Profit-Taker Orb (2024)

Monster of the Vallis and protector of Enrichment Labs, this massive Orb appears to be invulnerable.

I am patient,
I am still.
When I descend,

it's you I'll kill.

—Profit-Taker's introduction

Profit-Taker Orb is a large Raknoid creature found atop the Enrichment Labs in the Orb Vallis, acting as one of the Grand Bosses of the landscape. The gargantuan creature can only be engaged during the Heist with Vox Solaris, requiring the rank of Old Mate within Solaris United.

The orb incorporates Sentient technology within its shields that are put into overcharge by satellites and is protected by an extremely durable carapace reserved for Corpus Ships, making it seemingly invulnerable.


  • 1 Behavior
    • 1.1 Archgun Damage Resistance
    • 1.2 In the Enrichment Labs
    • 1.3 In the Profit-Taker Heist
  • 2 Strategy
    • 2.1 Profit-Taker Heist: Phase 3
    • 2.2 Profit-Taker Heist: Phase 4
      • 2.2.1 Phase 1
      • 2.2.2 Phase 2
      • 2.2.3 Phase 3
      • 2.2.4 Phase 4
      • 2.2.5 Summary
  • 3 Tips
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Bugs
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Media
  • 8 Patch History
  • 9 References
  • 10 See Also


Archgun Damage Resistance[]

Profit-Taker Orb possesses a flat 50% damage resistance towards most Archguns. Archguns with AoE damage effects like Profit-Taker Orb (3)KuvaGrattler, Profit-Taker Orb (4)Grattler, Profit-Taker Orb (5)Mausolon and Profit-Taker Orb (6)KuvaAyanga have their own unique damage resistance applied when used against the boss, but they are adjusted to keep their damage output still roughly ~50% of their full potential.

Profit-Taker Orb (7)CorvasPrime does not currently possess any damage reduction against the boss.

In the Enrichment Labs[]

If a Heist against it is not currently in progress, Profit-Taker can be found idling on top of the entrance to the Enrichment Labs, overlooking the courtyard. It will remain passive until the third alarm level, at which point the Orb begins firing mortar projectiles at nearby Tenno. However, the Profit-Taker Orb will not move to engage the Tenno in any other ways and will remain on top of the Enrichment Labs.

In the Profit-Taker Heist[]

Main article: Profit-Taker Heist

Profit-Taker possesses her own line of Heist Bounties relating to all the steps taken to bring the Mother Orb down. Although the theme implies otherwise, the Profit-Taker can only be fought when the player had reached the third and the fourth stage of the Heist, and they will engage approaching Tenno with its wide arsenal of attacks.

  • Mounted Turret: An invulnerable Turret attached under the Orb's main body continuously fires at nearby Tenno. The Turret has high accuracy and acts independently of the Orb's other attacks.
  • Leg Discharge: The Orb channels electricity into one of its legs and unleashes it at nearby Tenno, with a high chance of inflicting Profit-Taker Orb (8)Electricity status in the process. Profit-Taker only uses this attack if a Tenno runs in front of one of its legs and cannot use it on any of its destroyed legs. This move can be used independently of the Orb's other attacks.
  • Rocket Barrage: The Orb fires a volley of rockets from the top of its head, that automatically home in on the Tenno, dealing high damage as they explode.
  • Repelling Shields: The Orb summons giant rectangular energy shields all around itself, then pushes them outwards. Any Tenno in the shields' path will be pushed back and knocked down, and will also take a moderate amount of damage. The shields spawn depending on how high above ground the target is: if the target is 50 meters above ground, the Orb will summon the shields 50 meters above itself. Later in the fight, Profit-Taker can use an advanced version of this attack, where it becomes capable of summoning an additional shield barrier on top of the other.
  • Laser Sweep: The Orb fires four laser beams at the ground, which progressively travel further, in a sweeping motion, until they reach the Tenno. While powerful, this move is slow, travels in a single direction, and thus can be easily dodged by running away from the beams' path.
  • EMP Slam: The Orb slams the ground with its main body; the impact creates three radial shockwaves, dealing high Profit-Taker Orb (9)Magnetic damage and status to any Tenno in the way. Profit-Taker tends to use this move only when a Tenno passes under its main body. Additionally, this attack is briefly telegraphed, and the shockwaves can be dodged by ducking under or jumping over them.
  • Mortar Cannon: The Orb opens the top of its head to reveal a massive cannon, firing a single, powerful mortar shot, similar to the one it uses when encountered in the Enrichment Labs. Upon touching the ground or a target, the mortar explodes in a large area of effect, outlined in red at the point of impact, dealing a high amount of damage and is guaranteed to knock down any Tenno caught in the blast. Profit-Taker can use this move in two different ways:
    1. If shield pylons are active: the Orb fires the mortar in the same manner as when encountered in the Enrichment Labs.
    2. If shield pylons are inactive: the Orb fires the mortar directly at the target. This has its pros and cons, as while this version of the attack is very dangerous, Profit-Taker can also be tricked into firing the mortar so that it doesn't explode nearby (for example, staying airborne as the Orb fires the mortar, so that instead of exploding on the ground, the mortar continues its course and explodes far away from the battlefield).
  • Shield Pylons: Each time the Orb recovers its adaptive shielding, it launches 4 to 6 pylons in the sky, which then land all around the battlefield. As long as the pylons are active, Profit-Taker will stop moving, but is invulnerable to all damage. The pylons themselves are protected by a small forcefield that blocks incoming gunfire, but can be passed through. Profit-Taker only uses this move twice in the entire fight; when used for the second time, the pylons also possess the Orb's Repelling Shields attack.


