Private Money Lenders: How To Find Them Fast | FortuneBuilders (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • What is a private money lender?

  • How to find a private lender

  • Tips for securing a private lender

  • Private money lender FAQs

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Many real estate investors know that buying an investment property is different than purchasing a primary residence. Among the differences is that many homeowners will turn to a conventional mortgage, while real estate investors often look for alternative forms of financing. That’s why as a real estate investor, it is crucial to understand how to fund deals using resources likeprivate money lenders.

In the real estate industry, private lenders will be a much-valued asset to your investor toolbox. But what exactly can they do for you as an investor, and how exactly do they work? Further, how do you approach private lenders about a given deal? Read the following to learn how to work with and find private lenders, so you can help ensure you secure financing for your next deal with ease.

What Is A Private Money Lender?

A private lender is someone who uses their capital to finance investments, such as real estate, and profits from interest paid on the loan. Private lenders are not affiliated with a bank or other financial institution and instead interact directly with the borrower. There are private lending companies that investors can seek out.

Private lenders are a valuable asset to investors because they often have different approval requirements and a faster pace than traditional financing processes. While the qualifications and interest rates will vary based on the situation, the process of working with private lenders will be similar to other loans.

2 Ways You Can Use Private Lender Loans

Private money lenders can provide several benefits for real estate investors, and the best part is: they can help with almost any aspect of a real estate investing business. The right financing will vary on a deal-by-deal basis, but it is still important to understand each of the options available (and how to use them). Here are two ways investors can make use of private money today:

  1. Refinancing A Property

  2. Buying A New Property

Refinancing A Property

Let’s say you purchase a rental property with a traditional mortgage but want to negotiate a better interest rate or shorter repayment timeline. Private money lenders represent the opportunity to refinance and potentially reduce the costs associated with funding a deal. Private money is particularly attractive because, in some cases, investors can even incentivize potential lenders with profit shares (rather than loan repayments). For example, investors could leverage their monthly cash flow to make a deal more attractive when refinancing a passive income property. As a whole, private money lenders can represent a much more flexible refinancing agreement when compared to traditional financing.

Buying A New Property

Private money loans can help real estate investors purchase new properties, including residential, commercial, and multifamily real estate. The key to securing these loans is to run the numbers and craft the right pitch. Experienced investors may find it helpful to highlight past deals, while first-time investors should instead focus on the potential profitability. Most investors will agree that it is great to build a relationship with as many potential private lenders as possible, that way, they are ready to meet when a deal comes along. After all, one of the biggest perks of using private money to fund a new deal is the quick timeline. Private money can enable investors to acquire new deals at much faster rates than other lenders.

Private Money Lenders: How To Find Them Fast | FortuneBuilders (1)

How To Find Private Lenders For Real Estate

  1. Learn the ins and outs of private real estate loans.

  2. Build a network of potential private lenders.

  3. Prepare a strong portfolio to present.

  4. Identify the right lender for the project.

  5. Wow lenders with your pitch.

When you first get started in real estate, you may look at your colleagues and wonder how to find private investors for real estate deals. More often than not, investors are using private real estate lenders to fund properties. There are many private lenders out there, but the most challenging aspect can be finding one willing to fund your deal. However, with the right mindset and preparation, you will be sure to find private real estate lenders who will want to help you.

1. Understand The Anatomy Of Private Real Estate Loans

Financing terms, especially when you’re first starting out, can be quite confusing. Are private lenders the same as hard money lenders? If not, what are the differences?

Basically, private lenders refers to individuals not affiliated with a financial institution who lend funds to promising investors. Either from a private investor or someone within your social circle who’s decided to invest in your venture.

Hard money lives in a middle ground between the two. Hard money lenders are usually affiliated with a more traditional financial institution but have less strict standards. (This comes at a price: usually higher interest rates.) Though hard money is technically private money, you’ll generally want to distinguish between the two as an investor.

