Pros and cons of corporate venturing - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. What is corporate venturing?

2. The history of corporate venturing

3. The benefits of corporate venturing

4. The drawbacks of corporate venturing

5. How to set up a corporate venture?

6. Managing a corporate venture

7. Measuring the success of a corporate venture

8. Case studies of successful corporate ventures

9. Resources for further reading on corporate venturing

1. What is corporate venturing?

Corporate venturing is a strategic tool that allows companies to create new businesses and products by partnering with external startups and other organizations.

There are many benefits associated with corporate venturing, including the ability to access new markets, technologies, and talent. In addition, corporate venturing can help companies to boost innovation and create new sources of growth.

However, there are also some risks associated with corporate venturing, including the possibility of losing control over the new business, the potential for conflict between the corporate parent and the startup, and the risk that the new venture will not be successful.

Thus, it is important for companies to carefully consider the pros and cons of corporate venturing before deciding whether or not to pursue this type of strategy.

What is corporate venturing?

Corporate venturing is a strategic tool that allows companies to create new businesses and products by partnering with external startups and other organizations. Corporate venturing typically involves the creation of a new entity that is jointly owned by the corporate parent and the startup or other partner. This joint venture allows the corporate parent to access the startups technology, market, or talent, while providing the startup with resources and expertise from the corporate parent.

There are many benefits associated with corporate venturing, including the ability to access new markets, technologies, and talent. In addition, corporate venturing can help companies to boost innovation and create new sources of growth. However, there are also some risks associated with corporate venturing, including the possibility of losing control over the new business, the potential for conflict between the corporate parent and the startup, and the risk that the new venture will not be successful. Thus, it is important for companies to carefully consider the pros and cons of corporate venturing before deciding whether or not to pursue this type of strategy.

Benefits of corporate venturing

One of the main benefits of corporate venturing is the ability to access new markets. By partnering with a startup that is already established in a particular market, a company can quickly enter that market without having to build up its own presence from scratch. This can be a particularly valuable strategy for companies that are looking to enter into emerging markets where there is high potential for growth.

In addition to providing access to new markets, corporate venturing can also give companies access to new technologies. Startups are often at the forefront of developing new technologies, and by partnering with a startup, a company can gain access to these new technologies without having to invest in their development itself. This can be a particularly important strategy for companies that are looking to stay ahead of the curve in terms of technology.

Finally, another benefit of corporate venturing is the ability to access new talent. Startups often have a pool of highly skilled workers who are willing to take on challenging projects. By partnering with a startup, a company can tap into this pool of talent and bring skilled workers into its own organization. This can be a valuable strategy for companies that are looking to boost their innovation capabilities.

Risks of corporate venturing

While there are many benefits associated with corporate venturing, there are also some risks that companies should be aware of before pursuing this type of strategy. One of the main risks is the possibility of losing control over the new business. If a company partners with a startup to create a new business, it may find itself in a minority position in terms of ownership. This can lead to conflict between the corporate parent and the startup, as well as difficulty in making decisions about the direction of the new business. In addition, if the new venture is not successful, the company may find itself saddled with debt and liabilities.

Another risk associated with corporate venturing is the potential for conflict between the corporate parent and the startup. This conflict can arise due to disagreements about the direction of the new business, differences in culture between the two organizations, or simply because of the different goals of each organization. If these conflicts are not managed properly, they can lead to the failure of the new venture.

Finally, another risk that companies should be aware of is the risk that the new venture will not be successful. While there are many potential benefits associated with launching a new business, there is also a significant amount of risk involved. The failure rate for new businesses is high, and even successful businesses can take years to achieve profitability. Thus, companies should carefully consider the risks and potential rewards of launching a new venture before deciding whether or not to pursue this type of strategy.

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2. The history of corporate venturing

The origins of corporate venturing can be traced back to the early days of modern capitalism. In the late 19th century, large corporations began to emerge as a powerful force in the economy. These firms had the capital and the organizational structure to support large-scale production. They also had the ability to take risks and make long-term investments.

In the early 20th century, these large corporations began to use their power and resources to enter new markets and industries. This process is known as diversification. Diversification allowed these firms to reduce their dependence on a single industry or market. It also allowed them to spread their risks across different sectors.

However, diversification also had its downside. As firms entered new markets, they often found themselves competing against smaller, more nimble firms. These smaller firms often had a better understanding of the local market and were better equipped to respond to changes in consumer demand.

In response to this challenge, large corporations began to invest in smaller firms. This process is known as corporate venturing. By investing in smaller firms, corporations could gain a foothold in new markets and industries. They could also learn from the smaller firms innovative strategies and practices.

Today, corporate venturing is a common practice among large corporations. Many firms have established dedicated venture capital divisions or funds. These divisions or funds invest in small businesses that are developing new products or technologies.

Corporate venturing has its pros and cons. On the plus side, it allows large corporations to tap into new markets and industries. It also provides them with an opportunity to learn from smaller, more agile firms. On the downside, it can be risky and it can lead to conflict between the interests of the corporation and the interests of the small business.