Profit-Taker Orb can only be engaged in its own Heist bounties, specifically in Phase 3 to Phase 4.

Profit-Taker Heist: Phase 3[]

After disabling the satellite charger in the bounty, The Business will bombard the Profit-Taker with mortars forcing her off the roof. Enraged, Profit-Taker engages the Tenno and a Data Gathered percentage meter will appear as an objective.

To gather data, its impenetrable shield must be assaulted. Each attack, regardless of their effectiveness, will contribute to the objective meter (including attacks that do not affect her shield at all).

Once the data meter reaches 66.66%, the data meter will only increase when the shield itself is properly damaged, meaning the player must adapt to Profit-Taker's weaknesses. A damage type will be displayed on its forehead, which means that the shield is only vulnerable to that damage, while every other damage type will be rendered useless. The Orb's weakness can change through various means:

  • When the adaptation remains unchanged for 25 seconds, the shield will naturally cycle to another element.
  • If the Orb takes damage from its current element, up to 20% of her total shields, the shield will quickly cycle to another element as a countermeasure.
  • If the Orb is struck with the Operator's Void Beam or Profit-Taker Orb (10)Paracesis at Rank 40, the shield will adopt another weakness. Note that when the shield changes weaknesses, it cannot change again for another five seconds.

Regardless of how much damage was dealt to the Orb, it is not possible to completely strip Profit-Taker's shield. Thankfully, the meter will be filled long before this becomes a problem. Once the meter is filled the Tenno are free to retreat to Fortuna.

Profit-Taker Heist: Phase 4[]

Before going into the details about the fight, this section assumes that the player possesses an Archgun installed with both Orokin Catalyst and Gravimag, and has an Archgun Deployer equipped in their gear, as the fight requires the use of said weapon.

Note that an Archgun Deployer accumulates cooldown the more ammo the Archgun is using, up to 5 minutes. However, Terra Manker may spawn throughout the fight which will drop a Heavy Ammo Pickup which will instantly restore all Archgun ammo, hence refreshing the gear's cooldown. Profit-Taker Orb (11)Protea's Profit-Taker Orb (12)Dispensary can prevent the deployment cooldown from occurring by refreshing the ammo while the player has the Archgun equipped, but unlike the Heavy Ammo Pickup, it cannot reset the cooldown.

Alternatively, a Necramech Summon can be deployed to bring down a Necramech, which can use Archguns with regenerative ammo while still allowing the player to use their Warframe's weapons.

Phase 1[]

The Profit-Taker Orb will be found wandering around three possible locations in the Vallis until it is engaged, with massive Corpus reinforcements at the ready, occasionally deploying an alert beacon to call in stronger Vallis units. A level 60 specter of Little Duck also appears in some location, assisting the Tenno.

The player must first take down her Sentient shield, which behaves the same way as seen in the Heist's third phase. Damage and swap her weakness as necessary until her shield is completely down.

Once her shield is down, her main body can only be damaged using a Gravimag-enhanced Archgun. Call down the weapon with an Archgun Deployer and shoot down her legs, and work up to her main body. The fight will transition to the next phase when her hit points are down to 75%.