In addition, it is essential to know exactly what kind of information a private lender will be looking for. In many cases, private real estate lenders will have experience investing directly in properties themselves. Therefore, they will know exactly which numbers and areas to look at when considering a particular deal. While it is important to build a positive relationship with a potential lender, be prepared to answer questions about the facts and figures of a given deal. Here are a few questions to prepare for when looking for private real estate loans:

  • Will they get their money back?

  • What is the incentive to invest?

  • What are the risks involved?

  • How will you secure my investment?

  • Is your plan well-researched, and it is achievable?

2. Build A Network

Unlike securing a loan from a bank—or a hard money lender—working with private lenders is all about building relationships. This starts with developing a solid investor network.

It is a good idea to begin building your network on two fronts. First, get to know professionals in your industry, such as real estate agents, fellow investors, title companies, attorneys, and private investors. Many private lenders will come through referrals within your real estate network.

Second, it is a good idea to build your contact list from people outside of the real estate industry. This includes friends, family, colleagues, and anyone not currently an investor but might be looking for new opportunities. Many aspiring investors may just be waiting for a good opportunity to come around before getting started. Alternatively, some of your friends and colleagues may have valuable connections outside your existing network. William Cannon from Signaturely adds that you should “consider all of the persons who could be able to help you with a private money loan. Friends, family, business acquaintances, and other investors are all possible sources of funding. Anyone with money to spend can, in theory, become a potential lender. And, if your proposed repayment terms are attractive enough, a private money loan could be just what you need to achieve your investing objectives”.

Always approach potential connections with respect and keep these networking tips in mind. Remember, it will take time to create positive relationships with fellow professionals, but it will open many doors in your career. Building a strong investment network is crucial to finding private lenders to work with.

3. Prepare Your Materials

Put together the materials that you will be sharing with private lenders during your pitch. This includes a company overview covering your education, goals, past deals and experience, and what makes you the right investor for their funds.

With this information, you will want to prepare a presentation or video that outlines previous properties you have worked with. This should outline the success of past deals, including pictures, numbers, and relevant information. You do not need to include every property you have completed and instead should select the properties that show your best work. Remember you want to make a good impression and highlight your strengths.

One more thing to add to your to-do list, which may not be as tangible as a company overview or introductory video, is to have a clear understanding of the private investor process. Look into the documents you will need to present to investors, such as a promissory note and insurance. Also, write out important information like how long the process will take, when they can expect to see the loan paid in full, and what happens if there are multiple investors. Going in with this information will ensure you are prepared for any questions that come your way during the pitch.

4. Select Your Private Lender

Finding private lenders might be challenging at first, but it is important to remember that the relationship is a two-way street. Although you will spend time pitching to potential investors and trying to impress them, you will want to make sure that the lender you ultimately choose will serve your needs and not just the other way around.

“Make sure to collect and compare several loan offers before you make your final decision, as each proposal will be tailored to you, based on your private lender’s perceived risk of investing in your project,” says Paw from, a global loan comparison service.

First, make sure to ask them about their proposed loan term and interest rate and what the loan will be based on. This will help you determine how long you will have to pay the loan back and how quickly it will accrue interest. Further, you will want to know if they prefer to make their loans based on the property’s current value, or after-repair value. Next, be sure to inquire about potential fees they charge, whether upfront or in the form of penalties. Finally, find out the schedule at which the lender will disperse their funds to you.

Based on this information, you will be able to identify which private loan will present the least amount of risk to you.

5. Make The Pitch

Finalizing a deal with a private lender is about more than explaining the numbers and going over the property. You need to put your potential partner at ease and make sure you are on the same page.

To establish this rapport, go into your initial pitch meeting focused squarely on educating them about the process. Then, keep building that relationship piece-by-piece. Resist the temptation to go for the quick sale or fast deal; it won’t work — and it may leave you in worse shape than when you started.

Instead, focus on answering questions, especially those referring to profit splits and timelines. This is what most private investors are worried about. And the more you can put them at ease by thinking of things from their point of view, the more likely you are to secure private financing.

