Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (2024)

Have you been fortunate enough to have been offered the chance to move to the United States and wondered if it’s right for you? Do the pros outweigh the cons of living in the US? On the one hand, you have seen the glossy images of the rich and famous, living the American Dream, but on the other, you may have been put off by all the news stories and politics in the media. So what is the reality of living in the US?

Previously we have written about the many great reasons to move the USA. Now we take a closer look at the pros and cons of moving to America so you can decide for yourself. The grass is not always greener and we need to be careful of looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses.

Like any country, the United States is far from perfect, but it does offer unparalleled opportunities. As long as you are aware of both the good and bad, you can be realistic about your expectations and you can be prepared for any downsides. Overall, the vast majority of our customers that move to the States think that you the US is a good place to live and have no regrets with most say it was one of the best decisions they ever made.


  • So what are the Pros of living in the United States?
  • Pro: America is beautiful in every way
  • Pro: Americans enjoy the highest average household income in the world
  • Pro: America is so large you are guaranteed to find your perfect climate
  • Pro: Large, spacious and beautiful homes at very affordable prices.
  • Pro: Exceptionally friendly staff make every experience a good experience
  • Pro: You can find your idea of heaven
  • Pro: An abundance of restaurants awaits you!
  • Pro: Small and friendly towns
  • Pro: Cars are cheap to run due to lower fuel prices
  • Pro: There is no language barrier as English is spoken everywhere
  • Pro: Incredible shopping experiences
  • Pro: Healthcare is second to none
  • Pro: Super high standards of schooling
  • Pro: America hosts the world’s top universities
  • Pro: America is hugely diverse in culture
  • Pro: Excellent air transport makes travel easy and efficient
  • Pro: Moving and relocating to the USA is easy!
  • Pro: No need to travel abroad for holidays!
  • Pro: You get to follow the American Dream!
  • Cons of living in the USA for expats
  • Con: Getting a work visa or green card is hard
  • Con: The dollar is a very strong currency
  • Con: A car is vital to get around
  • Con: There is no free health service
  • Con: Hidden sales taxes
  • Con: Tips are expected!
  • Con: Gun violence
  • Con: Dirty cities
  • Con: American TV has had a poor reputation
  • Con: You miss your family
  • So should you make the move to the United States?

So what are the Pros of living in the United States?

If you live in America, you will always have something to do. Much of what we see on TV is real; the US has sandy beaches, picturesque mountains, chic city life and highly respected universities. However, before we start packing up our homes and start uprooting our families, let us look at some of the pros and benefits of living in the USA, and later, the cons.

Pro: America is beautiful in every wayPros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (1)

The song “America the Beautiful” might be a bit of a cliché but it is certainly true. The United States is blessed by a huge range of stunning landscapes of every description. With vistas including the Grand Canyon, Florida Everglades, the Colorado Rockies, Utah’s Monument Valley to name just a few, you’ll never be far from stepping into a movie set! The Glacier National Park in Montana is perfect for those who are looking for an adventure as you can explore historical chalets, lodges and lakes.

You also have the Acadia National Park, famous for its stunning fall foliage and landscapes. If you love beaches, you have states such as California and Florida, which are home to the famous Santa Monica and Miami beaches. They are perfect if you are looking to take photos at sunset, and you have lots of restaurants and entertainment nearby.

Pro: Americans enjoy the highest average household income in the world

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (2)
If you are looking for a better lifestyle for you and your family, America is perfect. The United States boasts an impressive income per capita measure of $54,854, and has the highest average income in the world. The key sectors in America include financial services, technology, professional and business services, manufacturing and health care. Furthermore, no matter what industry you are working in, America provides unrivalled opportunities to progress in your career.