Phase 2[]

Profit-Taker Orb will recover and deploy 4 Pylons, which will turn the Orb invulnerable until all Pylons are destroyed. They are protected by a spherical barrier that nullifies gunfire, but can be physically passed through. The Pylon itself has Object-based health, meaning neither Critical Hits nor Status Effects will have any effect on it.

Once the Pylons are destroyed, her main body will be vulnerable to Archgun fire again. Like in the first phase of the fight, fire down her legs again and then damage her main body. The phase will transition to the next when her hit points are down to 50%.

Phase 3[]

This phase is mostly a repeat of the first and second phase of the fight. The Orb Mother's shielding will restore itself to full upon entering the phase, requiring the players to take down its shield again with the corresponding damage type. After her shield is stripped, take down the main body with Archgun fire down to 25% of her health. She will then deploy 6 Pylons around the area which must be destroyed to transition to the final phase.

Phase 4[]

As soon as the players enter the fourth phase, they will be given a timer of 5 minutes to complete the fight before her satellite shielding realigns and render her unkillable, thus failing the bounty. She will restore her shield for the final time to full, which must be taken down with the appropriate damage type. And then she must be damaged with more Archgun fire until she is defeated.

Upon defeat, the Orb will collapse to the ground and clear the bounty, yielding a sizable amount of loot: 1 Profit-Taker Orb (13)CrismaToroid, 3 Profit-Taker Orb (14)MedicalDebt-Bonds, 2 Profit-Taker Orb (15)AdvancesDebt-Bond, and 1 Profit-Taker Orb (16)FamilialDebt-Bond. Retrieve the loot and vacate the vicinity as soon as possible, as the Orb will then initiate a self-destruct protocol which will obliterate all Tenno and the loot in question within 300 meters.


  • Phase 1: Take down the Profit-Taker's shield with the corresponding damage type. Then damage its legs working up to her main body with an Archgun summoned down with Archgun Deployer.
  • Phase 2: The Profit-Taker deploys 4 Object-based Pylons which must be destroyed. Then, damage its legs and main body again with an Archgun.
  • Phase 3: The Orb Mother will restore its shield. Take the shield down, destroy the Orb's legs and damage its main body with an Archgun, and then destroy the 6 deployed Pylons she deploys afterwards.
  • Phase 4: A fail timer of 5 minutes will start ticking down and the Orb Mother will restore its shield. Take its shield down, destroy its legs and damage its main body with an Archgun until it is defeated. Retrieve the loot and escape the vicinity as soon as possible as it will self-destruct with a lethal range of 300m, annihilating any Tenno in the radius as well as the loot it dropped.


