Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (2024)

Want to learn how to sell high-end coaching programs?

Today, I’ll show you how to create a coaching package so that you can get results like these:

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (1)

1,000+ of my students in 20 industries have all taken these same steps that I share here below.

Ready to learn more about creating transformational coaching packages?

Let’s dive right in.

Biggest takeaways:

  • Start with a 3-month package and price it at $1,500
  • Get a few testimonials and then raise your rates to $5,000 for a 6-month package
  • Offer monthly, biweekly, or weekly calls (45-60 minutes long)
  • Simple coaching package names include “Private coaching to get (result)” or “Bootcamp to get (result)”

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What is a coaching package?

An online coaching package is the offer you sell as a coach and that clients use to achieve the results they want for themselves.

The thing is:

If you want to succeed as a coach, you need to sell the right types of coaching packages that people want to buy.

However, your time and energy are much better spent getting new clients and supporting them than trying to tweak the “perfect” package. Instead, use the simple structure I recommend here below and get started selling your coaching services.

Start with a 3-month package, then move on to a 6-month package.Once you’ve mastered those, you can move on to group coaching packages.

Example: 3-month coaching package

A great place to start is with a 3-month coaching package.


Because three months is long enough to help clients get results.

At the same time, a 3-month coaching package is not TOO long.

If you offer a 6-month coaching package or a year-long commitment, you might find yourself “stuck” with these clients.

Think about it:

What if you’ve overpromised and realize this when you start working with your clients?

If you don’t like them?

Or if you just figure out that you don’t like doing things in a certain way?

Longer coaching packages are also harder to sell because your client needs to commit to working with you for so long.

Here’s an example of a 3-month coaching package (that I and 1,000s of my students have used):

  • Name: Bootcamp to lose 15 lbs in 3 months
  • Duration: 3 months
  • End result: Helping health coaching clients lose 15 lbs
  • Pricing: $1,500
  • Calls: Weekly 45-60-minute calls
  • Support: Voxer, email, or WhatsApp support in between calls
  • Payment terms: Pay in full or payment plan

This example is a health coaching package but the same structure applies to all coaching niches.

Example: 6-month coaching package

Your first package (the 3-month package) helps you build your reputation as a coach.

You learn how to coach and help people get results – so they give you awesome testimonials.

Those testimonials build trust, so that people are more likely to say “yes” to working with you for a higher rate.

At this point, you can move on to 6-month packages.

Here’s what your package might look like:

  • Name: Bootcamp to lose your next 40lbs in 3 months
  • Duration: 3 months
  • End result: Helping health coaching clients lose 40lbs
  • Cost: $5,000
  • Calls: Biweekly or monthly 45-60-minute calls
  • Support: Voxer, email, or WhatsApp support in between calls
  • Payment terms: Pay in full or payment plan

Next, let’s look at how to design your coaching package.

How do you create a coaching package?

These are the specific steps to creating coaching packages.

1. Identify your niche and target audience

The first step in creating an effective coaching package is to identify your coaching niche.

A niche is a market segment consisting of your ideal clients.

And there are a lot of niches, including:

  • Health coaching
  • Career coaching
  • Executive coaching
  • Financial coaching
  • Recovery coaching
  • Wellness coaching
  • Relationship coaching
  • Mindset coaching

…And so on!

Your niche determines what your coaching package looks like. For example, life coaching packages might focus on life goals or purpose, while an executive coaching package can specialize in female leaders or culture coaching.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (3)

You also need to intimately know your target audience so that you can create a package that resonates with them.

I’m not just talking about the demographics, like where they live or work.

I’m talking about their:

  • Needs
  • Goals
  • Deepest fears and wants

Your coaching package needs to align with those goals and fears.

2. Structure your package

The best way to structure your coaching package is to offer monthly, biweekly, or weekly calls that are about 45-60 minutes long.

In between these calls, you offer support in the form of emails, texts, or Voxer.

This structure helps your clients feel supported.

Even though not all clients will take advantage of the extra support you offer, they have the opportunity to get in touch with you more flexibly than if they had to wait for weekly calls.

The smart thing to do is to only offer ONE support channel (such as email) so that you don’t overwhelm yourself.

(Just think about it… Ever tried to keep up with ALL the social media channels, your email, and your different messaging apps? Of course you have. And you know what a time-suck they can be.)

And I always let my clients know that I will reply within 48 hours.

Often, I’m much faster than that, but this gives me leeway for when I, for whatever reason, have to take a few days to get back to people.

Now, let’s take a look at what to include in your package.

3. Define your coaching offering and goals

Something a lot of new coaches ask me is, “How do I know what to put into my package?”

Identify this ONE thing:

What’s the big end result clients get after working with you for 90 days?

This will be different for each industry.

For example:

Maybe you can promise that people will lose a certain amount of weight or that you’ll help them get a specific number of job applications done within the three months you’ll be working together.