Pro: America is so large you are guaranteed to find your perfect climate

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (3)
The top-rated three states for the perfect climate are Florida, California and Hawaii but there are other great options. If you like good weather but prefer it slightly cooler, Georgia, Louisiana and Pennsylvania are all ideal. If you prefer the cold, Minnesota and Maine are some of the colder states in the USA but they also have many great attractions such as the Grand Teton and the Devils Tower National Monument.

Pro: Large, spacious and beautiful homes at very affordable prices.Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (4)

Americans enjoy more than twice the average living space of EU residents as land prices are much lower compared to other countries in the world. In addition, as most houses are constructed with wood, they are generally much larger and more spacious inside. It may be possible for you to swap your two bedroom terrace for a four bedroom detached family dwelling, as America provides good value for money properties. If you’re lucky, you may also have additional features such as a cellar, double garage and even a swimming pool!

Pro: Exceptionally friendly staff make every experience a good experience

The friendly, positive and outgoing nature of Americans is the foundation of their outstanding reputation for customer service. You really do feel that ‘the customer is always right and nothing is too much trouble. In the United States you’ll be greeted with smiles and ‘How may I help you?” and ‘Have a nice day!’ ending every interaction.

Pro: You can find your idea of heaven

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (5)
The US is so diverse, with 50 states and 2 territories, that you are sure to find the perfect place for you. Each state has its unique culture and a variety of different communities. For both work and leisure, you will not find better options anywhere else.

If you prefer city living you are spoilt for choice with the iconic New York and Los Angeles as well as hundreds of other options including Boston, Seattle, Nashville, Dallas and Tampa. Whatever your idea of heaven is, you will find it in America.

Pro: An abundance of restaurants awaits you!

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (6)
There is an abundance of diverse and varied restaurants in America of exceptionally high quality. Food is amazing in America! Everything is bigger and better, cheaper and more delicious. Dynamic specialist chefs paired with exceptional customer service ensure your dining experience is second to none.

Pro: Small and friendly towns

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (7)
Although the United States is home to some of the liveliest, busiest and biggest cities in the world, it’s smaller, more homely, towns are also in abundance. Many of these small towns have populations of less than 10,000 and therefore have the friendliest, most welcoming communities and residents. What’s more, these cute towns often boast some of the most astonishing landscapes and have a charming appeal.

Pro: Cars are cheap to run due to lower fuel prices

Fuel prices in Europe are currently at an all-time high and running a car is becoming a luxury and an expense. By moving to the United States, this will no longer be an issue. Although gas prices have increased, cars are still much cheaper to run and much cheaper to purchase compared to most countries. And as the legal age for learning to drive is just 16, your teenagers will be happy too!

Pro: There is no language barrier as English is spoken everywhere

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (8)
Moving to another country usually requires learning a new language in order to converse and work in that country. However, the great thing about moving to the States is everybody speaks English! There is no need for the added expense of language lessons or time lost on online courses! Although English is the primary language in the US, it is a multicultural country, and there are still opportunities to learn a range of new languages. Another bonus is that Americans love people speaking English with a cultured British accent!

Pro: Incredible shopping experiences

You have not truly shopped till you dropped until you have visited America! It boasts the most huge, impressive shopping malls full to the brim with designer shops and sparkling jewellers selling produce at affordable prices. Whether it’s supermarkets such as Walmart, superstores like Home Depot or the Mall of America, you’ll be spoilt for choice. But if going shopping is not your thing you have a vast range of online delivery options too.

Pro: Healthcare is second to none

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (9)
America provides some of the best healthcare in the world. In fact, it is ranked amongst the top countries globally, especially for private healthcare. Many of us are frustrated with the long waiting lists for important surgical procedures in the UK. If you moved to America, this would be a thing of the past.

Online care delivery via telemedicine applications or virtual hospital services makes patient visits much more convenient. The United States boasts minimal waiting times for major procedures paired with quality service. In addition, as a leader in medical research, new drugs and treatments are often available here long before elsewhere in the world.