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Pro Tips For Securing A Private Lender

Private real estate lenders aren’t nearly as hard as many new investors make them out to be. Many private lending companies are always looking for investors to lend their money to. The trick, however, is proving that you are capable of managing their money well. For more of an idea of how to find private money lenders and convince them you are the right choice, try following these steps:

  • Understand Negotiation Tactics: In securing private money lenders, investors will need to learn how to speak their language. That said, there are two particular strategies to consider: the hard sell and the soft sell. The former, the hard sell, is a more professional approach that will have investors develop a convincing elevator pitch. The idea is to sell the private money lender on the idea of funding an attractive deal. In this particular situation, it’s important to remember private lenders are just as eager to work with investors as investors are to work with them; both parties stand to make money on a successful deal. Therefore, investors will want to approach lenders with all necessary information and prove that the numbers are correct. Doing so should convince lenders that they are making the right decision. On the other hand, the soft sell is typically reserved for friends and family and typically involves an indirect approach. More specifically, the soft sell will catch the interest of investors by casually slipping an opportunity into a conversation. Either way, investors need to know who they are talking to before they begin negotiations.

  • Find Lenders Online: Proceed to find lenders using every method possible, not the least of which will include online searches. Several online sources are designed to connect private money lenders with potential investors, all of which may be found with a simple, localized Google search. However, one of the best online searches investors may initiate is looking for local real estate investor meet-ups. Look for a local REI group and find out when they meet next. Attending a local REI meeting will connect investors with several industry professionals, many of whom may be private money lenders themselves.

  • Cold Call: Investors should try every outlet at their disposal, and cold calls are no exception. Obtain a list of lenders online and begin to call each name. When doing so, be as upfront as possible and lay everything out on the table. Proceed to tell them everything they will want to hear about the deal, and be prepared to answer a lot of questions. That said, the initial phone call is more of an introduction. Instead of working the deal out on the phone, schedule a meeting to go over things in more detail later.

  • Launch A Marketing Campaign: Not unlike looking for a deal, investors should market for private money lenders. There are many marketing campaigns to consider, but investors shouldn’t limit themselves to just one; try them all. A direct mail marketing campaign, for example, will have investors soliciting potential lenders through a highly targeted mailing campaign. Another idea is to place a sign on any property that is currently being worked on. Place a sign in the yard that suggests you are looking for a private money lender to fund the next deal and to inquire within.

Private Money Lenders: How To Find Them Fast | FortuneBuilders (2)

Pros And Cons Of Private Loans


  • Speed of Financing: One of the most significant advantages of private money loans is the rapid approval and funding process. Unlike traditional banking institutions, private lenders can often make quick decisions, allowing real estate investors to close deals faster. This speed can be crucial in competitive real estate markets where timely funding can make or break a deal.

  • Flexibility in Terms: Private money lenders offer a level of flexibility that traditional banks cannot. Terms of the loan, including interest rates, payment schedules, and loan duration, can often be negotiated to fit the unique needs of the borrower. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous for unconventional properties or investment strategies that do not fit within the strict criteria of traditional lenders.

  • Less Stringent Requirements: The approval process for private money loans typically focuses more on the value of the property and the investment opportunity than on the borrower’s credit history or financial standing. This approach can benefit investors who may not qualify for traditional loans due to credit issues or unconventional income sources.


  • Higher Costs: The convenience and flexibility of private money loans come at a price. Interest rates for private loans are generally higher than those of traditional mortgages. Additionally, borrowers might encounter origination fees, closing costs, and other expenses that can add up quickly, affecting the overall profitability of the investment.

  • Shorter Repayment Terms: Private money loans often have shorter repayment terms than traditional loans, typically ranging from one to five years. This shorter timeframe can put pressure on investors to refinance or sell the property quickly, potentially in less-than-ideal market conditions.

  • Risks of Predatory Lending Practices: While many private lenders operate with integrity, the industry does include players with less scrupulous practices. Borrowers should conduct thorough due diligence on potential lenders to avoid falling victim to high fees, unreasonable terms, or predatory lending practices that can jeopardize their investments.

