Pricing (2024)

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'); }); $(".xcx-pr-mode-selector-wrapper-smb").each(function(){ $(this).html('

'); }); $(".user-mode-pro").each(function(){ $(this).html('



'); }); $(".user-mode-ent").each(function(){ $(this).html('



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if (inputVal.val().length > inputVal.attr("maxlength")) { inputVal.val(inputVal.val().slice(0, inputVal.attr("maxlength"))); } if (inputVal.val() === "" || inputVal.val() <= 0 ) { $(".users-input-pro,.users-input-ent").val(""); return false; } if (inputVal.val() > 3999) { $(".recommended-license-size").text("1024SC"); $(".xpricing-contact-us").fadeIn(); $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').each(function(){ $(this).prop('checked', false); }); return; } else { $(".xpricing-contact-us").hide(); } inputVal.val(inputVal.val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, "")); var totalUsers = inputVal.val(); if ($.isNumeric(totalUsers)) { let selected_mode_value = $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').is(':checked'); let selected_mode_value_smb = $('input[name="pricing_mode_smb"]').is(':checked'); var recomm_size = 0; let hosting_price = 750; if (totalUsers <= 10) { recomm_size = 4; hosting_price = 150; } else if (totalUsers > 10 && totalUsers <= 25) { recomm_size = 8; hosting_price = 250; } else if (totalUsers > 25 && totalUsers <= 50) { recomm_size = 16; hosting_price = 400; } else if (totalUsers > 50 && totalUsers <= 70) { recomm_size = 24; hosting_price = 400; } else if (totalUsers > 70 && totalUsers <= 120) { recomm_size = 32; hosting_price = 750; } else if (totalUsers > 120 && totalUsers <= 160) { recomm_size = 48; } else if (totalUsers > 160 && totalUsers <= 200) { recomm_size = 64; } else if (totalUsers > 200 && totalUsers <= 300) { recomm_size = 96; } else if (totalUsers > 300 && totalUsers <= 400) { recomm_size = 128; } else if (totalUsers > 400 && totalUsers <= 600) { recomm_size = 192; } else if (totalUsers > 600 && totalUsers <= 750) { recomm_size = 256; } else if (totalUsers > 750 && totalUsers <= 1550) { recomm_size = 512; $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').each(function(){ $(this).prop('checked', false); }); } else if (totalUsers > 1500) { recomm_size = 1024; $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').each(function(){ $(this).prop('checked', false); }); } let currency_symbol_after = true; // SUPPORT PRICES hide/show if ( !selected_mode_value && totalUsers <= 10 ){ $(".pricing-support-sup").text(75); $(".pricing-support-sup-hide").css("opacity",1); $(".pricing-support-sup-find-a-partner").css("opacity",1); $(".xcx-pricing-box:first-child,.xcx-pricing-box:nth-child(2)").css("opacity",1); }else if ( !selected_mode_value && totalUsers <= 20 ){ $(".pricing-support-sup").text(75); $(".pricing-support-sup-hide").css("opacity",1); $(".pricing-support-sup-find-a-partner").css("opacity",1); }else{ $(".pricing-support-sup-hide").css("opacity",0); $(".pricing-support-sup-find-a-partner").css("opacity",0); } var pro_column = false; var ent_column = false; $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').each(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ if($(this).parent().parent().parent().hasClass("pr-mode-pro")){ pro_column = true; }else if($(this).parent().parent().parent().hasClass("pr-mode-ent")){ ent_column = true; } } }); if (currency_symbol_after){ $('.price-startup-free .price-value').text("0 $"); $('.price-startup-free .price-value-year').text("0 $"); }else{ $('.price-startup-free .price-value').text("$ 0 "); $('.price-startup-free .price-value-year').text("$ 0 "); } // STARTUP PRICES let licence_price_startup_pro = "175"; if (!selected_mode_value_smb) { $('.price-startup-pro .startup-pro-users').text("10"); }else{ licence_price_startup_pro = "275"; $('.price-startup-pro .startup-pro-users').text("20"); } if (currency_symbol_after){ $('.price-startup-pro .price-value').text(licence_price_startup_pro + " $"); }else{ $('.price-startup-pro .price-value').text("$ " + licence_price_startup_pro); } // STANDARD PRICES let license_price_standard = "$" + xpricing.std[ucurrency][recomm_size]; let license_price_standard_hosted = "$" + (xpricing.std[ucurrency][recomm_size] + hosting_price); if(selected_mode_value && recomm_size == 4){ $('.xcx-pricing-scenario-c .pricing-col-heading-standard h2').html("3CX