Pro: Super high standards of schoolingPros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (10)

In the US, not only will your child receive an excellent education, but they will also gain important life skills. The US system places emphasis on examinations, but there is also a heavy emphasis on extracurricular activities such as sports. This is beneficial for keeping active, as well as learning soft skills such as teamwork and leadership, which could serve them well later.

Moreover, your children get to attend the prom, participate in high school sports, become a cheerleader and go to school on the unmissable yellow school buses!

Pro: America hosts the world’s top universitiesPros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (11)

For those looking for the best education in the world, America is the perfect destination. They may not have Oxbridge but Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford are just a few of the top universities you would have heard about in films and media.

Many of our most prestigious business people, doctors and scientists have also graduated from these impressive colleges. The American higher education system is considered one of the finest in the world and offers flexible study opportunities at over 4,000 colleges and universities.

Pro: America is hugely diverse in culture

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (12)
America’s large influx of immigrants means that the country is one of the most diverse nations in the world. You will be welcomed into the USA and will benefit from the different mixtures of cultures. Not only does this mean that it will be easy to fit in but you can also enjoy the benefits of so much diversity such as exotic cuisines and a variety of festivals.

Pro: Excellent air transport makes travel easy and efficient

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (13)
America boasts excellent transport links, especially if you are looking to travel by air. Almost all 50 states bar one have an airport and the US boasts an impressive 19,919 airports. If you are not into flying, there is also the famous Greyhound intercity bus service that provides great transportation to major destinations in the USA.

Pro: Moving and relocating to the USA is easy!

Whilst you might be moving halfway across the world, the actual process of relocation and moving to America need not be too difficult or stressful. As many people move back and forth between the US and the UK / Europe, there are lots of cost-effective removal and shipping options by sea and air freight. There are also lots of USA shipping companies real estate agents and foreign exchange services that are on hand to make your move easier.

Pro: No need to travel abroad for holidays!

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (14)
America is home to some of the world’s most astounding landscapes, monuments and attractions. From breathtaking views at the Grand Canyon to bubbling hot springs in Yellowstone, there is no need to travel outside of the US for a holiday of a lifetime. Connect with nature at Yosemite and experience one of the tallest waterfalls or hike through Yellowstone. The Hawaiian Islands have idyllic beaches and unique volcanic natural beauty, whilst the bright lights of Las Vegas and New York are sure to entertain and amuse.

Pro: You get to follow the American Dream!

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (15)
Reading some newspaper headlines some cynics may say the American Dream is dead but that simply is not the case – the American Dream is still very much alive. The US is still the land of opportunity and still ranks as one of the most desirable countries in the world to move to. The US offers great career opportunities, an unparalleled lifestyle and one of the highest standards of living in the world – all in a beautiful environment.

Cons of living in the USA for expats

It is evident that America is one of the most astounding countries in the world. but of course, it’s not perfect. However, knowing the disadvantages and downsides means that you can be better prepared. Here are a few of the cons or disadvantages and living in America that may be worth considering:

Con: Getting a work visa or green card is hardPros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (16)

The biggest obstacle to living in the United States is getting a work permit or green card. This dashes the hopes of many looking to pursue the American dream. However, there are still many opportunities if you have the right qualifications, or can transfer from an international company.

There are some good immigration agents that can help or you could try for a short-term work visa or a holiday home. If you are very committed, you may end up falling in love and marrying an American citizen!

Con: The dollar is a very strong currencyPros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (17)

Whilst the dollar being the world’s leading currency is a great thing once you move there and start earning, the current strength of the dollar can be a disadvantage when you are transferring your money to the US. Fortunately using a specialist foreign exchange broker can help you get the most from your currency transfer. Also, as property and many consumer goods are cheaper stateside, you are less likely to notice it.

Con: A car is vital to get around

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (18)
The United States is so huge and there is long distance between towns and cities. As most towns are laid out in blocks, owning a car is very useful for getting around. On the positive side, cars are cheap to buy and run, especially with lower gas prices. If you cannot drive, try to find somewhere to live with good public transport connections.