  • Players can avoid staggers and knockdown in the fight by using a combination of knockdown immunity mods such as Profit-Taker Orb (17)SureFooted (Profit-Taker Orb (18)Primed), Profit-Taker Orb (19)PowerDrift or the Motus set mods. Alternatively, Profit-Taker Orb (20)Spellbind or Profit-Taker Orb (21)FireWalker can be Helminth infused to provide knockdown and stagger resistance.
    • Both Profit-Taker Orb (22)Spellbind and Profit-Taker Orb (23)FireWalker also provide status immunity, useful to counteract the magnetic proc from Profit-Taker's EMP Slam attack.
    • While Profit-Taker Orb (24)FireWalker has a higher duration than Profit-Taker Orb (25)Spellbind, it is less reliable as the player has to be on the fire trail for the immunity to take effect.
  • Profit-Taker's attacks deal a lot of damage, so the player is advised to build around that.
    • To survive the attacks at all, most frames will require a combination of (Profit-Taker Orb (26)Umbral) Profit-Taker Orb (27)Vitality, Profit-Taker Orb (28)Aerodynamic, Profit-Taker Orb (29)Adaptation, (Profit-Taker Orb (30)Umbral) Profit-Taker Orb (31)Fiber, Profit-Taker Orb (32)ArcaneGuardian and/or Profit-Taker Orb (33)ArcaneTanker.
      • Even with a tanky setup, the players should avoid the laser sweep attack at all costs, as this attack can deal 6k effective health in 50 milliseconds. Avoiding the attack is as simple as making sure that you are not directly in front of the Profit-Taker.
    • If you can survive the attacks, some form of healing is still advised. Profit-Taker Orb (34)MagusElevate and Profit-Taker Orb (35)MagusRepair are perfect tools for the job as they do not restrict the player to certain frames or weapons.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (36)Lavos' Profit-Taker Orb (37)ValenceFormation can damage the shield, allowing him to swap elements when Profit-Taker changes her elemental weaknesses.
  • When modding weapons for multiple elements, it is advised to mod for one dual-stat and one single-stat element, where the single-stat element corresponds with the Primed elemental mod for that weapon such as Profit-Taker Orb (38)PrimedCryoRounds for primaries. Doing so balances out the elemental damage and leaves a mod slot to be used to buff the overall damage, instead of investing it in an elemental mod to create a dual stat element.
  • If a player is consistently facing cooldowns on their Archgun, they should consider using Profit-Taker Orb (39)AmmoChain as modding for max ammo will lower the cooldown.
  • Necramechs can provide quick access to a player's Archgun which can be modded to clear multiple elements on the shield phases. Since the Necramech Archgun can be modded independently of the ground Archgun, players can still use mod setups optimized for the armor phase on their ground Archgun.
    • The Profit-Taker Orb (40)Arquebex cannot deal damage against Profit-Taker during the armor phase, but can damage the shields as normal and will easily oneshot the elements that it has covered on a full build.
    • It is not recommended to use the Necramech's Archgun for the armor phase as you cannot make use of most buffing abilities and arcanes.
      • The exceptions to this are the Profit-Taker Orb (41)Velocitus and Profit-Taker Orb (42)Corvas as they are able to consistently take out the legs and body during the armor phase with a single charged shot for each part, without need for external buffs or Riven Mods.
  • Note that the Profit-Taker's mobs can be equally annoying and dangerous in the fight, so consider some form of crowd control to reduce their threat.
    • Taking out the Reinforcement Beacons prevents stronger mobs from showing up that could otherwise be overwhelming.
    • On Call Crew can be used to clear the mobs that spawn and even contribute a bit towards taking out Profit-Taker's shields.
    • Profit-Taker Orb (43)Khora's Profit-Taker Orb (44)Ensnare, Profit-Taker Orb (45)Titania's Profit-Taker Orb (46)Lantern and Profit-Taker Orb (47)Sevagoth's Profit-Taker Orb (48)Gloom are useful at managing the swarm of Corpus mobs to allow focus on fighting the Orb Mother.