Private Money Lenders FAQs

Working with private lenders is not a complex process, though it can be mysterious for investors unfamiliar with alternative financing methods. As you begin to ask how to find private lenders, make sure you don’t have any lingering confusion about the process. Read through the following frequently asked questions to make sure when you do find a private lender to work with, you know what to expect:

How Do Private Lenders Work?

Private lenders invest their capital into real estate deals in exchange for interest paid on the loan. They will work with investors to establish the loan terms, which will be paid back according to the term. Private lenders are often investors in their own right and turn to private lending to expand their portfolios.

Are Private Lenders Regulated?

State and federal lending laws regulate private lenders. Depending on where they are located, there is often a limit to the number of loans they can provide without a license. So while private lenders are not regulated as strictly as bankers, they must follow the rules. For more information on the regulations in your state, be sure to research online.

Do Private Money Lenders Check Credit Scores?

Unlike their hard money counterparts, private money lenders are not known for checking borrowers’ credit scores. That’s not to say all private money lenders don’t check credit scores before lending, but rather that the decision to loan is based primarily on the asset at hand. Otherwise known as asset-based lending, private money lenders will typically base the majority of their decision to lend on the quality of the subject property. The more likely the property is to sell for a profit, the more likely a private money lender will lend funds to an investor. Of course, the asset at hand is merely part of the decision-making process. Many private money lenders will want to know who they are lending to, resulting in some questions, not the least of which may include a credit score check. That said, not all private money lenders will look at a borrower’s credit score. Only those who are more diligent will typically consider the credit score when lending.

Who Can Be A Private Lender?

Anyone can be a private lender, though they are commonly investors or individuals with extra capital on hand. Private money lending offers a way to earn income by simply loaning someone money, often at a higher interest rate than a savings or other investment account. It is not uncommon for private lenders to be family, friends, or peers. These are typically the people you will think of first when searching for funding. Private lending represents a way to get involved in real estate without having a hands-on role.

Is It Legal To Pool Private Money?

It is legal to pool private money, assuming you follow the proper legal frameworks. Pooling private money has become an increasingly popular form of financing in recent years. Though, it is more commonly referred to by a different name: crowdsourcing. Real estate investors have leaned into the emergence of crowdsourcing platforms, such as Yieldstreet, to finance new deals. There are some state and federal regulations to be aware of. For example, there are limits on the amount real estate investors can fundraise when pooling lenders.


When working withprivate money lenders, your goal should not be to land a deal and move on. Instead, you should seek out someone you can present deals to on a long-term basis. If you focus on building a strong relationship, you can secure financing for your current and future investments.

Always remain professional when building a network, a strong portfolio and a great pitch can go a long way in landing a deal. By making strong connections and maintaining positive relationships with each lender you work with, you can help ensure you always have options when it comes time to finance a deal.

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The information presented is not intended to be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. Nothing provided shall constitute financial, tax, legal, or accounting advice or individually tailored investment advice. This information is for educational purposes only.

Private Money Lenders: How To Find Them Fast | FortuneBuilders (2024)


Private Money Lenders: How To Find Them Fast | FortuneBuilders? ›

Many private lenders will come through referrals within your real estate network. Second, it is a good idea to build your contact list from people outside of the real estate industry. This includes friends, family, colleagues, and anyone not currently an investor but might be looking for new opportunities.

How to borrow money from a private lender? ›

Terms on private money loans are often short, just six to 12 months, but may also be payable over up to five years. They generally require a down payment and often are secured by the property. The lender will typically require a written plan describing how the money will be spent.

What do private lenders look for? ›

When reviewing a potential loan, a private money lender generally is more concerned with the before and after property value rather than a borrower's credit score. Private money lenders can provide funds faster and with more flexible terms, although an investor may pay a higher interest rate and larger loan fees.