FREE"); $('.xcx-pricing-scenario-c .pricing-text-standard').html("3CX Free"); $('.price-standard').hide(); $('.price-standard-free').show(); $('.price-standard-free .price-value-year').text("$0"); $('.price-sm-first-year').text("Free forever"); }else{ $('.xcx-pricing-scenario-c .pricing-col-heading-standard h2').html("DEDICATED
STANDARD"); $('.xcx-pricing-scenario-c .pricing-text-standard').html("Standard"); $('.price-standard').show(); $('.price-standard-free').hide(); $('.price-standard .price-first').text("$0 "); $('.price-standard .price-value-year').text(license_price_standard); $('.price-standard-hosted .price-value').text(license_price_standard_hosted); $('.price-sm-first-year').text("Free for 3 months"); } // PRO PRICES let license_price_pro =[ucurrency][recomm_size] ; let license_price_pro_hosted = license_price_pro; let license_price_pro_monthly = license_price_pro; let license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = license_price_pro; if(pro_column){ license_price_pro_hosted = ([ucurrency][recomm_size] + hosting_price); license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = ([ucurrency][recomm_size] + hosting_price); } if (currency_symbol_after){ license_price_pro = license_price_pro + " $"; license_price_pro_hosted = license_price_pro_hosted + " $"; license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = license_price_pro_monthly_hosted + " $"; }else{ license_price_pro = "$ " + license_price_pro ; license_price_pro_hosted = "$ " + license_price_pro_hosted ; license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = " $" + license_price_pro_monthly_hosted; } $('.price-pro .price-value-year').text(license_price_pro); $('.price-pro-hosted .price-value').text(license_price_pro_monthly_hosted); $('.price-pro .price-value').text(license_price_pro_monthly_hosted); $('.price-pro-hosted .price-value-year').text(license_price_pro_hosted); // ENTERPRISE PRICES let license_price_ent = xpricing.ent[ucurrency][recomm_size] ; let license_price_ent_hosted = license_price_ent; let license_price_ent_monthly = license_price_ent; let license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = license_price_ent; if(ent_column){ license_price_ent_hosted = (xpricing.ent[ucurrency][recomm_size] + hosting_price); license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = (xpricing.ent[ucurrency][recomm_size] + hosting_price); } if (currency_symbol_after){ license_price_ent = license_price_ent + " $"; license_price_ent_hosted = license_price_ent_hosted + " $"; license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = license_price_ent_monthly_hosted + " $"; }else{ license_price_ent = "$ " + license_price_ent ; license_price_ent_hosted = "$ " + license_price_ent_hosted ; license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = " $" + license_price_ent_monthly_hosted; } $('.price-enterprise .price-value-year').text(license_price_ent); $('.price-enterprise-hosted .price-value').text(license_price_ent_monthly_hosted); $('.price-enterprise .price-value').text(license_price_ent_monthly_hosted); $('.price-enterprise-hosted .price-value-year').text(license_price_ent_hosted); // SIMULTANEOUS CALLS $(".recommended-license-size").text(recomm_size+"SC"); // Hide 3CX Free over 25 users if (totalUsers > 25) { $(".xcx-pricing-xcx-free").hide(); }else{ $(".xcx-pricing-xcx-free").show(); } } } function resetPricing() { let currency_symbol_after = true; // START UP FREE & 3CX FREE if (currency_symbol_after){ $('.price-startup-free .price-value').text("0 $"); $('.price-startup-free .price-value-year').text("0 $"); $('.price-xcx-free .price-value').text("0 $"); }else{ $('.price-startup-free .price-value').text("$ 0 "); $('.price-xcx-free .price-value').text("$ 0 "); } // STARTUP PRICES if (currency_symbol_after){ $('.price-startup-pro .price-value').text("175 $"); $('.price-startup-pro .price-value-year').text("175 $"); }else{ $('.price-startup-pro .price-value').text("$ 175"); $('.price-startup-pro .price-value-year').text("$ 175"); } $(".pricing-support-sup").text(75); // DEDICATED PRO let license_price_pro =[ucurrency][4] ; let license_price_pro_hosted = license_price_pro; let license_price_pro_monthly = license_price_pro; let license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = license_price_pro; if (currency_symbol_after){ license_price_pro = license_price_pro + " $"; license_price_pro_hosted = license_price_pro_hosted + " $"; license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = license_price_pro_monthly_hosted + " $"; }else{ license_price_pro = "$ " + license_price_pro ; license_price_pro_hosted = "$ " + license_price_pro_hosted ; license_price_pro_monthly_hosted = " $" + license_price_pro_monthly_hosted; } $('.price-pro .price-value-year').text(license_price_pro); $('.price-pro-hosted .price-value').text(license_price_pro_monthly_hosted); $('.price-pro .price-value').text(license_price_pro_monthly_hosted); $('.price-pro-hosted .price-value-year').text(license_price_pro_hosted); // DEDICATED ENTERPRISE let license_price_ent = xpricing.ent[ucurrency][4] ; let license_price_ent_hosted = license_price_ent; let license_price_ent_monthly = license_price_ent; let license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = license_price_ent; if (currency_symbol_after){ license_price_ent = license_price_ent + " $"; license_price_ent_hosted = license_price_ent_hosted + " $"; license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = license_price_ent_monthly_hosted + " $"; }else{ license_price_ent = "$ " + license_price_ent ; license_price_ent_hosted = "$ " + license_price_ent_hosted ; license_price_ent_monthly_hosted = " $" + license_price_ent_monthly_hosted; } $('.price-enterprise .price-value-year').text(license_price_ent); $('.price-enterprise-hosted .price-value').text(license_price_ent_monthly_hosted); $('.price-enterprise .price-value').text(license_price_ent_monthly_hosted); $('.price-enterprise-hosted .price-value-year').text(license_price_ent_hosted); $(".recommended-license-size").text("4SC"); $(".xpricing-contact-us").fadeOut(); } resetPricing(); $(".quantity-button").click(function() { calculatePricing(); }); $(".users-input-pro, .users-input-ent").keyup(function() { let users_value = $(this).val(); if(users_value === 0 ){ users_value = 10; } if (users_value > 3999) { $(".recommended-license-size").text("1024SC"); $(".xpricing-contact-us").fadeIn(); return; } else { $(".xpricing-contact-us").hide(); } let mode_value = $('input[name="pricing_mode"]').is(':checked'); if( !mode_value && users_value > 3999){ $("#input_range_number_of_users_hosted").val(50); } $(".users-input-pro, .users-input-ent").val(users_value); calculatePricing(users_value); }); });



€ 0 forever

up to 10 users €0


  • Next-gen phone system
  • Bring your own SIP Trunk
  • WFH: remote-enable teams
  • Live Chat
  • Team Messaging
  • WhatsApp
  • Video Conferencing
  • Holiday & Business Hours Routing
  • 3CX Talk Links
  • Mobile & Desktop Apps
  • Ring Group & Welcome Message
  • Max 3 Deskphones

$14 billed annually

per system NOT user! $175


  • Call Queues
  • Multi-level IVR
  • Deskphone support
  • Call & Chat Reporting
  • Listen Whisper Barge In
  • SMS/MMS Support
  • Any number of Deskphones



$12 billed annually

per system NOT user! $145


  • Option to install on premise or self-host
  • Dedicated Installation
  • Call Recording
  • CRM Integration
  • Hot Desking
  • Microsoft 365 Integration
  • SMS & MMS



$15 billed annually

per system NOT user! $180


  • Custom IP Phone Logo
  • MS Teams
  • Skill-based Routing
  • Start / Stop Call Recording

View full price list and feature list

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Pricing (4)

Pricing (2024)
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Article information

Author: Golda Nolan II

Last Updated:

Views: 5529

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.