  • Profit-Taker's drops are affected by Resource Boosters and Smeeta Kavat's Profit-Taker Orb (49)Charm.
    • As the credit rewards are a physical drop by the Profit-Taker Orb on death, the value can be doubled by Profit-Taker Orb (50)Charm.
  • The Profit-Taker Orb is immune to the effects of Profit-Taker Orb (51)ShieldDisruption, and any armor-reducing effect (e.g. Profit-Taker Orb (52)CorrosiveProjection, Profit-Taker Orb (53)ShatteringImpact and Profit-Taker Orb (54)SeekingShuriken).
  • Profit-Taker Orb (55)Zenith in its semi-auto mode has infinite punch-through, allowing it to destroy pylons from any point as it can pierce terrain and shield bubbles (but not the Repelling Shields), while additionally having good enough stats to damage the Profit-Taker's shield.
    • Profit-Taker Orb (56)Fluctus also has infinite punch-through, but only has a range of 54 meters in the atmosphere, whereas pylons often land 150 meters away from the player. To make the weapon a decent alternative to the Zenith, it can be paired with Profit-Taker Orb (57)Zephyr's Profit-Taker Orb (58)JetStream augment for Profit-Taker Orb (59)Turbulence and sufficient Power Strength as this can increase the range of the projectile to from 54 meters to a comfortable 160+ meters. Unfortunately, there is a bug which makes it difficult to use in the armor phase. For this reason, it is better to use a Necramech paired with the Profit-Taker Orb (60)Velocitus to clear the armor phase as explained in one of the notes below.
    • Profit-Taker Orb (61)Opticor (Profit-Taker Orb (62)Vandal) will also pierce the shield bubbles, but not the terrain.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (63)Battacor is useful, as it can be modded to deal up to 4 different elemental damage types combined from its primary fire (Profit-Taker Orb (64)Magnetic) and alternate fire modes (Profit-Taker Orb (65)Radiation).
  • Profit-Taker Orb (66)KuvaNukor/Profit-Taker Orb (67)TenetDetron can also cover 4 elemental damage types: their innate Profit-Taker Orb (68)Radiation damage, a Profit-Taker Orb (69)Magnetic progenitor bonus, and 2 modded elements of the player's choosing.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (70)ExodiaContagion makes any Zaw very suitable for the fight as it has high damage, a perfect balance between the physical elements and will innately cover Profit-Taker Orb (71)Blast.
    • Throwing the projectile at the rear end of Profit-Taker may clear Profit-Taker Orb (72)Viral as Viral damage is only dealt when its head is in the explosion radius and the head is coded to be near its rear.
  • The Profit-Taker Orb (73)Redeemer (Profit-Taker Orb (74)Prime) is a popular and cheaper alternative to Profit-Taker Orb (75)ExodiaContagion.
  • Currently, the strongest Archguns for the fight are the Profit-Taker Orb (76)Mausolon for Warframes and the Profit-Taker Orb (77)Velocitus for Necramechs. The Mausolon features the highest DPS of rifle-like Archguns and has the best ammo economy, meaning that Profit-Taker Orb (78)AmmoChain is not necessary if paired with adequate builds and frame buffs. The Velocitus, when fully charged and built for consistent damage output rather than average damage output, is able to consistently one-shot the legs and body in the armor phase without external buffs or Riven Mods. This means that it can be put on a Necramech to bypass the Warframe's lengthy Archgun deployment animation and clear the armor phase faster than a Warframe could.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (82)Chroma's Profit-Taker Orb (83)Effigy and its credit doubling aura can double the Profit-Taker Orb (84) Credits reward when Profit Taker finally collapses, once the bounty reward has been given, as long as both her drops' location and any players are within the Effigy's radius (10m). Additionally, due to how Profit-Taker Orb (85)VexArmor works, Chroma allows the player to free one of the mod slots for their weapon (taken by mods like Profit-Taker Orb (86)Serration) and put in an additional elemental mod instead.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (87)Saryn's Profit-Taker Orb (88)ToxicLash provides Profit-Taker Orb (89)Toxin damage to all her weapons, allowing her to cover all 4 single-stat elements using Primary, Secondary and Melee weapons only. Additionally, the augment Profit-Taker Orb (90)VenomDose allows her to cover Profit-Taker Orb (91)Corrosive damage with all weapons.
  • Profit-Taker Orb will randomly spawn in one of three separate locations: far southwest of the Orb Vallis, south of Asta Crater; near the lake to the northwest of Enrichment Labs and southwest of Coolant Reservoir; and the forked road to the east of Transit Depot and west of Spaceport.
  • As Profit-Taker is a Corpus unit, it is affected by all Corpus Faction Mods such as Profit-Taker Orb (97)BaneofCorpus (Profit-Taker Orb (98)Primed) and Profit-Taker Orb (99)SmiteCorpus (Profit-Taker Orb (100)Primed).
  • The Profit-Taker Orb (101)Hystrix's switching elemental-damage Secondary Fire mechanic does not work on the Profit-Taker Orb. This is because unless modded for, the Hystrix quills do not deal elemental damage, only status procs, which the Orb is immune to.
  • The Profit-Taker Orb (102)Paracesis at Rank 40 can cycle the Profit-Taker's shield damage just as the Operator Amps do.
  • The Profit-Taker's shield can take a fifth of its total Shield Value before automatically switching to another elemental weakness. At its default level of 60, one-fifth of the shield value is equal to ~162,645 shield points.
  • As all heist phases reward the Profit-Taker Orb (103)GyromagSystems, Profit-Taker Orb (104)AtmoSystems, and Profit-Taker Orb (105)RepellerSystems with the same rarity, completing phase 2 repeatedly is the quickest way to farm these items. With proper gear and the use of an Archwing with Profit-Taker Orb (106)HyperionThrusters to get to Enrichment Labs and back, the phase can be completed in as little as 2 minutes.


