spying drone is the local police force that deals with complaints of stalking or peeping toms. You may call in the FAA if the drone is being operated illegally or in an unsafe way.

How to stop drones from flying over your house? ›

You should first contact the person controlling the drone and ask them to stop flying it over your property. In most cases, they will stop the conduct right away when they realize that it bothers you. If that does not work, you can raise a private nuisance claim.

What is the app that detects police drones? ›

AARTOS™ App - AARTOS Drone Detection.

How to detect a drone with your phone? ›

You can use the DroneWatcher app on your Android tablet or smartphone to watch for drones. Additionally, RF sensors can detect drones if they operate via RF communication. In the case of GPS-operated drones, radar detectors can be another solution.

How to tell if a drone is watching you at night? ›

Keep an eye out for flickering or steady lights in the sky. If you see lights hovering in one place or rotating randomly, it could be a sign of drone activity. Scan the horizon with night vision devices: Night vision goggles or cameras can greatly increase your ability to detect drones in low light conditions.

Do police use drones for surveillance in NY? ›

Drones have also been utilized to patrol above-ground train lines to watch out for subway surfers. Drone use by the NYPD jumped more than 400% last year from 2022, but Daughtry said they can't be used for “warrantless surveillance” as well as “traffic enforcement or immobilizing vehicles of suspects.”

Can police use drones to watch you? ›

Drones can be used to breach and clear

Emeryville, CA, May of 2022. A suspect entered a hotel waving a firearm and threatening staff and guests. The Alameda Sheriff's Department responded to the scene and, for a time, maintained a visual on the suspect. Then, suddenly, he disappeared.

Are there drones watching us? ›

Public records show the FBI, DEA, and Border Patrol often use Predator drones in surveillance missions inside the United States. These agencies share their drones with state and local police with alarming frequency.

Is drone recovery legal in NY state? ›

However, tracking and recovery of a deer or bear are part of the hunt, and DEC says New York laws do not allow drones to be used in this way. Drones are defined and regulated as aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and aircraft may not be used to aid deer or bear hunters.

Is NYC a no-fly zone? ›

There is no official "no-fly zone" around Trump Tower in New York City, but there are restricted airspace regulations in place by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) due to its proximity to several major airports.

Is it illegal to fly a drone over private property in Florida? ›

This law prohibits the use of a drone to capture an image of privately owned property or the owner, tenant, or occupant of such property without consent if a reasonable expectation of privacy exists. This law defines what a drone is and limits the use of drones by law enforcement.

How far can drones travel? ›

The longest range of a drone is currently more than 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles). This range can vary depending on the drone model, battery life, and environmental conditions. How to make a drone last longer? To make your drone last longer, keep it clean and well-maintained, avoiding flights in bad weather.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.