Pro Rata: 9 Prorated Examples | Calculation | Meaning & Definition | FinanceTuts (2024)

How to Prorate Salary, Rent, Refund, Bill, Interest Rates, Share Dividends & More | Complete Guide

Keep reading for everything you need to know about prorating:

1. What does it mean when something is pro rata or prorated?

2. How do you calculate pro-rated?

3. Examples: How do you use pro rata in real-life?

(Spoiler alert: You’ll see how to prorate a salary, rent, bill, subscription, refund, interest rate, dividends – and more.)

Definition: What Does Pro Rata Basis Mean?

Definitions: Pro Rata - Prorate - Prorated
Pro Rata (adjective or adverb)Pro Rata means certain total amount (e.g., payment, cost, price, fee) distributed in equal portions or in proportion to some factor (e.g., time period, partial usage or consumption).
Prorate (verb)Prorate means a process of determining and proportionally allocating the pro rata portions as a share of any given whole (i.e., pro rata calculation).
Prorated (adjective)Prorated means calculated and divided on a pro rata basis of proportional distribution with the aim of assigning an amount to each party according to their fair share in proportion to the whole.

Calculation: How Do You Calculate Prorated Rate?

How do you calculate a pro rata rate? Let’s take a look at an example to learn by doing:

Calculation Example: Prorated Salary: Employee Worked For <1 Year (Start of Employment)

John was hired as a financial controller at an annual salary of $104,000 and will start working in the last week of December 202X.

What is John’s prorated salary in his new job for December 202X?

Follow the two steps below to calculate John’s prorated salary:

Step #1Calculate John’s hourly rate by dividing his annual salary ($104,000) by the number of annual work hours (assuming 1 year = 52 weeks x 40 working hours per week = 2,080)$104,000 / 2,080 = $50 per hour
Step #2Multiply John’s hourly rate by 40 (because John worked for one full 40-hour work week with his new employer)$50 x 40 = $2,000

The pro-rated compensation John earned in the last week of year 202X was $2,000.

9 Examples: How Do You Use Pro Rata?

You may be surprised how often we use prorating in our daily lives – not just in the context of business, finance or law.

The most common situations when pro rata calculations are used include:

  1. Salaries and wages
  2. Rent
  3. Bill and subscriptions
  4. Refunds and cancellations
  5. Dividends for stock shares
  6. Insurance premiums and policies
  7. Interest rates
  8. Cost accounting
  9. Law and liability

All of these examples are explained in more detail below, including real-life examples and calculations.

Salary (#1)

What Is Pro Rata Salary?

Prorated salary is a portion of the full salary amount owed to an employee proportionate to the number of days that the employee worked in a partial pay period when the employment did not last for a full term.

For example, when an employee is terminated in the middle of a pay period, the last paycheck is the full amount of their monthly salary reduced in proportion to the days that the person actually worked during the last month in employment.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Salary?

Payroll needs to be pro-rated in a number of different situations, including:

  • Commencement or termination of employment in the middle of a pay period
  • Pay increase in the middle of a pay period
  • Unpaid leave
  • Contractor pay per hour/minute

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Salary?

In order to calculate the prorated salary amount, you first take the total annual salary and divide it by the number of working days in the year to determine a daily rate.

Next, your multiply the daily rate by the number of days the employee was working to calculate the prorated amount for the partial month.

For instance, if an employee with a salary of $100,000 per year leaves a company on 30 June, then the prorated salary for that year would be $50,000 as the employee only worked for six months.

Formula: Pro Rata Salary

Prorated Salary =

( Annual salary / Number of working hours in the year )

x Number of hours employee worked and is being paid for

Calculation Examples: Pro Rata Salary

Calculation Example #1: Prorated Contractor Pay: Contractor Worked For <1 Hour

Jane works as an on-call lawyer at an hourly rate of $120.

As a part-time contractor, Jane is paid by the minute.

What is Jane’s prorated pay if she worked for 45 minutes this week?

Follow the two steps below to calculate Jane’s prorated contractor pay:

Step #1Calculate Jane’s per-minute rate by dividing her hourly rate ($120) by 60 (because 1 hour = 60 minutes)$120 / 60 = $2 per minute
Step #2Multiply Jane’s per-minute rate by 45 (because Jane worked for 45 minutes)$2 x 45 = $90

The pro-rated compensation Jane has earned this week is $90.