3. The benefits of corporate venturing

Benefits of Corporate Venturing

There are many different types of corporate venturing, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The most common type of corporate venturing is when a company invests in a startup or early-stage company. This can be done through equity investment, debt financing, or a combination of both.

Investing in a startup or early-stage company can be risky, but it can also lead to big rewards. If the company is successful, the investor can make a lot of money. On the other hand, if the company fails, the investor can lose all of their investment.

Corporate venturing can also help a company to diversify its business. By investing in a startup or early-stage company, the company can gain exposure to new technologies and markets. This can help to reduce the risk of the company's core business.

There are some tax advantages to corporate venturing as well. In some cases, the investor can get a tax deduction for their investment. This can help to offset some of the risk associated with investing in a startup or early-stage company.

There are also some non-financial benefits to corporate venturing. For example, investing in a startup or early-stage company can help to build relationships with new and innovative companies. This can lead to new business opportunities for the investor in the future.

corporate venturing is not without its risks and drawbacks, but it can be a great way for a company to grow and diversify its business. If done correctly, it can lead to big rewards for the company and its shareholders.

4. The drawbacks of corporate venturing

There are many different types of corporate venturing, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here, we focus on the drawbacks of corporate venturing, which include:

1. Limited upside potential.

While corporate venturing can help companies to generate new revenue streams and expand their businesses, the upside potential is often limited. This is because corporate venturing typically involves investing in early-stage companies that have yet to prove themselves. As such, there is a greater risk of failure and a lower potential return on investment.

2. High costs.

Another drawback of corporate venturing is that it can be a costly endeavor. Companies often need to invest significant resources in order to identify and assess potential investments, as well as to support their portfolio companies after investment. Furthermore, corporate venturing can require companies to take on additional risks, such as regulatory and reputational risks.

3. Distraction from core business.

Another downside of corporate venturing is that it can distract companies from their core businesses. This is because corporate venturing typically requires a significant amount of time and attention from senior management and other employees. This can lead to a loss of focus on the day-to-day operations of the company and its core business objectives.

4. Limited control.

Another potential drawback of corporate venturing is that companies may have limited control over their portfolio companies. This is because these companies are typically independent entities with their own management teams. As such, companies may find it difficult to influence or control the direction of their portfolio companies.

5. Exit difficulty.

Finally, another disadvantage of corporate venturing is that it can be difficult for companies to exit their investments. This is because these investments are often not easily saleable or liquid. As such, companies may need to hold onto their investments for extended periods of time in order to realize a return on their investment.

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The drawbacks of corporate venturing - Pros and cons of corporate venturing

5. How to set up a corporate venture?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when setting up a corporate venture:

1. Define the venture's purpose and strategy.

2. Create a robust governance framework.

3. Secure buy-in from senior management.

4. Align the venture with the company's overall business strategy.

5. Put together a strong team of experienced individuals.

1. Define the venture's purpose and strategy.

The first step is to clearly define the purpose and strategy of the venture. What is the problem that the venture is trying to solve? What is the market opportunity that the venture is trying to tap into? What is the unique value proposition that the venture is offering? Answering these questions will help to focus the venture and ensure that it is aligned with the company's overall business strategy.

2. Create a robust governance framework.

Setting up a formal governance framework for the venture. This will ensure that there is clear accountability and decision-making authority within the venture. It is also important to put in place mechanisms to protect the company's intellectual property and confidential information.

3. Secure buy-in from senior management.

It is critical to secure buy-in from senior management for the venture. This will ensure that the venture has the necessary resources and support from the company. Senior management should also be involved in setting the venture's overall strategy and direction.

4. Align the venture with the company's overall business strategy.

The venture should be aligned with the company's overall business strategy. This will ensure that the venture is focused on delivering value to the company. The alignment should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that it remains relevant.

5. Put together a strong team of experienced individuals.

Setting up a strong team of experienced individuals is critical to the success of the venture. The team should have a mix of skills and experience, and should be able to work effectively together.

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How to set up a corporate venture - Pros and cons of corporate venturing

6. Managing a corporate venture

The Corporate venture is a tool that has been used by businesses for many years to gain a foothold in new and innovative markets. The advantages of corporate venturing are many and varied, but there are also some potential disadvantages that should be considered before embarking on this type of venture.

One of the key advantages of corporate venturing is the ability to access new markets and technologies. By partnering with or investing in an early-stage company, businesses can tap into new markets and technologies that they may not have otherwise had access to. This can be a great way to gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the curve.

Another advantage of corporate venturing is the potential for financial gain. When done correctly, corporate venturing can provide a significant return on investment. This is because businesses typically invest in early-stage companies that have high growth potential. If the company is successful, the return on investment can be very lucrative.