Con: There is no free health service

The US does not have a national health service so you will need to have private medical insurance. Fortunately, many big employers offer this as part of your benefits package and this is likely to be the case if you are moving as an expat. However, as long as you budget for health care when you plan your move to the United States, it should not be a big problem.

Con: Hidden sales taxes

Unlike in the UK and other countries, sales taxes (VAT) are not displayed on the shelf price, which can be annoying when you first arrive and get a nasty surprise at the checkout! However, once you get used to the system, you will soon be able to work prices out and take satisfaction that consumer goods are often cheaper in the USA than elsewhere. Another compensation though is that income tax tends to be a lot lower in the US.

Con: Tips are expected!

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (19)
Another custom to be aware of is that a minimum tip of 15% is expected at all restaurants. Therefore, if you choose not to meet this requirement you can be met with disdain as poorly paid waiting staff rely on tips for their income. So don’t forget to take this into account when ordering. An advantage though is that the tipping culture encourages the great customer service that the United States is so renowned for.

Con: Gun violence

There is no escaping that gun violence is a problem in the States and makes for familiar and depressing news stories. However, the vast majority of American neighbourhoods are very safe and the recent US gun control bill introduced by President Biden is a step in the right direction. So whilst the US has a poor international reputation in this regard, it does not affect the daily lives of many people.

Con: Dirty cities

American cities can sometimes be dirty with bad traffic jams also adding to the air pollution. However, many Americans volunteer to keep the environment clean and pick up litter and debris in organized groups. In addition to this, the clean air acts imposed have significantly reduced the emissions of poisonous gases in the United States.

Con: American TV has had a poor reputation

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (20)
Overseas, American TV had a reputation for numerous adverts, canned laughter, bipartisan news channels and a lot of low quality programming. However, this is not so much the case anymore. You now have so much more choices with the rise of streaming services such as Netflix, HBO, Disney+, Amazon and Apple. This has led to a ‘Golden Age’ of American TV with popular dramas such as Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Homeland, Stranger Things and many more. If you miss UK TV, no worries, many British shows are available stateside and now you have the option of subscription services like Britbox and the BBC World Service.

Con: You miss your family

It is inevitable that you will miss your loved ones and your regular catch-ups with friends. However, due to technological advances, it has never been easier to video call or skype our family or friends from all over the world. Furthermore, air travel has become much more affordable and convenient, especially in the US. It is so easy to hop on a plane, and within nine hours your loved ones can be with you. And what better place to visit for a holiday than America.

So should you make the move to the United States?

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (21)

To conclude, America is among the world’s oldest nations where cultural diversity is strong and respect within communities is paramount. It is a well-developed country with an excellent infrastructure. The people are friendly and welcoming and its spectacular scenery is hard to match.

If you are already considering moving to the United States, it is likely that you have secured a job in one of the many highly-paid sectors America has to offer and therefore your standard of living and quality of life should greatly improve. Bigger, more affordable housing, excellent schooling for your children and wonderful leisure experiences are just a few of the benefits you could enjoy.

Yes, there are cons to living in this country, but there are negatives to living anywhere and it is very important to realise that not everything we witness in the news is real! The evidence speaks for itself; the advantages of moving to America far outweigh the disadvantages, so it might be time to make the move.

To start the process of moving your personal belongings from the UK to USA, check out our FAQ on removals to USA, and receive an estimated quote today using our international removals cost calculator. Whether you are looking to move your entire household content or looking to ship a few boxes, PSS will be able to help you.