Calculation Example #2: Prorated Salary: Employee Worked For <1 Year (Termination of Employment)

On 1 July 202X, Jane was hired as a full-time lawyer at an annual salary of $120,000.

What is Jane’s prorated salary for the year 202X?

Step #1Calculate Jane’s monthly salary by dividing her annual salary ($120,000) by 12 (because 1 year = 12 months)$120,000 / 12 = $10,000 per month
Step #2Multiply Jane’s monthly salary by 6 (because Jane worked for 6 months)$10,000 x 6 = $60,000

The pro-rated compensation Jane earned in year 202X was $60,000.

Rent (#2)

Another common situation when you will experience prorating is when you rent a property (e.g., apartment, office).

What Is Pro Rata Rent?

Prorated rent is a portion of the full rent amount owed to a landlord proportionate to the number of days that a tenant occupied a property in a partial period when the occupancy does not last for a full term.

In other words, your landlord will prorate the month’s rent to only charge you for the days you have actually occupied the property.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Rent?

For example, prorated rent may apply when:

  • Tenant moves in or out of a rental space mid-month
  • Tenant moves out before the last day of the month when the lease expires on the first day of the month
  • Tenant needs to stay one or two days beyond the end of the lease term

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Rent?

In order to calculate the prorated rent amount, you first take the total rent amount (e.g., year, month, week), divide it by the total number of days (in the year/month/week) to determine a daily rent rate. Next, you multiply the daily rate by the number of days the tenant was occupying the property to generate the prorated amount for the partial month.

For instance, if a tenant paying a full monthly rent of $1,200 is moving out on 5 June, the prorated rent amount for the month of June would be $200, calculated as:

( $1,200 monthly rate amount / 30 days ) x 5 days = $200.

Formula: Pro Rata Rent

Prorated Rent =

( Monthly rent / Number of days in the month )

x Number of days renter is paying for

Calculation Example: Pro Rata Rent

Jane has rented a new apartment for $1,200 per month and is moving in on the 21st day of the month. There are 30 days in that particular month.

Jane’s new landlord will prorate her monthly rent for the first 10 days on her lease. In other words, Jane will pay 10 days’ worth of rent in the first month occupying her new apartment.

What is Jane’s prorated rent for the first month?

Follow the two steps below to calculate Jane’s prorated rent:

Step #1Calculate Jane’s daily rent by dividing her monthly rent ($1,200) by 30 (because there are 30 days in the month Jane is moving in)$1,200 / 30 = $40 per day
Step #2Multiply Jane’s daily rent by 10 days (because Jane will only be occupying the apartment for 10 days in the first month)$40 x 10 = $400

The pro-rated rent amount the landlord will charge Jane for the first month is $400.

Bills & Subscriptions (#3)​

What Is Pro Rata Bill or Subscription?

Prorated bill calculates an amount owed to a provider based on what was actually received, used or consumed by the beneficiary, as opposed to a fixed rate or standard charge.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Bills?

Prorating is widely used in billing situations, including the following examples:

  • Service provider of a monthly subscription prorates the bill for a client who subscribed mid-month and only used the service for a few days rather than the whole month.
  • Utility company (e.g., electricity, water, gas, waste, telephone, internet) bills for a prorated amount calculated based on how much of the service the customer used in a period rather than a fixed rate.
  • Property management company prorates bills for less than a full-month of rent if a tenant only occupied a property for a part of the regular billing cycle.

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Bills?

Pro rata bills are generally calculated by dividing the total billing amount by the minimum billing unit (e.g., unit of electricity, number of days, gigabytes of data) and then multiplying the result by the number of billing units actually used to arrive at the amount to be charged.

Prorated Bill =

( Total billing amount / Minimum billing unit )

x Number of billing units used

Refunds & Cancellations (#4)

What Is Pro Rata Refund or Cancellation?

Refunds and cancellations need to be prorated when a service that was previously fully paid requires a reimbursem*nt at any point during the regular billing cycle.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Refunds?

Examples of pro rata refunds and cancellations include:

  • Prepaid annual subscription (e.g., magazine, gym) that a customer wishes to cancel in the middle of the regular billing cycle (e.g., annual subscription) in exchange for a prorated refund.
  • Student withdraws from a course (e.g., university, language school, piano lessons) in the middle of the term and the educational provider decides to refund the tuition payments on a pro rata basis.