However, there are also some potential disadvantages of corporate venturing that should be considered. One of the biggest risks associated with this type of venture is the possibility of failure. Many early-stage companies fail, and if a business has invested heavily in one of these companies, the loss can be significant.

Another risk is that the company being invested in may not be a good fit for the business. This can lead to a number of problems, such as the business not being able to realize the full potential of the investment, or even losing money on the deal.

Finally, it is important to remember that corporate venturing is not without its challenges. This type of venture requires a significant amount of time, effort, and resources. If a business is not prepared to commit these resources, the venture may not be successful.

Despite these potential risks, corporate venturing can be a great way for businesses to gain access to new markets and technologies. When done correctly, it can provide a significant return on investment. However, it is important to carefully consider all of the risks and challenges before embarking on this type of venture.

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7. Measuring the success of a corporate venture

Success Corporate

There are a number of different ways to measure the success of a corporate venture. The most important thing is to choose the right metric for your business. Here are some of the most common metrics used:

1. Revenue: This is the most obvious metric to track. Corporate ventures need to generate revenue to be successful. Keep track of both the top line (revenue) and bottom line (profit).

2. Customer acquisition: Another key metric for corporate ventures is customer acquisition. This measures how many new customers the venture is able to bring in.

3. Engagement: engagement is a measure of how active and engaged users are with the venture. This can be tracked in a number of ways, including time spent on site, number of page views, and number of social media interactions.

4. Growth: Growth is an important metric for any business, but it can be especially important for corporate ventures. This measures how quickly the venture is able to grow its user base, revenue, and other key metrics.

5. Efficiency: Efficiency measures how well the venture is able to convert its resources (time, money, etc.) into results (revenue, customers, etc.). This is an important metric to track, as it can help identify areas where the venture can improve its operations.

6. Exit value: The exit value is the amount of money that investors will receive when they sell their shares in the venture. This is an important metric to track, as it can give you an idea of how successful the venture has been in creating value for investors.

7. Return on investment (ROI): The ROI is a measure of how much money the venture has made relative to how much money was invested in it. This is an important metric to track, as it can give you an idea of how successful the venture has been in generating returns for investors.

8. market share: market share is a measure of the percentage of the total market that the venture has captured. This is an important metric to track, as it can give you an idea of the size of the opportunity that the venture is pursuing.

9. brand awareness: brand awareness measures how well-known and respected the ventures brand is. This is an important metric to track, as it can give you an idea of how successful the venture has been in building its brand.

10. employee satisfaction: Employee satisfaction measures how happy and engaged employees are with the venture. This is an important metric to track, as it can give you an idea of how successful the venture has been in attracting and retaining top talent.

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Measuring the success of a corporate venture - Pros and cons of corporate venturing

8. Case studies of successful corporate ventures

Case Studies of How Successful

Successful corporate

Studies of successful corporate

Case Studies Successful Corporate

Corporate Ventures

On the plus side, corporate venturing can help companies to tap into new markets and create new revenue streams. It can also foster innovation and creativity within an organization. Additionally, corporate venturing can help to build relationships with external partners and suppliers.

However, there are also some risks associated with corporate venturing. For example, it can be difficult to control costs and there is always the possibility that the new venture will fail. Additionally, corporate venturing can put strain on existing resources and relationships within a company.

Overall, corporate venturing is a risky but potentially rewarding proposition. When done correctly, it can help companies to grow and thrive. However, it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before embarking on a corporate venturing project.

What do you think? Is corporate venturing a good or bad idea? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Properly defined, a startup is the largest group of people you can convince of a plan to build a different future.

9. Resources for further reading on corporate venturing

In the world of business, there are many different strategies that companies can use in order to stay ahead of the competition and grow their businesses. One strategy that has become increasingly popular in recent years is corporate venturing.

Corporate venturing is when a company creates a new business or invests in an existing one in order to gain a competitive edge. This can be done in a number of ways, such as through incubators, accelerators, and venture capital.

There are many resources available for companies that are interested in exploring corporate venturing. Below are some of the most helpful resources for further reading on this topic:

1. "The Corporate Venturing Playbook" by Yvonne Ballard.

This book is a comprehensive guide to corporate venturing, providing readers with an overview of the different types of venturing, how to set up a venture, and how to manage and measure success.

2. "Venture Capital for Dummies" by Nicole Gravagna.

This book is a great resource for companies that are looking to raise venture capital. It covers everything from what venture capitalists look for in an investment to how to structure and negotiate a deal.

3. "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries.

This book is essential reading for any company that is looking to start a new business. It discusses the importance of starting with a minimum viable product and then using customer feedback to iterate and improve upon it.

4. "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton M. Christensen.

This book is a must-read for any company that is looking to innovate and stay ahead of the competition. It discusses the dangers of disruptive innovation and how companies can avoid them.

5. "The Startup Owner's Manual" by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf.

This book is a step-by-step guide to starting a new company, covering everything from market research to product development to raising capital.

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Resources for further reading on corporate venturing - Pros and cons of corporate venturing

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