As an expert in international relocations and the nuances of living in the United States, I bring a wealth of firsthand knowledge and experience to the table. With a deep understanding of the various aspects of immigration, cultural adaptation, and the intricacies of daily life in the U.S., I am well-equipped to guide individuals through the decision-making process of moving to this country.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article:

Pros of Living in the United States:

  1. America's Aesthetic Appeal:

    • The United States boasts diverse and breathtaking landscapes, from the Grand Canyon to the Florida Everglades and the Colorado Rockies. This contributes to the overall beauty of the country.
  2. High Household Income:

    • America has the highest average household income globally, making it an attractive destination for those seeking an improved quality of life.
  3. Varied Climates:

    • The sheer size of the U.S. ensures a variety of climates. States like Florida, California, and Hawaii offer warm weather, while others like Georgia and Minnesota provide cooler options.
  4. Affordable Housing:

    • The cost of living in the U.S. allows for spacious and affordable homes, with a focus on larger living spaces compared to many European countries.
  5. Friendly Culture:

    • Americans are known for their friendly and positive nature, contributing to a welcoming atmosphere. Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of American culture.
  6. Cultural Diversity:

    • The U.S. is a melting pot of cultures due to a large influx of immigrants. This diversity is reflected in various aspects, such as cuisine and festivals.
  7. Education and Universities:

    • The country hosts some of the world's top universities, providing excellent educational opportunities. The emphasis on extracurricular activities enhances the overall learning experience.
  8. Healthcare Quality:

    • The U.S. offers top-tier healthcare, especially in the private sector, with minimal waiting times for major procedures and a focus on medical research.
  9. Transportation Infrastructure:

    • Efficient air transport and an extensive network of airports make travel within the U.S. convenient. The Greyhound intercity bus service also provides transportation options.
  10. American Dream:

    • The concept of the American Dream is still alive, symbolizing the land of opportunity, great career prospects, and a high standard of living.

Cons of Living in the USA for Expats:

  1. Challenges with Work Visas:

    • Obtaining a work visa or green card can be a significant obstacle for those aspiring to move to the U.S.
  2. Strong Currency:

    • While earning in dollars is advantageous, the strength of the currency can pose challenges when transferring money from other countries.
  3. Dependency on Cars:

    • Due to the vast size of the country, owning a car is often necessary for convenient travel between towns and cities.
  4. No Free Health Service:

    • The absence of a national health service means individuals need private medical insurance, which may be provided by employers.
  5. Hidden Sales Taxes:

    • Sales taxes are not displayed on the shelf price, leading to surprises at checkout. However, income taxes are generally lower.
  6. Tipping Culture:

    • Tipping is expected at restaurants, with a minimum of 15%. This is a cultural norm that supports the service industry.
  7. Gun Violence:

    • While gun violence is a concern, it often does not directly impact the daily lives of many people, as the majority of neighborhoods are safe.
  8. City Cleanliness:

    • Some American cities may experience pollution and traffic jams, but there are efforts to address environmental concerns.
  9. Evolution of American TV:

    • American TV has evolved beyond its earlier reputation, with the rise of streaming services offering diverse and high-quality content.
  10. Distance from Family:

    • Moving to the U.S. may result in missing family and friends, but technological advancements and affordable air travel mitigate this challenge.

In conclusion, while the U.S. presents challenges, the advantages often outweigh the drawbacks. The decision to move should be based on individual priorities, career goals, and lifestyle preferences. For those considering such a move, thorough research, preparation, and a realistic understanding of both pros and cons are essential.

Pros and cons of living in the USA for expats - PSS Removals (2024)


What are the downfalls of living in the US? ›

One of the cons of living in the United States is employee rights. In short, we don't have many. Unions are widely frowned upon, and while it's easy to find a job, it's even easier to lose one.

Is it good to settle in USA? ›

Each country has its own shares of good and bad, but US in spite of all the latest political developments gets a lot of things right. Culture: US is a land of immigrants and full of US Jobs and opportunities. The culture here especially in California is an amalgamation of cultures from all around the world.

Where is the best place for Americans to live outside the US? ›

The country that tops the list is just south of the border: Mexico. The InterNations survey found that 90% of expats in the country are enjoying their life there. Mexico is also the friendliest nation on the list, with 89% of expats saying that locals are kind to foreigners.