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Refund?

In order to calculate a prorated refund, you have to first figure out how many units (e.g., months) remain on the customer’s subscription and what is the unit cost (e.g., monthly price). Then multiply the number of customer’s remaining units by the unit cost to arrive at the pro rata refund figure.

Let’s imagine that a student paid $600 for 6 months of dance lessons in advance.

After 1.5 months, the student requests a refund. According to the cancellation policy of the dance studio, the student is entitled to a refund for the cost of the remaining 4 months of classes. Therefore, the student will receive a refund of $400:

($600 / 6 months) * 4 months = $400 refund

Formula: Pro Rata Refund

Prorated Refund =

( Total amount / Minimum unit )

x Number of remaining units

Calculation Example: Pro Rata Cancellation Refund

Jane sent a request to cancel an annual subscription to a magazine that she paid $270 for in advance 7 months ago.

What is the prorated amount that the magazine will refund to Jane for the 5 remaining months she still has left on the subscription?

Follow the two steps below to calculate Jane’s pro rata refund:

Step #1Calculate the unit cost (here monthly issue of a magazine) by dividing the total cost ($270 yearly subscription) by 12 (because 1 year = 12 months)$270 / 12 = $22.50 per month
Step #2Multiply the unit cost calculated in Step 1 by 5 (because Jane has 5 months left on the subscription)$22.50 x 5 = $112.50

The pro-rated refund Jane will receive from the magazine is $112.50.

Stock Share Dividends (#5)

What Is Pro Rata Dividend?

Prorated payments of stock dividends are distributed pro rata, meaning that shareholders receive dividend payments according to the proportion of shares that they hold.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Stock Share Dividends?

Pro rata calculation is used by companies to assign the appropriate portion of the total dividend amount available to individual shareholders based on their holdings of dividend stock.

As a result, pro-rata dividend payment means that each shareholder receives an equal proportion for each share held.

However, an important point to note here is that dividend payments are not prorated based on how long the investors have owned their shares.

Whoever is a shareholder as of the date of record receives the same dividend amount per share when dividends are being paid out.

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Dividend per Shareholder?

The pro rata dividend calculation is used to determine the amount due to each individual shareholder as their prorated portion of the total payable amount a company set aside for dividends in a particular period.

Pro rata dividend per shareholder is calculated by dividing the number of shares held by each investor by the total number of shares outstanding and then multiplying the resulting fraction by the total amount of the dividend payment issued.

For example, if a company that has 1,000 shares outstanding issues a total dividend of $10,000, this results in $10 dividend per share.

Let’s assume that this company has 5 shareholders who hold 550, 225, 150, 50 and 25 shares respectively.

The majority shareholder who holds 550 shares will receive a dividend payment of $5,500, calculated as:

(550 / 1,000) X $10,000 = $5,500

The result is equal to multiplying the investor’s shareholding by the dividend per share:

550 * $10 = $5,500

The pro rata dividend of the remaining shareholders is $2,250, $1,500, $500 and $250, respectively.

Formula: Pro Rata Dividend Per Shareholder

Prorated Dividend (per shareholder) =

( Number of shares held by an individual shareholder


Total number of outstanding shares issued by a company )


Total amount of a dividend payment issued by a company

Calculation Example: Pro Rata Dividend Per Shareholder

Jane owns 15 shares of Company XYZ. The Company has 500 outstanding shares and issued a total dividend of $100,000 this year.

What is the prorated dividend payment that Jane will receive as a shareholder of Company XYZ?

Follow the two steps below to calculate Jane’s pro rata dividend payment:

Step #1Divide the number of shares held by Jane by the total number of shares Company XYZ has outstanding.15 / 500 = 0.030
Step #2Multiply the fraction calculated in Step 1 by the total amount of the dividend payment issued by Company XYZ.0.030 x $100,000 = $3,000

The pro-rated dividend payment Jane will receive from Company XYZ is $3,000.

Insurance (#6)

What Is Pro Rata for Insurance?

Pro rata calculation is used in insurance to determine proportional premiums, risk, liability and payouts based on the particular insurance policy is in effect.

Why Do You Need To Prorate in Insurance?