Is it better to go with a private lender or a bank? ›

Banks tend to be a solid pick for established borrowers with a positive credit history. Perks tend to include lower rates and more customer service options. Private lenders can be a great choice for borrowers who need funds fast. If you need more lenient approval for whatever reason, this may be an option to explore.

Is private lending profitable? ›

Large Profit

You can earn from your capital as a lender, and private lending is a more lucrative investment than keeping cash in a bank. You also have the option to establish a greater interest rate than traditional lenders like banks and credit unions, which implies you will make more money.

How can I borrow money and get it instantly? ›

Traditional payday loans, offered online and by storefront lenders, can also provide money quickly, but they typically have such high interest rates that they're outlawed in some states. Many banks and credit unions now offer similar loans but with more reasonable interest rates, called Payday Alternative Loans (PALs).

Are private loans hard to get? ›

Private lenders typically check a borrower's financial standing to help them analyze the risk they take by lending money. They'll run a credit check to see how you've handled debt in the past. It can be tough to qualify independently without a credit history or a limited one.

What not to tell a lender? ›

Here are three things to avoid saying so you don't raise red flags.
  • "The house is in bad shape." When you get a mortgage, the home is collateral for the loan. ...
  • "I'm still figuring out where my down payment money is coming from." ...
  • "I sure hope I can afford the payments after I quit my job next year."
Oct 1, 2023

What are the four types of private lenders? ›

What Are the Different Types of Private Lenders? In the private commercial real estate lending industry, there are several types of private lenders 1) a private individual, 2) a private equity fund or firm, 3) a family office, 4) a hedge fund, and lastly, 5) a self-funded specialty finance company.

What are the risk to private lenders? ›

The main risk associated with private lending is the risk of borrower's default (i.e. inability to make their scheduled mortgage payments). While this is an inherent risk in the lending game, there are several effective ways to manage that risk.

Why would someone use a private lender? ›

Because private lending is more flexible, the process is often faster. If you have a nontraditional work history, bad credit or no credit history, a private lender may fund your loan based on other factors, such as your education or income. Private lenders often charge higher interest rates.

What is the downside of private banking? ›

Cons. Available only to wealthy customers: You'll typically need at least $1 million in the bank to access some of the best products and services that private banking offers. Limited offerings: While you get access to a special menu of products and services, you're limited to whatever that institution offers.

Can I borrow money from a private lender? ›

Private money is a faster and easier way to obtain financing compared to traditional lenders. Private money loans require much less documentation and have a much faster application process. Private money loans can be approved and funded within 3-5 days while traditional lenders can take 45 days or longer.

How to make money with private money lending? ›

The majority of private loans provide a return to the lender/investor from two sources:
  1. Interest Payments: The most common set up, you can set an interest rate at the time of the loan approval and wait for the money. ...
  2. Points: These are fees paid by borrowers upfront to originate the loan.

What is the biggest drawback to receiving a private loan? ›

  • Interest rates can be higher than alternatives.
  • More eligibility requirements.
  • Fees and penalties can be high.
  • Additional monthly payment.
  • Increased debt load.
  • Higher monthly payments than credit cards.
  • Potential credit damage.
Sep 4, 2024

What is the maximum amount you can borrow from a private loan? ›

Some personal loan lenders allow you to borrow up to $100,000. But the amount you qualify for is based on your credit score and financial health. According to TransUnion's Q4 2023 Consumer Pulse Study, the average personal loan debt per borrower has increased to $11,773.

How can I get a loan from private finance? ›

Loan Eligibility Criteria

Minimum Income Requirements - This is the minimum set amount you have to meet before qualifying for a loan. The minimum salary is ₹20,000 per month. Age Limit - Most private lenders have an age limit as they require applicants to be at least 21 years old.

Can private company borrow money? ›

Yes. A Private Limited Company may borrow money from the shareholders in line with the section 73 of Companies Act of 2013. 1. 2.

How much do private loans give you? ›

The amount you can borrow varies by lender, but private student loan limits are often based on a total loan amount ranging from $75,000 to $120,000 for undergraduate students and $150,000 to $300,000 for graduate or professional students.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.