When you’ve identified that end result, map it out to 2-3 benchmarks that you will help your clients hit at the end of the month. These benchmarks should be results-oriented.

Want to know what this looked like for me?

When I started selling my first package, I came up with the following benchmarks:

Month #1

Helping clients get clarity, take their job skills to build a coaching or consulting company, find a business idea, and start building an audience.

Month #2

Helping people build and engage an audience of a certain number of people.

Month #3

Helping clients get 1-3 paying clients.

I didn’t know the exact details, but I knew that these were the results I wanted my clients to achieve during our time together.

And before this business, I ran a digital advertising consulting company. I used the same formula:

Month #1

I helped my clients set up their assets, landing page, and ads.

Month #2

Clients started to test ads, establish benchmarks, and get their first results.

Month #3

We optimized ad campaigns by creating better ads and improving metrics (like costs for leads).

I talk more about designing a coaching package in just 10 minutes in this quick video:

3. Name your package

Instead of finding the “perfect” name for your coaching package (which you can anyway change later), it’s MUCH more important that you focus on getting your first clients.

You can simply call your package:

“Private coaching to get (result)” or “Bootcamp to get (result)”

One of my bestselling offers was called “Business Bootcamp.” The name didn’t sell my offer–the relationship I had with my audience did.

So don’t overthink your name and go for whatever explains your offer the best.

Other words you can use are:

  • Consulting
  • Framework
  • Method
  • Blueprint
  • Program
  • Transformation
  • Strategy

Next, package pricing!

4. Price your package

There are three ways you can price your coaching package:

  • Package rate
  • Monthly rate
  • Hourly rate

My personal favorite is to charge per package.

The reason is simple:

Monthly and hourly commitments don’t set out a tangible goal for your clients.

Other considerations when pricing your offer are:

  • What do your competitors charge for their packages?
  • How much are your ideal clients willing to pay?
  • What’s the value of your coaching package?

Pricing your 3 and 6-month coaching packages

The best price point to start with is $1,500 paid in full and $550 paid month-by-month for a 3-month coaching program.

The reason you’re charging more for monthly payments (about 10-20%) is that it’s increased convenience for your clients and more risk to you.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (4)

Remember: People are paying for results, not your time. If you position it like that, you’re offering a high-value trade.

Once you have a few testimonials and move to a 6-month package, a good price point is $5,000.

From there, price your package according to your results and what feels good to you.

Feel like you’re not worth it?

You might be thinking, “Who am I to charge this much?”

The first coach I ever worked with told me flat out, “That’s too much” when I said I wanted to charge $5,000 for a 6-month coaching package.

That made me second-guess my price. Was I asking for too much?

But you also have to realize this:

First, I don’t subscribe to people saying, “Charge your worth.”

What does that even mean? Nobody pays for someone’s worth, they pay for the transformation they get.

Second, if you’re confident in the value you bring, what you’re charging should be a great investment.

And even if $1,500, $5,000 or $10,000 can sound like big numbers, they aren’t necessarily. When I first sold a coaching package and wanted to figure out what I wanted to charge, I did the math.

I figured I would be doing weekly calls, which would end up at 12 hours over a six-month period. And I factored in the time I would spend on supporting my clients through email, as well as preparing for calls, all that type of work.

With that workload, my hourly rate was around $60.

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$60/hour is actually not that much, especially when you factor in taxes and other expenses (internet, the resources you use to educate yourself, and so on).

This was a bit less than what I was making hourly at my 9-5 and having done this calculation, my rate felt fair in terms of the value I offered.

(To compare, Harvard Business Review reports that the median hourly cost of coaching is $500.)

And ultimately, the value of your coaching isn’t in the number of sessions you offer or any other features. Instead, it’s about the transformation your clients get.

Let me explain:

Your clients care about the results you help them get. That’s what they pay for, not the time you spend supporting them.

Your ideal clients couldn’t care less about whether you spend 5 hours or 10 hours helping them, as long as you support them in getting results.

For more on pricing, take a look at this quick video where I talk about how to raise your rates:

5. Create an irresistible offer

You also need to position your package in the right way so that it aligns with your audience’s challenges and goals and sets it apart from all other coaching packages.

A unique value proposition (USP) helps you do just that.

A few ways you can set yourself apart is with your:

  • Unique coaching methodology
  • Results
  • Experience

For example, my former student David (who we’ll look at more below) is a health coach who helps people get fit with herbs. That’s a very unique coaching methodology.

Another student, Carol, has decades of experience in leadership positions and academia. Her experience sets her apart from other executive coaches.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (6)

Next: How do you market your offer?

6. Market and sell your package

To market and sell your package, figure out where your clients hang out. Is it Instagram? LinkedIn? TikTok?

Go where they are and start marketing your services.

You’ll also need a simple sales funnel, which consists of:

  • A lead magnet
  • An email list
  • A sales call
Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (7)

7. Deliver your package

The next step is to deliver your package to your clients by holding coaching calls.