In insurance, pro rata calculations are used to determine, for example:

  • Prorated annual premium amount reduced for a short-term insurance policy that covers a partial term of less than the full 12-month year
  • Return premium of a cancelled insurance policy
  • Risk based on the time an insurance policy is in effect
  • Proportional liability when more than one entity is responsible for a loss, damage or accident
  • Claim payout proportionate to the interest in the asset that an insurance policy covers (e.g., condition of average)
  • Obligation of an insurer to cover only a portion of a loss if the insured has policies with other insurance providers covering the same risk (e.g., pro rata liability clause).

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Insurance Premium?

Let’s take a look at two examples of calculating insurance premiums pro rata:

Prorated Short-term Insurance Premium: Calculation Example

Jane needs car insurance for 120 days. However, the standard car insurance policy of her chosen provider is based on a 12-month period.

In order to calculate how much to charge Jane for the partial term, her insurer will prorate the annual premium in 2 steps:

  1. Divide the total premium amount by the total number of days in a standard term.
  2. Multiply the daily premium by the number of days covered by the partial term policy.

Assuming that the annual car insurance policy carries a premium of $1,095, the insurance company will reduce the premium to $360. The pro rata premium due for the 120-day period is calculated as ($1,095/365) x 120 = $360.

Prorated Return Premium of Cancelled Insurance Policy: Calculation Example

Due to an unexpected turn of events, Jane needs to cancel the car insurance policy after only 30 days. Here is how the insurer will calculate the return premium of the cancelled insurance policy:

  1. First, divide the number of days remaining on the policy (90) by the number of total days in the policy (120). This is sometimes called a return premium factor.
  2. Next, multiply the factor (90/120 = 0.75) by the policy premium ($360).

The insurer will issue a refund for $270 as a return premium of Jane’s cancelled insurance policy.

Interest Rate (#7)

What Is Pro Rata for Interest Rates?

Pro rata calculation is used to determine the amount of interest due by allocating an appropriate portion of a full interest rate to a different, typically shorter, time frame.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Interest Rates?

In terms of interest rates, prorating is most frequently used to allocate the appropriate portion of an annual interest rate to a shorter time frame to determine the amount of interest that is due to be earned or paid on a financial product, such as an investment or a loan.

For example, the market price of bonds may include interest that has accumulated since the bond’s last coupon date, because the bond buyer reimburses the share of accrued interest that belongs to the bond seller.

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Interest Rate?

If a financial product earns an annual interest rate, then the pro rata amount earned for a shorter period is calculated by:

  1. Dividing the total amount of interest by the number of months in a year
  2. Multiplying the result by the number of months in the shorter time period

For example, the pro-rated amount of interest earned in 2 months on an investment that yields 12% interest each year is 2%, calculated as follows:

(12% per annum / 12 months) x 2 months = 2%

Costs & Cost Accounting (#8)

What Is Pro Rata in Cost Accounting?

In cost accounting, pro rata calculations are often used to allocate costs based on a specific factor, including time period or a company policy.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Costs?

For example, an accountant may prorate a materials price variance to the relevant cost categories (e.g., inventory, work-in-progress inventory, finished goods).

In cost accounting, the materials price variance is the difference between the actual and budgeted cost to acquire materials, which is used to identify instances where a business may be overpaying for materials.

How Do You Calculate Pro-rated Costs?

Let’s consider the following example:

The cost accounting system of Company XYZ shows the following:

  • Inventory – materials cost: $200,000
  • Finished goods – materials cost: $300,000
  • Materials price variance: $50,000

In Company XYZ, the pro rata share of the materials variance assigned to inventory is $20,000, calculated as:

($200,000 / $500,000 ) x $50,000 = $20,000

The remainder of the prorated variance, i.e., $30,000, is allocated to the finished goods, because:

($300,000 / $500,000 ) x $50,000 = $30,000

Law and Liability (#9)

What Is Pro Rata in Law?

In the legal field, the concept of pro rata is frequently used when determining and allocating liability.

Why Do You Need To Prorate Liability?

Examples where liability in legal claims may allocated pro rata:

  • Tort:

In tort law, liability for a defective product may be allocated pro rata between manufacturers and other supply chain participants.

  • Partnership:

In partnerships, each of several partners may be liable pro rata according to their individual share in the partnership agreement.