Is America still a good place to live? ›

The U.S. ranks No. 1 for both the local job market as well as personal career prospects, and No. 7 for work culture and satisfaction. The country overall comes in 30th out of 53 destinations as a good place for expats, and 72% of expats in the U.S. say they're happy with life, on par with the global average.

What are some problems in the USA? ›

America's Biggest Issues
  • America's Biggest Issues: Conservatism vs. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Health Care. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Immigration. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Religious Freedom. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Marriage. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Education. ...
  • America's Biggest Issues: Environment.

Why is moving to the US so hard? ›

U.S. Legal Immigration Rules Explained

America traditionally had few immigration restrictions, but since the 1920s, the law has banned most aspiring immigrants. Today, fewer than 1 percent of people who want to move permanently to the United States can do so legally.

How much money is sufficient for comfortable life in USA? ›

A recent report from SmartAsset found that you'll need to earn an average $68,499 post-taxes to live comfortably in America's 25 biggest metro areas. That's a 20% increase from a year ago, when you needed just $57,013 after taxes.

Which job is best to settle in USA? ›

Most Demanding Career Opportunities In The USA For Indian Students
JobsAvg Annual Salary (Approx)
Web DeveloperINR 73.2L
Project ManagerINR 82.7L
Registered NurseINR 94L
Cyber Security EngineerINR 99.7L
6 more rows
Mar 19, 2024

What is the best city to settle in the US? ›

Each year U.S. News & World Report releases a list of the Best Places to Live in the US. These top-rated cities always include a few big players, like Boston and San Francisco, as well as some surprises, like Green Bay, Wisconsin, landing the #1 spot.

What country has the most US expats? ›

The Department of Defense's Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) Estimate: 4.8 Million
CountryNumber of Americans (2018)
United Kingdom391,141
1 more row
Nov 11, 2023

What is the easiest country to move to from USA? ›

The 10 Easiest Countries To Immigrate As an Expat
  • Canada.
  • Australia.
  • Germany.
  • New Zealand.
  • Singapore.
  • Sweden.
  • Ireland.
  • Netherlands.
Mar 22, 2024

What is the cheapest place to live out of the US? ›

The low cost of living is the number one reason many expats move to Ecuador. It can be a tremendous advantage, particularly if you are on a fixed income. Rental prices are a fraction of the cost of those in the US or Europe, and if you buy property, your taxes will be significantly lower than in your home country.

What is the #1 city to live in the US? ›

Here's how editors said the magazine determined its picks: Analyzing the 150 most populous metropolitan areas and evaluating several factors including job prospects, affordability, growth and quality of life. Topping the 2023-24 list: Green Bay, Wisconsin.

What is the most liveable city in the US? ›

US News & World Report released a list of the cities with the best quality of life. Cities with ample outdoor activities and beautiful natural surroundings ranked highly on its list. Ann Arbor, Michigan, was named the best city for a high quality of life.

Is the US standard of living declining? ›

Since 1971, the middle income was above 50% of the population in the U.S. In 2015, the middle class income was 49.9% of the population. The middle class continues to shrink and standard of living continues to decrease.

What is it like moving to USA? ›

Minimal Culture Shock

Whether due to the exposure to American culture through media or its similarity to the UK, people that move across the pond often report little to no culture shock. Compared to entering a new life in central Europe, Asia or further afield, you'll find settling into life in the USA a breeze.

Why should we live in America? ›

Moving to the USA isn't just about the job opportunities, it's also about the world-renowned education that the country offers. With prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, and MIT, the United States sets the bar for excellence in higher education and research.

Is it hard to move to America? ›

It is a little more difficult if you are moving to the USA from the UK and plan to retire there but haven't already been sponsored by an American employer or obtained a Green Card. If you have family in America, they may be able to sponsor you, or you could gain entry through what is known as the EB-5 investor program.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.