  • Profit Taker in Phase 3 and Phase 4 is immune to the AoE damage on weapons with two instances of damage, unless the head of Profit-Taker is within the AoE damage radius. When damage is dealt this way, Damage Falloff is applied to the attack. The falloff distance is determined as the distance between the impact of the damage instance and the head. Until patched, using the following weapons is ill-advised as they lose substantial amounts of damage and damage diversity (many lose forms of secondary elemental damage).
  • At the start of the second shield phase, Profit-Taker will regenerate its shields beyond 100%, meaning that damage dealt in the first 2 seconds is wasted effort.
  • Hitting one body part of the Profit-Taker with a projectile will make that projectile deal 0 damage to subsequent body parts, even if the initial body part didn't take damage. Profit-Taker Orb (156)Fluctus, for example, has a hard time hitting legs in the back despite its infinite Punch Through: hitting the legs in front will prevent the legs in the back being from being hit by the same projectile, even if the front legs have no health left.


  • Profit Taker's head design appears to be similar if not identical to Zanuka, Zanuka Hunter, and Lockjaw's head.
  • Profit Taker is voiced by Tamara Fritz, who also voices Eudico.
  • The first glitchless Profit-Taker Phase 4 solo runs under 100 seconds, with and without Rivens, were performed by Aziimuth and CreepingChamp.
  • Profit-Taker Orb (160)Shedu is the first weapon to come with two separate single-stat elements, Profit-Taker Orb (161)Electricity and Profit-Taker Orb (162)Heat, making it the first weapon to allow all 4 single-stat elements to be covered on a Primary, Secondary and Melee.
    • Since the weapon's initial release, a bug has been introduced which makes AoE damage not apply to the Profit-Taker, meaning that Profit-Taker Orb (163)Electricity can no longer be covered with this weapon.


Profit-Taker Orb (164)

Everything that you Need to Know to Defeat the Profit-Taker SOLO! - Warframe

Profit-Taker Orb (165)

WARFRAME - Profit Taker Heist Phase 1 (Walkthrough)

Profit-Taker Orb (166)

WARFRAME - Profit Taker Heist Phase 2 (Walkthrough)

Profit-Taker Orb (167)

WARFRAME - Profit Taker Heist Phase 3 (Walkthrough)

Profit-Taker Orb (168)

Preneur de Profit (Fortuna) - Warframe FR-1

Patch History[]

Hotfix 35.5.8 (2024-04-24)

  • Fixed more cases of errors caused by joining a Profit Taker Bounty while the Vox Solaris Quest (specifically a replay) is active.

Hotfix 35.5.7 (2024-04-17)

  • Fixes more cases of errors caused by joining a Profit Taker Bounty while the Vox Solaris Quest (specifically a replay) is active.
    • To prevent further issues, the context action to speak to begin Profit Taker Bounties is now disabled while the Vox Solaris Quest is active.

Update 35.5 (2024-03-27)

  • Fixed Profit Takers Stage 4 cinematic not playing and leading to loss of function in the Steel Path fight.

Update 35.0 (2023-12-13)
Archgun Damage Resistance
Before we get into the stats, we have added a 50% Archgun Damage Resistance to the Profit Taker. Since these weapons have had their damage buffed, this resistance keeps these fights to the same difficulty as before.

  • Exceptions: The Kuva Grattler, Grattler, Mausolon and Kuva Ayanga have unique Damage Resistance values when used against the Profit Taker. These are adjusted to keep their damage output the same against these foes -- as these weapons did not have their damage doubled, the amount of damage resistance is balanced to account for their buffs.
  • Corvas Prime’s damage stats were untouched so we did not implement Damage Resistance for this weapon.

Hotfix 33.0.3 (2023-04-28)

  • Fixed there being no objective waypoint during the third phase of the Profit Taker fight - causing inability to continue the fight. As reported here.

Update 32.3 (2023-02-15)

  • Fixed crazy long decimals appearing in the Data Gathered% during the Profit Taker fight.
  • Fixed Spearguns thrown at Profit Taker Orb scaling up to massive sizes.
  • Fixed cases of the Host being stuck in the vote screen on the Profit-Taker boss fight if their squadmates reject the mission.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Fixed Unairu’s Magnetic Flare being able to completely strip Profit-Taker’s shields in one cast.

Update 31.1 (2022-02-09)

Hotfix 31.0.5 (2021-12-21)

  • Fixed inability to cycle the Profit Taker's current Shield vulnerability with the Sirocco.

Hotfix 31.0.3 (2021-12-17)

  • Fixed a rare script error when fighting Profit Taker.

Hotfix 30.8.3 (2021-10-18)

  • Fixed cases where the final stage of the Profit-Taker fight was unreachable, thus not awarding the Bounty rewards.