  • Insolvency:

In bankruptcy cases, creditors may agree to accept a pro rata share of what is owed to them, in which case any remaining funds of the insolvent debtor are distributed proportionately among the creditors according to the amount of their individual debts.

  • Insurance:

A pro rata liability clause in an insurance policy may stipulate that an insurer is obliged to cover only a prorated portion of a loss if the insured holds more than one policy with multiple insurance providers to cover the risk in question.

  • Real-estate:

In real estate transactions, certain expenses, such as real estate taxes and homeowners association dues, are prorated between the buyer and seller.

Spelling: Pro rata or Pro-rata? Prorated or Pro-rated?

How Do You Spell “Pro Rata / Prorated” Correctly?

There are multiple correct and commonly used ways to spell the terms “pro rata” and “prorated”:

SpellingTerm “Pro Rata”Term “Prorated”
Space " "pro rata“pro rated” is not commonly used
Hyphenated "-"pro-ratapro-rated
Neither space nor hyphen“prorata” is not commonly usedprorated

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Pro Rata: 9 Prorated Examples | Calculation | Meaning & Definition | FinanceTuts (2024)


What is pro-rata with example? ›

Pro rata means proportionally, such as dividends awarded to investors based on their proportion of investment. The concept of pro rata is rooted in fractions because proration attempts to make two fractions equal to each other but with different denominators.

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For example, if your pay frequency ends on the 25th of the month and an employee starts on the 1st of June, the pro-rata percentage will be 80.65. This is calculated as 25 / 31 x 100, where 25 represents the days employed and 31 is the total days in the current payment month (26 May to 25 June).

Does pro-rata mean prorated? ›

The terms pro rata and prorated are used interchangeably and essentially mean the same thing: dividing a payment or asset proportionately to the amount an individual is entitled to.

What is pro-rata for dummies? ›

The phrase 'pro rata' stems from the Latin term for 'in proportion'. It's used to describe the proportional value of a part in comparison to its whole. This doesn't necessarily mean that each part is equal; instead, it means that all parts contain weighted values in relation to their proportional size.

How to calculate a pro rata amount? ›

Apply the pro rata formula: Plug the identified values into the formula: Pro Rata Share = (Individual Share / Total Shares) x Total Amount.

What is an example of a pro rata rule? ›

More In Retirement Plans

If your account balance contains both pretax and after-tax amounts, any distribution will generally include a pro rata share of both. Example: Your account balance is $100,000, consisting of $80,000 in pretax amounts and $20,000 in after-tax amounts. You request a distribution of $50,000.

What is an example of prorated? ›

In accounting and finance, prorated means adjusted for a specific time period. For example, if an employee is due a salary of $80,000 per year, and they join the company on July 1, their prorated salary for that year would be $40,000.

What is the full meaning of pro rata? ›

The pro rata definition states that the term founded on the Latin term, "pro rata," means "proportionally" or "per the rate". This is most often used when there is a need to reimburse a specific amount proportionate to their engagement in a certain type of business.

What is an example of a pro rata clause? ›

The pro rata clause is usually found in the "other insurance" section of the policy. For example, if a policy has a face amount of $100,000 and there is a total of $500,000 in insurance available on the risk, the insurer would only be liable to pay 20% of the loss.

What is the legal definition of pro rata? ›

Primary tabs. Latin for “in proportion.” The term “pro rata” is used to denote proportional distributions or allocations. In a legal sense, pro rata may refer to a share to be received, an amount to be paid, or liability based on the fractional share of ownership, responsibility, or time.

Why is pro rata important? ›

Pro rata rights can help investors maintain their ownership stake in a startup as it grows. Pro rata rights give an investor the right to participate in one or more future rounds of financing. Pro rata rights allow investors to maintain their ownership stake in a startup as it grows.

What is pro rata portion of salary? ›

The entire calculation is essentially a two-step process: Divide the employee's salary by the number of hours the employee is expected to work per year. Multiply the result by the total hours the employee actually worked during the prorated period.

What does por rata mean? ›

: proportionately according to an exactly calculable factor (such as share or liability) pro rata adjective.

What does prorated mean in salary? ›

What is a prorated salary? You pay salaried employees predetermined wages. When an employee doesn't work their full hours, they earn less than their predetermined wages. Therefore, you must reduce what you pay them. A prorated salary is when you divide an employee's wages proportionally to what they actually worked.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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