Proof-of-stake rewards and penalties | (2024)

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Ethereum is secured using its native cryptocurrency, ether (ETH). Node operators that wish to participate in validating blocks and identifying the head of the chain deposit ether into a smart contract on Ethereum. They are then paid in ether to run validator software that checks the validity of new blocks received over the peer-to-peer network and apply the fork-choice algorithm to identify the head of the chain.

There are two primary roles for a validator: 1) checking new blocks and “attesting” to them if they are valid, 2) proposing new blocks when selected at random from the total validator pool. If the validator fails to do either of these tasks when asked they miss out on an ether payout. Validators are also sometimes tasked with signature aggregation and participating in sync committees.

There are also some actions that are very difficult to do accidentally and signify some malicious intent, such as proposing multiple blocks for the same slot or attesting to multiple blocks for the same slot. These are “slashable” behaviors that result in the validator having some amount of ether (up to 1 ETH) burned before the validator is removed from the network, which takes 36 days. The slashed validator’s ether slowly drains away across the exit period, but on Day 18 they receive a “correlation penalty” which is larger when more validators are slashed around the same time. The consensus mechanism’s incentive structure therefore pays for honesty and punishes bad actors.

All rewards and penalties are applied once per epoch.

Read on for more details...

Rewards and penalties


Validators receive rewards when they make votes that are consistent with the majority of other validators, when they propose blocks, and when they participate in sync committees. The value of the rewards in each epoch are calculated from a base_reward. This is the base unit that other rewards are calculated from. The base_reward represents the average reward received by a validator under optimal conditions per epoch. This is calculated from the validator's effective balance and the total number of active validators as follows:


base_reward = effective_balance * (base_reward_factor / (base_rewards_per_epoch * sqrt(sum(active_balance))))


where base_reward_factor is 64, base_rewards_per_epoch is 4 and sum(active balance) is the total staked ether across all active validators.

This means the base reward is proportional to the validator's effective balance and inversely proportional to the number of validators on the network. The more validators, the greater the overall issuance (as sqrt(N) but the smaller the base_reward per validator (as 1/sqrt(N)). These factors influence the APR for a staking node. Read the rationale for this in Vitalik's notes(opens in a new tab).

The total reward is then calculated as the sum of five components that each have a weighting that determines how much each component adds to the total reward. The components are:

11. source vote: the validator has made a timely vote for the correct source checkpoint

22. target vote: the validator has made a timely vote for the correct target checkpoint

33. head vote: the validator has made a timely vote for the correct head block

44. sync committee reward: the validator has participated in a sync committee

55. proposer reward: the validator has proposed a block in the correct slot


The weightings for each component are as follows:







These weights sum to 64. The reward is calculated as the sum of the applicable weights divided by 64. A validator that has made timely source, target and head votes, proposed a block and participated in a sync committee could receive 64/64 * base_reward == base_reward. However, a validator is not usually a block proposer, so their maximum reward is 64-8 /64 * base_reward == 7/8 * base_reward. Validators that are neither block proposers nor in a sync committee can receive 64-8-2 / 64 * base_reward == 6.75/8 * base_reward.

An additional reward is added to incentivize rapid attestations. This is the inclusion_delay_reward. This has a value equal to the base_reward multiplied by 1/delay where delay is the number of slots separating the block proposal and attestation. For example, if the attestation is submitted within one slot of the block proposal the attestor receives base_reward * 1/1 == base_reward. If the attestation arrives in the next slot, the attestor received base_reward * 1/2 and so on.

Block proposers receive 8 / 64 * base_reward for each valid attestation included in the block, so the actual value of the reward scales with the number of attesting validators. Block proposers can also increase their reward by including evidence of misbehavior by other validators in their proposed block. These rewards are the "carrots" that encourage validator honesty. A block proposer which includes slashing will be rewarded with the slashed_validators_effective_balance / 512.


So far we have considered perfectly well-behaved validators, but what about validators that do not make timely head, source and target votes or do so slowly?

The penalties for missing the target and source votes are equal to the rewards the attestor would have received had they submitted them. This means that instead of having the reward added to their balance, they have an equal value removed from their balance. There is no penalty for missing the head vote (i.e. head votes are only rewarded, never penalized). There is no penalty associated with the inclusion_delay - the reward will simply not be added to the validator's balance. There is also no penalty for failing to propose a block.

Read more about rewards and penalties in the consensus specs(opens in a new tab). Rewards and penalties were adjusted in the Bellatrix upgrade - watch Danny Ryan and Vitalik discuss this in this Peep an EIP video(opens in a new tab).