Update 30.7 (2021-09-08)

  • (Undocumented) Fixed the armor phase not proceeding from the armor phase to the next phase when enough damage was dealt to it. Notably, this would let you bypass 4 of the 9 phases in the Profit-Taker Heist when pairing sufficient damage with Toxic Lash or Xata's Whisper.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

  • Fixed an exploit that would let you bypass most of the Profit Taker Heist. (The exploit referred to was pylon skip[1])

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Fixed a soft-lock that would occur on a surviving Client if the Host left the squad vote for a Profit Taker Bounty.

Hotfix 30.2.2 (2021-05-13)

  • Fixed the Neo Z7 Relic from the Profit-Taker Phase 4 rewards not being Radiant.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Fixed Profit Taker losing all its color and appearing solid white for the remainder of the fight after using Voidrig’s Guard Mode ability.

Hotfix 29.5.4 (2020-11-25)

  • (Undocumented) Shield Ospreys can no longer provide shields to the Profit-Taker.
  • Bounty objectives (on all Free Roam missions) are now enabled 5 seconds after the Bounty vote concludes, allowing players to reach the encounter area and start the objective before all the preamble transmissions complete. The arrival objective transmission will interrupt the preamble if the objective is started before the preamble completes.

Update 29.3 (2020-10-27)

  • Fixed a loss of functionality if you open the Pause Menu with the controller and Fast Travel to a vendor while a Profit-Taker Heist Bounty is counting down.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

  • Fixed a script error when being attacked by the Profit-Taker.

Hotfix 29.0.3 (2020-08-26)

  • Fixed a script error related to the Profit-Taker.

Update 27.4 (2020-05-01)

  • Fixed certain boss attacks (Profit Taker’s missile for example) not respecting Shield Gating and killing players in one hit.

Hotfix 27.3.3 (2020-03-25)

  • Fixed high GPU Effects time when shooting Profit Taker's legs with the Imperator Vandal.

Update 27.2 (2020-03-05)

Profit Taker Change:

Due to the frequency of the Profit Taker Ability being too high and frustrating, we have made a minor QoL change to the Profit Taker encounter. The cooldown has been increased on a very specific, but noticeable, attack: The Blue shield projectile knockdown attack.

Hotfix 25.7.4 (2019-09-05)

  • Fixed Corpus Mankers not spawning in the Profit Taker fight.

Hotfix 25.7.1 (2019-08-30)

  • Fixes towards crashing when attempting to play the Profit Taker fight.

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Hotfix 25.4.2 (2019-07-25)

  • Increased the drop rate of the Bloodshed Sigil from 1% to 3% from the Profit-Taker.

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

  • Reduced the number of enemies that can trigger knockback to players during the Orb Heist Profit Taker fight.
  • Increased the radius of the Profit-Takers final explosion - you betta run!
  • All Orbs in the Orb Vallis are now immune to the effects of Corrosive Projection.

Hotfix 24.2.7 (2018-01-09)

  • Fixes towards Profit-Taker not entering last Pylon phase in the Profit-Taker Bounty 4.
  • Fixed Profit-Taker dipping its toe in coolant and attempting to teleport, resulting in breaking its AI.

Hotfix 24.2.6 (2018-12-20)

  • Fixed ability to double-up on Profit-Taker drops if a Host Migration occurred (coal for you!).
  • Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 1 progression stopper if players join-in-progress during the fishing stage.
  • Fixed a Profit-Taker Bounty 2 progression stopper where a Director wouldn’t spawn.
  • Fixed the Shattering Impact Mod breaking the Profit-Taker. Profit-Taker is now immune to Armor Reduction.

Hotfix 24.2.5 (2018-12-20)

  • The following items have been added to the Profit-Taker drop table (not Bounty reward):
    • A chance for Profit-Taker Articula (New!)
    • Guaranteed Debt-Bonds
      • 3x Medical Debt-Bonds
      • 2x Advances Debt-Bonds
      • 1x Familiar Debt-Bond
    • Guaranteed 'Profit' 5x 25,000 Credit Drops
  • Profit-Taker is no longer affected by the Shield Disruption Aura.