When I got my first client, I was happy for the money I had just made… But then reality hit me: How could I, who had never coached anyone, get through our coaching sessions?

I’ve always been something of an over-preparer, so I did what I always do: I prepared so much that NOTHING could go wrong.

I spent three hours preparing a one-hour call and wrote down every single word I would say during the call.

Then, I did the same thing for the second and third call.

Now, I’m not saying that you need to prepare for three hours for your coaching calls (I just love to feel prepared).

But do whatever it takes for you to be confident when you’re first starting out.

For example, before your first call, map out what you’ll cover during the call.

At the end of your coaching session, you know what people will need to work on for the second call. Then, you prepare for that call in the same way you did for the first call.

After about three clients, you will start to see patterns in client questions, which will decrease the time you put into preparing for sessions.

By then, you’ve already created all the material, like PDFs and worksheets, for your clients–you’ve essentially gotten paid to create material for your coaching business.

And by client #5-6, you will most likely have an efficient process in place.

With your system in place, you can decrease the number of calls you offer during your 3-month coaching package (because by now, you know your client base intimately). You might go for 45-minute long calls instead of an hour or modify the length of your services.

I talk more about planning your first call here:

8. Refine your package based on feedback

An incredibly useful “hack” for creating the best packages is to let your customers guide you with the questions they most often ask you.

It typically takes 1-3 clients to figure out what you should include in your coaching package to help them in the best way possible.

And, when you’re working with your first few clients, you’ll want to learn as much as possible and help your customers get great results fast.

This is the time to overdeliver–and not look at your profit margins or how much time you’re spending on each client.

There’s a time and place for that.

Instead, focus on offering packages that help people get results. You see when they get results, you get testimonials.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (8)

Testimonials help you get new, dream clients and charge higher prices.


Examples of coaching packages

Now you know how to create coaching packages that sell. Want a few examples of what they can look like in real life? Here are coaching package examples and some of the offers that my own clients have put together and are selling successfully.

Life coaching package

3-month package: 6 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, worksheets, and trackers
6-month package: 12 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, and a one-time goal-setting workshop

Claudia Parada, Energy Coach

My student Claudia, an Energy Coach, offers a 3-month energy coaching package and a group program.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (9)

Health coaching package

3-month package: 6 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, exercise videos, and trackers
6-month package: 12 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, exercise videos, and a weekly meal plan

David Alsieux, Health Coach

David helps his clients get healthy with herbs. He started out offering a 3-month coaching package and has since then transferred to online courses.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (10)

Career coaching package

3-month package: 6 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, interview prep guide, and a resume makeover

6-month package: 12 one-on-one coaching sessions, email support, interview prep guide, a resume makeover, and an interview workshop

Emily Liou, Career Coach

Emily started out offering a career coaching program. Today, she offers group coaching packages, courses, and accelerators.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (11)

Adunola Adeshola, Career Coach

Adunola is a career coach for millennials. She offers private coaching, as well as group programs and courses.

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (12)

Coaching package template

Now you know how to design a package.

Ready to create your own? Use this simple coaching package template to build it:

Package Name: [Name of Your Package]

Overview and length:

  • [Brief description of the package and its benefits]

Included Services:

  • [List features included, like coaching sessions, frequency of them]


  • [Clearly state the price of the package]
  • [Payment terms or options]

Additional Benefits:

  • [Highlight any bonuses, such as community memberships or free resources]


  • [Optional: Offer a satisfaction guarantee or money-back policy]

Frequently asked questions about coaching packages

What does a coaching session include?

A coaching session typically includes a check-in with a client to see where they are at and what questions and challenges they have. The session often ends with specific actions steps for the client to work on before the next session.

How much should a coaching package cost?

Start with a 3-month package that you price at $1,500. Once you have testimonials and feel like you want to increase your rate, move on to a 6-month package that you price at $5,000.

How long should a coaching program last?

Most coaching programs are 3 to 6 months long. However, there are longer programs, such as yearly commitments.

How many clients can you take on?

There are only so many coaching sessions or so much email support and overall coaching work you can schedule in a certain period of time. I reached my limit at 10 clients. I would say this is the industry standard. After that, your business becomes difficult to manage. At this point, you can start selling other offers such as group packages.

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What’s next?

That’s it, now you know how to put together a coaching package that sells.

What it comes down to is remembering that you’re selling a transformation and that you shouldn’t overthink your coaching packages or pricing.

Creating a high-end coaching package is key to building a sustainable and enjoyable coaching business.

But it’s also step 1… How do you take the rest of the steps to build a profitable coaching business?

That’s what I share in my FREE blueprint. Get it now!

Read more:

What is Email Coaching?

What is Voxer Coaching?

How to Set Boundaries with Your Clients

How to Get Coaching Clients

Profitable Coaching Package Examples: How to Create One (2024)
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Name: Mr. See Jast

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.