Slashing is a more severe action that results in the forceful removal of a validator from the network and an associated loss of their staked ether. There are three ways a validator can be slashed, all of which amount to the dishonest proposal or attestation of blocks:

  • By proposing and signing two different blocks for the same slot
  • By attesting to a block that "surrounds" another one (effectively changing history)
  • By "double voting" by attesting to two candidates for the same block

If these actions are detected, the validator is slashed. This means that 1/32 of their staked ether (up to a maximum of 1 ether) is immediately burned, then a 36 day removal period begins. During this removal period the validator's stake gradually bleeds away. At the mid-point (Day 18) an additional penalty is applied whose magnitude scales with the total staked ether of all slashed validators in the 36 days prior to the slashing event. This means that when more validators are slashed, the magnitude of the slash increases. The maximum slash is the full effective balance of all slashed validators (i.e. if there are lots of validators being slashed they could lose their entire stake). On the other hand, a single, isolated slashing event only burns a small portion of the validator's stake. This midpoint penalty that scales with the number of slashed validators is called the "correlation penalty".

Inactivity leak

If the consensus layer has gone more than four epochs without finalizing, an emergency protocol called the "inactivity leak" is activated. The ultimate aim of the inactivity leak is to create the conditions required for the chain to recover finality. As explained above, finality requires a 2/3 majority of the total staked ether to agree on source and target checkpoints. If validators representing more than 1/3 of the total validators go offline or fail to submit correct attestations then it is not possible for a 2/3 supermajority to finalize checkpoints. The inactivity leak lets the stake belonging to the inactive validators gradually bleed away until they control less than 1/3 of the total stake, allowing the remaining active validators finalize the chain. However large the pool of inactive validators, the remaining active validators will eventually control >2/3 of the stake. The loss of stake is a strong incentive for inactive validators to reactivate as soon as possible! An inactivity leak scenario was encountered on the Medalla testnet when < 66% of active validators were able to come to consensus on the current head of the blockchain. The inactivity leak was activated and finality was eventually regained!

The reward, penalty and slashing design of the consensus mechanism encourages individual validators to behave correctly. However, from these design choices emerges a system that strongly incentivizes equal distribution of validators across multiple clients, and should strongly disincentivize single-client dominance.

Further reading


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As an expert in blockchain technology, particularly Ethereum and its consensus mechanisms, I can provide a comprehensive breakdown of the concepts mentioned in the article.

  1. Ethereum and Ether (ETH):

    • Ethereum is a blockchain platform that enables the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.
    • Ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, used for various purposes within the ecosystem.
  2. Node Operators and Validators:

    • Node operators secure the Ethereum network by running nodes.
    • Validators are a subset of node operators who participate in the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism.
  3. Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Validator Roles:

    • Ethereum uses PoS for consensus, where validators are chosen to create new blocks and validate transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they "stake" or lock up.
    • Validator roles include checking new blocks, attesting to their validity, proposing new blocks, participating in sync committees, and handling signature aggregation.
  4. Slashable Behaviors and Penalties:

    • Validators face penalties for malicious actions, such as proposing multiple blocks for the same slot or attesting to multiple blocks for the same slot—referred to as "slashable" behaviors.
    • Slashed validators lose a portion of their staked ETH, up to 1 ETH, and are removed from the network, with a 36-day exit period.
    • A "correlation penalty" is applied on Day 18 of the exit period, the magnitude of which increases with the number of validators slashed around the same time.
  5. Rewards and Penalties Mechanism:

    • Validators receive rewards for making consistent votes, proposing blocks, and participating in sync committees.
    • The reward calculation involves a base_reward, which is proportional to the validator's effective balance and inversely proportional to the number of validators on the network.
    • Various components contribute to the total reward, with assigned weightings.
  6. Inclusion Delay Reward and Block Proposers:

    • Inclusion delay reward incentivizes rapid attestations by offering rewards proportional to the speed of attestation.
    • Block proposers receive rewards for valid attestations included in their proposed blocks, with additional rewards for including evidence of misbehavior by other validators.
  7. Slashing:

    • Slashing is a severe action that forcibly removes a validator from the network and burns a portion of their staked ETH.
    • Validators can be slashed for proposing and signing two different blocks for the same slot, attesting to a block that "surrounds" another, or "double voting" by attesting to two candidates for the same block.
  8. Inactivity Leak:

    • The inactivity leak is an emergency protocol activated if the consensus layer goes without finalizing for more than four epochs.
    • It aims to address situations where a 2/3 supermajority cannot be achieved due to inactive validators by gradually reducing their stake until they control less than 1/3 of the total stake.
  9. Encouraging Equal Distribution:

    • The design of the consensus mechanism encourages equal distribution of validators across multiple clients to prevent single-client dominance.
  10. Further Reading:

    • The article suggests additional resources for further understanding Ethereum's incentive layer, hybrid Casper protocol, annotated spec by Vitalik, slashing prevention tips, and more.