Hotfix 24.2.4 (2018-12-19)

  • Added waypoints to the spawned Pylons.
  • Added a waypoint to the Crisma Toroid when dropped.
  • Removed Knockdown from the Profit-Taker’s lightning attack.
  • The Fluctus carrying Terra Manker now has a guaranteed Heavy Weapon Ammo drop. Their spawn rates have also been increased to allow up to 3 of them simultaneously at max Alert Level.
  • Sound tweaks towards the Profit-Taker.
  • Fixed Limbo getting pushed back from the Profit-Taker when in the Rift.

Hotfix 24.2.3 (2018-12-19)

  • Operators can now switch the Profit-Taker’s Shield type regardless of the damage type of the equipped Amp.
  • Lowered spawn chances and max simultaneous counts of Nullifier Shield Ospreys and the Fluctus carrying Terra Manker during the Profit-Taker end fight.
  • Fixed ability to kill the Profit-Taker during Phase 3 of the Profit-Taker Bounty.
  • Fixed certain Profit-Taker abilities and leg Electricity damaging Limbo when in the Rift.

Update 24.2 (2018-12-18)

  • Introduced Heist bounties to take down the Profit-Taker Orb.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Introduced.


See Also[]

Profit-Taker Orb (169)Corpus Edit
  • Starchart

  • Orb Vallis

  • The Index

  • Empyrean

Profit-Taker Orb (170) Anyo Corp
Investor Relations DepartmentArmis UltaDru PesforRana Del002-ER
Loan Reclamation DivisionLockjaw & SolNako XolPelna CadeVed Xol
Robotics Technology DivisionAuditorAzothJad TeranRaptor RX
Zenith GalacticalDerim ZahnJen DroM-W.A.M.Tia Mayn
SpecialJohn Prodman
Bosses and Mini-Bosses
Profit-Taker Orb (171)GrineerPlanetCaptain Vor (Mercury/Ceres) • Councilor Vay Hek (Earth) • General Sargas Ruk (Saturn) • Kela De Thaym (Sedna) • Lieutenant Lech Kril (Mars/Ceres) • Tyl Regor (Uranus)
MissionKuva LichesThe Grustrag Three (Assassin) • Ven'kra Tel and Sprag (Orokin Sabotage)
QuestElder Queen (The War Within)
EventBalor Fomorian (Fomorian Fleet)
Profit-Taker Orb (172)CorpusPlanetAlad V and Zanuka (Jupiter) • Ambulas (Pluto) • Jackal (Venus) • Hyena Pack (Neptune) • Raptors (Europa) • The Sergeant (Phobos)
MissionExploiter Orb (Orb Vallis) • Lynx (Orokin Sabotage) • Profit-Taker Orb (Orb Vallis) • Zanuka Hunter (Assassin)
QuestProtea Specter (The Deadlock Protocol)
EventRazorback (Razorback Armada)
Profit-Taker Orb (173)InfestedPlanetJordas Golem (Eris) • Juggernaut Behemoth (Eris) • Mutalist Alad V (Eris) • Lephantis (Deimos) • Zealoid Prelate (Deimos)
MissionJuggernaut (Infested Ship)
QuestInfested Mesa (Patient Zero)
EventPhorid (Phorid Manifestation) • Hemocyte (Plains of Eidolon - Operation: Plague Star)
Profit-Taker Orb (174)OrokinMissionCorrupted Jackal (The Circuit Assassination) • Corrupted Vor (Tier 4 Void / The Circuit Exterminate) • Nihil (Nightwave/Series 3)
QuestNecramech (Heart of Deimos)
Profit-Taker Orb (175)SentientPlanetRopalolyst (Jupiter)
MissionEidolon TeralystGantulystHydrolyst (Plains of Eidolon)
QuestSuda-Hunhow (Octavia's Anthem) • Typholyst (The New War)
EventCondrix (Earth - Operation: Scarlet Spear)
Profit-Taker Orb (176)StalkerMissionAcolytes (The Steel Path) • Stalker / Shadow Stalker / Protector Stalker (Assassin)
Profit-Taker Orb (177)WildMissionWolf of Saturn Six (Assassin) • Void Angel (Zariman Ten Zero)
DuviriDax EquitemKullervoOrowyrm
Profit-Taker Orb (178)NarmerMissionArchon AmarArchon BorealArchon Nira (Archon Hunt)
QuestBallas (The New War)
Profit-Taker Orb (179)TheMurmurPlanetThe Fragmented (Suzerain • Anchorite • Zelator • One)
MissionScathing WhisperMocking Whisper
Profit-Taker Orb (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.