In conclusion, Ethereum's PoS consensus mechanism is intricately designed to incentivize honest behavior, penalize malicious actions, and ensure the security and decentralization of the network.

Proof-of-stake rewards and penalties | (2024)


What is the penalty for proof-of-stake? ›

In proof of stake, the validators' staked crypto funds serve as an economic incentive to act in the network's best interests. In the case that a validator accepts a bad block, a portion of their staked funds will be “slashed” as a penalty.

What is the penalty for ETH validator? ›

For about 36 days, the validator is removed from the active validation set and is placed in the exit queue. During this period, the validator not only stops earning new rewards but also incurs a penalty of about 8,000 GWei (0,000008 ETH) for every epoch that it misses performing its duties (ie. every 6.4 minutes).

What is proof-of-stake rewards? ›

The reason your crypto earns rewards while staked is because the blockchain puts it to work. Cryptocurrencies that allow staking use a “consensus mechanism” called Proof of Stake, which is the way they ensure that all transactions are verified and secured without a bank or payment processor in the middle.

How much can you make staking 32 ETH? ›

Ethereum staking rewards currently average around 4-7% annually but can fluctuate depending on network activity. Here are some estimates: Staking 32 ETH (1 validator) – ~4-7% SRR = 1.6 – 2.24 ETH per year. Staking 1,000 ETH – ~4-7% SRR = 160 – 224 ETH per year.

What are the downsides of proof of stake? ›

What Are the Disadvantages of Proof-of-Stake? Under Proof of Stake (POS) consensus, users must generally own a cryptocurrency before they can participate in consensus and earn more crypto. To host a full validator node on Ethereum, a user needs to stake 32 ETH, which is very expensive.

Can proof of stake fail? ›

Attacking the network is less viable due to the two-fold security mechanism of initial equipment expenses and continuous energy costs. Proof-of-stake systems require only a small initial investment to participate, making them more vulnerable to attack.

Do ETH validators make money? ›

The total reward for a validator depends on these factors, including the amount of ETH staked and the total number of validators on the network. On average, you can expect an annual percentage yield (APY) between 4% and 10%.

How much an Ethereum validator makes in 1 year? ›

Annual returns: On average, Ethereum validators earn an annualized return of 3.6%, with potential fluctuations based on network conditions and validator performance. Validator ROI: Running multiple validators on a single machine can significantly increase earnings by reducing costs and enhancing reward potential.

What happens when a validator is jailed? ›

What happens when a validator is temporarily jailed for downtime. 1% of all of the stake delegated to the node is slashed, i.e., burned and disappears forever. This includes any stake delegated to the node by external parties. (If a validator gets jailed, delegators may decide to switch whom they delegate to.)

What is proof of stake for dummies? ›

In the crypto world, proof of stake is a consensus method used by blockchains to achieve an equitably distributed consensus. Proof of stake is a method of validating cryptocurrency transactions. It is accomplished by picking random validators based on their amount of cryptocurrency.

Is proof of stake fair? ›

Abstract—Blockchain applications that rely on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) have increasingly become energy inefficient with a staggering carbon footprint. In contrast, energy efficient alternative consensus protocols such as Proof-of-Stake (PoS) may cause centralization and unfairness in the blockchain system.

How safe is proof of stake? ›

Proof-of-stake prevents attacks and counterfeit coins with essentially the same mechanism as proof-of-work.

Is ETH 2.0 staking risky? ›

General Risks of Staking ETH

Market volatility is one of these hazards. During the staking phase, the value of ETH is subject to large fluctuations. A smart contract locks up your ETH when you stake it, preventing you from accessing or trading it until the staking time expires.

Can you make money with proof-of-stake in Ethereum? ›

Since Ethereum 2.0 was launched, the blockchain has been running via proof-of-stake, as opposed to proof-of-work. This means that you can stake your Ethereum and lock it up on the blockchain to receive financial rewards. The most profitable means of staking is to do so on your own, rather than using a pool.

How profitable is ETH 2.0 staking? ›

What is the average yield of staking? For Ethereum, after the successful merge in 2023, the average staking yields fluctuated between 4% and 6%.

What is the threshold for proof of stake? ›

How is Threshold Proof-of-Stake implemented? Threshold Network leverages staking for node operation and incentivizes users to contribute to the network's overall functionality. Users lock up their T tokens to participate in running a node on the Threshold Network.

How is proof of stake calculated? ›

In proof of stake, validators don't compete against each other to solve cryptographic puzzles. Instead, the network distributes block production by the percent stake someone has in the network. For example, if someone owns 1% stake in the network, they will get approximately 1% of the block reward.

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